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#41 Post by eden6000 »

I'm not on my pc now, but I can confirm it's like you say, because looking in htop yesterday showed many of that cmd info command...maybe you could try it in lucid too?
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#42 Post by neurino »

I'm not on my pc now too, I have not Lucid installed but will give a try with a 5.1 cd I burned time ago...

Anyaway not much to do with a gtrayicon bug (and severe since running commands from context menu actions is the only thing it does...)

Unfortunately there's no option to show gtrayicon version (nor in trayfm... I should add it...)

Or you could try compiling latest gtrayicon version (2008!) from source, you should already have all dependencies, it's quite easy...

Code: Select all

# cd /tmp
# wget
# tar xzvf gtrayicon-1.1.tar.gz
# cd gtrayicon-1.1/
# ./configure CFLAGS="-mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --host=i486-pc-linux-gnu
# make
# mkdir gtrayicon-1.1
# make install DESTDIR=gtrayicon-1.1
# dir2pet gtrayicon-1.1
[Enter] [Enter] [Enter]....
and you get a brand new pet to install (and share here if it works too 8) )
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#43 Post by eden6000 »

Nope neurino :( I compiled your gtktray (not with your command, as there is no "configure", just "make") then I moved it to /usr/bin (backing up the older before), but it behaves the same way....
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#44 Post by chrismt »

How do you play the radio?

Can you show an example?
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#45 Post by neurino »

"you" who?

Sorry but hardly understand the question...
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#46 Post by chrismt »


There is an option called play radio

When i click it I see radio lastfm:// 'blank'

What should i type in that blank space?

On the website, when i type Taylor Swift, I get Taylor Swift and related artists radio

When i type it here, i don't get anything

I am on Puppy 5.2

I also noticed that clicking song info or artist info doesn't work

It only shows up, after i exist the program
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#47 Post by neurino »

Sorry for the late answer, I missed the forum notification...

Normally you should copy the url of the station in the browser and remove the part leaving the rest untouched.

Trayfm is just a frontend to shell-fm so it's supposed you learn how shell-fm works to get things running... :roll:

Search is your friend...

About messages holding until quit, I got an answer from the shell-fm author, I should be able to fix it anyway I can't understand this does not happens on my Puppy too...
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#48 Post by neurino »

Posted version 0.0.9 I should have fixed problem with messages holding on until quit.

I say "should" since I don't experience that problem so I can't test if it's solved now, please let me know if it works.
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#49 Post by neurino »

Version 0.1.0 posted,

I was tired of listening default station each time I started trayfm so added option in Settings to restart last station listened.

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