webmail? 60% prefer to use it instead of email clients?

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webmail? 60% prefer to use it instead of email clients?

#1 Post by nooby »

I long for to be able to use web mail more and need your kind comments on what you think of webmail and puppy together.
Gmail hotmail etc?

Do you guys like webmail and how do you use it. the set up?

Are you logged in all the time or log out after reading and them logging in after say one hour again? Do you let your main webmail gather emails from other accounts or are logged in to many webmails at same time?

What a about security being logged in for long times?

Back ground to my questions.

I do a lot of frugal install of different Puppies and a few other linux distros.

Devs have preference for different email clients so often they have the SeaMoneky suite with built in email client or they use Opera that also have a built in email client and then there is the FireFox and Thunderbird that work well together.

But exporting and importing old mails between all these is that not difficult?

then you have Claws and Sylpheed and many others too.

And some 60% of all email users use the webmail instead of an email client.

That kind of solve the compatibility problem? but you have to be online to read old mails which can be impossible on some trains without great cost using Mobile Phone accounts.

Now my problem is that I have tested a lot of versions of puppy Lucid and finally decided that that OS does not work well with my Acer D250 and that computer is the most silent of my three main computers.

But the OS that works on it use email clients that I am not so used to.

So what about webmail. Should I boot up old OS and look at save mails and forward them then to the webmail and that way get access to them because remember which OS that had a certain email is impossible :)

But phew much work to go through all old Os and their emails.

All of them different format ways to save them so not easy to export? Unless one can convert to plain text maybe.
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#2 Post by omskates »

I don't like email clients. I don't think my email has any business sitting on my hard drive. Gmail gives me 7517 MB of space and integrates with Google calander. I don't want to sound like a commercial for Google but I just don't see much in email clients that Gmail doesn't already offer. When I sign up for things that may spawn spam I just use a decoy email address with Yahoo mail, so my Gmail stays pretty clean. 'Course I have simple needs when it comes to email.
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#3 Post by Lobster »

I have a gmail account
If starting again I would use this:

My sister until recently was using hotmail
- some problem as MSN changed something to the detriment of users - forget what it was

The real advantage of gmail and gmx too perhaps is spam filtering
They have a system that works in the background,
deleting this viral traffic.

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#4 Post by nooby »

Cool, I heard others too that use webmail instead of mail clients.

I am not used to using webmail. Could you tell me how relate to it in a practical way. .

Suppose you have time to be at the computer. what do you do in practice.

Obviously you have to start up a browser. Do you have a link to gmail or do you write g in google search and click on it.

Do you let your browser remember username and password or take it from memory?

When you have read all new emails do you log out or let it be logged in?

Tell me more about how you make webmail practical.
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#5 Post by Jim1911 »

I use hotmail and a regular e-mail account. The latest Thunderbird uses your e-mail account info when you enter your address and password to set up the accounts to read in Thunderbird.

First you need to contact hotmail, gmail, or whatever and set up an account with them. It's your choice to use a browser or Thunderbird to check your mail. I prefer Thunderbird.
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#6 Post by nooby »

Jim thanks

yes that part I already have since some years back.

To me it is my lack of experience of how to make the webmail practical that I want feedback on.

So more on that aspect.

Suppose you have a free day. It rains outside and no Dog to walk and not garden to tend to and no Car to wash. No wife not children to play with and you have eaten and listen to the news and now what.

You realize that you have free time say one hour or two or three to spend on computer.

Half time maybe you test the latest version of Luci-236 or MyWolfe or whatever new.

But you also want to know what has happen at the Puppy Forum.

So you start up your preferred browser.
Do you have a book mark and click on it?
Do you let browser remember log in and do it automaticall
or do you do everything manually.

Now you are logged in and have read all mails.

Do you then shut down that connection to webmail or let it have its own Tab or page even?

Do you tell it to stay logged in for more than two hours or how do you set such preferences?

How do you make the webmail thing a practical habit.

I know how I do it with a email client but I have to learn to use webmail now.

So want your kind comments from all of you reading this.


I tested some hour ago the following OS.

Quirky 1.2 with SeaMonkey. I hate SM.
Wolfe which use Chrome, Chrome has not Noscript.
Dpup That have SeaMonkey and I hate that.
Murky has Opera and Sylpheed which is okay but has not noscript.
Fluppy which has chrome
Puppeee which has Chrome.

And to my great sadness I have struggled daily for more than a week to get Luci-234 235 and 236 to boot and they fail to boot many times in a row unless I do pfix=ram which they always boot but then I have no email client unless me set it up all time and then why not spend that time to be logged in at the webmail instead?

So hope many contribute.
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#7 Post by nooby »

I have practiced and practiced and are slowly getting used to use the webmail instead of an email client.
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#8 Post by infromthepound »

Admittedly I don't get that many emails, but I never use anything but webmail.
If I want a email on my computer I cut and paste to a document, otherwise it just sits on my ISP's server unless I delete it. My ISP keeps the emails for some considerable time, so I have no worries.
If I have something come through I have doubts about I don't open it but I use Puppy as a live CD instead of the installed version to look at it.
Webmail has the advantage you don't have to use your own computer to look at it.
My ISP times out the log-in if it is not being used, I have a tab on my browser (Opera) set to the log -in page.
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#9 Post by Ray MK »

Hi Nooby

Quirky 1.2 NOP with Firefox - is nice - try that.

HTH - regards - Ray
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#10 Post by nooby »

Well yes and no.

I had it on an USB stick but after booting it then it destroyed both wireless and wired connection to internet.

Regardless of which puppy I tested none of them could find internet after using NOP.

So I had to take out the plug and cool the machine down for some 10 minutes so it forgot about naughty NOP
and then it worked with all the puppies except TXZ which totally failed to find a driver for the ATheros lan card.

So no more NOP for me on this machine. May work good on others though.

I will stay with fluppy on this one unless I use Luci with FF 4.07.
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#11 Post by tubeguy »

I use gmail for all my personal stuff and have been for years, but at work we use Outlook (don't ask). I still have a "regular" POP3 email with tubeguy.org but I hardly ever use it, and it has webmail access anyway.

FWIW, before gmail I had a netscape address for personal stuff.
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#12 Post by Roy »


I am going to give you my personal advice (and it may go against something already posted above), but it is straight from the heart:

Hotmail webmail accounts always seem to be a pain with non-standard browsers -- the pages just don't render correctly when Hotmail makes an unannounced change (often). Although I have never tried to use POP3 email client access with Hotmail, my understanding is that it is not possible without paying them a fee.

Webmail is okay when you always have an internet connection. An email client is a real time-saver when internet connections are rare because you can read your mail later and write your emails before connecting.

Gmail works very well as webmail and with free access by an email client. I cannot remember how I used my e-mail client with Gmail, but there used to be a good set of instructions linked to their sign-in page.

Yahoo might be another option, but you will have to see if they allow POP3 in your location. They often have different rules for different countries.

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#13 Post by smokey01 »

I do a lot of traveling from time to time and like to use email offline which is not possible with webmail.

The other advantage of an email client is the limited time you need to be online to send and receive emails. Having to be online when writing emails can be quite expensive especially on cruise ships and the like.
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#14 Post by DaveS »

I use Yahoo webmail all the time now, dont even have my email client configured, simply because it is the only realistic way for me to maintain email across various different computers, but I have to say Yahoo mail does not work properly with ALL browsers. I also have a gmail account which is more compatible, but I dont like the interface at all.
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#15 Post by nooby »

Thanks to all of you.

Dave takes up something that is important.

I dont like the interface at all.

And I agree about how practical it is if one are on travel or live far from the ISP stations. I did that 2004 or so. So I had dial up then to save money.

But now I live in a big house compound. Some 8 houses that share same group account so we pay by the rent meaning it would cost me extra to have an account outside of the one provided by the collective.
And we have Fiber so that is fast and we have Telephone IP so we can make phone calls to almost every country same price as withing Sweden.

so being online cost me nothing, sort of.

But I am getting used to using webmail now .

Hotmail have rolled out free download of pop3 to most countries.

I have set it up in gmail so it pop and present them in same inbox as gmial mails.
And when I answer it gives my hotmail addy but via Gmail as smtp provider.

I have yahoo accounts too but use them extremely seldom.
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#16 Post by ttuuxxx »

My first email client was a underground elite email, then I went to yahooooooooooo, I found yahoo had too much spam, and not a real good control on it, then I went to hotmail and well I hate typing in my name plus @hotmail.com to log in where as most you just need to type the user name and not the @client name.com, plus it also had a lot of spam, and at one time it didn't like other browsers like firefox, so that turned me off MS crap. Then Gmail came out, I'm 100% happy with gmail. Not really any spam, just type my user name and thats it, It keeps emails from years back, I have over 2000 emails in my gmail account all the way back to 2006 :)
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#17 Post by nooby »

re Gmail : just type my user name and thats it
that is not how my gmail works. I always has to give full address.

Maybe they have different ways for different servers?

I know that here in Sweden they force Swedish ads on us. And they assume everybody even those at the American Embassy speaks Swedish. :)

I hate that they try to tell me that every word I write is spelled wrong because they thing it is Swedish that I write.

But I like Gmail too. I use it 99% of my time. only log in to the others to keep them alive
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#18 Post by dogle »

Folks, some of you may be interested to take a look at Safe-mailDOTnet.

I like this one because you have good choice - direct access/POP/IMAP - whatever takes your fancy (and because it is free of charge for modest domestic use).

There are some 'extra' facilities if you care to use them. Nooby, you may like their security emphasis (like the option to use a 'virtual keyboard' to frustrate keylogging malware ... as in, logging in from your mate's windoze box, or a public access point .... and other security features which may come in handy if you ever need them).
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#19 Post by nooby »

thanks dogle I have used safe-mail.net for some years ago.

I had too many accounts on too many so had to get rid of them.

iguleder maybe knows much about safe-mail but he is not reading this :)

What do you think of fastmail.fm then, they have been taken over by Opera browser company and that maybe give them a long time being supported that way?
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#20 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

I dislike webmail but I do use some webmail accounts. Two of them, Yahoo and Operamail/Fastmail.fm, I check three or four times a day if I’m home. The others I check only once a month or so. I log in only long enough to read new emails.

I particularly dislike Gmail. I have a total of 53 emails there going back to 2004. I use about a dozen Yahoo accounts. On my primary one I have about two dozen folders with saved emails going back to 2002. My ISP’s webmail has a 50MB limit so I don’t like to leave anything on their server.

I started using Eudora around 1990. When it went open source I continued to use the commercial version 6.1 from 2004. I have 53GB of saved emails in Eudora mailbox format most of them compressed and I have all 53GB backed up on a separate drive. I do search for 10 or 12-year-old emails occasionally.

After I found Linux I used both Evolution and Kmail on and off for about five years. I finally had a slight preference for Kmail. Since I’ve been using Puppy I’ve been using the SeaMonkey client but leaving emails on my ISP’s server to download later (maybe once a month) with Eudora and XP.

My wife (who is very computer savvy) uses only one Yahoo account. My kids all use Gmail. I’ve been considering moving to webmail only and if I do it will be Yahoo.
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