Woof Archlinux

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy
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Woof Archlinux

#1 Post by mikeslr »

“If you build it, they will come.
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#2 Post by nooby »

I am a total Nobody when it comes to Arch.

I did download the archiso-live-2011-01-04.iso and tried to make a frugal install but it could not see a file it needed. But it did boot a long way into the script.

I am lazy so I gave up after a few hours of fruitless attempt to find a working menu.lst code to it to boot on NTFS. Maybe it need an USB to boot but I was too lazy for that one too.

If somebody made an easy description on how to make a frugal install of archiso-live distro then many Puppyites got used to see it as a good thing to have a woofed Arch to use?
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#3 Post by nooby »

Mike I am a true nobody but you got me interested in Arch.

so I gave Archiso linux a new try and could almost do anything now but not edit a text file and save it.

I had to go out to the prompt and do a root login

Dowload it from Archiso linux. http://godane.wordpress.com/

He himself was unlucky to get his computer fried and was sent a used one and that one had not enough memory so he use Slitaz on that one instead while he wait for his big Desktop to be available in a local shop or sent after from a webshop.

So for the moment he is not using arch but the iso is still there. It was built Jan 4 2011 so look for that one.
http://godane.wordpress.com/2011/01/05/ ... 4-release/

It is a live system but I made a frugal install and that works rather okay.
title Archiso-live
root (hd0,2)
kernel /archiso/boot/vmlinuz from=/dev/sda3/archiso elevator=deadline session=xfce load=overlay lang=sv_SE kmap=se-lat6
initrd /archiso/boot/initrd.img
Change the 0,2 to 0,0 or something proper for your gear. Sda3 to 1 or whatever.

lang= should be what your country have or use US there.

I made a subdir for it named archiso and placed the files in the iso there. I use grub4dos to boot and it works out of the box.

But being a live system and linux it does not allow one to listen to the music on the HDD it is on unless one go root.

So one do log out and then log in is root psw ArchLinux

observe the A and not arch Linux not linux.

It does not save any changes so one need to learn how to use the programs built in to make such a file or borrow such a one from some other linux?

Okay this is not puppy but one can learn about arch this way.

But don't ask me I know absolutely nothing about arch :)
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#4 Post by cinclus_cinclus »

nooby wrote: It does not save any changes so ...
Did you try to create a xfs-file-system on a file for persistent storage? Please look for the "changes" kernel parameter?

https://github.com/godane/archiso-live/ ... params.txt

better: google for slax cheat-codes
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#5 Post by nooby »

Yes I should look into that.

I notice a thing.

When I am logged in as root it does not allow me to change a text file because it is read only.

Every file are like that. Kind of safe that way I guess but it is very unusual compared to Puppy.

How do you change the menu.lst without having to log out and reboot or something.

The only way for me to play music on the HDD was to become root. As usr I was locked out of playing or looking at pictures. Weird or me too dense obviously.

Very steep learning curve. But Ubuntu is like that too.
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Archiso-live -Thanks nooby

#6 Post by mikeslr »

Thanks nooby for the link:
http://godane.wordpress.com/2011/01/05/ ... 4-release/

And thanks, cinclus_cinclus for suggestions on creating persistent storage.

You've encouraged me to think about tackling a live-Arch from the other direction. Unfortunately, right now I'm having problems with my CD burner, and none of my Puppies would mount the ISO. I'll have to open the box and see if I can sort out the burner problem.

If I understood it right, godane built ariso-live using techniques similar to those used to build Puppy, including squash files. That suggests that it may be able, or modifiable, to use Puppy's technique of loading and unloading applications in SFS format "on the fly". Some one who know what they're doing can probably mount it, and see how it was constructed.
But from two comments on his blog --some people with nVidia cards being unable to boot [I know, nooby, that you didn't have that problem]-- I wonder if in building a Live-Arch, some of Arch's hardware recognition capability was lost. Which raises two other questions: Whether godane's techiques also sacrificed the two aspects of Arch by which Puppy could benefit:
(1) routines for keeping track of what you've already put on your entire system, so that only necessary "parts" are installed or upgraded as need be; and
(2) the capability of upgrading apps and even the kernel from an active system.
Or, in other words, Pacman and the Arch Build System.

Last edited by mikeslr on Sat 29 Jan 2011, 18:53, edited 1 time in total.
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#7 Post by playdayz »

(Footnote: In its present configuration, Archlinux can not be installed on systems less powerful than i686 based machines: that is pentium pros and pentium IIs, i.e. computers manufactured more than 13 years ago. But then, can Puppy Lucid run on even older hardware?)
Yes. Mostly Lucid 5.2 is compiled for i386 so it could run on older computers--but I agree-i686 is no big deal nowadays. Ubuntu did something clever I think--while the i386 libraries are default--it also provides the i686 libraries--Lucid 5.2 does *not* contain the i686 libraries by default for reasons of saving space but they are available in the Puppy Package Manager. Oddly, a few Lucid programs had a problem running on an AMD K6 cpu--but there is a K6-pack available in PPM also.

Anyway, I look forward to an ArchPup. One thing I have always liked about Arch is the "rolling release" model and I think that would make it easy for someone to very easily update an ArchPup. Best wishes.
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Re: Woof Archlinux

#8 Post by jemimah »

mikeslr wrote:
Since in theory any distro can be woofed, three inter-related questions arise: (1) Is there a detriment to woofing too many distros; (2) Does it make any practical difference which distro we woof; and (3) Is there any distro whose woofing might be the most beneficial?
Your answers to these question are invited, especially if you have experience with woof, and the distro you recommend or disapprove. But as I see it, resolution of these questions is intimately bound up with two issues: (1) What role does Puppy play in the Linux community? and (2) what are Puppy’s strengths and weaknesses?
There's is no real detriment to having more puplets. The distro chosen does select which devs will be interested in it. Selecting one that will draw new developers into the Puppy community would be a plus. I think the arch community would be a good place to poach from. ;)

Although, I personally don't think Puppy's architecture is that good of a match for other distro's packages. I mean why dedicate the months of effort to make Puppy elegant, simple, and small if the same effort is not applied to the packages. It's like putting a roof rack on a Miata.
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Perhaps "Woofing" was the wrong term

#9 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Jemimah & Playdaz:

In the main, I agree with Jemimah that other distros' packages may not be the best fit for Puppy's architecture. The ability to use them, or some of them, is a plus, but does not play to Puppy's strength. That, as I see it, is a small, lightweight OS, that can run as a frugal install from (more or less) any medium, providing a full set of packages needed for 'everyday' use, but expandable 'on the fly' via squash files. What I'd like to see for Puppy --perhaps as a squash file-- is something like Archlinux's Pacman and Arch Build System, enabling (a) upgrading of apps and systems 'on the fly' and (b) semi-automatic compiling of new apps from source using the AUR repository. [Being able to use apps in Archlinux's repositories would be a plus, but not essential].
Playdaz, I wish I had the skill set, or years to learn them, but as I've mentioned I'm not the guy to build an Arch-Puppy. At 68, building new mental synapses required to analyze technical problems from within their discipline is an up-hill battle. My strength is that I've spent 48 of those years looking beyond the immediate problem at the "whole picture" in many disciplines. And I was inspired long ago by Bobby Kennedy: "I look at things which have never been, and ask 'Why not.'"

Which is why I suggested that someone who knows what they're doing should look at how godane developed a LiveArch ISO, and whether he had to sacrifice Pacman and Arch Build in the process. And perhaps they might also look at larch and Archiso..


P.S. For those still interested in Archlinux. I burned godane's iso to a CD on a different computer --my wife's XP box. I was then able to mount the CD and examine the files, but only after installing a pet which handles xz compression. Although I was in Lupu, I used the one gposil posted for dpup as it was handy. I was also able to copy Archiso-live's folders to a new partition. But it didn't boot, reporting about a file-system mismatch. I'll explore more later. Just wanted to note that xz was the format godane used. I don't know how that would complicate things.
One other thing I discovered is I'm not certain how much assistance can be had on the Archlinux forum. Unless I missed something, all versions of frugal install were developed by godane.
I'm in the process of installing Archlinux 64-bit on my "main" computer: the one I rarely get to use. But that's, in part, a way to build some mental synapses: doing is more effective than just reading.

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#10 Post by jemimah »

Amigo's src2pkg project should allow semi-automatic compiling and packaging from any type of source package.

The problem is that a lot of things just don't compile unmodified. I guess with build systems like arch or gentoo, a developer makes the necessary changes to the source code for you. Deciding what build flags to use, what dependencies are truly necessary, which libraries should be static and which dynamic, and what cruft can be removed is also a highly creative process - not easy to automate,

Which, with Puppy, leaves you in the exact same boat. If a developer is needed to mangle the souce before it gets to the user, that developer may just as well create a binary package.

Upgrading the base, on the fly, is also tremendously complicated, especially with Puppy as a lot of the applications are interconnected. And a remaster is needed to reclaim the space freed be removing old apps. This is another thing that the Puppy architecture is particularly unsuited for.

The main obstacle that keeps Puppy from having its own fully stocked repo is simply a shortage of package maintainers. Add to this the fragmentation of puplets, which is sort of inevitable, even without woof, because Puppy trades flexiblity for small size and ease of use - so nearly everyone with the requisite skill is going to want to create their own custom version.

We could try to fix this problem by creating a Puppy build kit along the lines of Puppy Unleashed - much less flexible than woof with a much shallower learning curve and having a legitimate community repository. Then at least we'd all be using the same sources. You'd still need a veritable army of developers to keep up with the churn of new application versions.
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#11 Post by amigo »

Thanks Jemimah for mentioning src2pkg. As you said not everything can be automated -at least not from the start. all major distros have some system or method ofr automating building or rebuilding packages. But each distro does things differently than others in one way or another. Hence there is always a need for distro-specific modfications to some or many packages. Each distro has maintainers for each package and every distro uses some sort of 'recipe' for each package. Once a recipe is created, the package can be built automatically as long as no more changes are needed.

One of the biggest things that Puppy is missing is just such a system where each package has a recipe for building it. That precludes any sort of automation or repeatability of builds and means that any port of puppy to anbother mavhine architecture would be as excruciating as the original build. In contrast, debian or fedora use the samme recipes for any architecture -the recipes are created with this in mind, so that if a ceratin arch needs a certain patch not needed by other arches it gets applied automatically when building for that arch.

src2pkg provides for the same compatibility and somewhat like gentoo, it lets you download, compile, package and install in one fell swoop. What src2pkg provides that *no other system has*, is the ability to create *some* packages without any human intervention. It can actually draw from any human intervention which ahs gone before -by using configuration and compilation options created/proofed by debain or rpm maintainers. The real beauty of src2pkg is that it provides this very easy usage for people who know nothing about packaging, while also allowing for advanced packaging using tweaked recipes.

Sometimes it involves a lot of work to produce a perfect package using a customized recipe, but having that recipe then makes it a snapp to update the package to a new version or build the same sources on another architecture. And the recipes are much more concise than many paragraphs of prose on someone's blog or forum.

My view is that puppy should use *no* packages from other distros. Mixing and matching packages from other distros is simply crazy. The less puppy has in common with other distros, the more this is true. Probably around half of the stuff used to make puppy are not available in the repos of other distros -I mean on other distro includes all of what puppy uses. So, building puppy will always involve compiling and creating some packages which are not available elsewhere or that need puppy-specific modifications. If there was a way of automating the production of packages -once the recipe is established, rebuilding the packages would be very easy for the purpose of upgrading the package version or rebuilding for a new distro version or machine architecture.

To me, even using basic packages from another distro is insane. Doing so means you are always chasing some other dogs tail - trying to implement version upgrades according to soemeone elses schedule and priorities. the big guys have hundreds of developers and maintainers -debian has way over 1000 package maintainers! A small team can never hope to keep up with such a project. It sounds tempting to directly piggy-back on their work by using their packages directly. But, a small team would always be overwhelmed just trying to work out which upstream changes should be applied here, which should be ignored and which need tweaking.

Trying to have a ppup, spup, dpup, upup, apup simply means that the few developers and contribs who are talented enough to do *anything* significant are always gonna be spread out over many sub-projects -and this leaves little time and talent for developing and implementing *core concepts* which are essential to the identity and feel of your project.

To me, one of the biggest disadvantages of nearly all LiveCD distros is that they encourage forking or the production of derivatives. This hard to avoid because the main release inevitably contains a mix of software which is not suitable to everyone. The first and main argument is always over which browser to include. And then on and on. So, people whose preferences are different start producing derivative releases with different choices of software. What a waste of talent. Why not, instead, work on finding a way to make the distro more flexible or customizable. There are a few projects which provide a web-interface so that a user can have a cutom iso created for them which includes the software they want. Such a thing would be great for puppy and could stop a lot of waste of talent.

Having a package-based build system which is consistent and well thought out would make it possible to create all sorts of variants -for other arches as well. It would make puppy 'legitimate' in the eyes of other Linux developers and allow for incorporating the efforts of more contributors (or detractors with their derivatives) into the mainstream effort. I don't really mean to be derogatory about authors of variants being detractors. The point is that there is no good mechanism for consistently incorporating their efforts into the main production for the good of all users and devs.
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#12 Post by nooby »

Thanks for all these insights in the many considerations for to get things to work.

My participation in this is more like a clumsy user that stumble on a used Car that is very different from all the cars one are used to with autmatic gears and anti spin of wheels and you almost are like sitting in Cockpit of an airplane needing to check that all the instrument show it is ready for take off. then you even need the clearence of the -Tower people and the Weather report too.

I failed booting Minino the other day. I spent some 6 hours on it.

I failed to boot Slitaz many times this month and spends many hours on it and I failed to boot Swift too and then suddenly found a suggestion on how to do an iso boot on the HDD and that one worked but then you have this unexperienced driver syndrome.

the machine booted the OS but the user has no practice in setting up the controls so I failed to listen to my video clips due to the HDD forbidden to mount something. Totally beyond my comprehension how one tell it to be allowed.

So it is Puppy for me until the other Linuxes get more user friendly.

But I have Archiso and it almost do anything but it fails to change the menu.lst due to only read permissions despite I logged in as root user.

I am downloading ArchBang iso to see if that one behave as Arciso version.

When Archiso dev got his computer fried by the power supply activing up then his new computer sent to him as a donation had too small resources to work with Archiso so he used Slitaz instead.

Maybe the laptop only had 256MB memory? So such considerations are important too.

the devs of Lupu 5.2 wrote that they skipped many SW due to the requirment to be able to run in RAM on a 256MB machine.

So is not the best approch to make a puppy that is as small as possible and then have all programs on the hardware as clickable programs and each user decide how big machine he need?

A kind of IronCore version of Puppy but working as good as Lupu in the set up. Or based on Fluppy so it works on my Acer D250 too.
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Re: Archiso-live -Thanks nooby

#13 Post by cinclus_cinclus »

mikeslr wrote: And thanks, cinclus_cinclus for suggestions on creating persistent storage.
I tried Godane's Archiso 20100825
mikeslr wrote: If I understood it right, godane built ariso-live using techniques similar to those used to build Puppy, including squash files.
He uses modified LinuxLiveScript (LLS)
mikeslr wrote: That suggests that it may be able, or modifiable, to use Puppy's technique of loading and unloading applications in SFS format "on the fly".
you simply use arch2lzm and put the generated LZM-modules - up to 127 - into one of the module-folders of your USB-live-stick as for instance 'optional'.
mikeslr wrote: But from two comments on his blog --some people with nVidia cards being unable to boot [I know, nooby, that you didn't have that problem]-- I wonder if in building a Live-Arch, some of Arch's hardware recognition capability was lost.
I am on a PC with Intel G45-Chipset mainboard (Intel-chipset graphics) and on a netbook (Intel Atom based).
mikeslr wrote:
Which raises two other questions: Whether godane's techiques also sacrificed the two aspects of Arch by which Puppy could benefit:
(1) routines for keeping track of what you've already put on your entire system, so that only necessary "parts" are installed or upgraded as need be; and
Godane's 20100825 works with packages installed using persistent storage and/or LZM-modules.
mikeslr wrote:
(2) the capability of upgrading apps and even the kernel from an active system.
My earlier attempts failed in this respect on Godane's 20100825.
I have positive results on CTKArch Live 0.6 release first installed on HD and then transformed back into a LIVE-System with the aid of Linus72's LIvecd-Kit and appropriate AUR-kernel packages. Please see comments of 'lq_asking' here:
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions ... os-804611/
mikeslr wrote:
Or, in other words, Pacman and the Arch Build System.

Pacman: for sure its ARCH, Arch Build System: should work,

#14 Post by aarf »

thanks nooby. i had the same issues and failures as you with the previous arches. now i have downloaded the arch in your link and clicked it open in puppeee4.4-08, copied the iso contents to a folder, and booted with

Code: Select all

title arch 
	root (hd1,0)
	kernel /archiso/boot/vmlinuz  from=/dev/sdb1/archiso elevator=deadline session=xfce load=overlay lang=sv_US
	initrd /archiso/boot/initrd.img
this is posted from arch. to tell the truth it is very much like puppeee4.4-08 with my usual flw window manager, only arch is so slow.

to edit in arch try in terminal:

Code: Select all

[arch@archiso ~]$ sudo leafpad
if it tells you the partition eg sda1 is already mounted when you try to open menu.lst try

Code: Select all

[arch@archiso ~]$ umount /dev/sda1

[arch@archiso ~]$ sudo leafpad
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#15 Post by nooby »

Thanks aarf interesting to follow your tests and experiencethere.

I guess there is an error here. lang=sv_US
should that not be lang=en_US or similar. :)

So you are on sdb1

How come your not in sda1 instead?

Some distros need what you have there (hd 1,0) while other like mine needs (hd0,2) due to different partition.

title Archiso-live
root (hd0,2)
kernel /archiso/boot/vmlinuz from=/dev/sda3/archiso elevator=deadline session=xfce load=overlay
initrd /archiso/boot/initrd.img

IIRC the load=overlay is there to do an autonatic log in to user arch psw arch while if one take away the load=overlay then most likely it ask for user and password before booting up?

I had to log in as root using the psw ArchLinux to get access to the music files and the picture files. But it still did not allow me to do geany editing and saving. Read only it says.

Maybe that you being on an usb allow you to mount the HDD and listen to music videos?

Knoppix live was more like Puppy but too big.
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#16 Post by aarf »

nooby wrote:Thanks aarf interesting to follow your tests and experiencethere.

I guess there is an error here. lang=sv_US
should that not be lang=en_US or similar. :)

So you are on sdb1

How come your not in sda1 instead?

Some distros need what you have there (hd 1,0) while other like mine needs (hd0,2) due to different partition.

title Archiso-live
root (hd0,2)
kernel /archiso/boot/vmlinuz from=/dev/sda3/archiso elevator=deadline session=xfce load=overlay
initrd /archiso/boot/initrd.img

IIRC the load=overlay is there to do an autonatic log in to user arch psw arch while if one take away the load=overlay then most likely it ask for user and password before booting up?

I had to log in as root using the psw ArchLinux to get access to the music files and the picture files. But it still did not allow me to do geany editing and saving. Read only it says.

Maybe that you being on an usb allow you to mount the HDD and listen to music videos?

Knoppix live was more like Puppy but too big.
yes lang=en_US looks better.

my sda has original xandros which i have left untouched except for using and modifying the original menu.lst which i can also modify as above in now arch also. haven't tried the videos. arch doesn't hold to my current fragile wifi connection as well as puppeee so for now i wont be using arch too much.
yes have an older big knoppix and haven't looked at the new mainly because of size.
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#17 Post by Aitch »


good analysis, and idea....perhaps BarryK himself might consider it??

Another thought occurring to me is that, that 'enfant terrible' of the puppy world AlienJeff went over to Arch for pretty much the reasons you highlight
- shame he didn't do it, as he was certainly a competent linuxer, if I recall, but he seemed to prefer insults, rudeness, and belittlement to constructive thought processes, though I'm sure he thought he was just being funny....[or just drunk/stoned, maybe...? AJ - wanna redeem yourself???]

I hope your enthusiasm gives rise to an interested dev/team, as I would like to see the 'mutual improvements' you speak of....the closest to it so far, I think is Joe/big_bass's slaxer_pup/ TXZ_pup 4.5 path, using slackware+puppy+selfbuild scripts, certainly in terms of package add/remove and dependencies, and updates

If someone was in need of inspiration, that may give a few tips

Of course, I know there are many other devs building other versions, but Arch seems to have been avoided, for some reason....perhaps someone knows why?

clues here, maybe?


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#18 Post by nooby »

To learn more about Arch. Here is a text about a patch that allow one to boot arch iso using grub2 which allow one to boot many kinds of iso on the hdd.

https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php ... 25#p886525

Until this is officially supported in the arch iso this is what I did to boot from the iso with grub
The official installer iso, not archboot

i typed these commands in the grub command line:
loopback loop (hd#,#)/path/to/iso.iso
linux /boot/vmlinuz26 archisolabel=ARCH_201005
initrd /boot/archiso.img

It will try to boot, look for a file in /dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201005 and fail; dropping you to a busybox shell
from here i typed the following in the console:
mkdir /disk
mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /disk (where /dev/sdb1 is the path to the device holding your arch iso, and vfat being the filesystem type (in this case fat32))
losetup /dev/loop0 /disk/path/to/iso.iso
logout (press ctrl+d)

the kernel will find the iso and continue booting properly from there

I don't know how to automate this but, apparently we won't need to in the next arch iso release.

End quoting his text in case the link goes away somehow.

I've struggled to boot many arch and they seem to lack that feature to boot from frugal install. So hopefully their next version have this included.
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#19 Post by alienjeff »

Aitch wrote:
Another thought occurring to me is that, that 'enfant terrible' of the puppy world AlienJeff went over to Arch for pretty much the reasons you highlight
- shame he didn't do it, as he was certainly a competent linuxer, if I recall, but he seemed to prefer insults, rudeness, and belittlement to constructive thought processes, though I'm sure he thought he was just being funny....[or just drunk/stoned, maybe...? AJ - wanna redeem yourself???]
Redeem myself? For Heaven's sake, NO! I will briefly comment, though.

My moving to Arch in August of 2008 was for two reasons: one being a long-standing disenchantment with the development path Puppy was on, and the urging of a close friend who had seen the light.

Your recollection appears selectively biased, my friend. I believe if you were to review a cross section of my forum posts, you'd note many helpful posts. And it's obvious you didn't witness my spending hours on end helping n00bs with a variety of problems in #puppylinux on IRC.

Of course there were some insults, rudeness, and belittlement -- both on IRC and in this forum. Was all of it justified? Certainly not, but in some cases it was exactly what was appropriate.

Drunk? Stoned? Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't drink or drug, Aitch.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, mkay?

And I'll offer this little update:

Though the desktop workstation box has been Arch since August of 2008, I did continue using Puppy v2.12 on my old Gateway Solo 5150 lappy for quite some time. Considering it's a 233 MHz PII, I felt this was the way to go. However, I did migrate to Tiny Core v2.10 to make my move from Puppy complete. TC, or at least v2.10, had some rough edges I didn't care for, though.

About a month ago I decided to ignore what more experienced Arch users advised and went ahead and installed Arch on the lappy. I was pleasantly surprised how well it runs on such a seemingly prehistoric box, though the 288M of RAM certainly helps. I didn't have to tweak and/or dump services as the naysayers insistently advised.
Last edited by alienjeff on Fri 04 Feb 2011, 23:29, edited 1 time in total.
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#20 Post by ttuuxxx »

alienjeff wrote:
About a month ago I decided to ignore what more experienced Arch users advised and went ahead and installed Arch on the lappy. I was pleasantly surprised how well it runs on such a seeminly prehistoric box, though the 288M of RAM certainly helps. I didn't have to tweak and/or dump services as the naysayers insistently advised.
Ya I bet your not using the latest firefox 4.0 on it either, or you must have one large swap file, Comparing arch to puppy on an old 233 really its only about 4 times the size of the series 2 you were using. Lets not sugar coat arch that much, maybe a arch woof might make sense but then I'm still against i686 architecture, if i386 is good enough for the most popular distro and i486 for slackware why would you go i686 for some small amount of people who actually uses it for video acceleration?. My pc's are all i686 but 100% of time I compile i386 for everyone else.
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