Problem installing lupu-511: grub error 15

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Problem installing lupu-511: grub error 15

#1 Post by Sathors »

So I already have lupu-501 installed on a usb key and everything went fine during the install.

But now I'm trying to install lupu-511 on my netbook and I don't find any solution to my problem.

To proceed with the install I burned the iso on a usb key using Unetbootin, and then I'm using that on my netbook to make the full install.

I've installed it on a hard drive (an ssd drive in fact).
I've found something strange though, I can't find the file vmlinuz anywhere.
When it asked me where to find the lupu-511.sfs file I've put /initrd/mnt/tmpfs/lupu-511.sfs. Is this location good ?
I don't remenber this file being here.

Apart from that I've already checked my menu.lst, which seems ok.
Can you help me ?

Thank you very much and good night.
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#2 Post by looseSCREWorTWO »

Please be aware, there are versions of Puppy made to run on Netbooks:

eeePC Netbook - use Puppeee

other Netbooks - use Fluppy

I would download Puppeee or Fluppy and start over. If you have problems, come back to this Forum and start a new Thread in the relevant section.

Best wishes and Welcome to Puppy !! :D
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#3 Post by rcrsn51 »

Apart from that I've already checked my menu.lst, which seems ok.
Please post it.
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 13:03

#4 Post by Sathors »

My menu.lst :
# GRUB configuration file '/boot/grub/menu.lst'.
# generated by 'grubconfig'. Sat Oct 9 20:49:40 2010
# The backup copy of the MBR for drive '/dev/sda' is
# here '/boot/grub/mbr.sda.26905'. You can restore it like this.
# dd if=/boot/grub/mbr.sda.26905 of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
# Start GRUB global section
#timeout 30
color light-gray/blue black/light-gray
# End GRUB global section
# Linux bootable partition config begins
title Linux (on /dev/sda1)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends
fdisk's output :
Disk /dev/sda: 8069 MB, 8069677056 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 981 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 255 2048256 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 256 841 4707045 83 Linux
/dev/sda3 842 981 1124550 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Disk /dev/sdb: 4043 MB, 4043309056 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 491 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 1 491 3943926 5 Extended
/dev/sdb5 1 382 3068352 b W95 FAT32
/dev/sdb6 * 383 491 875511 83 Linux
And my fstab :
/dev/sda1 / ext3 defaults 0 1
/dev/sd3 none swap sw 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts gid=2,mode=620 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,rw 0 0
For the netbook distros I'll have a look at it but I wanted to try the new version of lucid puppy.

Thank you.
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