Gslapt 3 Series Slackware + dir2sfs + undeb + unrpm

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#21 Post by Eyes-Only »

Hiya Ttuuxxx! :)

While I didn't pick up your update here I think it's about time that I let you know ( :oops: ) that I did install the first one you were offerring and I wanted to take a moment while here to let you know that I really appreciate the hard work that you do making these packages mate! :D How on earth you're able to take a 16meg package and then whittle the thing down to just ONE MEG just completely astounds me---you performed the exact same magic with the VLC package as well that I'm using in Dingo HDD install and that works like a charm here as well!

So next to Mark/MU, you're right up there in my book. :D You've been a great service to the Community with all these assorted packages and I just wanted to let you know. Never hurts to hand out praise when due, nor does it hurt to say thanks for something which has given me a lot of enjoyment plus made my life easier---and your programmes have fit the bill nicely.

Now don't let that all go to your head. LOL! :P

I did use your GSlapt in my Dingo to install things like Xine (a must-have for me as it's the easiest for my grandson to use), several image editors, and text editors as well. From time to time I'll grab stuff out of there to install in my other distros as well when their repos lack the software. ;) (Where there's a will there's a way!)

Thanks again mate! And keep up the great work of giving us so many choices!


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#22 Post by ttuuxxx »

Eyes-Only wrote:Hiya Ttuuxxx! :)

While I didn't pick up your update here I think it's about time that I let you know ( :oops: ) that I did install the first one you were offering and I wanted to take a moment while here to let you know that I really appreciate the hard work that you do making these packages mate! :D How on earth you're able to take a 16meg package and then whittle the thing down to just ONE MEG just completely astounds me"
I Had to make it fit the 1MB upload limit on here, LOL just joking
Also Thanks for all the kind remarks, I real do appreciate the thanks for the work I've do for puppy :)
Stuff like that feeds me to do more.
thanks once again :wink:
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#23 Post by amigo »

I think you are missing something regarding the Slackware pkgtools. they depend on having tar-1.13 installed in order to properly decompress and list installed files.
tar-1.13 used to be included with pkgtools, but is part of the regular tar package these days.
I have recently created a super-patched version of tar-1.13 which handles bzip2 and lzma files. And, just for Puppy, i patched it so that it can handle pet files without having to rename them. This doesn't have anything to do with gslapt, but since gslapt and pkgtools expect tar-1.13 you might want to incorporate it into your package. Either that or package tar-1.13 separately.
Are you using a patched version of gslapt? If so, where are the sources?
Also, i noticed that the config files in /etc and the files in /install all have the executable bit set, which is incorrect. They should all be chmod 644'ed.

Since my src2pkg program uses tar-1.13 for best compatibility with Slackware conformance, I always keep a version of tar-1.13 in the package. I've had some discussion with another member about creating a pet of src2pkg, but we never quite agreed on whether to keep pkgtools and tar-1.13 as separate packages. I have also produced a patched version of pkgtools which fits better with Puppy, by removing the references to setup scripts(these would clash with Puppy configs in most cases), to remove the references to installing packages from floppy and to change the prompts a little. I also patch installpkg to copy files to /var/log/scripts without the exec bit set -accidentally clicking on one of these scripts with the exec bit set cvan cause havoc.
I also patch pkgtools to use /var/adm instead of /var/log. On Slackware this has no effect since /var/adm is a link to /var/log. But making this not so -that is having /var/adm as a real dir allows you to keep the package database apart from /var/log in case you want to mount /var/log on tmpfs.
Since you push the use of gslapt, you really should try src2pkg as it makes slack-style packages easier than anything else out there. ... d/src2pkg/
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#24 Post by ttuuxxx »

amigo wrote:a patched version of pkgtools which fits better with Puppy, /
I made a pet package out of it and posted it on the first package, Thanks for that, could we get the package smaller?
its like 5MB and thats really large for puppy.
You can use this Gslapt 4.0 package without it, I've downloaded and install 100's of programs including dependencies with Gslapt 4.0 when I was using 3 series and it worked great. They even uninstall with Gslapt 4.0. But I do understand what src2pkg does and looks like it would be great for compiling things. I'll have a go with it.
Thanks again amigo :)
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#25 Post by amigo »

I've just spent most of the day working on getting the pkgtools fixed up for use with Puppy. What I'm doing is creating a pet with the pkgtool scripts and a static version of tar-1.13. Both tar-1.13 and the scripts are patched to be able to handle packages compressed with bzip2 or lzma in addition to gzip! Nice little extra touch for Puppy users. I'm integrating the two to make it easier to get started using slackware-type packages. The tar-1.13 is also capable of uncompressing pet packages without renaming them, so it should be a valuable addition for use with other pet/pup handling programs.
I decided to create this pet of pkgtools with tar-1.13 instead of creating a pet of src2pkg -src2pkg installs many more files than pkgtools with tar-1.13, so it makes it simpler.
If you are maintaining gslapt for Puppy, you'll want to make sure it is using tar-1.13 and not regular tar. Actually, once the pet of puppy-pkgtools is installed, you can simply install gslapt as a regular slack-type package. You can do the same for src2pkg as well.
As for the size of src2pkg, i have cut about 3MB out of the package since the last pets were posted here. Most of the size of the package is in the sources for tar-1.13, libsentry and a cut-down coreutils. src2pkg uses all these which are installed into a 'private' path. These specific versions are used to ensure proper tracking and handling of all files, dirs and links created when a package is created.
The convenience and accuracy of the src2pkg tool is well worth the installed size. Anyone who is creating packages from source already has 50MB or more of development files installed, so a couple more for src2pkg won't kill things.
The src2pkg package installs without the bins and libs pre-built. After installing the package, you must generate the 'src2pkg-helpers' by running the command 'src2pkg --setup'. this compiles all the helpers, then creates and installs a separate src2pkg-helpers package. this keeps you from having to re-install or re-build the helpers when you update the src2pkg package. Doing it this way ensures that the bins and libs are compatible on whatever system you install src2pkg. this makes it easier for the user and for me -that way I don't have to mainatin a bunch of installations simply to compile src2pkg and create packages compatible with various systems. src2pkg is already used on various versions of slackware, slackintosh and slamd64. If I now had to create packages for each version of Puppy.... well, you see the advantages, right?
Since you are an enthusiastic package maker, you'll love working with src2pkg as it does all the drudgery for you, letting you concentrate an the finer details of package making. The Slackware package format is much superior to the pups and pets -simpler, yet more complete.
Before you get too carried away with creating packages (easy to do!), take time to investigate the docs -there are some special options for creating small packages which would be considered non-standard on Slackware. But they are great for creating small packages.
big_bass has been using src2pkg for awhile now, so he may be able to advise you. Also, I am pretty close to a new release which has loads of small fixes and improvements. src2pkg is not supporting tbz or tlz packages just yet, but I may get that done before releasing. Meanwhile, you'll find that the will get you started right handily. I'll post about the new pet of puppy-pkgtools in a couple of days, as thyt can be used right away(just a few things left to check).
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#26 Post by ttuuxxx »

Sounds excellent, Can't wait to try it out. Thanks for your work on it, stuff like this gives users new thing to learn and do, Makes Linux more fun in the long run.
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#27 Post by bill »

Can someone give me a suggestion as to what step I should take to find these missing dependencies using Gslapt dvdrip in Puppy Dingo 4.0.
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#28 Post by amigo »

You need perl-5.8.8
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#29 Post by bill »

Thanks amigo,well finding perl-5.8.8.tar.gz was easy enough but apparently it isn't going for me to change it into a even though it seemed to install.I still get the same "Sorry Charlie" messages as before. :? I guess sometimes it is best not to ask questions. :lol: cheers
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#30 Post by harii4 »

@@@ Update @@@
amigo suggest to also install this ...
It gives you better compatibility with Slackware, I've used Gslapt a lot in the past without it, but this pet package comes will a lot of command line tools for extracting, compiling/building Slackware packages, Its also specially patched for puppy Smile
hope you enjoy it
the link/server is dead? :?:
Not Found

The requested URL /tpp/ttuuxxx/programs/Utilities/ was not found on this server.
Used newer src2pkg but it dose not seem to work with 3.01 (too old?)?
Any place i can get "" or one that works with 3.01?
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#31 Post by ttuuxxx »

harii4 wrote:
@@@ Update @@@
amigo suggest to also install this ...
It gives you better compatibility with Slackware, I've used Gslapt a lot in the past without it, but this pet package comes will a lot of command line tools for extracting, compiling/building Slackware packages, Its also specially patched for puppy Smile
hope you enjoy it
the link/server is dead? :?:
Not Found

The requested URL /tpp/ttuuxxx/programs/Utilities/ was not found on this server.
Used newer src2pkg but it dose not seem to work with 3.01 (too old?)?
Any place i can get "" or one that works with 3.01?
I updated the link for you, page one
ttuuxxx <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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