Opera 11.01-1190 sfs4 .sfs and .pet packages, unmodified

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Opera 11.01-1190 sfs4 .sfs and .pet packages, unmodified

#1 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Note: for Puppy 2.14 (and other Puppies which take a version 3.0 squashfile) (or the old-style .pet as used in Puppy 2.14) see

This is unmodified Opera 11.01-1190.i386. It was created by running my Clipper packaging script on the standard Ubuntu .deb package from opera.com. I only modified two areas:

1. The .desktop files, to make Categories match what Puppy understands
(and to get rid of that annoying %U in the exec line)
2. The .deb package touches or overwrites /etc/cups/printers.conf and printers.conf0. I'm guessing that this is the result of a mistake made by whoever created the .deb. If I'm wrong, then I'll post those two files below.

Unlike my previous Opera 11 .pet and .sfs packages, this package does not contain any profile information (e.g. no /root/.opera) and I am not separating this one out by subversion, i.e. it is
et cetera.

The result is that, if you have an existing opera profile subdirectory
(/root/.opera), then this one will pick up your existing bookmarks and other profile preferences. Even so, if you have Opera previously installed, I suggest you do this:

1. Copy /root/.opera to /root/.opera-backup
2. Run opera-uninstall
3. Dismount the existing Opera .pet, or unmount the Opera .sfs in Boot Manager and reboot.
4. Copy /root/.opera-backup back as /root/.opera (or rename it)

and then install this .pet or .sfs. ***edited Feb 4 2011: there is a report that the /root/.opera of Opera 10 contains settings which mess up Opera 11, so if it can't work correctly with your present Opera settings from 10, then sorry, you'll just have to start fresh, that is, delete /root/.opera before installing this package, and not copy the old one back in.*** In my opinion, the new added speed of Opera 11, and its remarkable stability, are worth the sacrifice.

***edited Feb 7. Good heavens, this is embarrassing. The versions which I had posted, still had the subdir /root/.opera and *did* have the %U in the .desktop file.***

New corrected versions, without /root/.opera and the .desktop %U:

(aw, nuts...in version 2, I didn't get the icons right.)

File name: opera-11.01-1190.i386-SHSv3.sfs40.sfs
File size: 12.79MB
Description tags: Opera 11.01-1190 for Puppy 5 series, unmodified, version 3, by SHS
# md5sum opera-11.01-1190.i386-SHSv3.sfs40.sfs
0ccdc62d5191613c316c67889cb24456 opera-11.01-1190.i386-SHSv3.sfs40.sfs

File name: opera-11.01-1190.i386-SHSv3.pet
File size: 12.8MB
Description tags: Opera 11.01-1190 for Puppy 5 series, unmodified, version 3, by SHS
# md5sum opera-11.01-1190.i386-SHSv3.pet
9c7ff61cd93634665fa5bfc46a6a588c opera-11.01-1190.i386-SHSv3.pet
I will post, in the next message, how I prefer to set up Opera.
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Tue 08 Feb 2011, 09:01, edited 18 times in total.
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How I modify Opera

#2 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

How I set up Opera. Consider this a rough draft, a work-in-progress. Check back here, I may have modified this procedure.

1. Give it my font improvements .pet, see
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 051#478051

This .pet gives you a configuration file, /etc/fonts/local.conf, which has a stanza:

Code: Select all

<!-- Set dpi to match actual display reality as shown by xdpyinfo | grep resolution -->
<!-- on my display this is 96, yours may vary -->
<match target="pattern">
	<edit name="dpi" mode="assign">
Open an rxvt terminal and run

Code: Select all

xdpyinfo | grep resolution
and change the "96" to the second number shown. Then open /root/.Xresources and change the number in the line

Code: Select all

Xft.dpi: 78
to this same number. Restart X. Now, in Opera,

left-click the big red Menu button.
and set Minimum Pixel Size to 13 or so, experiment to find the optimum.

2. Left-click the big red Menu button --> Show Menu bar. Easier to work with. If you need the Menu button to save display space on a small screen, press Alt-F11 or left-click File-->Show Menu bar.

3. Tools-->Preferences-->Advanced-->Shortcuts-->Middle-Click Options
and left-click Start Panning and check Enable Horizontal Panning, OK. Now you have smooth scroll.

4. Give it the ability to play audio streams. In Puppy Package Manager, install these two:

5. Opera will use your existing flashplayer if you already have it installed. More to say on this, in a bit.

6. Give it Acrobat Reader. Quickpet-->SFSGet-->Adobe Acrobat Reader and then System->Boot Manager, Choose, and add Acrobat Reader to the right side. Reboot.

7. Tools-->Extensions->Get Extensions and install these four:

(***EDITED, October 11 2011: I like these nowadays:

NoAds Advanced
FastestTube - YouTube Video Downloader
Ghostery (see who's tracking your web browsing)
Opera Internal Pages (configurator)
Easy Translation


NoAds (AdBlock + NoScript):
https://addons.opera.com/addons/extensi ... display=en

FastestTube - YouTube Video Downloader:
https://addons.opera.com/addons/extensi ... display=en

Opera Configurator:
https://addons.opera.com/addons/extensi ... display=en

Translate (automagic page translation):
https://addons.opera.com/addons/extensi ... display=en

...hmm, I just discovered this one, and I like it better than Translate 1.4:
Easy Translation
https://addons.opera.com/addons/extensi ... display=en
It uses Google's translation service and, unlike Translate 1.4, does not give false positives on the Puppy forum. You must restart Opera before it becomes active.

8. Click the new wrench icon in the upper right corner (Opera Configurator). In the Quick Find box, type
and set User JS Storage Quota to 500, then Save (sets aside a 500 kilobyte cache for JavaScript).

9. Thanks to Dave S: I don't do this, because I have a reasonably fast connection and video card, but, if you want to block Flash unless you tell it to play...Wrench (configurator) icon, QuickFind
Check "Enable On Demand Plugin" and the placeholder, Save.

There are more good ideas in Dave's thread, too. For example, you can link /root/.opera to /mnt/home and save a lot of space in your savefile. I, however, routinely run a 10 GB savefile, and I have 2 GB of RAM, so I don't. But it's a good trick to know.

10. View-->Toolbars-->Customize-->Buttons-->Browser View
Drag'n'drop the "Go" and "Fit to Width" buttons to a point in between the address bar and the "Search with Google" icon. Now if you paste-in a URL you don't have to take your hand off the mouse to press Enter, just left-click the Go button. And, if you display an image and it exceeds the width of your screen, click the "Fit to Width" button and it autosizes it so you don't have to pan.

11. Ctrl-F12-->Advanced-->Tabs, check Open New Tab Next To Active

...to be refined and continued...
Last edited by Sit Heel Speak on Tue 11 Oct 2011, 02:12, edited 7 times in total.
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#3 Post by xman »

130-Quirky example of modified Opera 11.01 panels.
modified panels
(68.3 KiB) Downloaded 1131 times
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#4 Post by vance.waylon »

Thank you kind sir for all your hard work.!! I love Puppy and Opera, just a beautiful combo.
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Re: Opera 11.01-1190 sfs4 .sfs and .pet packages, unmodified

#5 Post by sheldonisaac »

Sit Heel Speak wrote:This is unmodified Opera 11.01-1190.i386.
Thanks a lot. I'm using it now, under Puppy 5.2 on Acer Aspire One.

Your work, and that of Michalis and others, is much appreciated.

Sheldon Isaac

#6 Post by aarf »

Sit Heel maybe you have the skill and inclination to fix the long time bug with mime type and opera .mht files where when setting the mht files to open in opera on click also then causes .txt files to open in opera instead of in their original geany opening.
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#7 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

aarf wrote:Sit Heel maybe you have the skill and inclination to fix the long time bug with mime type and opera .mht files where when setting the mht files to open in opera on click also then causes .txt files to open in opera instead of in their original geany opening.
Hmm, I have never seen this misbehavior. But I've seen close enough to it that it doesn't surprise me.

On Puppy Studio 3.3, using its supplied Geany 0.19.1 and Opera-11.00-Lucid from Quickpet, I just opened an .mht and then a .txt file by simple left-clicking, ten times in a row. As expected, I got ten new Opera and ten new Geany tabs.

On Puppy 5.2, using its supplied Geany 0.19.1 and my Opera-11.00-1190 .sfs, my .sfs does not modify the mime types and associations. I *could* make these by the method given by ttuuxxx here, but instead I have simply dragged /usr/bin/opera to the Rox SendTo subdir and created there a relative symlink, so I open .mht's by right-click-->Open with-->opera. All .txt files open as expected, in Geany, by just a left-click. Having Opera running, has no effect on .txt files here. Again, I just did the alternating-ten-and-ten drill, and I'm looking at ten new Opera and Geany tabs each, alles in ordnung.

Either way, I have never seen the problem you describe.

I have, however, seen that, on rare occasions, opening a local .mht in Opera causes Geany to simultaneously open. But not on an .mht, rather on the last file it was open on (or on a new blank untitled file, if none was open). This has happened maybe four times in the last three months, too rare for me to consider it enough of a problem to look into. I don't even remember which Puppy and Opera I was in when it happened, but in all cases it wasn't one of *my* Opera packages, and so I simply ignored it, closed the superfluous Geany window, and kept browsing.

Just last night I noticed a strange behavior when Lucid 5.2 has a .pet and an .sfs mounted, both of which contain one or more identical symlinks-to-directories. One aspect of this misbehavior is, dismounting the .pet changes the symlink into a regular directory, thus throwing things cattywampus for the still-mounted .sfs. Forum member Henry had a similar problem where dismounting an .sfs left behind some files it shouldn't have, this was on Quirky-1.2-NOP, see the four posts beginning here.

I suspect that some phenomenon like this might be behind what you are seeing. That is, something got installed which altered the mime types and/or associations, and then got dismounted, and dismounting it had bad chemistry with some other add-in which contained the same mime subdirectory. It is a problem with how Puppy layers the add-in files, both .pet and .sfs. Either .wh whiteout files are not getting written, or maybe .pet's are not being dismounted when told to, or maybe a symlink is being flipped to become a subdirectory, or maybe something else.

Is there an existing thread which discusses this problem?

Can you give me particulars, of which Puppy, how running it, which Opera, which Geany, and what have you mounted and dismounted in the way of .pet's and .sfs's in the history of your installation?

#8 Post by aarf »

Hmmm perhaps it is in the way i am setting the file associations by dragging the opera icon into the box that opens when setting mime type by doing things to a file with the mouse over the file. Yes there is a old thread with me talking about this to the person who does mime types. Later when i boot my puppy i' ll give more details. Now typing by pushing buttons on my phone.

#9 Post by aarf »

Got it now. I do the setting by mouse over the .mht file then right click>set run action>drag opera into the box. So this causes .txt files to open in opera too because .mht files were previously text files that were opened in geany so ordinary txt files now get associated with opera. Edit Puppeee4.4-08

#10 Post by aarf »

Yes just did lupu520 and it opens as it should now, so it must be just Puppeee-fluppy that still needs a fix. Thanks.
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Re: Opera 11.01-1190 sfs4 .sfs and .pet packages, unmodified

#11 Post by sheldonisaac »

Sit Heel Speak wrote:This is unmodified Opera 11.01-1190.i386.
Hi, I downloaded it again, and put it in the /mnt/home/ of Puppy 2.14X-TOP6 on this desktop computer.

Boot manager is supposed to load it.

But I don't see it in the Internet part of the menu.

find / -name *opera* doesn't find it.

This seems different than on the Acer Aspire One netbook with Puppy 5.2

Help, please.

Thank you,
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#12 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

It will be awhile before I can load 214X and see if I can duplicate the problem.

The obvious guess is, maybe 214X only understands sfs3 type squashfiles. This is an sfs4 type. So, you would have to use trio's sfs converter to convert it into the sfs3 format.

If you still don't see it in the menu, try opening rxvt and run
and then restart X.

If still no joy, then maybe 214X is handling sfs files differently from other pups. Do other sfs files, stowed in /mnt/home, get found? (and, remember, you need to have created a savefile first, before Bootmanager will mount the sfs files you choose in it).

It is also possible that the glibc and other supporting libraries on 214X are too old to run Opera 11.01. But even if that is true, you should still see the menu entry.
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Opera 11.01 under 2.14X?

#13 Post by sheldonisaac »

(portions snipped)
Sit Heel Speak wrote:The obvious guess is, maybe 214X only understands sfs3 type squashfiles. This is an sfs4 type. So, you would have to use trio's sfs converter to convert it into the sfs3 format.

If you still don't see it in the menu, try opening rxvt and run
fixmenus and then restart X.
Eventually I used the included converter in Puppy 5.2, on my newish Acer Aspire One. And copied the converted .sfs file to this computer.
Doesn't seem to work; all I see is the existing Opera 10.63.
If still no joy, then maybe 214X is handling sfs files differently from other pups. Do other sfs files, stowed in /mnt/home, get found? (and, remember, you need to have created a savefile first, before Bootmanager will mount the sfs files you choose in it).
I'll look for an "other sfs file" to test.
It is also possible that the glibc and other supporting libraries on 214X are too old to run Opera 11.01. But even if that is true, you should still see the menu entry.
Should I have removed (how?) the existing Opera 10.63 before trying to load the 11.01 via boot manager? The latter does not appear in the Internet menu; I did all the restart X and fixmenus stuff?

Please see my today at 10:33 message in the Puppy 2.14X thread, near the bottom of
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... start=4095

Thanks again,
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Re: Opera 11.01 under 2.14X?

#14 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

sheldonisaac wrote:Eventually I used the included converter in Puppy 5.2, on my newish Acer Aspire One. And copied the converted .sfs file to this computer. Doesn't seem to work; all I see is the existing Opera 10.63...Should I have removed (how?) the existing Opera 10.63 before trying to load the 11.01 via boot manager? The latter does not appear in the Internet menu; I did all the restart X and fixmenus stuff?

Please see my today at 10:33 message in the Puppy 2.14X thread, near the bottom of
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... start=4095

Thanks again,
I have just downloaded 214x-top6. Late here, I'll try it tomorrow, probably in about 16 hours, and see what's going on.
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Re: Opera 11.01 under 2.14X?

#15 Post by sheldonisaac »

Sit Heel Speak wrote: I have just downloaded 214x-top6. Late here, I'll try it tomorrow, probably in about 16 hours, and see what's going on.
Many thanks, Sit Heel Speak!

I just posted a reply in the 214X thread; ttuuxxx had made a .pet of Opera.
Haven't tried it yet under 214X.

EDIT: I have tried it, and it works. Maybe needs some tweaking; I will see whether I can make it look like I want.

Can anyone direct me to an explanation of why it might be better to load sfs files, rather than install a pet? I will try searching.

Thanks again,
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#16 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Glad you got it running. I am having difficulty getting 214x-top6 to boot. Back when successful.
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Re: Opera 11.01 under 2.14X?

#17 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

sheldonisaac wrote:Can anyone direct me to an explanation of why it might be better to load sfs files, rather than install a pet?
One reason is, .sfs files must be located either in /mnt/home or in the subdirectory the Puppy frugal install files reside in (the psubdir). A .pet can be stored anywhere. If you do not follow a consistent storage rules discipline and have a lot of Puppy frugal installs then you can easily end up suffering organizational chaos after you have a few hundred .pet's on your machine.

I have posted an .sfs and .pet package for Puppy 2.14, see
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 404#493404
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