Great thanks. And have some question.piratesmack wrote:Wee is a little difficult to install, so I wrote a script that makes it easier.
Code: Select all
# Read disk signature and partition table from MBR_DEV
# and write it to wee63.mbr:
dd if=$MBR_DEV bs=1 skip=439 count=72 2>/dev/null | \
dd of=/tmp/wee63.mbr bs=1 seek=439 conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
# Back up the sectors about to be overwritten, just in case:
dd if=$MBR_DEV of=/root/$(basename $MBR_DEV).63s bs=512 count=63 2>/dev/null
# Write wee MBR to $MBR_DEV
dd if=/tmp/wee63.mbr of=$MBR_DEV 2>/dev/null
- Why we need to copy the disk signature and partition table?
Doesn't the next work?Code: Select all
dd if=/tmp/wee63.mbr of=$MBR_DEV bs=446 count=1
- What does the number 439(or 440 bytes) mean? Why not 446?
- Why the backup size is 512x63 bytes?