F-Prot-6-Lucid - Anti-virus for Puppy 5.1.1

Antivirus, forensics, intrusion detection, cryptography, etc.
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F-Prot-6-Lucid - Anti-virus for Puppy 5.1.1

#1 Post by yorkiesnorkie »

pemasu wrote:
In honor of pemasu, the Puppy Package Manager puppy-lucid repo now includes F-Prot-6-Lucid, a well-respected command line virus scanner.
http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... -Lucid.pet
I am honored and grateful. Thank you playdayz !!!

Launch from /opt/f-prot/install-f-prot.pl (in terminal) and it makes symlinks to use it from terminal straight.
Works fine. Even better from commandline than using XF-Prot GUI. Use it to check viruses and trojans in windows files.

Usage: fpscan --disinfect (--deleteall) /mnt/sd**. Use --deleteall with care and it needs --disinfect option also with it. Fpscan -h for more options and description.

Updating virus definition database: /opt/f-prot/fpupdate. It makes also entry to crontab to update periodically every 25 minutes if there is something to update.
Link to PET: http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... -Lucid.pet

Link to originating post: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 530#448530
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#2 Post by tgp1994 »

Installation never finishes: *.pet-TEMPBACKUP file is created, computer sits at 50% cpu usage, but nothing else happens.
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I have it working under 431 now

#3 Post by shadowKnows »

I used the pet in this thread on top of the pet that comes with 43 and then I pulled down a copy of the latest tar from fprot.com and ran the install perl script from it. Everything is working fine now. Finally....

The shadow....
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