Opera 11 at mnt/home .pet Here

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#41 Post by Bert »

Yes, this post survived :wink:

I again clicked "quote" on your last post and it was there in 'preview'. Then I added the opera link from your first post and it became invisible in 'preview'.

So, maybe there's more to it, but the link certainly plays a role.
Hope this gets solved!
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#42 Post by DaveS »

Maybe the Opera guys are hiding something :)
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#43 Post by Bert »

http://my.opera.com/community/forums/to ... ?id=783492

Think I found the cause:

In the original empty post, the link had a space between' id=783492' and '[/url]'. Removing that space, makes the link and the post visible.
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#44 Post by Bert »

This one is for Dave :lol:

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#45 Post by DaveS »

Bert wrote:This one is for Dave :lol:

LOL... Brilliant!
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Opera Printing Workaround & FoxyFun extra_distros

#46 Post by mikeslr »

Hi all,
I rarely print from any browser, and have never tried from Opera. And now that someone's mentioned it, I recall a problem with html files saved using Opera. I'll keep TheAsterisk!'s MHTML suggestion in mind. Thanks.
But although Opera is my first choice of browsers, one of the reasons I retain/install Firefox is that it has a "Save as PDF" Addon. So what I usually do when I run across a webpage I want to keep is open Firefox, copy the webpage address from Opera into Firefox's Address Bar, open to that page in Firefox, and use "Save as PDF." I guess you could alternatively use Firefox's superior printing facility.

During the last couple of days I've been experimenting with DaveS's Foxyfun, with a view toward developing an extra_distro's Pet if DaveS didn't.
The result was that I have five Puplets using, via symlinks, the same .mozilla folder so that there's only one set of setting preferences, addons and bookmarks. Creating an extra_distro's pet appears to be fairly easy. Except for one thing. I began experimenting before my over-indulgence in New Year's consumption had dissipated.(':oops:') Not realizing that DaveS had included a .mozilla folder within /mnt/home/browsers --well it was a hidden(':o') -- I created a different .mozilla folder to which all appropriate symlinks pointed.
The best thing for me to do is start from scratch. But now that I have everything working well on my test-Linux computer, I am reluctant to use it for this experiment: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." So I installed Playdaz's Lupu-519 and 01micko's sPup-053 on my "main computer" --the one I rarely get to use-- and have installed Foxyfun pet in Lupu-519, with the view to developing the extra-distos pet on sPup-053. Neither of those Puplets have Firefox pre-installed, making it easier to track modifications.

@ DaveS, a couple of questions and recommendations:

FoxyFun is your pet, and you're more experienced than I in this area, especially as you've developed the Opera_extra_distros pet, So if you intend to develop a FoxyFun_extra_distros pet in the near future, I'll defer to your expertise and assist in any way that I can. But as I mentioned before I really think this is an important project worth pursuing. For those of us who run or test various Puplets, when it comes to internet browsers --as they'll be put to frequent use regardless of which Puplet we boots into-- mnt/home program-folders are far superior to SFSes. So let me know if you have time in the near future to work on the extra_distro's pet, especially if you think my SECOND and THIRD suggestions regarding the modifications of the FoxyFun pet are possible and worth pursuing. Those are far beyond my ability.
1) As it is now constructed, installing FoxyFun creates the "browsers" folder in mnt/home. The name is too generic. I'd recommend something like "Foxyfun" or "FoxyHome."
2) As it is now constructed, FoxyFun creates the .mozilla folder in the "browsers" folder. Would it be possible to create a FFoxConfig Folder on mnt/home, and move .mozilla into it? See my discussion a couple posts back regarding the ease with which Iron can be upgraded when the "config" files are kept separate.
3) As it is now constructed, FoxyFun creates a symlink in / to its .mozilla folder. Would it be possible to change the name of the .mozilla folder and the symlink, or at least the name of the symlink? As you can't have a file and a symlink or two symlinks with the same name, in the same folder, I suspect problems would arise if someone had or subsequently installed another Firefox and wanted to keep both, or wanted to test a Firefox SFS. And doesn't Seamonkey also use the .mozilla folder? Or maybe it would be possible to have the symlink other than in /?
4) To distinguish it from other firefox installations, the desktop files should have a unique name, such as FoxyFun. So that it not become lost at the bottom of the Internet Submenu, the first letter should continue to be capitalized.
5) Its icon should be recognizable as, but distinct from, that of Firefox. I've attached one I found on the web that you might consider.
I installed Foxyfun on the Lupu-519 mentioned above. It opened to the index page of this forum. Did you set that as its "Home Page?"

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#47 Post by Henry »

Bert wrote:http://my.opera.com/community/forums/to ... ?id=783492

Think I found the cause:

In the original empty post, the link had a space between' id=783492' and '[/url]'. Removing that space, makes the link and the post visible.
Apologies for the confusion that I caused. Embarrassing! But Here's what really happened:

I successfully sent the original post to Opera Question with the correct Opera URL to http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=63578 and it's still there.

When I went back to check in the early morning fog I searched for "opera print"and got Opera 11 at mnt/home .pet Here, which I did not notice was a different DaveS Opera thread! I concluded my post had disappeared. I also apparently inserted a space typo when I cut and pasted to "resend" to Opera 11 at mnt/home .pet Here

I'm surprised that the Forum totally blanks the body of a message if it detects a URL error.

Sorry to belabor this, but I didn't want to leave it hanging unexplained. Thanks for your patience. I must be getting too old for this. ;-)
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#48 Post by DaveS »

Mike.. the icon is great thanks. If you want to do firefox@mnthome, please, go for it. BUT. It is fraught with problems, some of which I will outline in a moment.
With regard to having a container folder at mnt/home which I called browsers, the thinking behind that was simply to keep everything in one place. On my own system, that folder contains firefox, seamonkey, and opera, along with all their profiles. this was how I saw the project progressing, but it is only my personal take.
Now on to firefox. Two HUGE problems. First, it requires dbus, which some puppies have, some do not. Sure, there are versions compiled which do not need dbus, but using one of those will break the autoupdate function. Secondly, the folder .mozilla. This folder cant be re-named. It is created by Mozilla products if it does not exist, when they first run, and is where the user preferences, extensions etc. are stored. Some Puppies have it, some do not. The .mozilla folder is set up at present to contain subfolders named for each program, seamonkey, firefox etc., so you need to know in advance what is there and what is not. The last thing we want to do is overwrite someones carefully constructed profile folder.
Opera was simpler, mainly because it does not need any extra deps, but also because fewer people have it installed, and those that do tend to be at the tech savvy end anyway.
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Firefox extra distros & Opera mnt/home

#49 Post by mikeslr »

Hi DaveS,

Your explanation clarified that (a) the .mozilla folder could not be moved from / or renamed and (b) some derivatives --not already having, or having a different version of-- dbus might require it. Additionally, I had found that if the firefox script (found in /mnt/home/browsers/firefox was run on a "virgin" system it would create the .mozilla folder in /.
After your explanation of the "browsers" folder in mnt/home I realized it was a good idea. Firstly, it caused me to reconsider my concern about ease of upgrading. My best guess from experience is that an upgrade of Firefox via Firefox's upgrade will take place regardless of whether Firefox is located within or outside of the SaveFile & OS. And even upgrading by overwriting a Pet will, most likely, not effect the .mozilla folder housing bookmarks and preferences. Placing Seamonkey in the "browser" folder eliminates the problem of trying to have two .mozilla folders, and even if left in the SaveFile-OS, it will still find its settings.
I doubt that there is a satisfactory solution to the dbus concern now that Puppy no longer employs dotpups. Dotpups could run "pre-install" scripts to test conditions and exit, with a message, if they weren't found. As it stands, the best we could do is provide a warning, perhaps a script to test for the pre-existence of a compatible dbus, and a separate pet where possible. Those who "fail" the test may have to resort to standard pets or SFSes.
Edit: pfind will reveal absence/presence of dbus and its libs.
Having accepted what couldn't be changed, and after muddling around with alternatives (runz & portable under wine) for over an hour, and because I was familiar with how you setup Opera_mnt_home, the question suddenly dawned on me: What would happen if the firefox script were run from My-Applications and found a .mozilla already in /? So I symlinked the .mozilla folder from /mnt/home/browsers/ into / and the firefox script from /mnt/home/browsers/firefox into My-Applications/bin, and clicked the latter symlink. Firefox ran successfully. An examination of / revealed that it had not overridden the .mozilla symlink. Rather, it followed it finding .mozilla in "browser."
I have since successfully imported bookmarks and added Addons. Placing the blue-firefox.png in My-Applications/bin, I then went into /usr/share/applications, opened Opera.desktop as text, saved it as FoxyFox.desktop, edited as appropriate, but especially to point to the firefox script symlink and png in My-Applications/bin as its exec and icon.
The attached snapshot was taken when I started this post.
Other than as mentioned above, the only other limitations I can see is that people having a pre-existing Firefox and/or Seamonkey would have to --before starting FoxyFox-- move their existing .mozilla from / to "browsers" and symlink it back. And of course, copy it elsewhere if they decide to delete the "browsers" folder.
Which brings me back to Opera_mnt_home. Unless I screwed it up in my experimenting, the pet now installs to its own "Opera" folder. In the interest of consistency, perhaps it should install to "browsers." I'm certain that Iron could be so configured, and think if anyone wanted to create a Seamonkey_mnt_home pet, it could be, as well. Consistency makes life easier.


#50 Post by aarf »

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#51 Post by Gyle »

opera-11.01-1160.i386.linux.tar.bz2 works fine without any stuff like .pet or .sfs

Extract the files in a new directory on /mnt/home
go to the new files created
click on "opera".
That's all.

If you want an icon go to
/mnt/home/your opera-xxx directory/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/opera-browser.png

If you have saved your previous profile somewhere, paste it and you have instantly all your usual environment.
If you switch to another distro, you have to just drag the file "opera" on your new desktop, make an icon for fun. Nothing else to do.
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#52 Post by Bert »

Just installed Firefox directly to /mnt/home, like Gyle proposes for Opera.
I extracted the tar.bz from Mozilla directly to /mnt/home and it created a Firefox folder there.
It's running great. Of course, it doesn't integrate into Puppy as well as with the method proposed by DaveS.

Ah Firefox, iIt's a strange feeling of coming home, after a long period of using Chromium and Iron. :wink:

I must confess I've become addicted to the simple Chromium layout, so I changed FF, until it looked like this:


I added :

* Compact Menu2 (thanks for the idea Dave)
* Chromifox theme
* changed the Openbox theme to resemble the classic Chromium header bar.

Maybe a little too confusing?

8) :D
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#53 Post by DaveS »

Good job Bert. On the subject of making Firefox look like other browsers, here is my own installation which has the Operetta theme, which you must admit, makes it look an awful lot like Opera :)
Sadly, the theme has been withdrawn, my guess is the author got a sharp letter from the boys over at Opera.....


See the second button in on the toolbar, the one next to the Opera logo? That is a shortcut to preferences from Cat Thief (simple options button), available here http://www.tom-cat.com/mozilla/extensio ... ionsbutton
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Re: Opera Printing Workaround & FoxyFun extra_distros

#54 Post by Michalis »

mikeslr wrote:But although Opera is my first choice of browsers, one of the reasons I retain/install Firefox is that it has a "Save as PDF" Addon. So what I usually do when I run across a webpage I want to keep is open Firefox, copy the webpage address from Opera into Firefox's Address Bar, open to that page in Firefox, and use "Save as PDF." I guess you could alternatively use Firefox's superior printing facility.
If saving to pdf is the problem, I have the solution for you Web2PDFConvert Opera extension

Now you have no excuses :lol:

I haven't tested it myself, I don't need it but I was wandering whether there is any such add on (since there is for firefox) and searched for it.
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At last, Foxyfun_extra_distros Pet, sort of, and thanks

#55 Post by mikeslr »

Hi DaveS, and all:

Thanks Michalis for the link.

Finally sort of created a Foxyfun_extra_distros pet. As it was written to be used with any firefox installed via a direct download from Mozilla, it doesn't include linking to the .mozilla file which FoxyFun installs outside the SaveFile. That will still be have to done by hand. But a quick edit of the included script file will call Foxyfun from any Puppy, albeit its menu entry will read "Firefox." You can change that as well if you like.

At any rate, you can find it at the following link:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 408#506408

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#56 Post by Rope »

The pet file is not available at

Is this available for Opera 12?
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