pUPnGO - 6Mb ISO - Basic Building Block Puplet

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#241 Post by goingnuts »

Its birthday time - 1 year with pUPnGO today...

Reported downloads the last 5 days of pUPnGO_V412_041210.iso is close to 1200! I do not know if this is an error, friendly or hostile activity but I doubt it represent a major increased demand for pUPnGO in the world.

Nevertheless, thanks for all the response and inputs during this first important year of living!
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happy birthday!

#242 Post by raffy »

Well, Happy Birthday!

You're doing something right here, so thanks and keep up the good work. :D Thanks to the contributors, too.
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=http://puppylinux.info/topic/freeoffice-2012-sfs]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].
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#243 Post by goingnuts »

dosbox in pupngo...
Puppyt has in his thread "Install basic Puppy on a computer with 16 Mb RAM" some thoughts about using linux+dosbox and if there are any advantage above running pure dos on ancient hardware. Guess the right answer is no.
Anyway it got me thinking on all those genius games I used to play in dos and I found a collection on a forgotten part of my hd (remember names like 7CITIES, BI2, DOTT, Tycoon, UFO, Dune, Warlord2?). Used Patriots dosbox , added some alsa-stuff and a few missing libs, created a sfs-file that loaded fine after boot in pUPnGO. Started out with 24Mb in qemu - dosbox runs - but get killed when trying to run old dos game Warlord2. Second went up to 64Mb - same story. At 128Mb ram the game runs - slow - but that might be emulator qemu emulating dos..
So I guess dosbox is a hungry fellow and its better to use pure dos for those old dos-games.
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#244 Post by starhawk »

Nice little distro, here. Better (and smarter!) than a teacup poodle, if I may say so myself :D FWIW, I was using pUPnGO v412 (the ~28MB ver)

Two questions:

(1) How hard would it be to stuff in arachne (browser), Siag Office, and something to connect to a wireless network*?
(2) About what would you say the absolute minimum requirements would be for running pUPnGO with those added in?

*I'd need something that is compatible with the p54usb driver in order to get WiFi. Unless someone wants to send me a low-profile PCI Wi-Fi card... I don't have the $$$ to buy one myself :(
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#245 Post by Puppyt »

goingnuts -
I really appreciate you looking into that DOS issue further for me and like-minded stargazers. (Poor devils.) I think I remember a discussion somewheres on the forum (with notables like Bruce_B, and Sage) yonks ago, and DMcCunney discussed it further in the "Introducing PULP" thread about the integration of DOS and Linux, and the futility thereof. Thanks for updating the issue - sorry that the result was negative.
I won't muddy the investigation by suggesting Dosemu - you've already considered that issue re Patriot's thread which contrasts the costs and benefits of the 'latest' DOSbox and Dosemu. Nor would I seriously suggest turning the approach inside-out with a pUPnGO4DOS - you've already stated that the purpose here is not about producing a lite Puppy distro when other, lager puplets could serve that role already. Besides, it looks like an uncomfortable mouthful.
I wonder however whether there might be performance differences if pUPnGO was mounted on a ext2-, NTFS- or FAT (possible?)- formatted drive? Please forgive me if such 'foundation' issues have already been debated here or elsewhere,

And a much-belated Happy Birthday, pUPnGO! Loved working with it's GUI and text-browser in 412_041210.iso on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 430CDS with 32 MB RAM. Little discoveries on how to do things everywhere - just like my very first experiment with Puppy! Puppy love all over. Keep up the good work!
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#246 Post by goingnuts »

starhawk: For arachne you need to get libvga running in console - I havent been able to yet. Alternative is Dillo - I think Technosaurous did a static build posted in this thread.
For Siag Office start with sc0ttman´s pet and add libs missing in pUPnGO (libcrypt, libnsl, libICE, libSM, libXmu, libXt) and add font helvR12-ISO8859-1 and update fonts.dir. You will end up with a sfs approx 2,5Kb in total - definitely an impressive suite of office-programs with a small foot-print!
For wireless try WarMocK´s CLI-net and add up with all the stuff this script ask for of additional binaries and scripts. And somewhere in this forum there is a p54usb-driver for P412 that might work for you.

Cant estimate the total resources needed for this - siag needs more that 20Mb but runs ok at 32Mb in pUPnGO...

Puppyt: I did not have the guts to start messing with dosemu although somewhere in the bl3-repo a static build of dosemu is mentioned (but I found no download). Might be that dosemu is less ram-demanding and also able to run outside X. But in the end - if a dos-environment fulfill your needs I would stick with that.
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#247 Post by sc0ttman »


Do you have plans or tips to make otf-sfs-loader check the free space (or even just total size) of the save file, before loading sfs files?
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#248 Post by technosaurus »

I built an older gtk1 copy of SciTE (scintilla text editor) - It uses the same code base as geany, so you get some nice things like text highlighting and code folding (I won't use a text editor that doesn't fold - it is really handy for navigating large code)

dependencies are gtk1 and libstdc++

Edit: The area to the right is a minimal, text-only (no curses etc...) terminal emulator
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Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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#249 Post by starhawk »

Pardon me for being (what I feel is) deplorably stupid, but *which* versions of those libs will I need for Siag Office...?

And where should I look for that font?
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#250 Post by goingnuts »

starhawk:pUPnGO is P412 based so version from P412. Fonts are in /usr/share/fonts.... and /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts...

sc0ttman: No - I think I get your point...but please expand the reason for your question. Std P412 do not check for free space in savefile before loading sfs-files at boot as far as I know only limit the number of sfs-files you can use. If otf should check before loading what size should be used?
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#251 Post by starhawk »

Two more questions (sorry!) --

(1) How about an email client (or is there one in Dillo? I can't remember...)?

(2) I've been trying to run pUPnGO on a K6-233MHz CPU and it won't run... thread here: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=64224

Should be OK on my own after this... will post again if I have troubles.
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#252 Post by goingnuts »

starhawk: Try booting standard P412 - is that possible? Despite your low ram you should be able to get kernel running. pUPnGo have standard P412 kernel recompiled for size and activation of framebuffer as the only difference.
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#253 Post by starhawk »

I haven't tried passing "puppy pfix=ram" yet; lemme do that real quick and see if that doesn't fix it.

I'll try Puppy 412-retro (same kernel) in the morning. Just downloaded it but it's like 2:45 here in NC and I need bed >.<
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#254 Post by starhawk »

No joy. I think it has something to do with the mobo's built in graphics.

Gee, I wonder if I could get my ATi RAGE 32 (might be the Pro ver) to work with this... oh, wait, it's ISA. Nevermind...
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#255 Post by goingnuts »

After all the reports on running on real hardware I got curios: Found a PII 400Mhz/32MB RAM box and after changing defective RAM and net card booted pUPnGO from CD. No problems - boot time approx. 15 sec. into GUI after install, configuration and install of SP1,2 and 3. After days of developing and testing in qemu (which is quick with pUPnGO) really impressive if I my self must say so...
Still need to assembly an AMD K6 box and test it as well though....
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#256 Post by starhawk »

More to report. Dug out the above-mentioned graphics card and found it to be an ATi PCI-Mach32. Yeep. Better than ISA tho! and it WORKS! (Amazing what one can find in the bottom of a cardboard box of old computer cr*p...)

I can get VGA modes out of it, but nothing VESA. Maybe it's too old for that...? Unfortunately, the only other two graphics cards I have spare... well, one's AGP8x (not gonna happen) and the other is even older -- ISA.

I've got one other thing floating around in the back of my head. The AMD K6 CPUs do not natively run floating-point operations, nor do they actually speak Intel-i586. Instead they run an x86-emulator in microcode, to translate Intel instructions into AMD-K6-speak. This may be a kernel-level wall that I'm bashing my head against.

FWIW the copy of P412 Retro gets to either loading the Keyboard module (w/o Mach32 card) or starting to load modules (w/ Mach32 card) and hangs. I think that may be a lowmem issue, though.

Gawd I love old hardware :roll: Beats pencil and paper, though, hands down.

EDIT: Thought of something a half-second after I hit "Submit"... what size is the Framebuffer in pUPnGO? I can set that in BIOS for the mainboard, and that may matter. Choices are 2MB, 4MB, and 8MB. No higher.
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#257 Post by goingnuts »

Maybe a stupid question: pUPnGO is running whereas the retro is running Is retro for K6? And wont run K6?
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#258 Post by starhawk »

According to this, the newer kernel should still work. I'm still thinking that it has to do with the framebuffer, but that could be a red herring.
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#259 Post by James C »

I posted in the other thread about pupngo not booting on my old K6 box as well. Don't use it much,but I got it off the shelf for further testing.

As already noted, 041210 does not boot here either. But, Pupngo 200810 (same kernel I presume) boots and works fine on the old K6. Also booted regular Puppy 412....no problem.
My box has the K6-2 500MHz and 384 Mb of ram.

Also tried 041210 in my main Linux box with no problem so the download,disc and burn isn't part of the problem.
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#260 Post by starhawk »

I'm still fixating on the framebuffer issue :roll:
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