XFE File manager 1.9.2 puppy 4.0+ foxlibs

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#41 Post by RobCr »

HTOP was the one that I found via the 'Start Menu'
It was the one that looked very DOS'ish to me.
Also there is a plethora of stuff running there.
Presumably some (most) of it is core essential services ?
Can they be hidden ?

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#42 Post by Sylvander »

1. "Can they be hidden ?"
If there's a way to do it, I don't know of it. :(
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#43 Post by RobCr »

Tried the three suggestions. They will be helpful.

I think it must have been on KDE3, already.
Yup, I prefer that theme.

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#44 Post by frayja2002 »

In reply to Sylvander 8 sep 2010

re icons not found
I had this problem some time ago when xfe passed the versioin 1.0 mark...

I quote from an old email

The icon theme path is still set to the default in
this case

You have to change the icon path to

Check in the preferences that icons dir is actually where they are.
Different linux distributions sometimes put them somewhere else.

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#45 Post by akplm »

i'm trying to use XFE as file manger in my puppy instead of Rox.
So I installed it, then i worked on .jwmrc file to change commands' menu.
But now i want to config XFE to open my icon on the desktop (Home...) and the icons of the mounted device.
How can I config it? because is still Rox opening the mounted device and my Home directory.
Thanx guys
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#46 Post by Sylvander »

To make Xfe the Puppy default file explorer...
Xfe will then automatically run and display the contents of a partition listed on the desktop, when you click to mount.

See post number 111 on page #5 of my Puppy Linux thread at the PC-Guide forums.
Lots of Puppy Linux goodies listed in that thread.

Or is post #105 better?

Forgotten which worked best. :?
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#47 Post by akplm »

i edited the file /usr/local/bin/drive_all, but for the mounted icons in desktop is the same....rox still work.

I check in the file drive_all the command to change...

Code: Select all

exec xfe -x /mnt/sdbx 
in terminal and it works; so i think that the comands in edited file are right. but still rox works..
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#48 Post by Sylvander »

1. "i edited the file /usr/local/bin/drive_all, but for the mounted icons in desktop is the same....rox still work"
Hmmm, I'm no Puppy expert.
However, I tried following the above instructions by editing /usr/local/bin/drive_all so as to change all examples [2] of pcmanfm to xfe, and it worked.
Now when I click on any partition on the desktop, Xfe opens and displays the contents of that partition.

2. How about trying the alternative method given above?
i.e. Post #111.
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#49 Post by akplm »

ok....i tried with you instructions, changing Rox with xfe in every line of the text. but rox still works when i click on any partitons on the desktop.
About the second method i have to install the .pet?

Is there not in jwmrc a line to set the default file manager?
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#50 Post by akplm »

it works installing xfe-default-file-manager-0.1.pet :D

but how can i change the themes in XFE ?
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#51 Post by Sylvander »

1. "how can i change the themes in XFE ?"
With Xfe open...
Go to "Edit->Preferences->Themes->[I like KDE3, highlight it]->[click Accept]".

2. By-the-way...
Are all the little ghost-like icons beneath the panels white?
Click black icons to make them white, so that all hidden items become unhidden.
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#52 Post by abushcrafter »

You need to refresh the icons. Or just replace the drive icon scripts (which are all the same.) "/root/.pup_event/drive_<DRIVE>/AppRun" with "/usr/local/bin/drive_all".
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#53 Post by akplm »

but i wasn't talking about icons but about gtk themes!
you can change just the colours of gtk theme but you can't choose it!
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#54 Post by Sylvander »

Changed to this version of Xfe in Dpup-009, because the previous Xfe [Xfe-1.19.2.pet] wouldn't run due to missing the dependency = libFOX-1.6.so.0

But it has a peculiar behaviour as follows:
The title bar is ALWAYS off the top of the screen at the beginning of each new time I run it. :(

Makes no difference if I rearrange it in a nice location.

Any way to fix this?
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#55 Post by moronic_kaos »

Probably in the same category as the question above, but...

is it possible to set the default window size in XFE? I've been though all the gui preferences and it doesn't seem to include anything for it. It's just kind of annoying having it open full screen all the time.

Other than that, this thing kicks butt compared to ROX.
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#56 Post by Sylvander »

I have a since discovered that it's possible to configure this version [use config tick-boxes] of Xfe to:

(a) Automatically save the window state/position at shut-down, so next time it opens in that state.

(b) Stop warning that the user is running as root.
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#58 Post by saintless »

Thanks, ttuuxxx ,
XFE pet works on KDpup-484. No problems so far :)
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#59 Post by nooby »

As a Noob I don't like that they named it almost identical
like xfce okay one char more but so easy to get it wrong
for us who are bad at spelling :=)
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though

XFE is old fashioned

#60 Post by Pelo »

XFE is old fashioned, but very powerfull. anybody to dress it with a pretty tuning ? (see EmelFM)
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