Need help installing pup on old IBM laptop(solved)

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#61 Post by ckx »

Sit Heel Speak wrote:ckx:

It is my understanding that what mkswap does is "format" the blank new Linux partition, sort of, in other words it puts the special ext2 swap filesystem on the type-82 partition. mkswap needs to be run only once.
I repartitioned my harddisk, changed the swap partition to 192Mb. I still can't boot 1.08 but I can boot 1.06. Success! Kinda ....

Because I was using grub to dual boot DSL and Win98 and I forgot to "fdisk /mbr" to remove the dual boot from my hard disk before trashing the DSL partition. No problem if I could boot from a floppy but ... no floppy drive. No usb-ports either. Gonna have to dig up a bootable cd -- bootable into dos that is. I've found instructions for resetting the MBR from Linux but that sounds pretty risky. Have to see tomorrow,
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#62 Post by Sit Heel Speak »


I've never touched my mbr. So, I don't have experience with what you're talking about.

I run grub from autoexec.bat when I choose a "Puppy" option, displayed by my Win98SE c:\config.sys.

Whether to boot Win98SE or Puppy is chosen from just menu options when Windows boots (or, I should say, attempts to boot, until I choose the Puppy menu option, thereby deflecting the Microsoft borg from its intended course); the option of whether to boot to Puppy is displayed by Windows' own config.sys.

I understand that grub.exe can also be loaded as a device= option by config.sys but I have not tried this. Grub.exe runs as an executable under DOS provided you have your high memory managed (dos=,device=himem.sys,device=emm386,device=ifshlp.sys) as given in my post to pelokwin, above.

Perhaps I am having an easy time of using grub because I am storing Puppy only on FAT16 (USB flash key) or FAT32 (same hard disk partition as Windows 98SE) partitions. I have no experience in trying to start Puppy residing on an ext2 or ext3 partition using grub, so do not know in what particulars it differs.

So my own "dual boot" (quintuple boot, actually, I'm experimenting with four varieties of Puppy) doesn't depend on any special boot-time partition management software and I don't use (at least, I don't think I do) grldr.

Puppy 1.0.8 defaults to a 256MB pup100 or pup001 file, whereas earlier versions used only 128MB. However toddyjoe reports it runs fine on his computer with only 64MB of RAM and no swap. If the sum of your RAM plus your swap partition is under 256MB, maybe 1.0.8 will take a long time to load.

What trouble is 1.0.8 giving you?
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#63 Post by toddyjoe »

ckx, I cannot really offer you any help with the partition. Like Sit Heel Speak, I am doing my dual-booting (Win 98 SE and Puppy 1.0.8r1) off of one hard drive with GRUB and a few mods to the "config.sys" and "Autoexec.bat" files. My 1.6Gb hard drive has a single FAT32 partition for Windows and Puppy with no extra partitioning. The hard drive for my 310ED originally was FAT16 with Windows 95 but I converted to FAT32 using the program within Windows when I made the conversion to Windows 98 SE.

pelokwin, I think Sit Heel Speak has the right idea here with essentially restarting with a clean slate. Like you, I am kind of getting lost with the questions, answers and information being exchanged (but it must feel good to know you have a good resource for lots of help here!). Rather than me offering interrupting comments that might be at odds with other posters, I am going to watch how this new exchange between you and Sit Heel Speak pans out and only comment if I see something glaringly problematic. Maybe we can all get to the bottom of this that way and create a much less confusing thread. :)
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#64 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

toddyjoe wrote:pelokwin, I think Sit Heel Speak has the right idea here with essentially restarting with a clean slate.
But let's try doing it the gentle way first, leaving the existing partition intact. I know that you already have grub.exe *somewhere*, either on floppy or on the LiveCD or on disk. All you have to do is get the basic Puppy files vmlinuz, image.gz, usr_cram.fs, pupxide, and isolinux.cfg onto the C:\ directory of your hard disk. Once you accomplish that, then it is simply a matter of figuring out what to put in grub.exe's menu.lst config file, and it will be easy to set you up to boot in the identical manner as toddyjoe and I do.

PS if you are at a C:\WINDOWS> prompt, simply type

cd \ {enter}

and you will be back at a C:\> prompt.
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#65 Post by pelokwin »

Sit heel speak:
Ok I have a folder in the C: named Puppy in that I have :
image--- GZ file
isolinux.bin---bin file
usr_cram.fs---fs file
and a folder named bootgrub with:

Now first off I never saw pupxide , the only things left on the iso are BOOT.CAT and boot.msg
the way I feel is I should go step by what is the next one and what do I do about pupxide?
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#66 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Hang on, I just got home. I'll compose the instructions and be back in a bit.
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#67 Post by Sit Heel Speak »


In order to execute grub, we would have to uncompress the compressed drive.

So, before proceeding, I want to see how big your compressed drive is and how much free space is on the uncompressed drive.

Boot Windows 95, open an MS-DOS prompt window, and issue the command:

dir c:\

and post the directory listing here. I'll be up another three hours (til 12:30AM Pacific time or 3:30AM New Jersey time).
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#68 Post by pelokwin »

sit heel speak
here you are

AUTOEXEC SYD 288 04-16-06 9:59p AUTOEXEC.SYD
CONFIG SYD 654 04-15-06 11:55p CONFIG.SYD
AUTOEXEC BAT 289 04-16-06 10:03p AUTOEXEC.BAT
PUPPY <DIR> 04-12-06 7:56p PUPPY
INSTAL~1 <DIR> 08-24-01 8:21a Install CompuServe2000
INSTAL~2 <DIR> 08-24-01 8:21a Install ICQ
INSTAL~3 <DIR> 08-24-01 8:21a Install Spinner
INSTAL~4 <DIR> 08-24-01 8:22a Install Winamp
MYDOCU~1 <DIR> 08-24-01 8:27a My Documents
INSTPLAT LOG 508 11-10-01 12:41p INSTPLAT.LOG
DESKTOP ICO 766 08-01-01 2:50p desktop.ico
CHSI <DIR> 02-07-02 4:42p CHSI
DIAGNOSE TXT 654 04-18-06 9:44p diagnose.txt
UCD <DIR> 03-27-04 12:20a ucd
CONFIG WIN 421 03-27-04 12:16a CONFIG.WIN
SETUPLOG TXT 1,176 03-27-04 12:16a SETUPLOG.TXT
SHORTC~1 LNK 239 04-19-04 7:08p Shortcut to My Documents.lnk
DRVSPACE BIN 65,271 01-03-06 11:45p DRVSPACE.BIN
DBLSPACE BIN 65,271 01-03-06 11:45p DBLSPACE.BIN
CONFIG SYS 654 04-16-06 9:58p CONFIG.SYS
CONFIG DOS 0 01-04-06 4:40a CONFIG.DOS
19 file(s) 235,477 bytes
28 dir(s) 1,284,046,848 bytes free
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#69 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

In the MS-DOS Prompt window, issue the command

drvspace /uncompress d:

and tell me what you see.
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#70 Post by pelokwin »

error pop up
"drive D can not be uncompressed because it is not a compressed drive"
ID number DRVSPACE127
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#71 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Ah--silly me. I forgot--you have a CD-ROM reader permanently installed on your Thinkpad. Windows/DOS is seeing the CD-ROM as drive D:. Your compressed drive must be Drive E:.

Try it on drive E:

drvspace /uncompress e:

and tell me what you get.
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#72 Post by pelokwin »

befor I try that, My CD-ROM is drive E...C & D are labled as local disk and then I have a "host for c (H) also
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#73 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Ah, then there is another drive. Perhaps a flash drive.

Well, whatever. Try the uncompress command on H:

drvspace /uncompress H:
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#74 Post by pelokwin »

same error as before "it is not a compressed drive"
I looked at the properties for drive h and it said"host for c H is the host drive for the compressed drive C
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#75 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

...but...H: is the host for drive C:?

Do this: in the DOS window, issue the command

mem /c /p

and tell me if you see a line in the top, "Modules using memory below 1 MB:" part, which says DRVSPACE and six numbers.

Oh. I just realized (sorry, it's been a loooooong time since I dealt with DriveSpace; 1998, to be exact): it might be that it wants the letter of the _compressed_ drive, not the letter it maps it to.


drvspace /uncompress c:

and see what happens.
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#76 Post by pelokwin »

checking drive c for errors :evil: and taking a long time
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#77 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Aa-aaa-llllllllllll riiiiiiiight 8) Now we're in business.
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#78 Post by pelokwin »

"When tasks is complete your computer will no longer contain any compressed drives. Do you want to remove the compression driver from memory at that time?"
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#79 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Yes. You want the DriveSpace driver removed from memory.

You also then want to Start - Run notepad config.sys and put "rem " in front of that line


in other words make it read


and then after saving config.sys, go back into the MS-DOS Prompt window and issue the command

attrib c:\msdos.sys -r -h -s

and then Start - Run notepad c:\msdos.sys

Any lines that have to do with DrvSpace or DriveSpace or DblSpace or DoubleSpace, you want to set them equal to zero, for example


Also in c:\msdos.sys, if there is a line


change it to


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#80 Post by pelokwin »

I think the "call it a night" is a good idea I am going to let the comp do it's thing and will go to the next step tomorow. so I will talk to you later
thank you for all your help
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