Opera 11 at mnt/home .pet Here

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Opera 11 at mnt/home .pet Here

#1 Post by DaveS »

For FRUGAL Installs ONLY, EXPERIMENTAL, please test
Important. If you have a current install of Opera, see note at bottom of this post
Here is an interesting .pet for Opera 11. Interesting because it installs it at /mnt/home instead of in your save file. Just download and run opera_mnt_home.pet. It will create a menu entry under Internet. If you want to add an icon to your desktop, open /root/my-applications/bin, and drag the opera file to your desktop. Right click on it and select set icon, then drop the icon into the pop-up box.
OK, so you should now have a working Opera. Because it is located at /mnt/home/, you can share it with multiple puppies on the hard drive. To do this, you need the second .pet, opera_extra_distro.pet. DO NOT RUN opera_mnt_home.pet AGAIN!
They are here:
username puppy
password linux

tested on wary and lucid.

For Current Installs of Opera
First, download but do not install the .pets. Next, locate your Opera config file, which will be /root/.opera, and rename it, to maybe /.1opera or somesuch.
Next, uninstall your current Opera.
Then run the opera_mnt_home.pet
Next, open the directory /mnt/home/opera, locate the hidden directory .opera and delete it. Then move your renamed /root/.1opera directory to /mnt/home/opera and rename it to .opera. Done.
This will preserve your customisation, bookmarks, sign-ons etc.
(I HOPE). :)

Feedback please
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#2 Post by DaveS »

Opera has Flashblock built in, but it is off by default. If you want to turn it on follow these instructions:
In the address bar, type opera:config and hit the 'enter' key. The preferences editor will load. Scroll down to User Prefs and open the dialogue with the arrow. Scroll down to 'Enable Ondemand Plug In', and check the box. Scroll down to the bottom and 'save'. Done.
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#3 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Great idea DaveS...
I have been sharing Opera and Firefox between my Pups for a long time, but never thought of petting them up that way...
Even for a single Puppy user, the advantage of having the browser, and especially its cache, outside the pupsave is enormous.....
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#4 Post by DaveS »

puppyluvr wrote::D Hello,
Great idea DaveS...
I have been sharing Opera and Firefox between my Pups for a long time, but never thought of petting them up that way...
Even for a single Puppy user, the advantage of having the browser, and especially its cache, outside the pupsave is enormous.....
Hopefully I got it right. The cache and profile are both at /mnt/home so sharing should be seamless and the save file not used.
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#5 Post by Bert »

Hi Dave,

As several others reported in the Lupu thread, your Opera-11-at -mnt/home.pet works perfectly!

( your test video is noticably less fluent in Opera compared to Chromium 10, where it is completely smooth. But it is not "very poor" in Opera on my box, still accepable quality I would say.)

Yesterday you came up with "FF at mnt/home", today "Opera at mnt/home".
Wonder what we'll see tomorrow :wink:

I've been wondering about the possibility of a little pet or script, that would do this moving the browser to mnt/home for any browser. From what I've understood so far (kindergarten level), this would be possible, but not that easy.

For the purpose of learning, is this correct thinking: just install any browser tar.gz, tar.bz2, .deb, .pet or whatever the normal way and drag its components to mnt/home, linking them back to their original place in the file system. That's all there is to it, isn't it?
Sorry if this sounds stupid to you.

Thanks for helping us with this important issue!
Many experienced Puppians have their browser outside the save file and they know why, given the nature of Puppy. It would sure be nice if this would become easily achievable by end-users too.
You've certainly made the first step in that direction!
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Re: Opera 11 at mnt/home .pet Here

#6 Post by PANZERKOPF »

DaveS wrote: Interesting because it installs it at /mnt/home instead of in your save file.
Opera can run from anywhere (or thereabout). We must set some particular variables only for correct working.
1) OPERA_BINARYDIR - where opera's binaries are placed. (Usually ../lib/opera)
2) OPERA_DIR - where opera's files are placed. (Usually ../share/opera)
3) OPERA_PERSONALDIR - A working directory. (Usually $HOME/.opera)
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#7 Post by DaveS »

Bert, you are exactly right in essence. Sometimes though, there are some scripts to modify, and when installing stuff to /mnt/home, it is important not to overwrite stuff. Take the Opera situation. The profile and cache are stored in /root/.opera. Now we want that at mnt/home, symlinked back to /root/, so that is how the .pet is set up. BUT. In order to share Opera with a second Puppy, it is important not to run the original .pet again, as it would overwrite the first, destroying any user customisation. All that is needed is a way smaller .pet that just installs the links to the files the original .pet installed, so it can get tricky for newbies.
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SOLVED -- Opera Extra Distro Not there yet

#8 Post by mikeslr »

Hi DaveS:

As mentioned in Lucid 517 thread, I installed Opera_mnt_home on Lupu Official 511. At the time I was in the process of installing Lucid 517. Did so and (having protected backup SaveFiles in both Pups) installed it in 517. Wouldn't run, but rebooting into 511 hadn't broken Opera. Deleted 517's working SaveFile, copied backup to 517's folder and rebooted into 517. By that time I had read your response and found this thread, I installed Opera_extra_distros into it. Wouldn't run. Attached is a jpg of what pfind finds among its system files and the two directories which opened when /usr/lib/opera and /usr/share/opera were clicked. /initrd/mnt/dev_save/opera/usr/lib/opera "might" have contained an executable. Sorry, the right side was cut off slightly. But the item in the lower right corner appears to be Opera's executable, albeit, in a place where executeables aren't normally found: ie, /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /opt/bin, /var/bin. Clicking it, or opening a terminal there and typing Opera does nothing. Neither dependency checker nor ldd report any missing dependencies.

I'd follow up on Panzerkops's suggestions. I'm not sure I understand your response. When using Opera in Multiple Pups what users usually
want is that their setting be the same in every instance. If they choose to make changes in one, they'll expect them to appear in another.

Using geany, I just opened /usr/share/applications/Opera.desktop. Its exec parameter points to /my-applications/bin/opera which file, following bin/sh reads 'exec /mnt/home/opera/usr/bin/opera "$@" '. I'm not sure that's correct. Sometime ago, I wrote a script to call an executeable (albeit, an exe used by wine) located outside the SaveFile. I'll see if I can find it.

At any rate, you have a brilliant idea. So keep experimenting. Let me know how I can assist.

By the way, I just learned of your Firefox equivalent. I'd be interested in perfecting that as well.

But don't ask too much of me. I never really tried to master Linux. Mostly I just muddle through, testing and researching when I get a bug up my butt.

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Opera mnt home -- Follow-up 1

#9 Post by mikeslr »

Edit @10:33

The comments below are on the wrong track. Just reopened in Lucid 511. I'm posting from your Opera_mnt_home pet. There's no opera files in /usr/bin.
I'll sleep on it and let my right-brain chew on the problem.


Hi again DaveS:

Well, I've got a bug up my butt. Didn't look for the "call external" script I wrote since it occurred to me that as your Opera_mnt_home pet worked when I installed it to Lucid 511 you probably didn't make a mistake in your script.
So I changed the ".pet" ending on both pets to "tar.gz", unpacked and examined them for differences. That revealed they were identical except that Opera_mnt_home creates a "mnt" folder with subfolders. Examining the contents of those subfolders ultimately revealed
Opening that file in geany disclosed:
Exec=/usr/bin/opera %U

Summing up things I mentioned in prior posts, I had been using an Opera.SFS in Lucid 511 but tried your Opera_mnt_home in a fresh install of Lucid 517. The fresh install didn't produce a viable Opera, while its install in Lucid 511 picked up my prior settings. I don't recall whether prior to my using the Opera.SFS in Lucid 511 I had at some time installed an Opera.pet, and so may have had an Opera executeable in usr/bin being overridden by the SFS. But it appears that Opera_mnt_home ultimately looks to the executable in usr/bin. Are you certain the pet will work if there's never been a prior Opera install. If not, than the "fix" in both may be as simple as including a script in usr/bin pointing to your executeable.

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#10 Post by DaveS »

Hey mikesir, thanks for testing this for me. So far I cant replicate your problem, but I will keep looking. I just installed a fresh copy of Wary 5, installed the opera_extra_distro.pet and it ran right out of the box, including picking up my profile etc.
Because of the profile issue, I have been thinking this maybe needs to be a two pet install right from the off. Pet one would install the core program elements to /mnt/home, and would only ever need to be run once, then pet two would set up the links and would need to be installed on each Puppy in turn.
It still does not get round the problem of someone who has previously installed Opera and has a working profile they wish to keep. That is easy enough for a Puppy expert to fix, but tough for a noob.
Maybe this is beyond the scope of beginners, but that seems like a pity.
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#11 Post by DaveS »

On another note, I find I am using this Opera more and more. I have said this before, but I like Opera, it just never quite sticks with me and I end up back with Firefox, but this version has fixed many of the little niggles I had with it before, and it sure is fast......
I need to explore some of its more hidden features. Any pointers anyone? Fovourite features?
I mentioned the built-in Flashblock above.
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#12 Post by DaveS »

mikesir I have this figured. Opera is expecting to find your profile directory at /root/.opera
If you have a previous install, and install my .pet, that is exactly where it will be. But it is not where we want it. We want it at /mnt/home/opera, then symlinked back to /root/
Seems I screwed up the opera_mnt_home.pet and failed to add this profile folder. Thus, running the .pet on a Puppy that had never had Opera on before would probably fail. I have corrected this now.
The fix for you is to just move your directory /root/.opera (from the Puppy onwhich Opera works) to /mnt/home/opera, then symlink it back to /root
From then onward, just running the opera_extra_distro.pet on any other puppy on the same partition should give you a working Opera with your profile/bookmarks/cache/sign-ins/passwords all intact. Any changes you make will be reflected back through all your Puppies.
(I hope)!
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#13 Post by DaveS »

To give Opera a startup size and screen position
Edit /root/my-applications/bin/opera.
You can change the command line to something like this:

Code: Select all

exec /mnt/home/opera/usr/bin/opera -geometry 1200x750+2+1 "$@"
Here, the opening size of Opera will be 1200(wide)x750(high)
It will be positioned (from the top left corner of the screen), 2(in)x1(down)
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#14 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Hey DaveS, have you tried my "Puppy Blues" skin for opera???
Over 200,000 D/L so far.. 8)
http://my.opera.com/community/customize ... o/?id=8792

BTW, your pet installed Opera as predicted, I am posting from it now...
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#15 Post by DaveS »

puppyluvr wrote:"Puppy Blues" skin for opera???
Just tried it but its too dark for my aged eyes :(

I seem to be becoming something of an Opera convert. Please shut me up if I get too enthusiastic :)
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SOLVED -- Opera_extra_distros > Broken Symlink

#16 Post by mikeslr »

Hi again DaveS:
The following was written before I reopened this thread:
Sleep brought no new insights. Can't find any flaw in the logic of your constructions. They should work. Opera_mnt_home continues to work flawlessly in Lucid 511. So I decided to attack from the side.
Installed Opera_extra_distro on a newly created sPup053. Again without success. PPM showed that it installed. Pfind finds various applicable files. However, examining the symlink in root (~) revealed that it is broken. See attached. It appears to be looking for the file (or in) /mnt/home/opera/.opera. Opening /mnt/home/opera and clicking to show hidden files reveals no such file (or directory). See attached.
Examination of the other directories and files id'd by pfind revealed no other problem.
The broken symlink suggests four possibilities:
1) It shouldn't be there at all, and so is irrelevant -- unlikely;
2) It's pointing to the wrong place;
3) Something (folder &/or folder & file(s)) are missing from /mnt/home/opera &/or the symlink is incomplete
4) Something else I haven't thought of.

The following after opening this thread:

So I'm not sure your fix is entirely correct. May solve my problem, but not the pet. My guess is "3" above and some modification of Opera_extra_distros may be necessary to produce a pet which works out of the box.

Opera remains my favorite browser. Mostly because I use Speed-Dial as my opening page, there being about 4 webpages I use daily --Google.com, Puppy Google (Well-Minded), Puppy Forum Index, Fios TV Listings-- and a couple of others almost daily. I know Speed-dials can be used in Firefox and Chrome. But the last time I checked the Firefox version appeared awkward. And I've never understood why Chrome doesn't enable a Google Search Box. Using the address bar is just annoying. Opera used to have a Google Search Widget which expedited searches. I haven't tried it recently. I stopped using it when it became a desktop widget: nice if you want it there, but I didn't. It also had a torrent search widget I found helpful. I still frequently use Opera's built in torrent client, actually obviating the need to have another dedicated app for that purpose. I haven't recently had the chance to explore Opera's widgets, nor its new Addon facility.
Firefox remains my backup browser: for those few sites not available in Opera; because of its Save-as-pdf Addon; and, until 4beta, an Addon which highlighted the google search terms in the webpages found.

I'm not certain but installing one of Opera's Addons may have broken the SFS I had been using. I wouldn't run after a restart and I replaced it without exploring the cause of the problem. So I'd proceed with caution when using them for awhile.

I'll try your fix and report back.

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#17 Post by DaveS »

Mike... read tis post again http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 578#481578
The fix I posted will mend the broken link (dont delete that link), and I updated the .pet to prevent it happening to others.
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Fixed -- But You respond too fast

#18 Post by mikeslr »

Hi again DaveS;

Your fix worked. I'm posting from Opera_extra_distro pet in sPup053. I'll review my reply headings and note "Solved" where appropriate.

But you respond too fast. (':wink:') Give a guy a chance to do it, stretch his legs and get something to drink.

And now for something not so completely different.

I had the impression you were also going to make a mnt_home pet of Firefox. I can't find the thread. If you weren't thinking of it, do. Your on a roll.

Thanks again for one of the most useful developments since jrb's linker.

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#19 Post by Bert »

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Re: Fixed -- But You respond too fast

#20 Post by DaveS »

mikeslr wrote:Give a guy a chance to do it, stretch his legs and get something to drink.
Now that sounds cool :)

I have a working .pet for Firefox which I put together for Bert as he wanted to see how it was constructed, but never got around to making it official, or fully testing it. Think I should?
Again it needs the base .pet which would be installed once, then extra distro pet for each Puppy thereafter, and is a bit more complex as Firefox needs dbus, which is not included in the Wary series.
I guess the concept still holds true though. Its nice to install a new Puppy to experiment with and get you personalised browser up and running with a single click, and no loss of disk space, no?
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