Do you still use Windows sometimes? And why?

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#161 Post by zapjb »

I spend over 95% useful time in Linux. The other 5% is to keep my hand in to help my very elderly relatives & very stubborn friends on their doze boxes.

The only thing I need doze for is NETFLIX.
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#162 Post by Lobster »

zapjb and fellow Puppys

just been using Windows 7 for a couple of days
I like it. OK you need 3 gig of ram for the 64bit version
and have to install software and firewalls and antispyware etc
OK it is not as simple as Ubuntu but IMHO looks better than Sabayon.
I am looking for something I want to run and I have a feeling it will be Dreamweaver, which seems to have moved on considerably.

Then again I prefer a simple Puppy Life . . .
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#163 Post by DM was on fire! »

In reference to Lobster's post...
After running Puppy for something like two years now, I can say that it is a lot simpler than Ubuntu, and any other Linux distro I have run in my eight years of Linuxing. While installing Ubuntu to a thumb drive, or attempting to anyway, it completely messed up the MBR of my hard drive and I had to fix it. I have never worried one bit about installing Puppy to anything, worried if I have messed something up or whatever. But when I experiment with any other system, I'm scared as all get out.
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#164 Post by nooby »

When we do the "Taxes" and vote for whom should be in Gov and other such official things that happens maybe once a year or even once 4 year or so they ask us to use Bank Identification.

So one log in to one of the many Bank one have and download a program that take care of identification of that hardware and relate that one to me personally. Not sure how one do it if one have one computer for several grown ups. Maybe one program for each grown up?

Anyway that has only worked for Ms Windows and I don't know if Wine did work with that "Certificate" or what was needed. Recently they said that they wanted to include "Linux" as a platform for that program.

I have not tested it yet. I hate to fail at things and that thing sound like a total failure because usually Puppy can not use any kind of Linux just out of the internet can it? One need to make a pet or sfs or TCz or something that Puppy recognize?

So once a year I most likely would want to use Windows.

But fortunately they accept that one use a Mobile Phone and the codes they sent out through snail mail so 2010 I did not use windows at all???
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#165 Post by Moose On The Loose »

Pizzasgood wrote:The only two things I have used Windows for this semester are to run Quartus and to print.


Actually, if I hit it hard enough I could probably get it running in Wine. I tried once and got it mostly working, but it died when I tried compiling a circuit.
You got further with Quartus than me. You can get a pay lots of money version that is supposed to run on Red Hat but the free one is only Windows.

It appeared to me that there were some serious bugs in Quartus that Windows allowed to skate through but wine did a page fault on.
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#166 Post by racepres »

We use windoze for printing ID cards, and for cutter plotter vinyl machine... Seems these require win to do anything!
We actually use our Macs much more, since FileMaker Pro is not very wine friendly... yet, and Adobe Creative Suite is too expensive to just lay around!!
For the Internet, we Only use Puppy Linux.. which is about 24/7. Couldn't make my bitter half use anything else!
I do still occasionally use Debian with my Powerbook!
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#167 Post by MinHundHettePerro »

I do use WinXP intermittently for tasks I haven't found a way to perform in linux, such as banking and watching telly with my analogue TV card. And, of course, when co-writing an article when everyone else is using MS-office; using Abi and OOo really screws things up then :?. Co-writing in LaTeX is less of an issue, mixing MS and Linux versions of editors; just have to be aware of the differing codepages...

~95% linux at home.

Cheers :)/
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#168 Post by tubeguy »

At work we are all MS. DOS/98/NT/XP/Vista. At home I use XP for Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Audition, programs I am already very productive with. Also for supporting my parents computer I use CrossLoop which is a Windows program.

I guess I will always use Windows in some capacity because I fix friends computers for cash on occasion, so it's good for me to keep up with it. Also my current job has me managing the 14 boxes we have.

I've had a few encounters with Apple, every time I end up aggravated. For something that is supposed to be intuitive it absolutely makes me nuts.

Toshiba laptop is all Linux, various Puppies on ext4.
HP Pavillion 350Mhz has DSL
eMachine 600Mhz box has VortexBox
Compaq Presario 3gig has Puppy 5.2
HP DC5100 3gig has Puppy 5.2 and Windows XP
[b]Tahr Pup 6 on desktop, Lucid 3HD on lappie[/b]
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one left!

#169 Post by PINK30 »

I am part of a group of performing artists. We have been computer artists - as in we make art for money on computers - since the first 386.

We also work with outsiders fixing machines for cash and working on language and cultural projects in the government and school system.

We have anywhere from 5 to 12 computers in use in our studio at any given point.

We do see the evolution of McMS. We had a dual XP/SLACK lappy for about two years. We rebuilt a WIN7 box last week in fact. So we are not just "bashers". All our tools do work or starve.

We made the decision as a working group to "Not keep up" with McDoze after ME/OS10.

We gave away the last of the McBoxes last year BUT
- we have two last DOZERS.
There are two studio tools we have yet to get to function on Linux of any flavor. MAudio's Oxygen and Ozone [XP] and our Cakewalk+Gina+Z1+Cannon [98SE].
With a bit of luck we will get the MAudio sorted this month and then we are down to the last MS box. It's almost sad. Almost.

We did purchase Rosegarden early on and run it but as yet MAudio and our old Gina and Cannon are DOZE only ):

We did have a Frankenstein dual 98SE/WolvixCub we used to run as a jukebox and web browser for years but booting backNforth got too tiresome last year so now it - and its WINmodem - are a Hydrogen drum machine.

We had the luxury as a small group making steady money but most of our compadres are well and truly stuck in the McGlass Hellrealm for practical and financial reasons ):
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#170 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Only Linux since `07...But have a Win7 install because I have to be somewhat familiar with it for support reasons...
Actually, I`m on it ATM, as I am helping a friend with their 7 and so I booted to it...Really, it is quite pretty, and has "adopted" several things from Linux in terms of the desktop...But it is incredibly resource intensive...And of course there is the virus thing....
IDK...I try to convert people, but they are so "brainwashed"....

Just thought I`d post from Windoze once...LOL...
Close the Windows, and open your eyes, to a whole new world
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"Remote Desktop Sharing" and Easy Folder Sharing via Microso

#171 Post by gcmartin »

double post.
Last edited by gcmartin on Tue 01 Mar 2011, 03:40, edited 2 times in total.

"Remote Desktop Sharing" and Easy Folder Sharing via Microso

#172 Post by gcmartin »

Puppy has one very good advantage working in its favor, in my opinion, and that is the fact that I can run the system using a LiveCD/DVD, with consistency and stability while having the ability for it to survive over reboot after information and services are added to its base,. But, excepting in testing, I cannot deploy Puppy for 2 reasons.

I use Micosoft all the time for the following: The 2 most prevalent reasons, which are largely ignored in Puppy, is the ability to
  1. use my XP/Vista/7/2003/2007 desktop from a another PC without physically being at the machine (RDP).
  2. share information that is generated/used on my Microsoft PC with ANY other PC
Any OS that does NOT provide this is a show-stopper for my needs and use.

If you want an explanation, here is
I am NOT displeased with Puppy for this neglect. Over the years, I have come to understand that they are working overly feverishly to maintain their stated objective set some years stay within 100MB running. Its the Puppy mission. And, I see nothing wrong with that. Overall this community works very hard to achieve the goals that it does address.

But, for my needs, I have to continue to use the other distros as my deployed production uses.

There is so changes afoot in 32bit Puppydom. Lighthouse has produced a VERY innovative approach to adding additional services to his derivative. I have tested SAMBA being implemented using his derivative. So, this could find its way into a production PC on my LAN.

ALSO, In the 64bit FATDOG, the FULL SAMBA presented by Kirk has been stable and well presented within the system. This resolves HAS been in production since the beginning of this year as I have been testing and using it comparing it to Microsoft for performance. For me, there is one main reason for my interest in FATDOG on these very fast 64bit PCs. It is NOT the stated mission of FATDOG to be within 100MB. Its mission is to exploit current 64bit technologies in a secure logical sophisticated manner. I employ file and folder sharing in all aspect of every desktop system I plant for home use. Knoppix, Edubuntu, and FATDOG are my current Linux Distros of choice, currently. All of these sharing information with all other systems on my LAN via OS services. FATDOG is the ONLY Linux system that I have had to add thru its PET, the ability to securely share; the other LInux distros have SAMBA sharing "built-in" same as Microsoft. All of my Linux systems use the latest secure SAMBA.

I recognize that some applications are designed using some Microsoft development technologies which tend to "lock" them into that platform, but there are many many cross-platform applications which will work in Linux to meet, or equal similar Windows programs.

My reason for this post is NOT a complaint. It is a matter-of-fact response to the question. i mean no malice in sharing this. To be honest, I do not expect to have any 32bit machines within 1 year from now. I am looking forward to new LAN devices from various vendors (Google, Cisco, Netgear, HP, and Microsoft) that are going to be hitting the market in the very near future. Much will be added in the way of Faster LAN, faster WiFi, faster Cell, faster Bluetooth, SATA3, USB3, SSD and Xpads of 64bit!

I am expecting that at the end of this year, I will be writing on the screen and doing much work without a mouse. I also am looking forward to the ability of having my systems response to voice commands as they become much smarter in using home controllers for all sorts of things that are already in the marketplace.

Hope this helps.
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#173 Post by navegante »

I use Winxp, sometimes Puppi on a Targa-Traveller laptop , Sugar (Fc11-Linux on Nand) and DebXO (Debian Squeeze XFCE from pendrive) on my daughters xo-1 laptop, on an five year old clone pc I use Winxp and every Linux I will try.
I don`t like WinVista and Win7, they eat the whole hardware.
From the heavy Linux distros I like Debian but installing it takes time, Ubuntu takes less, Sometimes I work with Fedora or Sugar on a Stick, never tried other distros like Suse, Mandriva...
From the light distros I like Puppi (I use it everyday for rescue and special tasks) and Damn Small (for the same but I prefere Puppi). I tried other light distros but they didn´t work on my (or others) hardware.
The only light distro capable of online video streaming on older computer is Puppi. I expect a lot of Puppi in the future.
For now I can`t be independent from WinXP because of some hardware. I can't say WinXP is a bad distro nor was Win98.
On customer's pc's I can't install Linux, they would lynch me.
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#174 Post by bill41 »

I still use Windows XP to run Musescore music notation software. I downloaded Musescore to Puppy from the Ubuntu Main repository, but in Puppy the playback feature does not work and I haven't tried to fix it. I use Musescore in Ubuntu on my desktop. I haven't tried running Musescore with Wine on Puppy.
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#175 Post by russoodle »

Rarely since early 2007 and never in the past twelve months....i keep XP around though, albeit in a much-shrunken partition, because it comes in handy if one needs tech support for hardware, such as for a wayward adsl connection, as i did recently, because the minute you make a squeak about using Mac or Linux with ethernet hardware, you can almost see them run screaming from their desks! It's the only way to get any co-operation from the sods, here at least :roll:

Mostly it's Mac and Puppy, although i try many other Linux distros out of curiosity. Lately though, i can feel Mac's grip slipping and i've discovered that FatDog64 runs wonderfully well on the 64-bit Mac :D

Macpup, KDPup, Fluppy, the official 4.* series and several other Puppies are very much at home on my 32-bit laptops and usb flash drives.....but i need to learn to control this urge to buy cheap lappies to fit more puppies on, it's starting to get ridiculous and i could become obsessed :shock:
(a couple of big-screen macs wouldn't go astray if only i had the $$$, just to run Linux..)
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#176 Post by Colonel Panic »

Just one piece of advice for others with old computers; if you use an old version of Windows such as 98 or ME, it helps a lot to use a utility such as 98lite to strip out the bloatware such as Internet Explorer, Active Desktop and Outlook etc. to make the whole thing faster and more stable. I don't know if there's anything similar for XP, Vista or 7.
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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#177 Post by nitehawk »

Colonel Panic wrote:Just one piece of advice for others with old computers; if you use an old version of Windows such as 98 or ME, it helps a lot to use a utility such as 98lite to strip out the bloatware such as Internet Explorer, Active Desktop and Outlook etc. to make the whole thing faster and more stable. I don't know if there's anything similar for XP, Vista or 7.
...I used the "lite" program for Win2000 Pro one time, and it worked. And there is a similiar "lite" program for XP (I think)...but it isn't free.
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#178 Post by myke »

I only use Windows when I have to. I am retired so that means as little as possible.

This year, I discovered to my horror that had lost my OOO tax return spreadsheet that has been around since I first used AsEasy (a Lotus clone) in 1988. All I could find was the spreadsheet for the 2009 filing.

Luckily, I found a free Windows certified tax return software program running on .Net2 with SP2. Unfortunately, a bug prevents .Net2SP2 from running on WINE. So, today, was using my Windows XP desktop - the first time in about three months or so.

My intention is to update my spreadsheet au cas où (just in case) the software program is no longer available next year.

On the Linux side I run Pinguy 10.10, which is an augmented version of Linux Mint 10.10. The latter in turn is an augmented version of Ubuntu, etc. This is mainly to run Linux programs with horrendous, for Puppy, dependencies. So can run programs like Unetbootin and cherrytree, for instance. I can also easily install Linux software to play with as well as try out various Windows freeware programs.

But most of the time I run Puppy: mostly, Fluppy 13, Snowpuppy 15 (both with with 2.6.35 kernel) as well as Fatdog64. I like them all.

Fatdog64 takes advantage of the dual core on my machine and so when I need to browse quickly or just run Libreoffice I use it.

On the other hand, often pets only exist in 32bit versions and I found that it is a hit-or-miss affair with 64bit debs from Ubuntu. Emacs didn't run due to mismatch in the dbus library dependency while cabextract was fine. So, I find overall that still am working in Fluppy and Snowpuppy, both of which I like very much.

AA1 D255E-keucr slacko 5.3;luci;mijnpup; tw-os; with:Emacs,gawk,noteboxmismanager,treesheets, freeplane, libreoffice, tkoutline, Sigil, calibre, calendar. magic&Noteliner(wine), kamas (DOS)
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#179 Post by nooby »

"Make Human" CGI 3D program maybe works best in Windows but the home page says it should work with Ubuntu and Debian too. But I have neither of them.
I have Knoppix but that is not pure debian is it.
AntiX is not pure Debian either is it?

And to install Ubuntu you need Grub2 and how do you do that without a CD/DVD burner? And you need to learn to set permissions again and again and I have tried to learn such since 2006 and totally failed so Puppy was my rescue.

So if I want to run MakeHuman then I am forced to use Ms but I don't want to. I trust it is one year since I had it going. or 10 months or so.

So if MakeHuman would work in Puppy that would be great.

Edit friendly teasing. Maybe MakeHuman work in TCL? :)
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#180 Post by Aitch »


Have you tried Luci 5.2.3to5.25/6/'s as close to ubuntu as puppy gets, I think
You'll probably need to install python, if it's not included
MakeHuman seems to use Blender as well, but from a quick look I can't see any reason it wouldn't work, possibly using deb2pet for the .deb install ... 443#285443

You may have to watch for and find dependencies...otherwise....try it :D

Aitch :)
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