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#241 Post by moB »

kirk wrote:rian,

Firefox normally runs as user spot in Fatdog64, so can only write to folders owned by spot (spot, Downloads). To run as root open a terminal and type firefox or drag /usr/bin/firefox to the desktop.

You've really had to work this point in the forum!

Let's have bit of a go at it, then. Here's my experience, in case it helps anyone out there.

I prefer to put downloads outside the personal save file on the actual harddrive.

Namakura (aka firefox) does not use symlinks to directory outside of spot.
Symlinks are not seen as links, but as files. Mounted drives are also refused. This applies to up and down loads.

My workaround is to have a script (movit):

# #!/bin/sh
# if ls /root/spot/Downloads/* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
# mv /root/spot/Downloads/* /mnt/home/fd64-500/Downloads/
# echo Moved Spot\'s \/Downloads to fd64-500\/Downloads -- outside pupsave.
# else echo No files to move in Spot\'s \/Downloads at this time.
# fi
# exit

[nb. each line has been prefixed with a hash mark. Remove leading # to use code.]

It resides in /usr/bin and can work from /root/my-applications/bin, too.

I call movit from the CLI and /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown (after script displays shutdown message). Thus downloads can be moved manually or left to be moved at shutdown automatically.
From the terminal it gives a message explaining what it did.
The result message is suppressed by the "less verbose" line at the top of rc.shutdown so won't clutter your shutdowns.

This 'solves' a downloads issue, not the uploads difficulty.
Perhaps there's even a better way to direct downloads outside of the personal save file?

I strongly support sandboxing web-browsers, especially graphical multimedia browsers.
I would try to copy the method when installing browsers in Puppy everywhere.

Kind regards,
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#242 Post by moB »

kirk and jamesbond:

Yeah, the praise is almost getting boring, but let me add my voice to the crowd.
Tip 'o the hat to you gents. Great job. Gotta love FD :!:

Love the snappy performance on the old AMD 64. Much better than the 32 bit XP that I inherited with it... and now there's sound!

Magnus said he finally played DOOM (in dosbox) the way it was meant to play.

As with all new setups I am having a few problems, or rather unexplained complexities. So I ask your indulgence as I try to "pick your brains" & get this Puppy into top form.

1. Currently trying to get ffmpeg to run. Gives error:
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libvpx.so: cannot map zero fill pages: cannot allocate memory
Haven't worked on this enough to figure out what's up.
Memory (RAM) shortage? Installed components in wrong order?
Usually considered good practice to install after all shared libraries.

Quick summary:
I just clicked from top to bottom of ibilio directory.
Ran ffmpeg once before all installed. Completed install. Same sort of error. Tried reinstalling that pet. Nada.

2. No joy NAT masquerading.
Am trying to do internet sharing through a crossover cable. XP can do it :-o
Tried what seems to work for others, but...

Do I need to set the NICs to use static DNS? Now set to use DHCP.


http://www.linuxsolved.com/linux-forums ... 115.0.html

Seems like a beginner's level problem, but I ask to be sure this is confirmed to work in fatdog64.

3. In a similar vein, setting up file sharing has not yet suceeded.
How about file sharing? That's the next little mountain to tackle.
I used the interface in root, but nothing more.

We need to share between linux and XP boxes on the LAN.

If I should be better served asking these questions elsewhere, please feel free to tell me where to go ;-)

Thanks for reading this, and twice for any tips and help you have!

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#243 Post by kirk »

I prefer to put downloads outside the personal save file on the actual harddrive.
When you shutdown the first time and create a save file you should be asked if you want to move the Downloads folder to the same place as your save file.

1. Currently trying to get ffmpeg to run. Gives error:

ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libvpx.so: cannot map zero fill pages: cannot allocate memory

Haven't worked on this enough to figure out what's up.
Memory (RAM) shortage? Installed components in wrong order?
Usually considered good practice to install after all shared libraries.

Quick summary:
I just clicked from top to bottom of ibilio directory.
Ran ffmpeg once before all installed. Completed install. Same sort of error. Tried reinstalling that pet. Nada.
I haven't had that error. Ffmpeg is included, you don't need to install a pet package, or does this error occur after installing some particular pet package?
2. No joy NAT masquerading.
Am trying to do internet sharing through a crossover cable. XP can do it Surprised
Tried what seems to work for others, but...
I haven't did that in Fatdog64. It's been may years since I've tried, can't help with that one.

3. In a similar vein, setting up file sharing has not yet suceeded.
How about file sharing? That's the next little mountain to tackle.
I used the interface in root, but nothing more.

We need to share between linux and XP boxes on the LAN.
That's usually done with Samba, but there is no Samba package for Fatdog at this time. You could install NFS services on Windows. The easiest way to move files around is FTP. Go to menu-Network-PureFTPd and run that. Then from a web browser on another computer type (If is the ip address of the computer running PureFTP.). You can login as root with the default password of woofwoof. You can change the root password by opening a terminal and typing passwd. For some reason Firefox doesn't include an upload option for FTP, but you can add it by going to this page:

http://www.wg9s.com/mozilla/firefox/ext ... ftpupload/

and installing that add-on.

I think I'll include that add-on in Fatdog64-510. I'm testing 510 right now. It will include kernel, Xorg-server 1.9 and Mesa 7.8.2.
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#244 Post by moB »

kirk wrote:
When you shutdown the first time and create a save file you should be asked if you want to move the Downloads folder to the same place as your save file.

Yes, this did occur, but doesn't function as intended. Firefox refuses to use it, hence a workaround

Something's up. Interesting--too interesting :?

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#245 Post by moB »

kirk wrote:
1. Currently trying to get ffmpeg to run. Gives error:

ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libvpx.so: cannot map zero fill pages: cannot allocate memory


I haven't had that error. Ffmpeg is included, you don't need to install a pet package, or does this error occur after installing some particular pet package?

Use ffmpeg on mint and debian, so getting it to work on FD is really just about wanting things to be right.

Done a fair amount of searching for an answer. Someone suggested that such an error reflects a failure to load shared libraries into memory.
How much RAM is needed to run ffmpeg under FD? (We're already compiled!)

Thought it may have been a file corruption during or from copy of FD's main file.
Checked the md5sum & iso is correct. Good, so far...

I tried reinstalling from the ibilio original pets.
No--already installed.

Booted from the CD with 'pfix=fsck,clear' to restore good "official" copies.
Same error persists.

What next? Should I kill the personal savefile and start again? (After backing up user data!)

Something is "hinkey" and it gets at me. I could use mint or debian lxde, but this old box likes FD best, and so do we.

This is great! Always a beginner, so much to learn :lol:


FD is frugal installed in a subdir (ntfs) and boots with grub4dos.
System info: AMD Athalon 64 3000+, 508 MB RAM

ps. we like to use fflink script to format images for ffmpeg (jpegs to mpeg):

1. Put subdir in image folder.
2. Change to it and run fflink--symlinks to images are made with sequential names.
(Some filtering can be done by editing script.)
3. Run ffmpeg on links.

Images can be reused without copies piling up.

No need to lose your original filenames.

The framerate can be treated as a base rate by copying duplicates of the links... some images can then last longer on the screen.

Code: Select all

 #      This will make a set of symlinks to files in directory 
 #      one level up continuously from screen001.jpg ... 
 #      The total is displayed on the terminal command prompt. 
 #      The script handles up to 999 images.
 #	Then you say something like 
 #      ffmpeg -r .2 -i screen%03d.jpg outputmovie.mp4 
 #	or 
 #	 ffmpeg -r 1 -b 1800 -i screen%03d.jpg output.mp4 
 # nb. Fails when space exists in fullpath (path or filename). 
 #	moB 16 Oct 2010 
 # edit this line to select files: S1* or *.jpg ... 
  for f in ../*.jpg; do 
  no=$((no+1)); linkname=donna_ivy 
  if [ "$no" -lt "10" ] ; then linkname=${linkname}00 
  elif [ "$no" -lt "100" ] ; then linkname=${linkname}0 
  ln -s $f ${linkname}${no}.jpg 
 # hardlink 
 # ln $f screen00${no}.jpg 
 # symbolic 
 # ln -s $f screen00${no}.jpg 
  echo Total files linked\: $no ; echo 

Edited to make script easier to copy-->more usable.
moB 23 mars 2011
Last edited by moB on Thu 24 Mar 2011, 09:10, edited 2 times in total.
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NAT masq, Samba, FTP

#246 Post by moB »

kirk wrote:
2. No joy NAT masquerading.
Am trying to do internet sharing through a crossover cable. XP can do it Surprised
Tried what seems to work for others, but...
I haven't did that in Fatdog64. It's been may years since I've tried, can't help with that one.


That's usually done with Samba, but there is no Samba package for Fatdog at this time.


I think I'll include that add-on in Fatdog64-510. I'm testing 510 right now. It will include kernel, Xorg-server 1.9 and Mesa 7.8.2.

the NAT thing should work once I get all in order.

Think this reference will give the needed information:

http://comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersgu ... pmasq.html

http://comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersgu ... samba.html

Although based on Redhat 6 users' experience it looks useful to us.

Samba install/setup looks intimdating :-D

Will try FTP first.

Thanks so much for your help.


ps testing FD 510 already--wow!

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#247 Post by kirk »

Yes, this did occur, but doesn't function as intended. Firefox refuses to use it, hence a workaround
It does work, unless you have a folder named Downloads before trying, then something doesn't link up right.
I tried reinstalling from the ibilio original pets.
No--already installed.
What pets? FFmpeg comes installed. There was a folder in the pets directory with ffmpeg stuff that I should have deleted (and now I have). If you grabbed those, sorry for the confusion, and you'll need to make a new save file (and delete your Downloads folder if you want that to work :). I just downloaded a mp4 file and converted it to Ogg/Theora/Vorbis, no problem.

I've attached Transcoder 0.0.5, this wil be in 510. It's a gui for ffmpeg. Just unzip it and click on it.
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#248 Post by moB »

kirk wrote:
Yes, this did occur, but doesn't function as intended. Firefox refuses to use it, hence a workaround
It does work, unless you have a folder named Downloads before trying, then something doesn't link up right.
I tried reinstalling from the ibilio original pets.
No--already installed.
What pets? FFmpeg comes installed. There was a folder in the pets directory with ffmpeg stuff that I should have deleted (and now I have). If you grabbed those, sorry for the confusion, and you'll need to make a new save file (and delete your Downloads folder if you want that to work :). I just downloaded a mp4 file and converted it to Ogg/Theora/Vorbis, no problem.

I've attached Transcoder 0.0.5, this wil be in 510. It's a gui for ffmpeg. Just unzip it and click on it.

Thank you kirk!
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Samba (& fflink)

#249 Post by moB »


am looking into Samba-TNG-rcrsn for FD.

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 4&start=15



Also here's a bit more for any users of fflink script.
# nb. Fails when space exists in fullpath (path or filename).
To get around this limitation make a working dir and mount.


# mkdir /mnt/home/fd64-500/ffwork
# mount --bind "/mnt/home/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/Pictures/" /mnt/home/fd64-500/ffwork
# cd /mnt/home/fd64-500/ffwork

Now fflink should work with the images in Pictures.

Don't forget to unmount when done, especially if your working dir is in the personal savefile!

# cd
# umount /mnt/home/fd64-500/ffwork
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#250 Post by moB »

I could get Samba 3.x going without too much problems, but it's huge. I have to admit that I don't know squat about Samba, so I may had something screwed up in the conf file. That code looks pretty old too, so I wasn't sure. if one of you guys have success with Samba-tng as a server in Fatdog64, I'd like to know. I'm working on Fatdog64-510 right now and it's about ready.

Yes. Looking at the latest release of Samba looks HUGE.
Samnba-TNG is smaller and newer--looks better suited to most users.

Had no trouble compiling and starting it:

Code: Select all

# Start samba
# /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -D
# /usr/local/samba/sbin/nmbd -D

# Stop samba
# killall -15 smbd nmbd

# Restart Samba (re-read its configuration files), send SIGHUP signal:
# killall -HUP smbd nmbd

However, as you know, the config is something else.

Made /usr/local/samba/etc/smb.conf

Had no success with 32 bit scripts from rcrsn yet.

Trying these simple setup instructions:
Link to more from:

I can see the FD box on the LAN now, but still "no hosts" in Gigolo [Mint].

Maybe if others play with this pet something can be made to work?

Best wishes,

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#251 Post by rcrsn51 »

I finally got samba-tng compiled in Fat Dog myself. The server is running, but there is some kind of firewall effect that keeps it from advertising its shares to clients.

I can't see anything different from regular Puppies that would cause this.
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#252 Post by kirk »

I finally got samba-tng compiled in Fat Dog myself. The server is running, but there is some kind of firewall effect that keeps it from advertising its shares to clients.
I had the same problem, but Samba 3.x does work. I wonder if Samba-tng has problems with 64 bit.
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#253 Post by kirk »

I posted the 64bit question on the Samba-tng forum. I'm not real hopeful, the project looks pretty dead.
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#254 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi Kirk,

The open-source office productivity suite under the name "LibreOffice," is developed by The Document Foundation." This group broke away from OpenOffice.org and this beta is probably equivalent to OpenOffice.org's new beta.

I have prepared a 64bit, LibreOffice_3.3.0_beta2_64_sfs4.sfs, that works fine on Fatdog. I believe that you will find it as good or better than Go OpenOffice. In any event, it's another fine 64bit addition.

Download deb here. PM me if you'd like me to upload it.

Thanks again for FATDOG-500,

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32 bit wrapper for flashplayer

#255 Post by duke93535 »


I was tickled pink for about one week with the pre-released 64 bit flash player in Fatdog, but it ended. So, back to K/ubuntu with its 32 bit plugin wrapper.

I tried playing with the 32 bit wrapper in Fatdog, but it's over my head. Please, consider making a 32 bit wrapper optional for Fatdog, so that it isn't Deaddog, I just hope that it is not over your head as it is mine. Slackware 64 bit seems to be in the same boat, also waiting on Adobe. The K/ubuntu 32 bit wrapper seems to take updates to 32 bit flash player with no problems, even with it being one step back on the nspluginwrapper.

I know you have made a post to the Adobe forum (kirkpuppy). I think waiting on Adobe is maybe a lost cause for a while anyway on Linux, and not on their highest priority at the moment.

Thanks duke
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#256 Post by moB »

kirk wrote:
I finally got samba-tng compiled in Fat Dog myself. The server is running, but there is some kind of firewall effect that keeps it from advertising its shares to clients.
I had the same problem, but Samba 3.x does work. I wonder if Samba-tng has problems with 64 bit.
Adding a guest account gave me this clue:

Code: Select all

# groupadd smbguest
groupadd: error while loading shared libraries: libpam_misc.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Missing from FD--Pfind finds no file. (except this: [url]file://localhost/usr/share/doc/pam/Linux-PAM-[/url]).

This is a library which handles security: how applications authenticate users.

A version is to be found here:
http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper-updat ... s/filelist

Ubuntu has a version in ia32-libs_1.4ubuntu20_amd64.deb.

Perhaps if it were extracted and installed? (Don't wish to install whole deb, if I don't have to.)

Code: Select all

ar p ia32-libs_1.4ubuntu20_amd64.deb data.tar.gz | tar zx
It is part of the PAM library:


btw/ after recreating personal save file FD behaves exactly as it did before... no ffmpeg, & Namoroka can't see /root/spot/Downloads link. It tries to save to spot/Desktop & lets me select spot/ as alternative.

Reverted to original DOT3fs file (and a 2fs version 'worked' the same).
Must try to get more memory sticks for this 'antique'.
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Re: 32 bit wrapper for flashplayer

#257 Post by moB »

duke93535 wrote: I tried playing with the 32 bit wrapper in Fatdog, but it's over my head. Please, consider making a 32 bit wrapper optional for Fatdog, so that it isn't Deaddog,
Have you tried the fd64-32bit-libs-3.sfs with Puppy's 32 bit flash pet?

Looks like this might be what you are asking about.

Best luck to you in your quest!

ps. Look at the reply by anAF here:

There is now a newer one:
Check for updates: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads

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#258 Post by duke93535 »

moB, kirk:

Yes, I had the 32 libs added, but the alpha flash player 64 from Adobe has started working again. Who can tell what is going on?

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#259 Post by kirk »


Yes, I've been meaning to do that. Hopefully Fatdog64-510 will be out soon, well at least a rc. It has Xorg 7.6. I've read on Barry's blog there have been some problems depending on the video driver or maybe the kernel used. When 510rc comes out can you test with that and let me know how it goes?


I'm hoping Adobe comes out with new 64bit pluggin before 510 goes final. I was pleasantly surprised when this one came out.


Yes, groupadd is part of Pam that I left in the devx file, should have been removed. We're not using pam. I've removed it now and ran ldd on both sfs files to make sure I didn't have anything else dead in there. To add groups you'll want to use addgroup.

I've compiled Samba 3.0.37 (which was released about 1 year ago). That seems to work fine in Fatdog64. After installing the parts needed to run a file server and a client it only adds 2MB to Fatdog. So I grabbed Patriot's LameSMBxplorer and added that and made a little GUI to start and stop the server. The server is setup to share the Downloads folder without a password. XP and Vista can browse right to it. I didn't include smbspool, I think that's needed for printers over SMB, I'll have to do some checking.

Also, I compiled the netdiscover 0.3b7. It's a nice network utility for sniffing out the IP addresses in use on a network. Kind of big though ~750k. I thought it was smaller than that the last time I compiled it for 32bit. I guess everything get bigger.
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#260 Post by Jim1911 »

kirk wrote:Jim1911,
Yes, I've been meaning to do that. Hopefully Fatdog64-510 will be out soon, well at least a rc. It has Xorg 7.6. I've read on Barry's blog there have been some problems depending on the video driver or maybe the kernel used. When 510rc comes out can you test with that and let me know how it goes?
Yes, be happy to, I'm looking forward to your new 510.

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