Puppeee 4.4 Beta Testing

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Puppeee 4.4 Beta Testing

#1 Post by jemimah »

Puppeee continues to evolve! Help me test the next generation of netbook nirvana.

Puppeee comes with a custom ultralight preemptive kernel optimized specifically for EeePcs with Atom or Celeron processors - the result is fast boot time, high performance, and low power usage. I have 5 EeePCs and test Puppeee thoroughly to ensure quality.

Puppeee should work on EeePCs with Intel GMA900, GMA950, and GMA3150 graphics cards. Puppeee also has unaccelerated support for the GMA500. I've now added the Nouveau drivers for Nvidia so let me know if these work.

Changelog:http://puppeee.com/web/blog/puppeee-44- ... -2-posted/
Get the source code: http://puppeee.com/files/sources/

Download Puppeee 4.4 RC2: http://puppeee.com/files/puppeee4.4rc2/
Installation Instructions: http://puppeee.com/web/download/

Goto the Puppeee Forum: http://puppeee.com/bb

ImagePuppeee Features:
  • Full hardware support for most Atom and Celeron EeePc Models - the kernel is patched to work around common problems with the EeePC. Only drivers needed for the EeePC are included
    Stable 4.3 base, with an upgraded kernel, Xorg, libc, gtk, and much more! Not much of 4.3 is actually left.
    Many applications adjusted to fit small screens - and for ones that don't, you can use Panning or Scaling to get more screen real estate
    Easy USB installer with graphical boot menus - no need to mess with ISOs or remember bootcodes
    Choice of desktop environment: ROX, Netbook Launcher, or none
    Choice of IceWM, Flwm, OpenBox, or Compiz window managers
    Midori is the default browser - carefully built for maximum stablity and features
    Gstreamer-based media: RhythmCat, Xnoise, Parole, Gnac, Thoggen.
    Pidgin IM with many plugins and Voice and Video support
    Large selection of Backgrounds, Icons, and Themes, including all the major gtk theme engines
    Frisbee - the most advanced network manager available for Puppy
    Graphical Bluetooth support
    Suspend and hibernate
    Ramboot - diskless power saving mode
    Webcam Capture
    Eee-control utility allows over and under clocking, fan control, and device loading and unloading for maximum performance and battery life
    Fast OpenGL acceleration for games and graphics applications
    Acpi automatic power management and hotkey support
    Prolong your SSD's life and save space with a frugal install
    Tons of lightweight applications and utilities that open quickly, fit your screen, and won't bog you down
Puppeee aims to pack maximum possible functionality into minimum space. At the moment, the download size is about 120MB. Puppeee includes many upgrades, fixes, and the latest software created by the Puppy Linux community.

Featured Applications:
  • IceWM, Flwm, Openbox, Compiz
    Abiword, Gnumeric, Ease, Evince, StarDict
    Gsmartcontrol, Ddrescue, Photorec, Extundelete, and Testdisk
    Midori, Pidgin, Claws Mail
    Pwidgets, Pmenu, Startmount, RoxRightClicks
    Parole, Xnoise, RhythmCat, Gnac, Thoggen
    Dia, mtPaint, Xournal, Printoxx, Fotoxx, Geeqie, UCView
    FBReader, TangoGPS, Flite
    Frisbee, Remmina, OpenVPN, Bluez, PuTTY
    Streamtuner, Transmission, Uget






Last edited by jemimah on Mon 14 Feb 2011, 00:02, edited 14 times in total.
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#2 Post by Abnormalter »

I was doing a short test it. I have one strange behavior of working it:
If I haven't WiFi Net, I cannot use Ethernet because Puppyeee 4.4 b1 automatically switch on WiFi! And prevent me switch off it manually to using (and setup it too) the Ethernet interface on my Asus eeePC 900.
It's bad algorithm and design for it! And it's firstly cause prevent Ethernet using, but I tests many Puppy' distros...
I cannot use it (and advanced testing too) because I use plug Ethernet many time...
Other design and maintaining of this release is very good!
Thanks for understanding.
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#3 Post by jemimah »

You can turn off the WIFI and/or Ethernet on the DHCP tab of Pwireless2. Just select your interface and check "ignore".
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Frugal Install on 4 gig Kingston SD

#4 Post by rokytnji »

Only Downloaded and installed devx.sfs so far. Everything else is stock.

Noticed Claws uses gedit in preferences for Text Editor.
Changed to geany.

When just booted up for the first time. No saved changes yet.
Running live so to speak. I connected up with pwireless2 just fine in rox pinboard default desktop. Used the icon in Icewm taskbar to turn on pwireless2 to connect. Got the message about 30 second wait for connection. Hit OK. Refresh button on bottom taskbar of pwireless2 window. Shows I'm connected.

Here is where things went different. I changed Desktop to Netbook with Icewm. Icewm taskbar icon for P2wireless shows a X (not connected). I repeat the above steps. But no popup window about 30 second wait. refresh. still no connection. I reboot without saving changes.

Connected up fine in JWM again. Saved changes on reboot. Have not tried changing Desktop yet to Netbook yet (little afeared I guess) . This is just a fresh install. So have not downloaded skype.sfs or any other .sfs yet to test. Still Fresh.

mhwaveedit picks up mic okay after mic adjustments in alsamixer. Didn't bother with retroval mixer in mhwavedit.

Working pretty good so far on my 900 jemimah. :)

That's it for today.
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Frugal Install on 4 gig Kingston SD

#5 Post by rokytnji »

Flash is skipping/freezing in Chrome (youtube). Haven't tested Firefox 3.6.8 with flash sfs yet.
Youtube flash works better in the Firefox 3.6.8 with flash sfs.

Edit 2: Found that by disabling the older flash plugin in chrome browser and using the newer flash plugin brought in by Firefox 3.6.8 improved matters/playback in Chrome Browser. I did not test chrome and flash before Firefox sfs install.


I may have induced the problem myself having 2 different flash players installed in about:plugins in Chrome Browser. :oops:
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#6 Post by Abnormalter »

I have need to operate using Fn+F2 for switching between WiFi and Ethernet interfaces... but currently it's wont work true. For example see best algorithm it with NM of (L)ubuntu or others... (So, I use Lubuntu for my eee since May 2010 successfully because it's true way and comfortable OS... =)
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#7 Post by jemimah »

I've compiled a new PuTTY if you happen to need it.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 728#449728
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#8 Post by sandungas »

I thought you was not planning to add my miniwidgets to puppeee, but now i see them there and i feel like i must try to do it better

I have some more resized & simplifyed, and the ones i did are updated, now are 10 pixels wider, with 5 pixel transparent border... and some are smaller in height, and the update times are more accurate
But im having several problems

This is a minor problem, but maybe has an easy solution
pdingobats.ttf is buggy, it has some characters with bad widht settings (i.e. the ones used by RSS WIFI BATTERY)
This makes the widget to "tilt" sometimes horizontally, and to not proper align them vertically

Originall alarm widget is supossed to work in puppeee?
Because i can set the time, but i cant hear the alarm sound
*I realized that there is a script pointing to aplay or other system apps, probably a symlink can fix this
Additionally... can you add a alarm.wav sound ? (im not sure if this is really needed)

membar & memgraph commands (the config widgets are using this system commands, this widgets has no script) reports a "not accurate" used ram size
I have 1gb ram, and this bar/graph must be around 1/4 usage
It seems that is not counting the memory used by the system or is only measuring the savefile
There is something that this widget cant see :?
*This happens in live mode & ramboot mode, im not sure in other modes

Spacedrives widget insist to show my internall hdd sda4 swap partition, even when booting from grub with the flag hide(0,3) <--- i dont remeber exactly how is writed, but this marks the partition permanently as "not usable"
The swap is not mounted when booting puppeee, and not present in fstab
There must be something that scans partitions when booting but i cant understand how can detect a partition that is disabled :shock:
*I can disable the swap detection in the widget, but i refuse to do this by now

I was trying to not overwrite the originall files (by adding a "_mini" after the names of the modified ones)
The widget gets the info from the config file, but sometimes there 1 script that updates this config file when you refresh pwidgets
So for this config files i need to modify his script too
Something similar happens with the pluggins, because plugins changes settings of the config file, and i cant make a plugin to update 2 configs at the same time (originall & _mini)

Im not a coder, so my only solution is to replace all files
I will update a pack with them in few days, as a test, but all the files will be replacements of the originall ones
Do you agree to replace them jemmimah ? is not an easy decission, because i wont be able to modify them all
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off topic - puppeee.com not working

#9 Post by Snail »

When I try to login, it no longer seems to remember me. My password manager in Seamonkey still has all the data but it does not show up in the login form as it did yesterday.

When I click on a topic, I get:

Redirect Loop

Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.

* Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?
* NOTE: If accepting the site's cookies does not resolve the problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your computer.

I have not changed my cookie management, which is to allow session cookies for the site. This has worked for weeks, until now.
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Not Just You

#10 Post by Toy4 »

It isn't just you. I got the same issue with opening threads. It does a variation of this with 3 different browsers. I tried Firefox on my Windows machine and Chrome on my PC900A with Puppeee1.0 and then stooped
to try IE8 on my Windows machine and no surprise, it didn't even open
the website at all. Must not be our day to get anything done.
Asus EeePc 900A w/Puppeee1.0 with 3G modem (Sierra 598U)
AMD Duron 797Mhz w/Puppy4.31 & Puppy2.14& Puppy4.20
Dell Dimension 2350 w/Quirky1.20Retro & Lucid Puppy5.10& Wolfe020
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#11 Post by jemimah »


I'm moving everything to a new host.

It'll be a redirect loop until the changes to DNS propagate worldwide.

It just started working for me - so probably very soon!
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#12 Post by dougeeebear »

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#13 Post by jemimah »

sandungas wrote:I thought you was not planning to add my miniwidgets to puppeee, but now i see them there and i feel like i must try to do it better

I have some more resized & simplifyed, and the ones i did are updated, now are 10 pixels wider, with 5 pixel transparent border... and some are smaller in height, and the update times are more accurate
But im having several problems

This is a minor problem, but maybe has an easy solution
pdingobats.ttf is buggy, it has some characters with bad widht settings (i.e. the ones used by RSS WIFI BATTERY)
This makes the widget to "tilt" sometimes horizontally, and to not proper align them vertically

Originall alarm widget is supossed to work in puppeee?
Because i can set the time, but i cant hear the alarm sound
*I realized that there is a script pointing to aplay or other system apps, probably a symlink can fix this
Additionally... can you add a alarm.wav sound ? (im not sure if this is really needed)

membar & memgraph commands (the config widgets are using this system commands, this widgets has no script) reports a "not accurate" used ram size
I have 1gb ram, and this bar/graph must be around 1/4 usage
It seems that is not counting the memory used by the system or is only measuring the savefile
There is something that this widget cant see :?
*This happens in live mode & ramboot mode, im not sure in other modes

Spacedrives widget insist to show my internall hdd sda4 swap partition, even when booting from grub with the flag hide(0,3) <--- i dont remeber exactly how is writed, but this marks the partition permanently as "not usable"
The swap is not mounted when booting puppeee, and not present in fstab
There must be something that scans partitions when booting but i cant understand how can detect a partition that is disabled :shock:
*I can disable the swap detection in the widget, but i refuse to do this by now

I was trying to not overwrite the originall files (by adding a "_mini" after the names of the modified ones)
The widget gets the info from the config file, but sometimes there 1 script that updates this config file when you refresh pwidgets
So for this config files i need to modify his script too
Something similar happens with the pluggins, because plugins changes settings of the config file, and i cant make a plugin to update 2 configs at the same time (originall & _mini)

Im not a coder, so my only solution is to replace all files
I will update a pack with them in few days, as a test, but all the files will be replacements of the originall ones
Do you agree to replace them jemmimah ? is not an easy decission, because i wont be able to modify them all
Sorry i missed this earlier. Go ahead and replace files. If you break anything, we'll roll it back to a working version.
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#14 Post by jemimah »

Beta2 has been posted.
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Acer Revo 3300 + nvidia ion

#15 Post by jtouso »

Using beta2...
Acer Revo 3300 nvidia ion with keyboard and mouse wireless
It start ok but arrives to choose keyboard and the keyboard don't work (any key)
If I use an usb keyboard the problem persists
May you help me?
May I need to write something just after first screen?
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#16 Post by jemimah »

Does it have the same problem in Fluppy?
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#17 Post by jtouso »

With fluppy the keyboard and mouse runs ok!!
But...no screen and need to use xorgconf to choose vesa and xwin to start graphic mode...a terrible acute sound, grey screen and any working key!
I need to stop with the principal switch
I remember..Acer Aspire Revo 3610 atom 330 and nvidia ion video chart integrated
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#18 Post by dougeeebear »

Would it be possible to add a checkbox in eee-control to enable/disable the wired LAN?
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#19 Post by jemimah »

That's not an option in the kernel. But, you can either disable it in the BIOS, or tell Pwireless2 to ignore it.
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#20 Post by totoroslayer »

I'm having an odd wireless issue with my eeepc 901. When I start the OS, I get a message saying that my wireless card wasn't detected and I need to enable it in my bios (which of course it is). Now the really weird thing is pWireless2 insists that I don't have a wireless card, but iwconfig can see wlan0, and it is even connected automatically to my neighbors router. Trying to restart wpa supplicant does nothing. pwireless still says I don't have a wireless card detected. Any ideas?
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