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#1 Post by kirk »

Fatdog64-510 is out. Click the link below and then Latest to see the release notes:

http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... atdog/web/

Please check out the FAQs link for common questions.

Attached is a bug fix pet package which fixes:

puppyinstaller --- bug when doing full install.
xine.sh --- bug when opening files with spaces.
dhcpcd.conf --- bug when connecting to some dhcp servers.
(21.25 KiB) Downloaded 1541 times
Last edited by kirk on Tue 14 Dec 2010, 14:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Installing from Windows 7

#2 Post by TSK »


How I can install FatDog64 from Windows 7?

I can´t get boot from USB to work, I have tried with Universal-USB-Installer- with no success.

I´am a Windows user and noobie with Linux, but this OS seems very interesting for my 5820tg Acer Aspire laptop.

Can I play 720p .mkv files with FatDog64?


edit. Can I do this without need to burn cd, with usb-stick?
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#3 Post by jamesbond »


Use this http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ to install the Fatdog64 to USB.

Once you have done that, use Explorer to go to the USB drive, and use notepad to edit this file: syslinux.cfg. Look into the lines that has the word

Code: Select all

and change that to

Code: Select all


You should be good to go.

720p MKV files should be playable if you install mplayer PET from the package manager.

Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#4 Post by Billtoo »

I'm running 510 live with a save file.
The new boot parameter that starts up in vesa worked good and allowed
me to download and install the ati pet so no black screen.

I installed the devx and compiled Midnight Commander,then made the pet.
It's a filemanger similar to Norton Commander.

slang-2.2.2-i686.pet is needed too.

That's it so far.
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#5 Post by kirk »

That's good to hear Bill. TSK, for usb flash I usually use Gparted to erase the current partition, then create a new vfat or ext4 partition and set the boot flag (manage flags). Then I use the universal installer. Some usb flash can be a pain though. MKV files are containers for audio and video codecs, so it depends on what codecs are used and if Fatdog64 has support for them. I use Handbrake to create mkv files with ac3 audio and h264 video. Xine plays it back fine.
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#6 Post by Billtoo »

I installed fd510 to a flash drive using bootflash (in luci 242) and
it booted to the desktop but if I want to reboot and create a save
file it goes to a black screen and I'm stuck at that point.

The next bootup it went to the desktop and I downloaded and installed
the ati pet and was instructed to reboot (that won't work) but I found
that selecting "Restart X server" worked and when I went to reboot I
could see the prompts for creating the save file.

So I could have done it without the new vesa boot parameter on my live
cd install but you don't even get the opportunity to use it on a flash drive

Bootflash isn't working, what it does is delete the partition on the
flash drive and then doesn't format it, then gives an error that it
can't mount the drive. I tried on two computers and got the same

Fatdog 510 is the first linux that can see and use the builtin
wireless adaptor on this desktop:

02:00.0 Network controller: RaLink Device 3090

Here's nano, I don't see it in the repo.

edit: Here's htop as well.

edit: I've changed the htop pet, I'm not sure it would start from the puppy menu but the new one will.
(55.02 KiB) Downloaded 1417 times
(120.49 KiB) Downloaded 1465 times
(24.97 KiB) Downloaded 1403 times
Last edited by Billtoo on Fri 10 Dec 2010, 14:40, edited 2 times in total.
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#7 Post by playdayz »

You know Lucid developement will end someday and then I will have time to play with a 64-bit Puppy! Thanks for Fatdog.
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#8 Post by WillM »

Quick. Call 911 Fatdog64 is on fire!
No, seriously, thank you james and kirk for this robost operating system.
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#9 Post by Sage »

Nice one, Kirk.
Couple of housekeeping items: FD0 icon overlaps PWireless icon; typo in HandBrake panel 'fine' = 'find'. Prefer Claws to Sylpheed, or better Eudora OSE1. Could think more seriously about Opera 11beta which is fantastic. All recent Puppies& most decent distros use auto connecting DHP these days!
Will examine in more detail later. More or less abandoned 64bit distros except yours due to problems with Flash & co.
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Problems with this one !

#10 Post by Tui »

I did all the standard things with download and ISO burn,
but with this version 64-510 it won't detect my network
also I can't get my res up to 1024x768, it looks to be
stuck on 800x600.

I got 4 other versions of puppy on this machine, all ok for res
and network connection

I have not done a checksum on this d/l to compare
with yours.

Where should I start to look for the problem ?

Cheers Guys
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Advantages of 64-bit FatDog Puppy over 32-bit Puppy Distros?

#11 Post by WB7ODYFred »

Hello and fine job on creating FatDog-64bit Puppy from T2 sources.

Coud you update "What's New in FatDog-64" document adding a short line or paragraph on the advantages you see in a 64-bit FatDog Linux operating system over a standard 32-bit Puppy Linux. Lots of new people will read your release document latest.html. I know the answer is probably plainly obvious to present users, but I did not know and wished that it was plainly written out so I could make a decision before downloading and installing FatDog-64 to a freshly created Hard Disk ext3 partition (you recommend which disk format?). Thanks for your hard work in creating a fine 64-bit O/S Puppy Linux release. 187 Megabytes is a good size .ISO, too. Still plenty of room (another 400+ megabytes) to add more programs, extra .SFS file, and other documents.
Any negative aspects to having/running a 64-bit O/S? Nice to document the downside too. ie you will not be able to use XYZ program because only 32-bit
http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... atest.html

WB7ODYFred at yahoo dot com

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all Linux users everywhere.
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A bit sad with this one!

#12 Post by Tui »

I have done a md5sum on my d/l file and it checks out
with that in the repos - so what next should I be checking?

I can't move on until this one is solved !


Re: Advantages of 64-bit FatDog Puppy over 32-bit Puppy Distros?

#13 Post by gcmartin »

WB7ODYFred wrote:Hello and fine job on creating FatDog-64bit Puppy from T2 sources. ...I know the answer is probably plainly obvious to present users, but I did not know and wished that it was plainly written out so I could make a decision before downloading ...
187 Megabytes is a good size .ISO, too. Still plenty of room (another 400+ megabytes) to add more programs, extra .SFS file, and other documents.
Any negative aspects ... ie you will not be able to use XYZ program because only 32-bit ...
I'll leave the official answers to the authors, but, here's a simple answer for you. If you have purchased a new PC in the last 6 years, you probably got a 64bit processor (true for all AMDs and many many Intels, too). Also, your purchase of a 64bit PC came minimally with at least 1GB of memory or more.
  • So, for starters, this Puppy derivative will ONLY RUN on your 64bit PC(s).
  • Next, the 64bit machines have chipsets and processor ability that is beyond what 32bit machines have. FATDOG takes advantage of those abilities.
  • Next, your 64bit PC came with a DVD reader-writer which should read the LiveCD (or DVD if you burned one) faster than your old CDroms could (all of mine do). So, if you're like me, there has NOT been a requirement for me to install in either frugal mode or in full mode. This distro just runs right out of the box. As you indicate with your comments on 186MB on the iso, you might expect that Kirk and others in the future will make fatdog a FATDOG by adding useful services to allow it to match or exceed Windows7 64 bit, without any hint at loss of speed or operations. (All LiveDVDs that I have tested thus far are fast, and stable)
  • You SHOULD expect a much more responsive system because of the ability of these systems, when running with a 64bit OS, are capable of "drinking 64bits at a time with each swallow" versus the older 32bit systems.
  • More and more applications are showing up in the 64bit arena now that so many people are running OSs on them. And, the OSs memory model is expanded to allow the systems to blow information thru the machine than was capable before (this is true for Microsoft as well as Linux/Unix).
  • FATDOG64 is currently the ONLY PUPPY that is built from the ground-up as a 64bit system.
I hope this helps with a little better understanding of some of the benefits. There are so many others, but that gets "way more technical" than I'm providing here.

Again, this is NOT intended in any way to be an official document, but it attempts to get you started. Go for it.

And, Kudos to Kirk, captain.
"The Enterprise has undocked from the Space Station"
A holiday achievement!
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#14 Post by Sage »

gcmartin may have been poorly advised? As I intimated above and spelled out a year or so back, the alleged advantages of 64bit computers for domestic users are over-sold and illusory according to an industry guru that I consult from time to time.
As for improve 'speed', the goal of so many uninitiated (choosing the kindest description I can think of) go-fastest kiddies, many located in that bastion of capitalism where rational argument is absent, it simply isn't there for so many reasons, not least lots of important apps aren't available in 64bit; most others masquerading as 64bit are just ported from 32bit and run at more or less the same 'speed' as 32bit. Speed is a poor yardstick for the bit resolution of cpu s. According to my sources, coders would be better deployed forming teams to take on the more considerable but more worthwhile challenges of writing in assembler, although even that is highly contentious. My advisors want to tell me a lot more about the present nonsense in the 32/64bit arena, but I'm afraid I don't understand most of it.
As for Kirk and Fatdog - it's certainly a lot of fun and nothing is lost by using it on 64bit enabled HW. In the lab., 128bit has already become established.

Yeah, your Guru has a point

#15 Post by gcmartin »

Sage wrote:gcmartin may have been poorly advised? As I intimated above and spelled out a year or so back, the alleged advantages of 64bit computers for domestic users are over-sold and illusory according to an industry guru that I consult from time to time.
As for improve 'speed', the goal of so many uninitiated (choosing the kindest description I can think of) go-fastest kiddies, many located in that bastion of capitalism where rational argument is absent, it simply isn't there for so many reasons, not least lots of important apps aren't available in 64bit; most others masquerading as 64bit are just ported from 32bit and run at more or less the same 'speed' as 32bit. Speed is a poor yardstick for the bit resolution of cpu s. According to my sources, coders would be better deployed forming teams to take on the more considerable but more worthwhile challenges of writing in assembler, although even that is highly contentious. My advisors want to tell me a lot more about the present nonsense in the 32/64bit arena, but I'm afraid I don't understand most of it.
As for Kirk and Fatdog - it's certainly a lot of fun and nothing is lost by using it on 64bit enabled HW. In the lab., 128bit has already become established.
No offense to anyone here or there. This is the same rationale that was given when we when from 8bit, then again to 16bit, then again to 32bit, and here again at 64bit. I've seen this argument in EBCDIC and ASCII machines; Mainframes, minis and micros. Dont know your Guru, but I been measuring for over 38 years with some very very large corps; during which I modeled many (and I still dont regard myself as any Guru). 64bit DOES offer advantages...sorry to say. Please understand that I do not mean this in any "mean-spirited" way. I only offer some historical movement we all have seen and benefited from, whether we like it or not.

FATDOG64 does help the Puppy community for his efforts to exploit current PCs and other devices we see coming into the marketplace. He has nothing to prove except that this becomes a stable product. From what I've seen so far, this is true; at least for me so far. Given the Architecture, the horsepower, and the memory; all we need is storage...then OS exploits, developers, etc. and we are the world. (ha-ha)

Anyway, Happy Holidays to everyone of us Puppy users.

Terminal (tty) sessions "go nowhere"

#16 Post by gcmartin »

I probably missed this candy dish when it was passed around, but what is suppose to happen when I attempt to sign into a terminal session (say Ctrl-Alt-Fn, where "n" is a number between 2-6)?

My sessions logins seem to go off to never-never land.

I went back to the last "rc" that I have, and it too does the same thing. I can't sign into to a Terminal session at the FATDOG console. GUI session (ctrl-alt-F7) is OK even though the console Terminal sessions are hung.

P.S. I run a LiveCD and a LiveDVD session only.
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#17 Post by Sage »

Ditto, no offense meant or taken. The guy(s) I commune with for cutting edge advice are long-in-tooth. The arguments they give seem to relate to deployment, not absolute utility. There is no doubt about the advantages of 64/128/256bit devices in appropriate contexts - that's not what I said nor implied. Just that the box in your home environment not only does not benefit from 64bit, but it can confer definite disadvantages for its intended porpoise (sic!). This can be observed easily. On the other hand, a modest but well-used server cluster is different; by the time we up-the-anti to the uni. maths lab or experiment control at CERN, folks will be crying out for 256bit precision and speed.
As for our ally, Kirk, I have always supported his efforts - as the records clearly show. M$ is no guide to where the technology is at or going - they just milk the soft targets via the Wintel cartel to fill their coffers. Their contributions are largely negative.
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Re: Advantages of 64-bit FatDog Puppy over 32-bit Puppy Distros?

#18 Post by jamesbond »

Short answer - reason to use 64-bit OS (Linux / Windows / anything):
1. If you have more than 3 GB memory installed
2. If some of the applications require more than 2GB of memory usage (anything that require large memory-resident datasets - large databases, large image manipulations, cad/cam programs etc)

Otherwise there isn't much benefit to go 64-bit. Speed improvements are rather arbitrary and very application specific.
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]
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#19 Post by Billtoo »

Here is the xchat irc client, it creates an entry in the internet
section of the puppy menu.
(1002 Bytes) Downloaded 644 times

#20 Post by gcmartin »

Something else to think about. Say you have a customer who is about to purchase from Dell/HP a set of desktop machine(s). The machines have a 64bit processor, matching mature chipset, and 2-4GB RAM.

As their consultant, what would YOU tell the people you are there to help? "Get the 32bit stable OS" or "get the 64bit stable OS"; both options have the same services (albeit in one they are 32bit and the other is 64bit. Lastly (and most importantly) the primary application is available in both 32bit and 64 bit.

This does not require any answer. Its an example of how I see the world. Hardware, system services and stability, requirements ===> FATDOG64!

BTW: Something Everyone will Appreciate (ha-ha) <=== a Geek's Must Read

Holiday Joy and spirits for everyone. Make this a Joy for everyone around you and yourself. Smile with them, comfort them, and instruct them to do the same.

P.S.This exchange has really made me think about where I would go for a 32bit machine. I don't know where I would go to buy a 32bit configuration anymore. Game machines on my LAN are 64bit...What's a fellow to do? Please no spam....please.
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