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#1 Post by radky »

Recommended OS
Puppy Linux 4.3.1 and above

Purpose and Base Features
PupApps Launcher is a graphical panel which permits menu-like access to most Puppy programs (applications), and is similar to the companion program, PupControl Panel, which permits access to more than sixty Puppy control functions. PupApps is a standalone program, but will integrate seamlessly with pRun, PupClockset, PupControl, PupMenu, PupShutdown, PupSnap and PupSysInfo.

The tab interface of PupApps sorts programs and utilities into seven broad categories, and common functions that one may use routinely are available in the lower panel tray. The optimal display for the panel GUI is automatically configured based on the active window manager and current global screen dpi.

1 - Buttons for Help resources and Preferences are available in the top-right corner of each page of the main user interface, providing quick access to program configuration options.

2 - When first installed, the PupApps GUI displays applications that are standard in most Puppy versions. Additional applications may be selected in Preferences (Pref) in the lower tray. If a desired application is not listed, you can enter the name of the executable, including the path and switches if needed, then select Save to set your new option. The MyApps module provides the option to add user-selectable favorite applications to the PupApps GUI.

3 - The category icons in the main GUI, and program options in the Preferences drop-down lists, change dynamically as applications are installed and uninstalled. After uninstalling an application, the name of that program remains in the Preferences drop-down list until you select and save a different application in that category. If only one application remains in a drop-down list and you wish to remove it, simply highlight that name with the mouse cursor and click the delete key on your keyboard, then select Save in Preferences.

4 - Program access is by Puppy Menu->Utility->PupApps, or by the default Ctrl+Shift+A keyboard shortcut, which is configured for IceWm, JWM, Openbox, Fluxbox, LXDE and LXPanel. If the Xfce window manager is currently active, the hotkey can be set manually as follows: Xfce Settings->Keyboard->Application Shortcuts.

5 - PupApps auto-configures many panel options based on the name of the current window manager logged in /etc/windowmanager. Puppy will update this file automatically when starting a new window manager from the command prompt, but some programs that change the window manager in real time may fail to update properly. Consequently, when changing to a different window manager, if PupApps does not display properly, or command functions are inoperative, please exit to the command prompt and type in the appropriate start command such as xwin icewm, or xwin jwm, or xwin lxsession, or xwin startxfce4.

6 - PupApps-3.1 supports screen fonts as large as 150 dpi in standard Puppy derivatives, and up to 120 dpi in Lighthouse Pup, in 6-dpi increments only. Font metrics of the Fluppy and Puppeee derivatives are no longer supported.



Last edited by radky on Fri 12 Jul 2019, 16:12, edited 29 times in total.
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#2 Post by sc0ttman »

looks nice, testing now..


Looks fantastic.. Really nice looking..
Never knew GTK Dialog could look so nice! Great work..

This is far better than anything I ever made, so these are only suggestions, not compaints! :)


I have a lot of 'dead' buttons - buttons which do nothing because I have no relevant apps installed.

Firstly, I know I go to Prefs, choose my apps and then use the main GUI.. But I have no database apps, or VoIP apps (for example)..

1. why not list only that apps that are found to be installed on the main GUI window?

And particularly in the Pref lists - the dropdown lists which show the choices of apps to used as default..
There is no point listing or choosing an app as the default***, if it's not installed...

Or am I missing something obvious?


Below, are just requests, so other devs can benefit from your lovely work...
Not essential, but would be nice ;)

2. You resize/reconfigure the GUI based on the dpi and resolution.. Can this be made into a function that other GTK Dialog apps could use?

Then we could all make things that look so nice :)

3. Could the hotkey for this app be set by the user, through the GUI?
And if possible, could you also export the code used to create the hotkeys into a separate CLI tool?

So then someone (besides your good self) can make a nice little GUI where users can set hotkeys for their favourite apps... (I might even have a go!)

Anyway.. Just some thoughts after my initial testing...

Good work :)
Last edited by sc0ttman on Sun 14 Nov 2010, 20:50, edited 7 times in total.
[b][url=https://bit.ly/2KjtxoD]Pkg[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2U6dzxV]mdsh[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2G49OE8]Woofy[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/bzBU1]Akita[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/SO5ug]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=https://tiny.cc/c2hnfz]Search[/url][/b]

#3 Post by Jasper »

Hi radky,

Your Clockset had great appeal for me; so I immediately downloaded and tried your next three apps. Thank you.

jemimah has already complimented you on your Clockset and I anticipate that jemimah and others will be interested in trying all your pets.

My regards


Now updated to your next four apps. I like the logic, the quality, the quantity, the symmetry and the brilliant ease of use. Personally, I like these apps just as they are.
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#4 Post by radky »

1. why not list only that apps that are found to be installed on the main GUI window? 2. You resize/reconfigure the GUI based on the dpi and resolution.. Can this be made into a function that other GTK Dialog apps could use? 3. Could the hotkey for this app be set by the user, through the GUI? And if possible, could you also export the code used to create the hotkeys into a separate CLI tool?
sc0ttman, thank you for the kind comments and helpful suggestions. As you can probably determine from my scripts, I'm very much a novice with gtkdialog, but I'm learning more each day.

I agree, the GUI for PupApps is very structured, but I wanted a broad, visual framework with application categories that would be constant and easily remembered. That said, your suggestion to use categories that change dynamically is very good. I think zigbert does this in his control panel.

Questions 2, 3 and 4 are valid, and I think the goals could be achievable, but I still have much to learn about scripts - and progress is slow.

Thanks again for your thoughts.
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#5 Post by radky »

Now updated to your next four apps.
Thank you Sir Jasper.
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#6 Post by sc0ttman »

sc0ttman, thank you for the kind comments and helpful suggestions. As you can probably determine from my scripts, I'm very much a novice with gtkdialog, but I'm learning more each day
I wouldnt say novice at all.. Better than me!
your suggestion to use categories that change dynamically is very good. I think zigbert does this in his control panel.
I would rather see the dropdown lists in the Prefs dialog be 'dynamic' in this way (showing only installed apps), rather than the main GUI buttons..

I think it makes more sense when choosing a default app, to list only the apps that are actually installed. (You may not, it's your decision! :D )

So.. regarding the dropdown app lists in the Prefs dialog, this is what I use to list only the available apps, in the 'defaults-chooser' tool I made..

The code is originally from zigbert, but modified for my own needs..
Hopefully I didn't break his code with my horrible hacks :)

This is for building lists in GTK Dialog..

This code gets the default app from the rc file, makes it the first item, then includes all other items in the list, if found to be installed...

Code: Select all

# get the defaults from an rc file 
CONTACT='osmo' # (get rc file settings here, hard-coded here for simplicity)

# the list of apps to be used
CONTACT_ARRAY=("ical" "osmo" "mozmail" "sylpheed" "seamonkey -mail")

# take default value from rc file, make it first item in list

# for each item in array
for i in "${CONTACT_ARRAY[@]}"
	if [ "$i" != "$CONTACT" ];then # if not the default item, set above
		if [  "`which $i`" != "" ];then # if the app is installed and ready to execute
			CONTACT_ITEMS=`echo "$CONTACT_ITEMS<item>$i</item>"` # add to list
This line below is used to prevent double entries in the list:

Code: Select all

if [ "$i" != "$CONTACT" ];then # if not the default item
Regarding the main GUI buttons, such as 'Database', 'VoIP' and 'Scribus'..

Where the buttons do not rely on a default being set, from a choice of many (the scrubus button, maybe?), it would be nice if these were hidden if, for example, scribus was not installed.

The other buttons, such as 'Browser' and 'Chat', which do need defaults to be set from a choice of many, could remain 'static' (always included in the GUI)...

Just trying to explain what I felt, when using this tool (which I really like :) )

hope it helps, if not, never mind :oops:
[b][url=https://bit.ly/2KjtxoD]Pkg[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2U6dzxV]mdsh[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2G49OE8]Woofy[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/bzBU1]Akita[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/SO5ug]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=https://tiny.cc/c2hnfz]Search[/url][/b]
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#7 Post by radky »


Thanks for the helpful suggestions and scripting recommendations. I do like the idea of non-static lists for available applications. I'll see what I can do.

Thanks again!
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#8 Post by radky »

Version 1.1. See main post.
-Supports Debian, Slackware, T2 and Ubuntu derivatives of Puppy.
-Supports popular window managers such as IceWM, JWM, Fluxbox, Flwm, LXPanel, FBPanel and Openbox.
-Supports popular desktop environments such as DuDe, KDE3, KDE4, LXDE and XFCE.
-Added auto-update: GUI icons and program options change dynamically as applications are installed and uninstalled. (thanks sc0ttman)
-Added support for the Fluppy and Insidious derivatives of Puppy.
-Added descriptive page which lists supported applications.
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#9 Post by radky »

Version 1.2. See main post.
-Removed support for the font metrics of early developmental releases of Fluppy (01-09), but added support for the new font metrics of Fluppy010, 011...
-The PupApps GUI now supports screen fonts as large as 144 dpi in both Fluppy and Lighthouse Pup, in 6-dpi increments only.
-The Shutdown option in Utilities now supports the multi-function managers of Fluppy, Lighthouse Pup, and PupShutdown.
-Added more applications to the support database in Preferences.
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#10 Post by radky »

Version 1.2. See main post.
-Removed support for the font metrics of early developmental releases of Fluppy (01-09), but added support for the new font metrics of Fluppy010, 011...
-The PupApps GUI now supports screen fonts as large as 144 dpi in both Fluppy and Lighthouse Pup, in 6-dpi increments only.
-The Shutdown option in Utilities now supports the multi-function managers of Fluppy, Lighthouse Pup, and PupShutdown.
-Added more applications to the support database in Preferences.
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#11 Post by Jim1911 »

PupApps-1.2 looks good. I really like all of your useful little applications.

Consider adding another button to Utilities that will open PupControl which will link all of your applications to each other, regardless of starting point.

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#12 Post by radky »

Jim1911 wrote:Consider adding another button to Utilities that will open PupControl which will link all of your applications to each other, regardless of starting point.

Hi Jim,
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep that in mind for future releases. :)
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#13 Post by radky »

Version 1.3. See main post.
-New MyApps option quickly adds user-selectable favorite programs to the PupApps GUI.
-Enhanced program support in Utility category.
-Added more applications to the support database in Preferences.
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#14 Post by bigpup »

Great program and much needed add on to Lucid Puppy 5.2
It gets better and better with each new version!

One small point and suggested feature.
I used this program for awhile before I clicked on the preference setting button and realized I could change and add a lot of items to the different lists.
A help button with info about setting preferences or anything else about the program would be nice.
Had the same aha moment with your great program PupControl.

If you have not seen it, at Lucid Puppy News, there is PupComboPlus 1.1 that gives us all of your great programs in one download. Much needed add on.
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#15 Post by radky »

bigpup wrote:Great program and much needed add on to Lucid Puppy 5.2
It gets better and better with each new version!

One small point and suggested feature.
I used this program for awhile before I clicked on the preference setting button and realized I could change and add a lot of items to the different lists.
A help button with info about setting preferences or anything else about the program would be nice.
Had the same aha moment with your great program PupControl..
Hi bigpup,

Thanks for the kind comments.

Although it takes a bit of exploration, there is a ‘Help’ button in Pref->About->Help, and you will find a ‘Supported Apps’ button in Pref->About->Apps.

The main ‘Help page’ loads in your default browser and provides a summary of features and caveats, including the requisite setup for adding programs to the PupApps GUI. The companion 'Apps button' provides a list of all supported applications that are automatically recognized by PupApps. Also, on the MyApps tab, there is a another help button which describes how one may quickly add favorite applications to the PupApps interface.

Thanks again bigpup for your thoughts and suggestions. I’ll continue to look for ways to improve user accessibility. :)
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#16 Post by bigpup »

Although it takes a bit of exploration, there is a ‘Help’ button in Pref->About->Help, and you will find a ‘Supported Apps’ button in Pref->About->Apps.
I see now that you do have a help for this program, but you are correct in that it is not easy to find.

The computer program norm has evolved to be a common expected setup of having a help button in a prominent location, usually on the main program window.

You usually see the following under help:
Help Contents
Web site info

Just something to think about. This program has become a must have for any version of Puppy Linux I use.
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#17 Post by radky »

Version 1.4. See main post.
-Help resources are now quickly accessible on each page of the main GUI (blue help button in top right corner).
-Added improved and consistent display of GUI buttons at all screen resolution.
-Added direct link of MyApps to the program selection option in Preferences.
-Added more applications to the support database in Preferences.
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#18 Post by radky »

Version 1.5. See main post.
-Added detection of Firefox, Seamonkey and Opera when installed to /mnt/home.
-Added more programs to the support database.
-Added ‘Desktop Recorder’ and ‘Media Converter’ categories to the Media tab.
-Added SFS-Utilities option to the Util tab.
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#19 Post by radky »

Version 1.5.1. See main post.
-Added the -a option for grep of configuration files (to assure consistent evaluation of rc files).
-Added more programs to the support database.
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#20 Post by Jim1911 »

PupApps does not recognize the location of Libreoffice in LH 64-512 because it is in a rather unusual location. The program executables are located in /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/* instead of the normal /opt location.

Otherwise, it works fine in LH 64-512.

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