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#321 Post by nooby »

080211: Special build with TC as GUI. TC version in squashfile is tinycore_2.11.6.

NOTE: This is NOT a new puplet - no updates, no help or troubleshooting - its just a demo of pUPnGOs possibilities.
Thanks that was what I needed to feel totally satisfied. :)

I knew it was a 6 six somewhere in there but it was version 2.11.6 and not TCL 2.6 while I want TCL 3.4.6 something modern.

I accept it is there as a proof of concept only. Thanks for all the help you gave me through PM. Much appreciated. I actually once did get it going and out on the internet too but then I got too adventure and messed it all up.

But it is there on the HD when my courage return.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#322 Post by technosaurus »

Update: firmware is also controlled by /etc/modules/firmware.dep*
Some things may need /etc/modules.conf (conexant modems)
There are various additional conf files in /etc/modprobe.d/* and /etc/rc.d/* that get loaded by /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit (Barry's version has a lot of work arounds for the small busybox modutils that could be removed if using the full busybox modutils)

Wireless links that I have in my notes:
http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tou ... Tools.html
Your error comes from print_scanning_token in iwlist.c if you want to debug ... printf the vars at the end of the function (line608 in v29)
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#323 Post by taca0 »


I like a lot the last version that works on my AMD K6 , the net card works and its fast for only 32mb ram and 256mb of SD HD.

I like links but I can post on forums , I can login but not post and also dont logout.

What others programs works with this new version??

I am trying to find other light browser but with graphics??

I still dont know if audio its active or if its automatic detected and configure??

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#324 Post by technosaurus »

taca0 wrote:I am trying to find other light browser but with graphics??
This was discussed earlier in the thread: dillo-gtk1, hv3 and opera-9.27-static-qt3 (the only 1 in the list that will support the flash plugin) were the main contenders IIRC
(lamarelle.org has a browser only seamonkey-1.1.19-gtk1 that works with flash7 ... I developed a hack that lets v7 work on many flash10 sites)

to test audio you can use cat on a .wav or .au file
cat *.wav >/dev/dsp
cat *.au >/dev/audio
(how is that for a lightweight media player)
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#325 Post by taca0 »


The problem its that I can not install on pUPnGO_V412_060211 any other browser (only the links text browser) . Gives installing errors or for example the dillo gives error DNS... Some ones have lib dependency errors.

How I could solve that??
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#326 Post by goingnuts »

Even though the dillo is a static build you need some other libs as well. Here is a pet of a dynamic build with all needed deps that should work although you might get problems with only 32Mb ram.
If you have pci sound card it is normally recognized by kernel - I have not succeeded to get ISA-cards running yet.
And thanks for testing and reporting!
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#327 Post by goingnuts »

technosaurus wrote:Update: firmware is also controlled by /etc/modules/firmware.dep*
Some things may need /etc/modules.conf (conexant modems)
There are various additional conf files in /etc/modprobe.d/* and /etc/rc.d/* that get loaded by /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit (Barry's version has a lot of work arounds for the small busybox modutils that could be removed if using the full busybox modutils)
Thanks! The original modprobe is needed - has to be able to take a conf-file. Firmware is loaded via pup_event_backend_firmware and pup_event_backend_modprobe triggered by udevd following rules in /etc/udev/rules 50-udev-puppy-basic.rules. Also version of udevd matters...
For wireless connect-script I had to change back from iwlist to wpa_cli to get the right encryption type in static builds.
Posting this through pupngo - dillo - wireless wpa2 - usb-wireless adaptor needing firmware-drivers :-)
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#328 Post by technosaurus »

So I am without internet on my puppy box right now, which kinda sux, but it has allowed me to play with the internals a bit without so much distraction. Learned the powers of substring manipulation and some other script stuff and in the process rediscovered an unrelated idea for a better boot to desktop method.

Here is the jist of it:
Spawn xvesa and jwm early in init (with necessary files in the initial ramdisk)
Use trays to update the boot status using rxvt -e jwm -restart at each stage.
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#329 Post by goingnuts »

technosaurus: Extremely interesting! Do you do a "switch root" in the boot process and maintain GUI? The "trouble" with rxvt starting very early in the boot process - do you know if st has same behavior?

Living without internet for a longer time is annoying!
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#330 Post by technosaurus »

goingnuts wrote:technosaurus: Extremely interesting! Do you do a "switch root" in the boot process and maintain GUI? The "trouble" with rxvt starting very early in the boot process - do you know if st has same behavior?

Living without internet for a longer time is annoying!
I removed the switchroot and put the minimal pupngo into the initrd, then started cutting down. Eventually I made a giant leap and started with a blank init script... adding only necessary items as I went. I only tried aterm and rxvt. I had hope that an xcb based terminal emulator that was in the works would come to fruition though a port of st to xcb+xcb utils would be great. Mounting dev and proc and starting mdevd -s didn't work and I am unfamiliar with getty and the various scripts in etc/ that run after init. I need to get a working qemu so I can do these kinds of things without constantly rebooting.

BTW I compiled an x11 only mrxvt with tab support and patched it to number the tabs instead of just calling them Terminal by default ... also added functions to bashbox to modify the tab and window titles (useful for updating status in scripts) ...and did one for rxvt window title too, which for some reason does the tab title in mrxvt. Mrxvt uses a bit more resources, but multiple tabs saves it right back by not needing multiple instances.
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#331 Post by goingnuts »

technosaurus wrote: BTW I compiled an x11 only mrxvt with tab support and patched it to number the tabs instead of just calling them Terminal by default..
Any chance that you would post this?

To follow up on one of your many ideas I have made a small program for showing a xpm-image in the tray. Can be used to make custom tray-monitors - ex. xload. Image to use can be controlled from a shell script changing the symlink to a fixed named xpm-image. The program (pmmon - size 10K) takes the following switches:

Code: Select all

-b "bgcolour"    Window bg colour, ex. "LightGray"
-d <disp>        Set the display
-i "image"         Full path to image to show
-l "command"   Command to execute on left button mousekey press
-m "command" Command to execute on midt button mousekey press
-r "command"   Command to execute on right button mousekey press
-u <seconds>  Set update interval (default 0.5)
-h, --help          Display this help text and exit
so all mouse bottoms can be programmed to launch individual other bins.
Ex: pmmon -i "/usr/bin/f0.xpm" -l "rxvt -e top" -r "rxvt -e ps"

Attached a very simple example to replace xload.
Just include the following in /root/.jwmrc-tray

Code: Select all

<Swallow name="pmmon" width="34">
in the appropriate section...
NB: The example wont run correct in pupngo as script uses "bc" which is not present.
Slightly annoyed by above...replace load.sh code with below code:

Code: Select all

pmmon -i "/usr/bin/f0.xpm" -l "rxvt -e top" -r "rxvt -e ps" &
while :; do
CPUHIGH=$(cat /proc/loadavg | cut -d " " -f1 | cut -d "." -f1)
[ $CPUHIGH -ge 2 ] && ln -sf /usr/bin/red.xpm /usr/bin/f0.xpm
[ $CPUHIGH -lt 2 ] && [ $CPUHIGH -ge 1 ] && ln -sf /usr/bin/yellow.xpm /usr/bin/f0.xpm
[ $CPUHIGH -lt 1 ] && ln -sf /usr/bin/green.xpm /usr/bin/f0.xpm
sleep 10
...knowing that its not actually cpu-load but "xload"...
pmmon-0.1 including example of primitive xload replacement
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#332 Post by technosaurus »

I downloaded opera mini so I should be able to post pets now

try this
awk '{print $1}' /proc/loadavg

cut can be very difficult to maintain for /proc stuff due to kernel changing the pretty print ... tr -s can help, but I've learned the hard way that awk was designed for these exact situations

love the new tool though, I'd like to check out how hard it would be to allow multiple different images (to handle all of the tracking in one applet & cut down resource usage)
I think I posted all of my /proc hacks in jemimah's vattery thread (to get all sorts of info)... back when I was still trying to use cut also

here is a snippet of c that I use to shift the input parameters
#define shift(i,a) ({ int j=0; while(a[j] != NULL){a[j]=a[j+i];j++;})
it works best with a fixed number of parameters, otherwise you have to do checks.
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#333 Post by goingnuts »

Thanks for the awk-tip! Do not expect pmmon to be bug-free - it seems that one instance running is ok - but more do not work. Think jwm only like to swallow one app. by name(?) - maybe a switch to name the child might work. Rename does not. And app. name is at the moment hard coded in pmmon - I´ll try to improve on that.
Update: Attached version takes appname and refuse to run if no image path is given. Also reduced size to 7K. Made the attached pmabs - a simple volume indicator - now able to run several pmmon and get them swallowed. Right-click mute/unmute - left-click launch xmixer if installed.
tray-applet for volume. included static build of aumix.
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#334 Post by technosaurus »

posting mrxvt + others I forgot?

I was actually hoping that we could somehow loop through the args in c to have multiple images side by side...thus only need 1 instance of the program for monitoring multiple parameters. I may have to dig out the old x11 programming manual I found in a recycling bin.

in jemimah's words this would be a hack on top of an already dirty cludge... found the link to the procinfo stuff though
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#335 Post by goingnuts »

I was actually hoping that we could somehow loop through the args in c to have multiple images side by side..
That should be possible I think - I will work on it. Thanks for the posted programs! Attached the source code for pmmon - need to implement kill of running pmmon when restart jwm to prevent multible instances. Also need to find a way to have the background colour transfered to the icon background. A replacement for the system call (as it pause running pmmon) would be nice...
Update: The kill of running pmmon can be done from script and the pause of pmmon when calling system can be overcome by issuing command with "&" in the end - ex:

Code: Select all

pmmon -n "pmabs" -i "/usr/bin/f1.xpm" -l "xmixer &" -r "mute &" &
pmmon-0.2 source
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#336 Post by technosaurus »

when apps are started from jwm, they appear to use an extra shell to execute the command (the shell stays running == extra resources) - this code is in command.c {toward the end} I may try to use my program forking (fork, exec, {wait?}) macro to replace it, but concerned if they would get stuck open on shutdown this way ... I would use "system(cmd)" but IIRC it may be a security concern
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#337 Post by goingnuts »

The mrxvt is tremendous! Thanks!

Posted an updated (downgrade) of xfm here - really a nice GUI file and application-manager in only 150K.

Concerning the pmmon I think a system call works fine - have tried to use the fork/exec but with no luck. Been pulling my hair out to try getting a transparent icon - but again with no luck. Thought that info here could give a break through but I am coding like a blind. :cry:
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#338 Post by technosaurus »

in an xpm you can set a color to be transparent by leaving its character value null

see percentbar and genhbar in bashbox
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#339 Post by technosaurus »

keep in mind I have only had 1 semester of c 15 years ago, but it seems like multiple applets should be case for a struct
ex. (not using c syntax)

for i=1 ... argc
if argv="-i"
applet.icon[j]=argv[i+1] //usr/lib this the right way?
add to total width
change height if > existing

while true
for i=0 ... j
<draw> applet.*

...beter yet maybe use this xcb based code
http://vincentsanders.blogspot.com/2010 ... -hard.html

Edit - I wanted to apologize for the bashbox pet - I didn't test it before posting and the mixnmatch functions had some issues in ash - feel free to tear it apart for the functions though (in /etc/bbfsxns.sh) ... I am in the process of pulling out or rewriting (and simplifying) the desktop apps ... trying to use $DIALOG where possible (so they work in the console OR the desktop), but it either needs to be a wrapper or I need to patch and recompile dialog and Xdialog to use similar functions and probably have a no-op function for non-implemented functions from the sister app
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#340 Post by goingnuts »

technosaurus: You might have a look at my dialogfunctions.

While waiting for a break-through getting icons to show up with background colour as set in the pmmon-app. here is a workaround/different approach: pmfree2 is driven by a script that controls the xpm-icon that pmmon is to show. It requires some coding to create xpm like that on-the-fly but the master-xpm could be made more universal and handle xload, network, audio, battery etc. and you really can set your internal icon-designer free...
An upcoming pmmon5 is under creation - handles 5 icons at once...
image of the running pmfree2 (outer left image....)
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pmfree2 alternative to freememapplet. xpm created in ash-script and shown by pmmon
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