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#1961 Post by Béèm »

rcrsn51 wrote:
Béèm wrote:A pity that this code isn't by default in the .Xsources file.
I keep having the impression, that National Language Support is the poor guy in puppy.
I don't know enough about NLS to comment. But it would be interesting to know why this works better in fluppy.
I looked at the fluppy 8 sfs, but /Xsources doesn't contain the statement you advised. Nor did fluppy's save file.
I will ask Jemimah.

National Language Support is simple in the concept. The user should be able to write with accented characters and use the dead-key support.
Not only for text in documents, but also for file names on his PC.
I know it's easy to say and less evident to implement maybe.
I suspect it's a matter of size.
NLS support fully implemented would grow a puppy pretty much I suppose, which is against some goal to reduce puppy as much as possible in size.
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#1962 Post by playdayz »

NLS support fully implemented would grow a puppy pretty much I suppose, which is against some goal to reduce puppy as much as possible in size.
Not necessarily I don't think. If the NLS support was provided by Language Packs as shinobar has done, so that one could download, for instance, French, and have the the French for all or most puppy programs. I definitely agree with your original statement in terms of size if all languages were automatically provided. A little program like mtpaint could have 750K of program code and over 1 MB of languages.

Getting the Language Packs adapted to Lucid and providing them in PPM is a goal which will depend on what goes on for the next 2-3 weeks.
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#1963 Post by 01micko »

playdayz wrote:I have collected all of the pet packages ttuuxxx has created for Lucid and now I am stuck. How can I combine all of those pets into one folder to make into an sfs. I need to take the /usr/, /bin, and so forth folders out of the pet and combine them all into single /usr, /bin. etc. folders. Like making one giant pet out of them. I can see how to do it one by one.
One by one? .. take you an hour!

Here's a script that takes a second...

Code: Select all

#script to turn a pack of puppy pets into an sfs
#plonk this in your $PATH.. suggest /usr/sbin
#make a directory any where you like and put in a bunch of pet packages
#invoke IN THAT DIRECTORY "pet2sfs <somename>-<verionnumber>"
#OR invoke IN THAT DIRECTORY "pet2sfs <somename>-<verionnumber> <option-for-mksquashfs>"
#give it a version number
#extra parameter if you want to preserve inodes or add other options to 'mksquashfs' eg -noI
[[ $1 = "" ]]&& echo "error, you must give a name for you new sfs" && exit
[[ `echo $1|grep "-"` = "" ]]&& echo "error, you must give a version number using a dash  to delimit for you new sfs" && exit
mkdir $DIR 
LIST=`ls|grep pet$` 
#extract pets
for i in $LIST;do
PKGNAME=`basename $i .pet`
mv -f $i ${i}.tar.gz
tar -zxf ${i}.tar.gz 2>/dev/null
cp -rf $PKGNAME/* $DIR
rm -rf $PKGNAME
mv -f ${i}.tar.gz $i
rm -f pet.specs
[ -x ] && rm -f
[ -x ] && rm -f
#make sfs
echo "now making ${DIR}.sfs" &
sleep 2
mksquashfs $DIR ${DIR}.sfs $2
[[ `ls|grep  ${DIR}.sfs` = "" ]]&& echo "error: something went wrong, ${DIR}.sfs didn't get created" && cd $HOME &&exit
cd $HOME
echo "${DIR}.sfs created. All done"
echo "Cheerio"

(um.. this script probably took far less time to write than unpacking and repacking all ttuuxxx' packages one by one!)
this is what I see in ~/bunchofpets dir after I run &quot;pets2sfs whatever-1 -noI&quot;
NOTE: the 'noI' on the end is optional, you can use other params for mkaquashfs or none at all
(35.51 KiB) Downloaded 5128 times
extract the script and plonk in your $PATH, suggest /usr/sbin, invoke in a directory with the pets only.. use with caution
(813 Bytes) Downloaded 5323 times
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#1964 Post by playdayz »

Mick to the rescue once again. Thanks for the tool.

Now, how cool is this -> ttuuxxx's treasures (6.5MB) ... ures-1.sfs

beaver, dillo, evince, fileroller, freemeemapplet, gcalctool, gedit, gweled, leafpad, lxtask,moc, mrxvt, murrine, network_tray, ogle-DVD, p7zip,xz, parcellite, Remove-Thumbnails, tar-bz2-extraction-tool

I haven't tested them all.

Donwload the sfs to /mnt/home, then Menu -> System -> Bootmanager config and select ttuuxxx's_treasures.sfs and reboot. There they all are!

Looks like no menu entry in jwm for dillo but it is there and runs.
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#1965 Post by 01micko »

smokey01 wrote:
playdayz wrote:I have collected all of the pet packages ttuuxxx has created for Lucid and now I am stuck. How can I combine all of those pets into one folder to make into an sfs. I need to take the /usr/, /bin, and so forth folders out of the pet and combine them all into single /usr, /bin. etc. folders. Like making one giant pet out of them. I can see how to do it one by one.
I have been suggesting personalised sfs files for some time so I think it's a good idea too.
I know puppy comes the the mksquashfs and dir2sfs scripts but I have not been successful using them to create a sfs.

What I tried was, rename to then extract the file to /mnt/home/working, then while in the working type dir2pet name-001 and a sfs file name-001.sfs should be created. I also assumed that you could extract many pets to the working directory before you applied the dir2sfs script.

Maybe some one can explain the error of my ways.


The script I just posted will do 1 or 100 pets up into an sfs.

I just tried with 1 pet and it worked just fine. Note though that my script deletes any pet.specs or pinstall/ scripts.

Say you wanted to make music player sfs..
(note, these pet names are not correct, for example only)

Where ever you want you make a directory called "mymusicpets" or something.
In that directory you put say,,, and more or less if you want.
The easiest way then is to open that directory in rox then right click and open a terminal.
Now, think of a name for your sfs.. lets call it mymusicsfs-1 .. give it a version number.. it can be anything, doesn't even need to be a number, but for obvious reasons it should be.
Now, in the terminal you opened type:

Code: Select all

pets2sfs mymusicsfs-1
In a matter of seconds the mymusicsfs-1.sfs will appear in your /mymusicpets directory.

Your new sfs is ready to use.


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#1966 Post by playdayz »

In a matter of seconds the mymusicsfs-1.sfs will appear in your /mymusicpets directory.
You new sfs is ready to use.
That's exactly what I did with about 30 pets to make ttuuxxx's treasures.
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#1967 Post by cthisbear »

" We added it and it seemed there were conflicts "

Can't it be put in the >> drivers SFS.

What I'm saying is if you have no phone line,
and only a wireless're done.

And with Firesheep around - am I going to lower the bar??

Also some thought has go into adding those crappy Atheros drivers
as well.

That's where I'm coming from.

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#1968 Post by playdayz »

What I'm saying is if you have no phone line,
and only a wireless're done.
Clarify for me if you could, please. I thought you could get online without pwireless2 but without the level of encryption you wanted. Is that wrong, and you can not get on line at all without pwireless2? Thanks.

Also if you could link to the drivers I will put them in PPM. I know you might have already, and I am *almost* keeping up. Thanks.
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#1969 Post by playdayz »

Someone asked about what Xorg_High did. It provides the glx drivers to allow hardware direct rendering. It provides the drivers for a number of different cards--basically all of the cards. The nv driver doesn't work very well with these drivers which is why we recommend the nvidia pets. The HD2400-5900 ATI Radeon cards perform much better, about twice as well, with their proprietary ATI Catalyst driver, which is what we recommend for them. Everything thing else including Intel cards, etc., can use Xorg_High for reasonably good performance. The ATI Radeon cards also work reasonably well with Xorg_High for those who want to stay open source.
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#1970 Post by 01micko »

I've an idea...

Maybe we can hide the pwireless2 pet some where in the iso and have a menu entry to activate the install of the pet..

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#1971 Post by playdayz »

I've an idea...

Maybe we can hide the pwireless2 pet some where in the iso and have a menu entry to activate the install of the pet..

Possible, but do you remember when we put it in and what the results were? I *think* I remember there was a problem and we (or I) thought that Pwireless2 might be the culprit, but I did not do exhaustive testing. Maybe we should try again. There is no dispute that it is a good program.
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'dialog' and 'xmessage'

#1972 Post by shinobar »

Béèm wrote:I keep having the impression, that National Language Support is the poor guy in puppy.
You are right. It has long history, and we are still on the halfway.

If the main sfs is NLS ready, we can take the strategy:
(main sfs) + (adddional NLS pet or sfs)

But the main sfs is not NLS ready, we need to replace something in the main sfs.
(main sfs) + (replace the components to be NLS ready) + (adddional NLS pet or sfs)

The yaf-splash in woof used be not supporting UTF-8, but now it is replaced by the UTF-8 supporting one.
But still some dialogs in the woof do not support UTF-8.
At least 'dialog' and 'xmessage' in the woof do not support UTF-8.

I am not sure the status of the each Puppy,
but as for the LupQ has 'dialog' with UTF-8 support and replaced 'xmessage' by 'gxmessage'.
EDIT: fluppy-008 also replaces 'xmessage' by 'gxmessage'. I remember Puppy- 4.2.x did so.
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#1973 Post by bigpup »

From Barry's blog about UTF-8. Not sure if this means anything concerning the discussion.
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#1974 Post by shinobar »

Replacing PETs to SFS is nice.
But there are 2 problems.
One is how to do it for SFS the in PETs.
Another is how to deal with the confliction of files with that of main sfs.

If a file exists both in a PET and the main sfs, the one from the PET overwrites the one of the main sfs.
But the file in a SFS, it does not overwrite the main sfs.

There are SFSs, Nvidia-256.35-k2.6.33.2.sfs, and ffmpeg-0.6-lupq-1.sfs, both for LupQ.
They do not work on Lupu/Luci because some files conflict with the main sfs. (Compatibilities)
The additional SFS can overwrite the main sfs as for LupQ, but most of Puppy/woof do not.
See the Puppy-431JP release note
Files on the main SFS can be overridden by extra SFS files same as PET packages do.
BTW, the rule to find out the main sfs is much modified in the recent woof, and it does strange behavior, i think it a bug.
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#1975 Post by ttuuxxx »

playdayz wrote:ttuuxxx, You made that Ogle look good enough and small enough that it would be possible to include in the iso. *Except* the full screen does not work in Openbox. It does work in jwm--my guess is because they both use some older method. Is there any chance you can get the full screen to work in Openbox? Or maybe someone knows what I am doing wrong.
hmmm you need to add /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml the following code to the keybindings section So I you click Alt F11 it will go to fullscreen. first restartX to test changes, It doesn't expand the picture but it gives it a black background and removes the window dressings.
Ps Alt F11 is the default fullscreen on JWM

<keybind key="A-F11">
<action name="ToggleFullscreen"/>

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#1976 Post by shinobar »

Puzzling :roll:

I have samba share on my home LAN. The samba server is on Vine Linux and the shared folder is public, any user can full access without password.

The Lucu/LupQ-511 had same problem.
Connect the remote public share folder using Pnethood. When i click a video file in the remote folder, Gnome-mplayer plays back the remote video file.
When i click a text file in the remote folder, Geany launches but the Geany cannot load the text file.
Unmount the remote folder, then re-mount the same folder, then the problem disappears. Geany can now open the remote text file.
EDIT: Not sure. some time Geany can open the remote text file and some time not.

I tested the Luci-241 because it has the new version of Pnethood.
The problem in the Lucu/LupQ-511 disappeard!
Geany can open the remote text file from the first mount.

But another new trouble in Luci-241...
When i copy a file to the remote folder, an error occurs:
Copying /mnt/sda3/tmp/some.txt as /mnt/network/SHINOBAR/video/public/tmp/some.txt
cp: failed to preserve ownership for `/mnt/network/SHINOBAR/video/public/tmp/some.txt': Permission denied
Failed to copy '/mnt/sda3/tmp/some.txt'
Actually, the file is copied successfully. The problem is only the error message.

I saw the mount command:
Luci-241 shows,
// on /mnt/network/SHINOBAR/video type cifs (rw,mand,relatime,unc=\\video,username=guest,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344)

LupQ-511 shows,
// on /mnt/network/SHINOBAR/video type cifs (rw,mand,relatime,unc=\\video,username=root,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,serverino,rsize=16384,wsize=57344)

The deference must come from the Pnethood verson.
EDIT: It is sure. I replaced whole /usr/local/apps/pnethood directory on the Luci-241 with that of LupQ-511, and confirm the mount command shows the same as LupQ-511 and copy with no error message.
But i cannot find what is the deference in the mount options between 2 versions of pnethood.

EDIT: Luci-241(pnethood-0.6.6) issues next mount command:
mount-FULL -t cifs // /mnt/network/SHINOBAR/video -o servernetbiosname=SHINOBAR,username=guest,password=guest,iocharset=utf8
LupQ-511(pnethood-0.65i18n1) issues:
mount-FULL -t cifs // /mnt/network/SHINOBAR/video -o servernetbiosname=SHINOBAR,guest,iocharset=utf8
But the problem seems not there.

... :roll:
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Testing 'move' and 'copy'

#1977 Post by Tasgarth »

Luci 241
Testing 'move' and 'copy'

Move :
--- From NTFS file to ext3 : OK

--- From ext3 file to NTFS :
Operation not supported
Failed to move /root/monfichier.txt as /mnt/sda8/monfichier.txt

There was one error.
But.... it's OK
--- From NTFS file to ext3 : OK
--- From ext3 file to NTFS :
Operation not supported
Failed to copy /root/monfichier.txt as /mnt/sda8/monfichier.txt

There was one error.
But it's OK
--- Move from sda1 (ext3) to sda5 (ext3): OK
--- Copy from sda5 (ext3) to sda1 (ext3): OK

--- Move from sda1 (ext3) to sda5 (ext4): OK
--- Copy from sda5 (ext4) to sda1 (ext3): OK
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Re: Testing 'move' and 'copy' to ntfs

#1978 Post by shinobar »

Tasgarth wrote:Luci 241 Testing 'move' and 'copy'
Confirmed. Same as the remote shared folder.
Copying /root/my-documents/tmp/README-tmp.txt as /mnt/sda1/tmp/README-tmp.txt
cp: preserving permissions for `/mnt/sda1/tmp/README-tmp.txt': Operation not supported
Failed to copy '/root/my-documents/tmp/README-tmp.txt'
(Actually coppied.)

Code: Select all

/dev/sda1 on /mnt/sda1 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,blksize=4096)
EDIT: Tested Qirky-140 and it does not show any errors.
Seems not the woof thing. the version of ntfs-3g?
Last edited by shinobar on Fri 03 Dec 2010, 12:57, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 'dialog' and 'xmessage'

#1979 Post by Béèm »

shinobar wrote:
Béèm wrote:I keep having the impression, that National Language Support is the poor guy in puppy.
You are right. It has long history, and we are still on the halfway.

If the main sfs is NLS ready, we can take the strategy:
(main sfs) + (adddional NLS pet or sfs)

But the main sfs is not NLS ready, we need to replace something in the main sfs.
(main sfs) + (replace the components to be NLS ready) + (adddional NLS pet or sfs)

The yaf-splash in woof used be not supporting UTF-8, but now it is replaced by the UTF-8 supporting one.
But still some dialogs in the woof do not support UTF-8.
At least 'dialog' and 'xmessage' in the woof do not support UTF-8.

I am not sure the status of the each Puppy,
but as for the LupQ has 'dialog' with UTF-8 support and replaced 'xmessage' by 'gxmessage'.
EDIT: fluppy-008 also replaces 'xmessage' by 'gxmessage'. I remember Puppy- 4.2.x did so.
Thank you for confirming my 'guts' feeling was right.
As long as there is awareness and progress for supporting NLS, it is ok.
I don't know how I can contribute, but all I can do for the moment is informing about an issue in this domain.

And yes, Jemimah confirmed that xmessage is a symlink to gxmessage.
I asked her confirmation if gxmessage fully supports my NLS configuration. I'll report back on this.

If this issue has to be taken to another forum, like the localization project, I can do it, but I fear having less attention and advice from the community.
What do you think?
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Re: 'dialog' and 'xmessage'

#1980 Post by shinobar »

Béèm wrote:And yes, Jemimah confirmed that xmessage is a symlink to gxmessage.
I asked her confirmation if gxmessage fully supports my NLS configuration.
I am not sure but i do not like the gxmessage. I hope someone make an alternative using gtkdialog.
Béèm wrote:If this issue has to be taken to another forum, like the localization project, I can do it, but I fear having less attention and advice from the community.
What do you think?
I guess the readers here are interested in NLS and what is 'NLS ready' i say, no?
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