What do you use besides puppy?

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
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#61 Post by 37fleetwood »

I mentioned earlier that I was going to change over to something more fun on my laptop, I'm almost totally decided. I've found the perfect distro, Bodhilinux. all the comfort of Ubuntu running Gnome, with all the beauty of e17. I've been playing with it in virtualbox, it's looking pretty promising. heres a screenshot of what it looks like with a small amount of customizing.

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#62 Post by Bligh »

I keep a kde 3.5.1 distro installed on the os partittion, and save a pup save2 file on the data partition. ms seems to take an entire drive, so I save pup to that drive on those hdd's. I have used lindows,linspire pclinuxos 2007/2009, and vector linux live 3.5.1. some of the pup 3.5.1 derivitives are interesting. If I can't run it on any of those, I probably don't need it.
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#63 Post by rokytnji »

Code: Select all

         _sudZUZ#Z#XZo=_         DDDD   EEEEEE BBBB   IIIIII  AAAA   NN   NN
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  oZ[      _jdXY!~?S#wa   ]Xb;   DDDD   EEEEEE BBBBB  IIIIII AA  AA  NN   NN
 _#e'     .]X2(     ~Xw|  )XXc 
.2Z`      ]X[.       xY|  ]oZ(   Linux Version 2.6.32-1-mepis-smp
.2#;      )3k;     _s!~   jXf`   Compiled #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 10 11:40:09 EDT 2010
 1Z>      -]Xb/    ~    __#2(    One 1.2GHz Intel Pentium 4 Processor, 1.2GB RAM
 -Zo;       +!4ZwaaaauZZXY'      2393.26 Bogomips Total
  *#[,        ~-?!!!!!!-~        biker
rok@biker:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux testing (wheezy)
Release:	testing
Codename:	wheezy
Distro antiX-M11-686-rc1 08 March 2011
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#64 Post by Bligh »

Most of my hardware is older, but I do have 1laptop and 1 dt hdd with mepis 8 I think. At the moment, vector kde and pup seem to be best for me.
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#65 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

At the moment I have only one computer. It has four frugal installs: Wary 5.0.0, Lucid 5.2.0, DSL 4.4.10 and Knoppix 6.4.3. It also has three full HD installs: Mepis 8.5, WinXP Pro and Debian Sarge.

More than 90% of the time I use Wary. I have both DSL and Wary on pendrives to use on public and other people's computers.

As you can see I'm fond of icon launches over menus. I'm 83 years old and my eyesight is not the best so I have lots of large print. :)
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#66 Post by gameboyab »

I use Debian, Mac OS X, and :oops: Windows XP.
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#67 Post by GustavoYz »

Slackware 13.37, FreeBSD, CentOS and Windows 7 (seldom).
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#68 Post by starhawk »

:oops: :oops: :oops: WinXP primarily. I've some experience with very old Ubuntu versions (7.* and 8.*) and enough DSL experience to know that I can't stand how ugly it is... mind you I've not tried the new version, which almost looks nice for once. Quite an accomplishment!

I've used a LOT of puppies, though... I have like 8+gb of puppy ISOs sitting "archived" on my hard drive right now :shock:

To my credit, I refuse to use Vista or Win7, and my plan for dealing with Win8 involves moving to puppy and then sending M$ a letter and my XP product key... I do not like them, Sam I Am!
Bruce B

#69 Post by Bruce B »

What do I use beside Puppy?

I recently used Windows XP for troubleshooting a very annoying problem. The problem is that Multi-media files lock up the computer and requires a cold reboot.

I tested the media files and the same thing happened. This told me that the problem was not a Linux, or Puppy, or Media Player problem.

I think I figured it out, but if I told what I think it is, you'd all think me nuts, if you don't already.

Actually, I only use Puppy and its an older version. I should update it, but it's working fine, I can procrastinate while newer and newer versions come out, before making the upgrade.

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#70 Post by starhawk »

Hey, shoot me a PM. I'm a hardware dude, I might be able to help.

...I'll need a few more details about the exact behavior and what tests you ran (if any)... my first guess is overheating graphics chip (either on a card or built into the motherboard) as most people never bloody clean out the insides. PCs are GREAT dust collectors!
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#71 Post by gameboyab »

starhawk wrote: To my credit, I refuse to use Vista or Win7, and my plan for dealing with Win8 involves moving to puppy and then sending M$ a letter and my XP product key... I do not like them, Sam I Am!
I will probably have to do the same thing. After XP, Windows has gotten too paranoid.
(Are you sure you meant to run this program that you double-clicked on?) :(
Not running as root is the cause of my inferiority complex.
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#72 Post by starhawk »

That attitude is not getting better with time.


EDIT: for clarity's sake... what I'm saying is that they are getting MORE paranoid, to the point of ludicrousness. (Obligatory Spaceballs ref: "They've gone PLAID!!") M$ really needs to quit being the schoolyard bully and mellow out, big time.
Bruce B

#73 Post by Bruce B »

starhawk wrote:I've used a LOT of puppies, though... I have like 8+gb of puppy ISOs sitting "archived" on my hard drive right now :shock:
The above reminded me of a funny incident. I have acquired lots of Puppy software. I made a directory called Puppy_Parts to store the software in.

An acquaintance looked over my shoulder and saw the directory. He said, "Puppy parts? Puppy parts? Puppy parts?"

He was wanting me to explain, so I told him the truth, "I collect puppy parts."
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#74 Post by dze »

only 5.2.8 and macpup ,that is enough
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#75 Post by sickgut »

James C wrote:On my main Linux computer I triple-boot Mepis 8, Puppy 4.20 (Ttuuxxx's Deeper Thought) and Puppies 4.31.1 (Ttuuxxx's creation again).

My test computer has nlited Windows 2000, Debris (Debian based), as well as 4 full and 2 frugal installs of various Puppies.

I've got more but those are my main two computers where I spend most of my time.
Windows 2000 is by far my favorite Windows. If viruses and other things didnt exist and it ran on new hardware then windows 98 SE would be my favourite
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#76 Post by sickgut »

I use Pussy alot


what? im just being honest.... i develop the damn thing for f*** sake!

I used fluppy and Puppeee quite alot does that count?
Windows 7 laptop and a compulsion to play the battlefield play 4 free (pretty much battlefield 2 but free... search in google, you will find it..) pretty much means in using Win 7 quite a bit. But damn..... its slow slow slow even comparing Puppy running from a CDROM
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#77 Post by foil »

sickgut wrote:
James C wrote:On my main Linux computer I triple-boot Mepis 8, Puppy 4.20 (Ttuuxxx's Deeper Thought) and Puppies 4.31.1 (Ttuuxxx's creation again).

My test computer has nlited Windows 2000, Debris (Debian based), as well as 4 full and 2 frugal installs of various Puppies.

I've got more but those are my main two computers where I spend most of my time.
Windows 2000 is by far my favorite Windows. If viruses and other things didnt exist and it ran on new hardware then windows 98 SE would be my favourite
+1 for Windows 2000 but I don't use it with any modem ability since my move to Linux about nine months ago.
Linux Mint 12 CD Gnome, full install;
Eagle Mode livecd;
Puppy 5.2.x (various);

My goal is puppy with portable apps and no hard drive.
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#78 Post by ally »

a) slacko 5.3.3 on athlon desktop, used as storage device and occasional use

b) slacko 5.3.3 on lenovo t61, main machine used to control others with wake-on-lan and tightvnc

c) slacko 5.3.3 on ibm t21 used as jukebox via vnc connected to stack

d) ibm t21 just for distro experimentation and backup lappy

e) slacko 5.3.3/puppeee1.0 celeron on 2x eeepc701 & 1 900

f) tiny version of xp on eeepc701 although doing my best to convert the old man over!

got collection of >160 puppy iso's, prefer slacko for everyday use followed by 4.31 & macpup

just wish I could learn to compile and modify, enjoy learning though.....

anybody near lincoln uk who is happy to teach greater puppy skills please get in touch

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