puppy 431 / sfs file using problems

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puppy 431 / sfs file using problems

#1 Post by jaqu3x »

hallo you all
i have problems with devx_431.sfs

first of all i have to admit i have puppy431 NOP, so non properly the 431, but the NOP website says the .sfs use is the same....

i put it in mnt/home (in my experience on usb, cause i boot cd live and i have a pupsave on usb> so the folder actually is the sdb1, that i see with an orange ring)

now i would like to use a compiler, but i have some problems ...

well i've tried t open terminal and type>
- cc> result command not found
- gcc> command not found

- /mnt/home/cc>sh: /mnt/home/cc: No such file or directory
- /mnt/homr/gcc> sh: /mnt/home/gcc: No such file or directory

note that terminal open line is: sh-3.00#

so...it doesnt works )(pls note ive made set for italian keyobard bu ive many problems because if i type & i mean slash, but the keyobard seems confiseud and i can not type proprerly here, thats whymany mystakes in this post(

anyway, i have some hints baout the compiler and open office /.sfs problem:
1. i downloaded not properly puppy431 but puppyNOP (in according to NOP website it is not a problem ...) so it could create conflicts
2. i made some mistakes (im not arrogant, but i dont think so)
3. i dunno how to do (in command lines)
4. the devx431.sfs file is on usb, that got an orange Ring (not green) so maybe the .sfs. has not properly mounted (NOTE> if i open the mnt/home and i right click on devx431.sfs, then click on Execute, a warning alert tell me> *Failed to execute child process "/mnt/home/devx_431.sfs" (Text file busy).*

dunno......im getting tired.....pretty unhappy

my friends i wanna do Woof , but what if puppy doesent works?

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#2 Post by Béèm »

About the devxx sfs file. You said it was only 45MB instead of 90MB. That is not a good sign. Is this still the case?

If size ok, then you have to go to the bootmanager.
Maybe in different menu in NOP then in regular 431.
Select bootmanager and select choose which extra sfs to load at boot.
If your devxx sfs is in /mnt/home, as you claim, you would see it for selection. Push the add button. It goes to the right window then.
Close bootmanager and reboot.

When the boot is done, in a console type cc.
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#3 Post by jaqu3x »

i'm still booting 45MB devx.sfs.
dunno why, but download ended at 45 mB (UNDER windows mozilla firefox downlod)
i will re-try tomorrow

i did reboot at least 3 times -i use to run windows usually- nothings has changed...well to be sincere:
first time time i made Bootmanager i addead .sfs file. later i attempted once again ancd the windows manger told me the sfs file was already there

after re-start i opened the Bootmanager and the windows mabager told me to add sfs file as IE devx, but after opened the dex_431 was already there.
it seems the pupsave on did'nt saved the last config

yes, my mnt/home is on usb
maybe the problem is the orange 8not green ) ring?

i typed cc, but noway - i have no compiler
i do worng ?

i open terminal - the string i read in opening is
sh 3.00#

i cant guess a linux without a compiler ....

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#4 Post by Béèm »

The devxx is 90MB, you say you have a 45MB file, so the download is wrong.
Please do all your work in puppy, not Windows.
Download the devxx again in puppy and put it in /mnt/home.
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#5 Post by RetroTechGuy »

jaqu3x wrote:i'm still booting 45MB devx.sfs.
Mine looks like this (that's from "ls -la" on my /mnt/home/ folder):

Code: Select all

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 94294016 Oct 15  2009 /mnt/home/devx_431.sfs
That's 942,94,016 bytes (90MB)

Check the md5 for the file when you get done, as well.
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#6 Post by jaqu3x »

jaqu3x wrote:
should be easier by clicking an icon eheheh

anyway, i started this linx attempt also -as u know- to learn the command line
so, go ahead!!

Yeah, but I don't know how to do it from an icon...

Typically programming languages use something like:
cc mycode.c
gcc mycode.c

I write in Fortran, so
gfortran helloworld.for

This should give you command line options:


Also, you will probably want to learn the "make" command


Most compilable, bundled c-program packages out there are set up for this (so you compile the package by "make new_package", "make new_kernel", etc.)

(- i only tpe cc-or-gcc or also the link i.e. \mnt\home\ etc

the command "cc" is the same as "gcc", so either one will work. That is "cc" and "gcc" point at exactly the same program.

A symbolic link is like a "shortcut" under windows, except that it works better.

If you do:
ls -la /usr/bin/cc

you will see:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Oct 15 2009 /usr/bin/cc -> gcc

The first "l" tells you it's a "link", the "->" tells you what file it is linked to.

oh nooooooooooooooo :cry:

so, im sorry with RTG because i quote him here bt i do as beem suggetsted: only one thread

i download directly in usb device where the pupsave is (also puppy431.sfs. is there) that is actualy mnt/home .the file is now 89.9 MB so i guess is corrcet -i didnt made the checksum because i dunno how to do it in puppy, in windows i did it once easly (more: i dont wnat get u bored with all the problem in saving a file under linux)

then i made the Boot manager, then reboot the system
then opened once again the terminnal and typed CC
nothing to do: no input file is the result

well, since the moment i say im Ignorant in pc stuff, i admit im not such an ignorant: i exactly know hot manage a file under windows, .dll, .bin, .exe etc i can use dos shell sometimes....amin its strange i make so many errors...i can make million of questions, but not many errors, of course

i think im an analytic person, so im thinking where the problem can be
1. u didnt replied about the orange/green ring , so problably is not a problem - guess the file has `mounted` as well
2. in Bootmanaging box there was -when i opened- the `old` devx.sfs file but i removed (was impossible to cancel) then re added. i`m sure the system recognized the `new` devx.sfs. file
3. maybe i have to wait the system make his RAM saving set the reboot?
4. does the problem is in the terminal or the command i type? is correct that when i open there is a sh-3.00# line?

why puppy has not a c/c++ compiler inside? the most important italian linux guide on the web says the compiler is essential in any linux distro

the problme is if im not able do mange the sfs, i cannot use properlly puppy
i would really like do Woof, but maybe is not the right ditsro for me ... :roll:

last: here the result for the code u posted
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2009-10-16 10:03 /usr/bin/cc -> gcc
what it means?

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#7 Post by Béèm »

To be sure about devxx.sfs, just delete the 45MB one.

To run puppy normally, you don't need a devxx file. I never download and install it.
If you want to do application development you'll need it indeed.
An orange dot on a partition means it is mounted and it can't be unmounted. This is typical for the partition on which /mnt/home is.
A green dot indicates the partition is mounted, but can be unmounted.

As per your last line showing gcc, that would indicate the devxx is mounted properly and the compiler available.

If you type gcc in a console, what happens?
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#8 Post by RetroTechGuy »

jaqu3x wrote: then i made the Boot manager, then reboot the system
then opened once again the terminnal and typed CC
nothing to do: no input file is the result
That looks correct. You gave the C compiler no source file to operate on.

Create a program (helloworld.c):


Then try:

Code: Select all

cc helloworld.c
I don't recall at the moment, but for various (obscure) historical reasons, the output program file may be called 'a.out". If you don't see "helloworld" (with no extension), look for "a.out" (OK -- I just tried mine -- it produces a.out)

Then, from the command line:

Code: Select all

# a.out
And see if it prints "hello world". The program above loops (i.e. it keeps printing "hello world"), hit control-c to stop.
why puppy has not a c/c++ compiler inside? the most important italian linux guide on the web says the compiler is essential in any linux distro
I believe it is because it adds quite a bit of size, for an OS that most people just "use" (many find no reason to compile code). It would basically double the size of the .iso -- for something that only programmers want.

For comparison, your Windows OS didn't come with a compiler, either...
the problme is if im not able do mange the sfs, i cannot use properlly puppy
i would really like do Woof, but maybe is not the right ditsro for me ... :roll:

last: here the result for the code u posted
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2009-10-16 10:03 /usr/bin/cc -> gcc
what it means?
That is the output of a directory listing (ls = list, "ls -la" gives more information).

You probably need a reference table showing DOS and equivalent Linux commands:

http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/unix_f ... users.html

So, as I mentioned in my other post.lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2009-10-16 10:03 /usr/bin/cc -> gcc

The first letter "l" tells you that it is a "symbolic link", and the "->" tells you which file it is linked to.

This is showing that the command "cc" is linked to "gcc" (that is, "cc" is a pointer to the actual program "gcc").

And "gcc" (or "cc") is the C compiler.

In a little more detail, the file listing above is...

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2009-10-16 10:03 /usr/bin/cc -> gcc

l = the file is a symbolic link
rwxrwxrwx = User, group and "others' have Read, Write and Execute privilege on this file.
root root = the file is owned by root, and is in "user group" of root
3 = file size is 3 bytes
2009-10-16 10:03 = date / time of creation
/usr/bin/cc = filename
-> gcc = the file that the file listed above is symbolically linked to...
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#9 Post by jaqu3x »

ok, step by step

the helloworld you linked is the same good old C exercise (the stdio.h included is the same as windows, does linux has the same input/output `command` usually? looks nice ...)

but> where i type it_? in Mousepad?

then, where i save it_? (i guess in mnt/home, since the moment i can save on HD ... -i remember i run livecd-)
and what file extension_ i do `save as`?

thanks, tomorrow ill try everything, now im buzy

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#10 Post by jyore »

First I would verify that you have the correct devx sfs file attached as others have mentioned. To test it out try the following:

Open a terminal (console) and enter:

Code: Select all

cmake --version
gcc --version
If installed correctly, you should see the output similar to this:

Code: Select all

# cmake --version
cmake version 2.4-patch 6
# gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.2.2

The following is an example on how to use gcc to compile a c source code file.

First open a text editer and input some c code (for example):

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    return 0;
Save the file as "helloworld.c" in any directory on your filesystem. For example, "/root/my-documents". Assuming you have done all of this so far, open up a terminal (console) and enter:

Code: Select all

cd /root/my-documents
gcc helloworld.c
Your code will then run and print the following to the console.

Code: Select all

Hello, World!
To further answer one of your questions, no matter the OS, the compilers all have the same standard c libraries and c syntax. So all the stdlib, stdio, memory, etc. libraries that you have used in Windows, will still work in Linux. Therefore, all output commands and syntax are also the same. The main difference is that "most" people that program in Windows tend to use development environments that take care of compiling for the user (Visual Studio for instance), where as programmers in Linux tend to generate Makefiles or use the command line methods to compile source code in the specific manner that they need. Development environments are evil (especially Visual Studio).

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#11 Post by jaqu3x »

well, i have to say thanks!

i did as you say and the first result is

sh-3.00# cmake --version
cmake version 2.4-patch 6

sh-3.00# gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.2.2
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

then i saved the helloworld.c in root\my docs(i suppose on RAM ...) and I made as u said but the result was a lil different becuase is impossibile use Enter and write on 2 lines
so i did copy\paste, on terminal appeared

sh-3.00# cd /root/my-documents
sh-3.00# gcc helloworld.c

helloworld.c:7:2: warning: no newline at end of file
sh-3.00# ./a.out
then typed enter and .......
Hello, World!

now the point is: assuming Gcc is a compiler, how's possible i have it on system but i cannot open it and use it?
i know i can program by notepad, but i want the compiler. or you told me is evil and i do better use only text editor?

another thing, maybe an hint for you
the very first time ive tried with devx.sfs file (the wrong one) i made: Settings>Bootmanager
fistly puppy showed a dialog box, above the 1st choice told me something like: "here u can add .sfs file like KG(...) or devx.sfs that make a real compiler on your pc..."
then i clicked on the icon
then i enetered a second dialog box , with one left box and one right box inside
I'M NOT SURE but i remember at that time there was a brower to find the .sfs file
anyway, the dvx file was in the left box and i clicked Add and moved on right box. ok etc
still at the first attempt ive tried to type CC in terminal but -being not working - im back in Settings>Bootmanager and the surprise was in the 1st dialog box there was not the
advice like : "here u can add .sfs file like KG(...) or devx.sfs that make a real cmpiler on your pc...", bu it told me :"u already have devx.sfs file in"

send attempt was different
firstly i erased the the old wrong devx from usb (that is my mnt\home) the launched puppy
so be4 i checked Settings>Bootmanager and there still was the: "here u can add .sfs file like KG(...) or devx.sfs that make a real cmpiler on your pc..."
bt in the second box there was the devx in the right box, as added (this is quiet strange because i had no more devx in usb\mnt)
so, i clicked it the cancel but it did stay there; so i removed then Canceled (when in left box too) but was impossible to cancel: the devx.was still there, left or right
anyway, i directly d'loaded the good devx on usb-mn\home (now 89,9MB) and remade the Bootmanager
when opened the second box i did'nt seen any browser (but i repeat, im not sure 100% there was the 1st time) but devx was already in left box (maybe is the 1st wrong file track?? maybe automatically recognized the new one?????)
so i added, ok etc
after this I 've tried in compiler typing CC but nothing, so i thought to re-Bootmanager
this time the surprise was there was the "here u can add .sfs file like KG(...) or devx.sfs that make a real cmpiler on your pc...".
i'mean: i did'nt saw anymore the :"u already have devx.sfs file in" and i made many system reboot
maybe it can be an hint: it seems the first time puppy 'watched' i've added the devx, this time -with good devx- it never did.
strange ...

anyway the helloworld ran and the gcc seems to be there. be positive guys!
otherwise i have only 2 more options, you know, but im gettin tired to do so

thnx again

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#12 Post by RetroTechGuy »

jaqu3x wrote:now the point is: assuming Gcc is a compiler, how's possible i have it on system but i cannot open it and use it?
i know i can program by notepad, but i want the compiler. or you told me is evil and i do better use only text editor?
In general, compilers are compilers, and editors are editors...

Some compilers allow you an editing window, and compile the contents of that window, but "old style" compilers do not (graphical user interfaces didn't exist in the early days of computers).

Most compilers under Linux are "old style". There may be GUI interface compilers, but I don't know what they are -- and I would guess they're likely to be commercial packages.

I did a quick search for "linux gui compiler" (with no quotes) and found these threads:


http://cboard.cprogramming.com/linux-pr ... piler.html

However, I don't know anything about the packages mentioned. So you're on your own with those...

Unless the lack of a GUI is a serious problem, you can edit with Geany or other GUI text editors, or any of the command line editors such as "vi", "mg", "pico" or others... And perform your compilation from the command line.

Personally, I use "mg" on the command line. I've also used the "pico" command line editor. Note: neither of these are installed by default, but can be installed. "vi" is installed, but is very cryptic, unless you've used an editor like it before (I personally will use ANY available editor OTHER than "vi" -- I cannot stand "vi"...).

BTW, let's not under-play the success report, that you DO now have the compiler working!! :D
still at the first attempt ive tried to type CC in terminal but -being not ...
One thing to keep in mind is that Linux is case sensitive, so CC is not that same as cc (or the same as Cc and cC).

Regarding the rest, I don't know why the partial .sfs would have permitted loading at all -- I would think that the system would report an error, as the volume was clearly corrupted. Perhaps this is an oversight in the system (something to be repaired in the future).
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#13 Post by jaqu3x »

yes now i know it works, special thx to jyore :)


Some compilers allow you an editing window, and compile the contents of that window, but "old style" compilers do not (graphical user interfaces didn't exist in the early days of computers).

Most compilers under Linux are "old style". There may be GUI interface compilers, but I don't know what they are -- and I would guess they're likely to be commercial packages.
i have nothin gagainst old style, I especially l ike old skool ;-) eheheh

i tihnk that GUI compiler is better than command line because it, often, helps people to correct errors: if i writ something wrong and I dunno why, i cannot find the mistake. I remeber GUI compilers have some corrector stuff, for syntax mistakes etc.
infact i used to learn a lil 'bout C programming under Windows, with a compiler called DevCC or something like this, and it was an helpful tool. at that time many people told me that Linux is better to learn more, because is a freesoftware so there are many more chances to exercise.
that's why i'm so interested in installing the compiler.

I did a quick search for "linux gui compiler" (with no quotes) and found these threads:


http://cboard.cprogramming.com/linux-pr ... piler.html

However, I don't know anything about the packages mentioned. So you're on your own with those...

Unless the lack of a GUI is a serious problem, you can edit with Geany or other GUI text editors, or any of the command line editors such as "vi", "mg", "pico" or others... And perform your compilation from the command line.

Personally, I use "mg" on the command line. I've also used the "pico" command line editor. Note: neither of these are installed by default, but can be installed. "vi" is installed, but is very cryptic, unless you've used an editor like it before (I personally will use ANY available editor OTHER than "vi" -- I cannot stand "vi"...).
it's supposed a I can install nothing but devx_431.sfs file .....

One thing to keep in mind is that Linux is case sensitive, so CC is not that same as cc (or the same as Cc and cC).
i know . I typed here CC as capital to be more clear, next time i will "cc"

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#14 Post by Béèm »

I don't now much about compiling, but I think there are editors which do some syntax checking, eventually for C programs.
It could be that geany is one of those.
Such an editor will help in making code as clean as possible before going to the command prompt and do the compiling.
I even think geany can start a compilation, but I don't know how it works. I saw posts about this.
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#15 Post by RetroTechGuy »

jaqu3x wrote:

Personally, I use "mg" on the command line. I've also used the "pico" command line editor. Note: neither of these are installed by default, but can be installed. "vi" is installed, but is very cryptic, unless you've used an editor like it before (I personally will use ANY available editor OTHER than "vi" -- I cannot stand "vi"...).
it's supposed a I can install nothing but devx_431.sfs file .....
OK, I just tried this in Puppy 4.3.1, and it worked fine:

Info about the editor:

The package:
http://http.us.debian.org/debian/pool/m ... 6_i386.deb

Download the above .deb file, and click on it. 4.3.1 didn't show any missing libraries... And yes, many packages from other distros will work in Puppy.

on the command line, type "pico.alpine" or "pico.alpine filename.c"

The editor commands are listed at the bottom of the page.

And if you don't like the name, go into /usr/bin/ and change it from "pico.alpine" to "pico".

Then you have a pretty good, very simple command line text editor. However, there is nothing wrong with "geany", either.

When working on a program from an editor like that, I leave the editor window open, but "save", then from the command line, perform the compile (so there are 2 windows running). If the code doesn't work, then make some changes, save and compile -- pretty quick process.
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#16 Post by jyore »

glad I could help with your compiling stuff.

personally I use vim (vi improved) on most machines as my source code editor. vi is the best editor ever...once you get used to it that is. I then use the command line to make a makefile or use the gcc command to compile the source directly.

Even through the terminal, the error output of what line and what problem there is will appear.

If you are the IDE type of fan, then there are many out there. I found some information, and it seems that geany should be able to support compiling. I think you have to add some options in your preferences (like what you would normally put on the command line) and it should be able to build and execute the code.

It should also have all the syntax highlighting, auto-complete, etc.

Here are a couple links regarding geany:

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