Need help installing pup on old IBM laptop(solved)

Booting, installing, newbie
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#121 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Are you saying, it does not boot into regular Windows 95 now, but rather just puts you at a C:\> prompt?

If so,

issue the command


and tell me what it says. Then,

issue the command

mem /c /p

and tell me the list of loaded modules (just the uppercase names, not the numbers) at the top.

And then, try rebooting again. When you reboot this time, don't just warm-boot (Ctrl-Alt-Del) it, instead do a cold-reboot (use the poweroff button).
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#122 Post by pelokwin »

no it starts the boot log text and just frezzes the little light that tells you the comp. is working is lit an I saw no error msg.
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#123 Post by pelokwin »

ok so I had an idea I tried to run puppy off the hd and when it did not work the comp. went straight to windows
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#124 Post by pelokwin »

should the grub application be in "archive" or "read only" format?
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#125 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

You mean, it freezes with the screen completely black, or are there some "last words" you can see in the boot log text?

If it freezes with the screen completely black, then


Bring Win 95 up in Safe Mode. Open an MS-DOS Prompt window and issue


and tell me what it says, and then

type c:\msdos.sys | more

(the stick figure is the "pipe" character, shift-backslash (shift-"\"))

This will type c:\msdos.sys to your screen, one screen at a time.

I want to see all the lines in c:\msdos.sys down to ";The following lines are required..."

and any lines below the block of xxxxx's.
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#126 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

uh, we crossed messages. Never mind telling me msdos.sys, the fact that Windows came up after Puppy wouldn't, tells me that msdos.sys is OK.

Just a minute...
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#127 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Grub works for me with all the files set Archive.
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#128 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

You've lost me now. What are you doing, and what is the computer doing in response?
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#129 Post by pelokwin »

I was getting that info when I read you didn't need it the comp. freezes right in the middle of the boot log text and stays thier after I got into windows I wanted to see if there was anything about the grub file being in protected moad in windows(on XP some programs that I download...well XP says something like this program is being protected as a seceraty messeur to keep your comp. safe now that I am in to windows should I put in that new grub file?
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#130 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Copy the new grub _directory_ over, not just the single file grub.exe. Make sure all the subdirectories are copied over as well.

Then reboot.

If it freezes in the boot log text, tell me which choice you made and what it says on the last few lines.
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#131 Post by pelokwin »

the burnned CD did not copy all the files corectly and I have no more r-cds so I will have to call it a night what program do you use for coping files to a cd I use sonic and this happens more then a few times well I am going I will talk to you later next week I have some early shifts for the weekend
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#132 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Actually, at the moment I don't own a CD burner. My last one was a vintage-2003 Adaptec, with Nero Burning ROM software. It was easy to use, and reliable.

The grub files are small enough that you could actually transfer all of them over on a floppy disk except two, ext2grldr.img and fat12grldr.img. If you have TugZip on your wife's machine, I suspect you could zip these two files up and use the floppy to transfer them as well, provided you have TinyZip or the DOS version of PKZip or a similar tiny unzipping program on your Thinkpad.

Let me know your upcoming schedule, I'll see what I can do to sync mine to it. Good night.
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#133 Post by pelokwin »

Sit Heal Speak,
Hi I am back, I have found the only way for me to boot windows is to boot puppy, let it not work(not for long) and it goes right to windows. :? I put the new grub and all with it into a folder named "Ziptemp" and I put that into the puppy folder but in the ziptemp is a foder named
grub_for_dos-0[1].4.2pre4 and in that is a folder namedgrub_for_dos-0.4.2 so is that what you have:?:
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#134 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

I wasn't expecting you back until Thursday night.

With the changes you've made, you should be able to start Windows by choosing the Windows menu option. That should start Windows without trying first to start Puppy.

Issue the command

dir /p c:\puppy\bootgrub

I take it that you will see, you only have the two files grub.exe and menu.lst in there, as you reported earlier. I want you to first

copy c:\puppy\bootgrub\menu.lst c:\

to preserve menu.lst and then

copy the entire contents of


to c:\puppy\bootgrub, overwriting your previous grub.exe.

Probably the easiest way to accomplish this is to start two copies of Windows Explorer and use Ctrl-drag'n'drop. Try copying just grub.exe and grldr over and then try booting Puppy. If that doesn't work, then copy the rest of the files over.

I'll be up another hour tonight (until 2AM NJ time) and will check back here every few minutes. Let me know when you get the grub files copied over.
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#135 Post by pelokwin »

hey SHS,
I will be online till about 12 midnight N.J. time I still have to go into windows through the back door of puppy but I don't care that much
Ok should I keep the menu.lst that I had in the first place or should I replace it with the one from the new grub? and what changes should I (if any) should I make to my system configuration?
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#136 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Back. The Forum was not letting me log on from 7PM til now.

You should be able to get to Windows by choosing "Windows" in the config.sys menu. That should boot you directly into Windows. If it doesn't, then there is something wrong with your config.sys or autoexec.bat.

Assuming you now have grub.exe and its associated files in C:\Puppy\bootgrub, copy the saved menu.lst from previously to whatever subdirectory your --config-file= parameter in the line in autoexec which starts grub points to. In other words, the old menu.lst should work just fine.

Then boot the Thinkpad and tell me how far it gets.
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#137 Post by pelokwin »

alright I got a new error msg.
C: Puppy\bootgrub\grub.exe --config-file=(hd0,0)/puppy/bootgrub/menu.lst (all one line)
Bad command or file name
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#138 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Sorry for this taking so long. My ISP is having difficulties tonight.

It appears that either grub.exe (and its associated files) is missing from subdir c:\puppy\bootgrub, or else menu.lst is missing from c:\puppy\bootgrub.

Are they in fact there? i.e. does issuing from the DOS prompt

dir c:\puppy\bootgrub\grub.exe

produce a result?

dir c:\puppy\bootgrub\menu.lst

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#139 Post by pelokwin »

ok this dir c:\puppy\bootgrub\grub.exe gives me this msg volume in drive c has no label
volume serial number is 1625-0ef3
dir c:\puppy\bootgrub\grub
file not found 1,240,530,944 bytes free

this dir c:\puppy\bootgrub\menu.lst gave me this
drive c has no label
volume serial number is 1625-0ef3
dir c:\puppy\bootgrub\grub
menu lst 201 04-19-06 10:39p menu.lst
1 file 201 bytes
0 dir 1,240,530,944 bytes free
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#140 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Where did you copy the new grub.exe to?

Boot Windows and use Start - File - Find grub.exe beginning with C:\ as uppermost directory.

Or, though it will take longer, you can from the DOS prompt issue

cd \
dir /b /s grub.exe | find "grub" /i

(| = pipe character, shift-backslash)

Modify the autoexec.bat line to point to it, in other words if it's in C:\ then make the line read

C:\grub.exe --config-file=(hd0,0)/puppy/bootgrub/menu.lst

and try it.
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