Opera mail gone and can't be reinstalled

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Opera mail gone and can't be reinstalled

#1 Post by tide »

No idea what happened and why. It started with opera not fetching my mails anymore from the POP 3 server. After a day I checked and found out, had been curious already where all my mail was. I always leave a copy on the server, so nothing lost but a bit of a nuisance.
Now however the entire Opera mail client is gone, task bar and all. When I re-enter my details Opera sez I've got so and so many new mails but I can't access them, still no button etc. It seems that the details don't get stored at all because when I go back to Tools,Mail I'm asked to create a mail account first.

So what now?

Is it because I have 900 something unread mails, is there a limit?

Running Puppy 4.2.1 with Opera 10.0
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#2 Post by tide »

I suppose it's looking for the mail settings in the "account.ini" file.
Did a search and found two:



However there's no directory called "dot opera" so I can't tell opera to import its settings from the specified location.

#3 Post by Jasper »


The dot before "opera" means that directory is hidden.

Perhaps it may help if you unhide it.

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#4 Post by tide »

Well, that helped a bit, thanks. I can now at least select the directory etc but how do I unhide the file? I can opt for "show hidden" but the file itself can only be renamed or deleted. So still can't select the file and tell Opera to import the settings.
And why did they go in the first place?
Plus: why can't I even create a new account?
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#5 Post by tide »

I told the filer to make the opera directory search and executable and renamed it, deleting the dot. Shows up fine but I still can't select the accounts.ini
Close, but no cigar.

I think this is part of the problem because clearly all my settings are there but Opera, for some reason, can't get at them.
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#6 Post by Terryphi »

tide wrote:I told the filer to make the opera directory search and executable and renamed it, deleting the dot. Shows up fine but I still can't select the accounts.ini
Close, but no cigar.

I think this is part of the problem because clearly all my settings are there but Opera, for some reason, can't get at them.
Slow down! Opera will look for a directory mail in /root/.opera . You should not have renamed .opera (dot opera). Rename it to .opera and then let us know what you see when you open Opera.
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#7 Post by Rupp »

Regarding your other post, you mentioned it asked you to accept the EULA again. That tells me you have a corrupted .opera folder. You'll likely have to start over.

You can likely save all the .ini files and place them in the new folder once it generates.
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#8 Post by tide »

Terryphi wrote: Slow down! Opera will look for a directory mail in /root/.opera . You should not have renamed .opera (dot opera). Rename it to .opera and then let us know what you see when you open Opera.
See what you mean, I've now got both a dot opera and my renamed opera directory. Explains why I had to re-register. But what is now upsetting the new directory?
Didn't do anything with that, did I? Should be perfectly normal.
Since shutting down Puppy appears to give my external drive a hard time (no pun intended, it switches off with an audible click), could it be that files simply get corrupted?
Is there anything that I can use to check the disk?

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#9 Post by Terryphi »

tide wrote:
Terryphi wrote: Slow down! Opera will look for a directory mail in /root/.opera . You should not have renamed .opera (dot opera). Rename it to .opera and then let us know what you see when you open Opera.
See what you mean, I've now got both a dot opera and my renamed opera directory.
What is your top priority? I thought you were concerned about retrieving your old emails? If so, they may still be accessible in that folder. Have you tried going back to using your original .opera directory? Rename your new .opera directory to .operanew and then rename the old .opera back to .opera . Obviously, do all this while Opera is closed then open Opera and see what happens. Does Opera mail now function as you expect and can you see your old emails?

If not, your old mail directory is corrupted you will have no alternative but to delete the mail directory. Then open Opera and set up the email accounts again.
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#10 Post by tide »

My top priority would be to have a fully working browser and mail/news client. I don't need to retrieve my mails, always leave a copy on the server. Re-entering the user name and password took me a few seconds, that's not much of a problem.
Opera often slows down to a crawl and takes the entire system down, making everything unusable. Can't even shutdown my computer without pulling the plug.
After rebooting Opera doesn't restore my session so I always lose all my opened tabs
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#11 Post by Rupp »

tide wrote:Opera often slows down to a crawl and takes the entire system down, making everything unusable. Can't even shutdown my computer without pulling the plug.
After rebooting Opera doesn't restore my session so I always lose all my opened tabs
That tells me you need a different browser. If you keep having problems like that no matter what you do the ~/.opera folder will get corrupted. It doesn't like bad shutdowns.
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#12 Post by tide »

Yeah, seems so. Opera just crashed and after I rebooted the laptop it told me "There was a problem with Opera Mail, couldn't initiate accounts.ini" Back to square one.
So what would be a sensible choice? I'd prefer one with inbuilt mail/news client but "fit to size" is a must. Manually zooming through websites on a 800x600 resolution just doesn't cut the mustard.
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#13 Post by tide »

Just tried the 10.62 Opera and it has the same problems that I experienced under 10.61. That's why I preferred 10.0edirect to extremist websites
The settings are all over the place and somebody found it funny to redirect to extremist websites. Think I can do without that, thanks.
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#14 Post by disciple »

tide wrote:The settings are all over the place
For example?
and somebody found it funny to redirect to extremist websites. Think I can do without that, thanks.
What is redirecting to extremist websites? I very much doubt that Opera is at fault.
Opera often slows down to a crawl and takes the entire system down, making everything unusable.
That is surprising - I always found Opera very robust, although I haven't tried the latest versions. I have a feeling the evil Flash is the problem, not Opera...
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#15 Post by scsijon »

tide wrote:So what would be a sensible choice? I'd prefer one with inbuilt mail/news client but "fit to size" is a must. Manually zooming through websites on a 800x600 resolution just doesn't cut the mustard.
Hi, my sugestions are:

1- split your email+ from your browser, I suspect that you just have too much in it as it's repacking the mail on shutdown while trying to compress to a smaller size, with the number you have I also suspect there may be a corrupt message or maybe attachment.

2- 8) You can use my Eudora OSE1 RC2 pet if you want, it has news and some other stuff built in. If RC2 is not on view in the tree yet for your puppy version, it's not far away. You can install the old RC1 and get a handle with how it works, as rc2 just updates what's needed for rc1 installed users. It's basically an enhanced Mozella Thunderbird with the old closed Eudora "stuff" added. link to follow is: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 505#432505

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#16 Post by tide »

Hi disciple

When I install the Opera 10 pet it's green lights and go. Works out of the box really and within minutes everything is set up properly. With 10.6 however none of the fonts are correct to begin with. Every single one has to be changed manually browser font is set to size 20 or something, toolbar font is green, default setting arabic and other weird settings for mail. Start page is set to Al Jazeera, default browser is scroogle. I want none of these they're all just cumbersome obstacles. Some of which, I admit, are fairly easy to correct but others leave me clueless. After half an hour of faffing around, reading helpfiles, browsing the net in search of answers I decided I couldn't be arsed to invest another second in it.
I mean how am I supposed to trust that? I'm a fairly competent user but not by all means a programmer. I understand how to use a computer but I don't know and frankly don't care how it works.
Since the Opera Pet comes with "no warranty whatsoever" and has clearly been tinkered with, what do I know? Maybe there's some smart spyware hidden away, better not use the password manager. Hmm, how about online banking... ohh better not.
It's quite the opposite of what I want. I wouldn't even know whom to blame, I mean it's some file that somebody uploaded to the internet. Not going to touch it with a barge pole.

However none of this has anything to do with the 10.0 pet with which I'd be perfectly happy if it didn't crash all the time. I accept that this has to be due to my hardware or some other problem on my side but as long as I don't know what the problem is, it's a bit difficult to solve it.
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#17 Post by tide »


had a look at the thread you mentioned and looked up what Eudora is. It seems to be a windows mail client and again fairly complicated to use judging from your extensive list. Not sure if that's the right one for me.
If I could get the Seamonkey Mail to work I'd just use that. For some reason however it stubbornly refuses to talk to my mail server. Since the settings work with Opera's ibuilt mail client I can't see what's wrong. Actually that was the reason why I originally switched to Opera as I couldn't work out how to use the SeaMonkey Mail client.
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