AttackPup v1

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AttackPup v1

#1 Post by Q5sys »

First off before I get into everything I've got a bunch of people i'd like to thank. Firstly, TazOC for his willingness to help me work through issues and for allowing me to use LHP as a base for this project. Secondly, Smokey01 for allowing me to host the files on his server. As for everyone else, Barry, MU, ttuuxxx, jemimah, dejan555, WhoDo, technosaurus, Béèm, Pizzasgood, Sit Heel Speak; you guys have helped me so much in so many ways. I'm sure I missed someone, but pretty much if I've talked to you on this board or in the irc channel, add yourself to that list. :P If it wasnt for your help I never would be releasing this puplet. Thanks.


AttackPup v1
Watch out, this puppy's got fangs!

Download ISO
Verify with MD5 hash.

Image Image Image

Image Image Image



Q: What Puppy is this based upon?
A: Its based upon LightHouse Pup 4.43

Q: Where do I get the devx sfs for this version?
A: Here and verify download with the md5 hash.

Q: Why are you ripping off Backtrack?
A: Simply put, I'm not. Backtrack is THE standard for PenTesting, and consequently its also 1.5GB. AttackPup only has a small sampling of the tools BT4 has, which is why its under 400MB.

Q: Will you teach me how to use these tools:
A: No, I will not.

Q: AirCrack isnt working for me, what do I do?
A: In order to use Aircrack you may need to patch your wifi drivers, information on how to do that is on the offical AirCrack site.

Q: Can you teach me how to patch my wifi drivers?
A: No, but there are many sites out there that will direct you in how to do this.

Q: What if I need an updated version of Perl, Python, Ruby, etc to run some of these programs?
A: You have two choices. Compile the latest versions yourself, or you could try the following links. They may or may not work with this version due to changes I had to make to LHP.

Q: I dont see the programs you say that you installed in the menu or in the wbar. Where are they?
A: I'd estimate that a good 90% of the tools I installed must be run from the command line. And must be run with specific arguments from the command line. That's why you wont find them in any menu.

Q: Why isn't [insert tool here] installed in this puplet?
A: 3 possible reasons. 1) Because I either forgot 2) Because I didn't want to fight with installing it 3) I decided not to because of size. If you think of one that should be included, let me know.

Q: Whats with the 'Ram-Session' and 'Regular-Session' in the wbar?
A: Jemimah made a great edit to the initrd.gz file will allows you to load all of your sfs files into ram and work 100% in ram (however changes are not persistant). Depending on the work you need to do, this may be a benefit. So you simply click where you want to run your session and reboot. Note: Until the system will not revert to the previous method. So if you choose to run your next session in ram, you will be running in ram until you select regular session. Note, that due to the size of this package, running everything completely in ram is probably NOT recommended for your system. Also you will need to manually edit 'Regular-Session' (see Notes)

Q: Where is the list of all the programs you removed from LHP as well as the list of all the programs you installed in this version?
A: Look under /root/sys/INFO

Q: Where are the programs you installed?
A: Most are in the typical directories, however some tools are in /root/tools/ If you get command not found when you try to use a tool, its probably in that directory.

Q: So whats different between this and LHP?
A: Changes listed under the section titled, wait for it... 'Changes'

Q: I cant get the MetaSploit installer to work, can you help me?
Q: I cant get the MetaSploit Package to update, can you help me?
Q: I would rather not install MetaSploit, can you create a SFS addon for it?
A: To answer all 3, I have created MetaSploit as a SFS addon package. However, its only current as of its build date. If you need a more current version, you can PM me on site and I'll make a current SFS for you. I may, depending if there is the desire, update it on a weekly basis. The most current stuff is here: SFS and MD5 hash

Q: What systems has this been tested on?
A: It's been tested on two systems. A Lenovo Y510 and an EeePC 1005Ha.

Q: What desktop Wallpapers come with this?
A: These:
Image Image Image Image


I apologize for the size, but the size of these packages is beyond my control. For example, MetaSploit; It's a massive package. I wanted go ahead and install and update it for you, but I didnt. You will need to install update MetaSploit on your own.
Why didnt I do it for you... quite simple, the install and update go from 33MB to around 177 MB, so you can do that on your own so it'll be in your save file. (I've already written a simple installer script for you, its in the firstboot folder)

First thing you need to do is stop and create a save file and reboot, if you want any changes to be persistant (like installing Metasploit)

To install MetaSploit first make sure you have a connection to the internet (otherwise the autoupdate will fail). Then once you have done that just click on: Install-MetaSploit
After you are done installing click on: Cleanup-MetaSpolit-Install-Process (saves you 33mb and deletes these two scripts)

When you are done installing everything and wish to get rid of the popup directory and all setup scripts, click on: Final-Cleanup

Keep in mind what after you install metasploit and then go to run it, it will look like its not doing anything for sometimes 5 to 10 seconds. You may also notice your CPU maxing out, dont worry, nothing is majorly wrong. Once MetaSploit completely loads your CPU usage will drop back down to normal.

I have included jemimah's initrd.gz with this puplet. You have the option in the wbar to choose how you want to run your session. Either normally with your save file on the hard drive, or you can load all your sfs files into ram on boot. Keep in mind, if you choose to do that latter no changes will be saved. I believe jemimah has a working around in place for this, but I have chosen not to implement it in this puplet. I choose that so nothing done while working in ram can affect your saved session, however you can always choose to change that yourself. An important thing to keep in mind is, that you will need to manually edit the 'Regular-Session' script yourself, it is located in /root/sys/. You will need to edit the path to point to the physical drive that is where the files are stored. When you load everything to ram the path to the device where the startup files are stored is no longer /mnt/home/ So you will need to edit the path according to your own system and what drives you have in place. Obviously for it to work the drive will need to me mounted. Failure to do this, will result in the system remaining in the 'Ram-Session' State, as the original initrd.gz will not be replaced.


Programs removed:
inkscapelite, fullerScreen, cdp, gtkam, xsane, abiword, nicoedit, puppypdf, homebank, Calcoo, Cgtkcalc, didiwiki, didiwiki-gui, fpm2, notecase, osmo, pplog, pplog_gui, gftp, you2pup, aqualung, asunder, pdvdrsab, glightoff, picpuz, rubix, tile, xemeraldia, xsoldier, gplanarity, gxine, audacity

Programs added:
Last edited by Q5sys on Sat 09 Feb 2013, 01:05, edited 1 time in total.
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penetration testing

#2 Post by raffy »

From the Penetration Testing Guide page:
At its simplest, a penetration-test (actually, we prefer the term security assessment) is the process of actively evaluating your information security measures. Note the emphasis on 'active' assessment; the information systems will be tested to find any security issues, as opposed to a solely theoretical or paper-based audit.
Hope that helps some readers.
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#3 Post by edoc »

What an awesome toy ... errr ... tool!

I will add it to the other Puppy versions in frugal to test and to learn from.

Sure appreciate your efforts and look forward to the further development and refining of this!
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#4 Post by edoc »

It looks good but I think lacks the correct driver or maybe has an old version of pwireless (which I have found to be a troublesome app).

I can see my router but pwireless insists that it wants a WEP code when it is WPA.

I creates the appearance of a connection but does not work.

I think this was an old problem with the base distro of Puppy that you are using.

It brings back memories of wireless tail-chasing ...
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#5 Post by Q5sys »

edoc wrote:It looks good but I think lacks the correct driver or maybe has an old version of pwireless (which I have found to be a troublesome app).

I can see my router but pwireless insists that it wants a WEP code when it is WPA.

I creates the appearance of a connection but does not work.

I think this was an old problem with the base distro of Puppy that you are using.

It brings back memories of wireless tail-chasing ...
Yea its built with LHP 4.43
I'm going to be rebuilding it using LHP 5.0F as a base sometime in late Dec or early Jan (or at least thats the plan right now). Going to have to work out a few issues with some incompatibilities I am aware of right now. Who knows TazOC might release a newer version of LHP before then, so then I can use that as a base. :)
I'm using LHP as a base, becuase It will still allow anyone to use any of the other SFS files that he's made to add features if they want it, like KDE, etc.

I personally have had no problems with any of the systems I've tested it on. What wireless card do you have? I only have intel cards at my disposal, so if you have another wireless card let me know and i'll try to find a system I get my hands on it so I can do some testing.
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#6 Post by edoc »

OK, no big hurry here, enjoy the holidays!

Atheros AR5413
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#7 Post by Lobster »

Hi Guys
After a day of working with Backtrack Linux ... 700#492700
I was very happy to try AP (attackpup). :)

I am very new to this area :)
The first thing I did was put AP on a USB flashdrive.
(It loaded fine on my main computer a Dual processor Athlon)
Sadly it did not load a desktop on my Ausus 701 Netbook
I got a desktop and frozen pointer - nothing more.
Will do some further checks and perhaps try again if a new AP is released.
I wonder if Puppy 5.2 is a better base as Backtrack is now Ubuntu based?

I appreciate that you will not be advising on network security issues and I am prepared to do some reading up (but not too much)

My very simple and easily modifiable GROWL program appears to be partially working in AP
- might be of some interest ... 216#335216

Many thanks for providing what is in effect our first BOP (Black Ops Puppy)
You are a pioneer. Bravo! 8)
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#8 Post by Q5sys »

Lobster wrote:Hi Guys
After a day of working with Backtrack Linux ... 700#492700
I was very happy to try AP (attackpup). :)

I am very new to this area :)
The first thing I did was put AP on a USB flashdrive.
(It loaded fine on my main computer a Dual processor Athlon)
Sadly it did not load a desktop on my Ausus 701 Netbook
I got a desktop and frozen pointer - nothing more.
Will do some further checks and perhaps try again if a new AP is released.
I wonder if Puppy 5.2 is a better base as Backtrack is now Ubuntu based?

I appreciate that you will not be advising on network security issues and I am prepared to do some reading up (but not too much)

My very simple and easily modifiable GROWL program appears to be partially working in AP
- might be of some interest ... 216#335216

Many thanks for providing what is in effect our first BOP (Black Ops Puppy)
You are a pioneer. Bravo! 8)
For your issues with the Asus Netbook, if Im remembering the 701 series had intel chips. With the intel chips you may need to do 2 things. 1) turn off KMS using i915.modeset=1 in the extlinux.conf file, and then loading X with XVESA, and then 2) running Xorgwizard manually and manually selecting the 'intel' driver for xorg.

I'm debating what to use as the base for the next version. Part of me wants to stick with something that has a slackware base instead of a ubuntu base. I've heard grumblings from within the BT dev community regarding the transition to ubuntu. While most do like it as a more flexible base, they are sick of the influx of ubuntu noobs wanting to take their ubuntu install and make it BT. Some want to switch to another base... but i doubt it will happen until V6 at the earliest.

As for giving guidance on how to use the tools... I'm of two minds about it. A) Im not wanting to teach anyone how to do illegal stuff, and B) whats the old saying 'Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, Teach a man to fish and he'll eat his whole life.'

I looked at GROWL and thought about putting in in AP, however finally came to the decision... If you're using these tools, you should know enough about your system to do these things in a few seconds from the command line. However that being said... sometimes point and click is eaiser. :lol: I'll probably choose to include it in the next version, once I figure out the exact direction i'm taking. I'm considering throwing in some extra Anti-Forensic tools as well.
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#9 Post by edoc »

Have you considered using a tiny stable base distro like Fluppy?

It is stable and well-supported and runs on Netbooks (handy for portability) as well as notebook and desktop PCs.
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#10 Post by Q5sys »

edoc wrote:Have you considered using a tiny stable base distro like Fluppy?

It is stable and well-supported and runs on Netbooks (handy for portability) as well as notebook and desktop PCs.
The problem i developing a pentesting disto specifically to run on netbooks is the problem of atypical hardware and drivers. While it isnt so much of a problem with Asus and Acer models... some of the others use abstract hardware configs. Since some things like wireless packet injection require patched drivers... a person is left trying to track down a patch written for a wifi card thats doesnt have a large market share... or in some cases... needing to write their own.
Another problem is simply is the power issue inherient in netbooks. Another wifi example is apt here. The power output of netbook wifi is usually alot lower than regular notebooks... as such you need to be alot closer to your access point to get a solid connection. This is the main reason why pentesters that do serious work with a netbook will usually also drop the coin for an expensive USB amplifier and mount it to their netbook somehow. This of course now renders the netbook bulky which is the antithesis of why someone gets a netbook. :P
Now all of this is moot when you're talking about a distro like BackTrack that has dozens of developers and no care in the world for having a Multi GB distro... but when one person is trying to keep things sleek and minimal per the 'Puppy-Code'... its alot harder.
I might give Fluppy a whirl though and see how much of these issues I can avoid. :) The initial reason I opted to base V1 on LightHouse Pup was because of some of the advancements that TazOC had made. I didnt see any point in trying to re-invent the wheel.
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#11 Post by edoc »

Makes sense to me ... I have wrestled with Linux-hardware conflicts for a very long time!

I would find an external USB wifi with the capacity to add an outboard antenna very handy on frequent occasions when the source-signal is weak -- or the environment is RF-dense.

For "stealth" one could stuff it inside a mouse or a clip-on Webcam shell ...
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#12 Post by Q5sys »

edoc wrote:Makes sense to me ... I have wrestled with Linux-hardware conflicts for a very long time!

I would find an external USB wifi with the capacity to add an outboard antenna very handy on frequent occasions when the source-signal is weak -- or the environment is RF-dense.

For "stealth" one could stuff it inside a mouse or a clip-on Webcam shell ...
You're not doing it right unless you break out one of these bad boys... :lol:
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#13 Post by edoc »

Sure wouldn't qualify as stealth ... but looks cool to an Amateur Radio op ... who makes that?
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#14 Post by Q5sys »

edoc wrote:Sure wouldn't qualify as stealth ... but looks cool to an Amateur Radio op ... who makes that?
With an operational range of just under 3 miles... its FAR more stealth than you would think. :lol: You can be well outside eyeball range. And its not for amateur radio... thats a unidirectional Wifi Boosted antenna.
As for the manufacturer... its a custom setup by a company that specifically creates hardware of this nature. Usually by request... but I think they do sell excess equip sometimes. And no... they dont have a website where they market them. lol
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#15 Post by edoc »

Actually, Hams have access to similar bands, like to operate mobile/portable, and do a great deal of signal-source tracking to solve RFI problems and for radio-based "Foxhunting" fun.

That company may find a ready market for the antenna, tweaked slightly for the nearby Ham spectrum (in some cases it is a common shared band).

I don't have a current need for such a critter.

BTW: Did you see the reports about the wireless baby video monitors? Apparently they are not tone-encoded so anyone can pick them up - and it's not just babies that can be viewed from next door, a car on the street, and in some cases down the road. Lots of businesses use wireless cameras on the same frequency as common vehicle backup-up cameras - so your vehicle back-up camera receiver can see their inside video just driving by their back door! We have become careless about privacy and then fuss about loss of freedom. As we have learned from Google, the big guys could care less about our privacy.
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#16 Post by jim3630 »

Q5sys wrote:
edoc wrote:It looks good but I think lacks the correct driver or maybe has an old version of pwireless (which I have found to be a troublesome app).

I can see my router but pwireless insists that it wants a WEP code when it is WPA.

I creates the appearance of a connection but does not work.

I think this was an old problem with the base distro of Puppy that you are using.

It brings back memories of wireless tail-chasing ...
Yea its built with LHP 4.43
I'm going to be rebuilding it using LHP 5.0F as a base sometime in late Dec or early Jan (or at least thats the plan right now). Going to have to work out a few issues with some incompatibilities I am aware of right now. Who knows TazOC might release a newer version of LHP before then, so then I can use that as a base. :)
I'm using LHP as a base, becuase It will still allow anyone to use any of the other SFS files that he's made to add features if they want it, like KDE, etc.

I personally have had no problems with any of the systems I've tested it on. What wireless card do you have? I only have intel cards at my disposal, so if you have another wireless card let me know and i'll try to find a system I get my hands on it so I can do some testing.
On my Latitude D610 with BCM 4313 ethernet AP's Pwireless scanner made the connection straight away but not on a newer HP with RTK-8169. still working on it.
Same D610 wouldn't connect on LHP 5.02, INUP .002., stardust 0.13, and someone's Wary posted here. All of them use the same connect programs IIRC. The LHP in same family couldn't figure but it doesn't have Pwireless. BTW on AUTHO releases with Barry's simple connect it works every time.

Hey, great graphics and smooth running x2 days now! Thanks I'm enjoying it.
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#17 Post by DPUP5520 »

Very nice, I like it. I've actually been working on my own based off of 501 barebones I was wondering if you had any luck getting Airpwn working on your version of if you've tried to get it working. Have you considered adding chntpw to your distro. in my opinion its a lot more effective than ophcrack as it requires large tables to crack anything more than a simple 6 character password.
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#18 Post by DPUP5520 »

Forgot to mention earlier you are missing the iw command which is a dependency in the aircrack-ng suite when using airmon-ng to put your card into monitor/promiscuous mode.
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#19 Post by morgonzola »

hey there i just kinda stumbled upon this in my search to find a alternative to backtrack that is not 2 gigs and requires a full install.

only one thing, i installed, put into a folder, and i edited my menu.list like i normally do

Code: Select all

title attackpup
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /attackpup/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=attackpup	
initrd /attackpup/initrd.gz
however when i boot it tells me im not doing something right.
can you throw me a line? this has never happened before so i have no idea whats going on
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#20 Post by muggins »


grub is quite specific in it's error messages so, for someone to help, could you please give more info on the error you're getting?
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