The PHP anthology

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The PHP anthology

#1 Post by aarf »

Looks worthwhile . Havent tried it. Looks like a spammer too so new test email may be in order
Let us know how it goes
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Joined: Wed 04 Apr 2007, 03:37
Location: Oregon

#2 Post by 8-bit »

If this indeed is supposed to be a free e-book, why does the form want your physical address, and a lot of other personal info with the comment that it will be shipped to your address?
Add on shipping and handling charges and it is no longer free!

This is just my opinion after looking at the request form your link takes one to.

#3 Post by aarf »

i read there
This offer will be sent to your business email address entered above.
i assumed they want to snail mail letter spam you with other stuff or just to limit downloads they want to check if you are real. seems a lot of work to check addresses address would be in afganistan or southern sudan or mogadishu, somalia or somewhere like that
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