oh yesss... .DEB-installer (Beta)

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#101 Post by MU »

I uploaded version 09.
Note you need this Dillo-Dotpup, too:

1.) I think I could fix the errors Barry mentioned.

2.) I also found out the reason, why the dependency-check did not run correct for some people:
they had to run ldconfig first.
I added it to the dotpup now, and it is run automatically.

3.) I removed the automatic closing of Dillo-windows, it was too unstable. I might switch to a gtk-based widget in some weeks, then we also won't need the webserver any more.

4.) Bad news: "update-alternatives" was missing a file, added it. BUT: it requires Perl :?
You now get the option to install Perl-Mini (700 kb-Download) at start.

5.) fixed bug with menus not created.

6.) When you will be asked to uninstall a package with Pupget first, then you will be forced afterwards to reboot on Puppy 1xx.

Barry, I tested it on Puppy2 without pup_save.003. When I run pupget to remove packages, it does not remove symlinks.
I'm not shure if and how that could confuse the Deb-installer, at first sight it seems to be not critical.

kuejoe, I did not test it yet on a full harddisk-install.
obviously, installdeb.pb crashes.
I have no quick solution at moment, sorry.

Please open
/root/ghttpd/wx.err with leafpad, and post the content here.

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#102 Post by BarryK »


Alpha09 works in Puppy2.
There was only one problem. When I first tested 'wmaker', checking dependencies
when I was offline, the 'wget' windows appeared momentarily, so that bug seemed
fixed. The one unsatisfied dependency is 'wraster', and when I tested that, while
checking dependencies, that also has an unsatisfied dependency, 'libtiff',
but in this case the 'wget' window did not go away and I had to close it.

One thing though, I have the devx_003.sfs development file mounted, so I
do need to test without it.
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oh yesss... .DEB-installer (Beta)

#103 Post by kuejoe »

Conversion error: Can't convert string to number
val() in file "/root/ghttpd/assi1-scripts/checkconditions.pb", line 54:
> diskfree = val(diskfree) * 1000000
In file "/root/ghttpd/assi1-scripts/checkconditions.pb", line 54:
> diskfree = val(diskfree) * 1000000
startdir = "/root/ghttpd/assi1-scripts"
result = Nothing
choice = "/tmp/blast_1.1-13_i386.deb"
mytime = "04232006135208"
debfilename = Nothing
overwrite = 0
mylist = {0:" File: `/tmp/blast_1.1-13_i386.deb'", 1:" Size: 8128 Blocks: 16 IO Block: 4096 regular file", 2:"Device: 1604h/5636d Inode: 321516 Links: 1 ", 3:"Access: (0600/-rw-------) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)", 4:"Access: 2006-04-23 12:05:37.000000000 +0800", 5:"Modify: 2006-04-23 12:05:38.000000000 +0800", 6:"Change: 2006-04-23 12:05:38.000000000 +0800", 7:""}
theline = "8128"
filesize = 8128
diskfree = "MB"
descriptionlist = Nothing
debinfo = Nothing
debarchiveline = Nothing
debarchivelinefields = Nothing
debfilesize = Nothing
totalsize = Nothing

Sorry MU !!
I didn't notice that last line about posting what I had in wx.err until now. Hope it helps...
By the way, you wouldn't happen to have usr_dev.sfs? I can't seem to downloaded for some reason.
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#104 Post by MU »

kuejoe, please type
df -m
in a consolewindow, and copy the result here.
Select it with the mouse, then middleclick to a forum-message to paste the text.
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oh yesss... .DEB-installer (Beta)

#105 Post by kuejoe »

#df -m
Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc4 5433 306 4852 6% /
Hope this helps...
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#106 Post by MU »

Ah, you have a full harddisk-installation.
That tends to be problematic.

At moment I don't have time to add support for that, but you can try this:


In line 6, replace
Then it might work.

Or replace
pv=`head -n1 /etc/puppyversion |sed "s/^\(.\).*$/\\1/"`

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oh yesss... .DEB-installer (Beta)

#107 Post by kuejoe »

will try it now..(crossing fingers.
Keep you posted.
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oh yesss... .DEB-installer (Beta)

#108 Post by kuejoe »

OK sir,
it worked.
I tried to install pacman (something simple)
it said I had all of the dependencies.
installed it
/dotpups/categories/various /i have the puppy paw print!
clicked on it -no joy.
tried it again
prompted me to uninstall first one did that.
asked me to reboot.
I did. It must have erased the dependencies as well.
now the installer won't work.(LOL)
will try to reinstall all of the dependencies to see if that works.
Thanks MU.
It looks great.
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#109 Post by MU »

If a program won't start, try to run it from the comandline, to see possible errors.
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#110 Post by peppyy »

I don't know how big a victory this is but I just installed oneko succesfully on 2.0a7 full hd install with correct menu items. A small bug on shutdown leaves the idle cursor as an x but it works fine. I attempted moon-buggy and it looped on me. Never knew gkrellm would read that many processes, 4.8m when I hit the power button.

I had no errors like kuejo reported with 09 but I also have not gotten anything else running yet. I will grab a few more debs and try them.
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oh yesss... .DEB-installer (Beta)

#111 Post by kuejoe »

MU -

Since last I posted, I set up pup 109.
Thanks to your DebInstaller, was able to download xorg, and Enlightenment.
Xorg and Enlightenment works fine (just esound looks like installed to the wrong place will work on that later).
I know there is a dotpup for Enlightenment, but I wanted to see if it would work.
Tried XFCE4 but haven't gotten it to come up yet.
The very idea of the kind of power this application has is leaving me with an evil grin.(heh,heh)
A thought occured to me...
Would one be able to download .debs from Ubuntu (or any other Debian based Distro for that matter) with this?

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#112 Post by MU »


You needed a newer version?Puppy has xorg 6.8.1 inbuilt.
Yes, you can install also Ubuntu-debs.
The installer does this:
it extracts.
It copies the files to the final folders (some are changes, for example *.so in /usr/local/lib go to /usr/lib.
Finally it runs the config-script in the deb.
This script basically just creates some symlinks in /etc/alternatives for some packages.
Not all options in these scripts might be supported, as not all of debians systemtools are available in Puppy.
Problems can occur for 2 reasons:
1.) the mentioned scripts
2.) unresolved dependencies.
So Gtk2-.debs from debian-unstable are built using pangocairo, that will not work with Puppys Gtk2.
You would have to upgrade glib and Gtk2 completely, which is a dependency-hell.
It was even difficult to do it with Gnome 2.8 from stable (current is 2.15).

But Puppy2 is supposed to use a newer Gtk2 in the final release, so the situation will be better then :)
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oh yesss... .DEB-installer (Beta)

#113 Post by kuejoe »


Yes, I have a newer Nvidia card - and even after I made changes in Xorgconf, I couldn't get it to go until I used the DebInstaller. When I went to the Xorg site and saw how long it was going to take to compile it, I decided to try you installer. I am grateful. Maybe when I am bored and feel like hosing my system agin, I might experiment with Ubuntu .debs (heh). I will let you know.

Thank you again..
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web server

#114 Post by andre1 »

Barry / MU: could the included webserver be set to use another port then 80 so that this dosn't get in the way when installing other web servers ?

In the meen time, witch files controlls this ??

(I want to install webenv / lighttpd )

edit: moved to the puppy2 forum
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