How to manually force Puppy/Quirky recheck Internet.[SOLVED]

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How to manually force Puppy/Quirky recheck Internet.[SOLVED]

#1 Post by Mysp »

How to manually force Puppy/Quirky recheck Internet connection few minutes after boot? I have Puppy 4.x and Quirky frugal install.
My Internet connection is Wi-Fi but just to the roof of block of flats. Then there is a router and plain CAT 5 cable going directly do RJ45 connector in my computer. Therefore from Puppy/Quirky view (I believe) it just Ethernet (icon show eth0). When setting Internet for the first time, I just fill in provided IP address, mask, gateway a DNS server in dialog box (no DHCP).. Sorry, if the description is not punctual, I am not network expert.

Now, for some reason not important for the question, it happens quite often that there is short drop out in Internet connection. If it is just during boot, Puppy/Quirky think, there is no Internet connection at all. I have to reboot computer to recognise Internet again. While the reboot is fast, it is very annoying if I already have several applications open. Is there some simple command to be typed in terminal to force Puppy or Quirky to recheck Internet connection while it is already few minutes running?

Thank your very much for you help.
Last edited by Mysp on Sun 16 Jan 2011, 17:19, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: How to manually force Puppy/Quirky recheck Internet..

#2 Post by PANZERKOPF »

Maybe this:
/etc/rc.d/ restart
will help you.
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 10:39
Location: Czech Republic

Yes, your suggestion is correct

#3 Post by Mysp »

Running command your suggested from virtual terminal helps.
/etc/rc.d/ restart

It is seems then also invoking the command without restart, that is just
does the same. I tried both.
The output of the command is ( is IP adress):

Code: Select all

Waiting for interfaces to initialize...
configuring network interface eth0
cheching if interface eth0 is alive...yes
configuring interface eth0 with static ip...
Default route set through
Thank you once more for your help.
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