List of distros frugal install on NTFS HDD with menu.lst?

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List of distros frugal install on NTFS HDD with menu.lst?

#1 Post by nooby »

Maybe not many would look for such a list but it would be handy to be able to link to it if there existed one.

To be useful it would need to include the menu.lst code so people knows how to replicate others successes booting. And also how to make save of persistence? or of it can only boot but now save.

I mean frugally on NTFS but it is helpful if one add those that only boot on linux partitions but then one have to mention that is what one tested it on.

Puppy is the champ so that one comes first on the list.

Knoppix does too and DSL and TCL and so on.

Is that a cool thread or totally worthless?
Last edited by nooby on Wed 04 May 2011, 06:46, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
I have investigated this while building MultiPup..
So far the only distros that I cant get to boot from grub were Ubuntu and Luitlinux.....
They would boot, but fail to configure...I could prob get it, but I quit trying..
Just read the isolinux file from the ISO and edit grub to suit...

Many distros require the data files be on the top level, ie the root of the partition...DSL for example....
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#3 Post by nooby »

puppyluvr wrote
So far the only distros that I cant get to boot from grub were Ubuntu and Luitlinux.....

I have heard of Ubuntu but not the last one. Okay I did manage to get Ubuntu to boot before they went Grub2. So 8.04 or 8.10 maybe will boot in frugal live mode on NTFS but there is no way to save such things like keyboard and Firewall set up or which Flashplugin one use.

So sadly the most known Linux fails.

Slackware based seems to be among those that allow it.

Vector, Wolvix, Groblin, NimbleX, Slax and so on.
Debian based except Ubuntu like Simply Mepis and AntiX and such.

I only got one Arch based distro to boot but had to do ISO boot in frugal on NTFS but many of the otehr Arch I failed.

Maybe most would boot on Ext2 or Ext3 partition but I want to be Dual booting with the original OS and not change any partition. It changes the recovery safe guards them set up to know nobody have tampered with their set up. So no resizing are allowed on the hdd.

Sure one can have USB and format the USB flash or HDD in every way one want but I am not good at partitioning USB, it is a hit an miss every time I try.

So I trust that Puppy TCL and Knoppix and AntiX can boot but I would want us to list every other that boot and tell how we did it. That would be cool to be able to link to as a help if somebody say that Puppy is the only distro allowing frugal so that is something too odd to even consider then one can show that a lot of developers have allowed frugal boot by setting up their Distro so it works.
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#4 Post by rcrsn51 »

puppyluvr wrote:Just read the isolinux file from the ISO and edit grub to suit....
It's no longer that simple. If you look at the Live CD for a recent Ubuntu, you will see that isolinux is just running the initial menu. The OS is actually booting from Grub2.
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#5 Post by nooby »

Haha that is why I want Puppy to be able to install itself as a grub2 distro on a USB flash and then one can change the files to another distro and that way one can test all these Peppermint and other derivates from Ubuntu/mint varieties.
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#6 Post by amigo »

The trick to a frugal installation is not in the bootloader. It's in the initrd -that's where the code is which looks for the file system image(s) to be used to set up a bootable system. You could make any distro you like to run like that -you just need a proper initrd and kernel for each one.
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#7 Post by nooby »

Amigo I trust you on this.

Does that mean that if a distro don't boot frugally then the Dev did not know about frugal or that they did not care or did know and did not want it to boot frugally due to some political reason?

Does it mean that any with enough knowledge can create their own initrd that boot any distro by patching the initrd and reburn the iso?

How difficult is it to do this? or such changes? Just to change a reference or do you need to do real programming or just change a word or value and then reburn the iso?

Let me explain, my naive question. Often they fail to boot due to them looking for the "signature" a special file with the signature and it is there but on the HDD but the initrd look for it on the CD or USB so if one could just patch that look to the HDD instead Is it that easy?
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#8 Post by d4p »

"Puppy is the champ so that one comes first on the list."

May be yes, but you have to count also boot directly from iso.
Booting from iso is very nice for multiboot system, guarantee without conflict, and possible full install from iso.

"I mean frugally on NTFS but it is helpful if one add those that only boot on linux partitions but...."

Frugal booting or direct booting from iso is possible.
I have -giga multiboot usb external HDD- using GRUB4DOS:
1st partition: Portable XP full installed on NTFS partition (see
2nd partition: All isos & frugals on NTFS partition (work the most, see the list below)
3rd partition: All isos & frugals on Fat32 partition (only 3 or 4 os sofar must be on this partition)
4th partition: linux partition ext3
This is the list that sofar it work on my usb external HDD:
----- Windows system ------
Portable XP, minipe, micrope, win7 & vista recovery disk, hbcd.
----- Windows Installations -------
xp install, win7 install
----- virus scanner ------
eset32sys rescuecd, norton av rescue 2011, bitdefender rescue, avast BartPe v2, kaspersky 2010, panda safe cd, fsecure, gdatacd 2010, avg rescuecd, acronisantimalwarecd
----- Linux Distros ------
Parted Magic 510, lupu 520, austrumi 232, slitaz 30, tinycore 35, jolicloud, slax 612, linux mint, k- l- x- ubuntu 1010, ctBankix(best Banking online), fedora 14, Pclinuxos 2010, sebayon 55, swiftlinux, ylmf, debian live, peppermint, easypeasy, sms, more and more still alot of space.

download MultiBootISOs-x.exe & run it, open full-menu.lst ... iboot-usb/
Some other information: ... &do=active

"Is that a cool thread or totally worthless?"
Just a big challenge & spending a lot time.

Defrag the HDD can take the whole day to finished it.

#9 Post by aarf »

i agree. grub booting direct from iso in knoppix is more new user friendly than puppy frugal. getting that knowledge and capability to puppy would be a plus.
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#10 Post by nooby »

Frugal boot of the iso is something I like too but usually one would need to do it on USB and Fat32 and not be able to do it on NTFS on the inner HDD.

A few distros allow it but most would bark that they fail to find the files due to them looking for the CD live on the CD so one have to tell the Devs to allow iso booting from any place and not only the CD drive or the USB.

Or change to BIOS in such a way that it see the inner HDD as an CD drive then?

MultiBootISOs-x.exe ? but can this be run in Wine on Puppy or does one need to fire up windows to run it?

If one are dependent of Ms Windows to boot a Linux OS that is kind of to make one totally dependent on the proprietary moguls.

Linux user at the computer store. I can not buy that computer because it has not Ms Windows on it. But I thought you where totally into Linux? Yes but I need to borrow Windoes to to boot Linux Duh :)

Just friendly teasing. I try to get used to not never every needing windows anymore.

Grub2 allow for some more booting on NTFS but Puppy Devs don't want to allow Puppy to be used by newbies on Grub2 only by the pro user of Puppy. So one need to learn Ubuntu or TCL or something that have grub2 or one have to learn how to make an USB that allow booting of anything and I am not there yet. So steep learning curve. I fail to get things in place. My brain just lose all the details and fail to structure them in a file so it is comprehensible after it is written. Too many details that need to be taken in sequence.
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#11 Post by nooby »

I failed with peppermint how did you set that one up for to work?

Ah it is one of the isos that can be booted on usb if one use that Windows tool.

But how does one boot peppermint from the NTFS HDD in iso or as individual directories sifted out of the iso?

Here is a thing about ubuntu on USB that boots in 8 seconds Sara claim.

To follow her instructions one need a CD with Ubuntu live and then an USB with 4GB or more??? and to prepare it to have the partitions she mention. Too involved for me to get it though.

add full ubuntu (not liveCD) to your multi-boot usb
(not livecd) Boot full Ubuntu+Fedora+Mint .VHD From USB by grub4dos

Sara seems good at using computers. I barely get what she talks about but very interesting.

She uses a short or abbrev there that I fail to grasp. VHD

is it Virtual Hard Disk Image or something? That one make use of the images that Vbox and such tend to use?

That is why she says she use Full Ubuntu and not the Live ubuntu and why she wants us to download three files from an upload instead of reusing the files from Ubuntu we already have from their dowloads.

Why would it not work for those one already have? Why do I need to user her versions?
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#12 Post by Ibidem »

Grub4dos menu.lst follows:

Code: Select all

title FreeDOS FAT16
root (hd0,2) 
chainloader /kernel.sys

title FreeDOS FAT32 
root (hd0,2) 
chainloader /ktc18632.sys

title Dapper
find --set-root /dapper.lst
configfile /dapper.lst

title Puppy Linux
root (hd0,5)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz 
initrd /initrd.gz

title Lucid Puppy (Puppy 5.00)
root (hd0,4)/puppy/
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda5/puppy
initrd /initrd.gz

#root (hd0,5)  
#kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6 ro vga=normal

#title Puppy 430
#root (hd0,5)
#kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda6 pmedia=atahd nosmp
#initrd /initrd.gz

title TinyCore Linux
root (hd0,4)
kernel /TCORE/bzImage vga=788
initrd /TCORE/tinycore.gz

#	kernel @KERNELPATH@
#	initrd @INITRDPATH@

#title Ubuntu NetBoot
#root (hd0,4)
#kernel /linux
#initrd /initrd.gz

title NimbleX 2007 - Boot in KDM
root (hd0,1)
kernel /base/vmlinuz vga=791 max_loop=255 init=linuxrc load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_size=5120 root=/dev/ram0 rw quiet autoexec=kdm;sleep~604800
initrd /base/initrd.gz

title Kuki Linux config
root            (hd0,1)
configfile      /kukimenu.lst
That shows NimbleX, netboot for Ubuntu, TCL, and Puppy.
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#13 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
I have heard of Ubuntu but not the last one.
I know you are a "distro surfer" so check it out here..
It is a Knoppix/DSL spin, I think it is Latvian...I forgot...But it is nice...
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#14 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello...again...

This is a snippet from the code in MultiPup that generates a grub entry for Nimblex.. ($menu is a variable for the version of Nimblex IE Nimblex2008..)
echo "gfxmenu (cd)/$menu/boot/grub/message
title $menu - Boot in KDM
root (cd)
kernel (cd)/$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=xconf;kdm
initrd (cd)/$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title $menu - Boot in KDE
root (cd)
kernel (cd)/$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=startx
initrd (cd)/$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title $menu - Safe Install
root (cd)
kernel (cd)/$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw safeinst vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=xconf;kdm
initrd (cd)/$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title Submenu - Other Boot Modes
configfile (cd)/$menu/boot/grub/extended
title Submenu - Other Desktops
configfile (cd)/$menu/boot/grub/desktops

title Return to Main Menu
configfile (cd)/boot/grub/menu.lst" > $locate/working/$menu/menu.lst;
echo "title Boot in Enlightment 17
kernel /$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=rune17
initrd /$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title Boot in Enlightment 16
kernel /$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=rune16
initrd /$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title Boot in Fluxbox
kernel /$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=runflux
initrd /$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title Boot in IceWM (Ice Window Manager)
kernel /$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=runice
initrd /$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title Boot in EDE (Equinox Desktop Env.)
kernel /$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=runede
initrd /$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title Boot in TWM (Tab Window Manager)
kernel /$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=runtwm
initrd /$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title Main Menu - Most popular options
configfile /$menu/boot/grub/menu.lst" > $locate/working/$menu//boot/grub/desktops;
echo "default=2
title $menu - Boot in CLI
root (cd)
kernel /$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw
initrd /$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title $menu - Boot in RAM
root (cd)
kernel /$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw quiet vga=791 splash toram autoexec=startx
initrd /$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title $menu - Boot Kiosk Mode
root (cd)
kernel /$menu/boot/vmlinuz-nx08 ramdisk_size=7120 root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash=silent quiet autoexec=kiosk
initrd /$menu/boot/initrd-nx08.gz
title Main Menu - Most popular options
configfile /$menu/boot/grub/menu.lst"
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#15 Post by nooby »

Thanks indeed guys for caring about my crazy thread. :)

I guess I have to put stress on where the OS is installed and the partition of the media.

Some only work on Fat32 and not on NTFS at all. Some works on Ext2 or Ext3 but neither on Fat32 nor on NTFS.

For us who want to be able to help out a neighbor who have problems with MsWindows we need to be able to install Puppy or other Linux distro without changing their basic OS that they want to keep due to them having programs that only work in a properly installed Windows.

Yes I have tested to get it to work using Wine in Puppy and the program barked very loud that it could not get what it needed for Borland Database Program to work. Only Windows has such.

And the Neighbor has newly paid thousands of Swedish money to get that Program so puppy and other linux has to work on NTFS partition and that can not be changed size of either due to the recovery has recorded teh size and put that in its' memory and refuse to do the recovery if one do the resize.

That is why we see it as boxed in. This is reality and not some propaganda. This is life as it is :)

To keep the friendship of a nice neighbor one can not start persuading them to give up on Windoes. One have to co-live in Dual Booting. Okay!

So cool list there., And that one work on the NTFS internal HDD on your computer. I have to test. Will be interesting. Much appreciated.
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#16 Post by nooby »

puppyluvr one almost need to be a computer program to read that text :)

I had nimbles on Aopen Barebone computer and it was one of my most loved OS one step behind Puppy that is. But on Acer Nimblex did not work so well. I have even deleted the iso and the subdir and the menu.lst entry I had. Maybe your example there do work on my Acer but I am not optimistic.

I feel unsure of my own entries due to me too lazy to try out what is really needed and what is due to random things related to my BIOS or something.
title Knoppix 6.4.3 Adriane (Poor Man's HD install) ramdisk_size=1000000 init=/etc/init
kernel (hd0,2)/knoppixboot/isolinux/linux knoppix xkeyboard=se apm=power-off screen=1024x768 nomce BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix
initrd (hd0,2)/knoppixboot/isolinux/minirt.gz
So it is on the third partition on a 250GB NTFS HDD internal on my Acer D250.

I chose the name knoppixboot due them insisting to ahve a subdir in their iso that is named boot but so are all the other distros I want to test too. Not all but very many has a subdir boot that they want to put in mnt/home on the hdd as teh only boot subdir so I tested to rename it to knoppixboot and that worked.

I don't really know how important the following is apm=power-off nomce Seems my computer needs them. Have no idea what they really do.

This one seems very important BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix

that is another subdir in teh iso so it is needed. :)

What else have I got going. I had got Compact Distro Linux going but then something changed due to me changed something and not it does not work.
title CDL frugal iso boot
kernel (hd0,2)/CDlinux/bzImage CDL_DEV=/dev/sda3 CDL_LOOP=no vga=791 nosmp acpi=off
initrd (hd0,2)/CDlinux/initrd
It was one of the few other than Puppy and Knoppix that I barely got working. It is an Chinese English version of Slax. Basic Slax but with codex and such added where Slax lacks it. So very newbie friendly that way.

Here is a version of TCL that is a remix. RobertS seems not so fond of remixes.
title TinyCore Remix by SvOlli 3.4.1 with ntfs-3g
root (hd0,2)
kernel /tce/release/bzImage tinycore opt=sda3 tce=sda3 home=sda3 noswap syslog kmap=qwerty/fi-latin9
initrd /tce/release/tinycoreplus.gz
Sv Olli has added ability to use NTFS HDD without having to add it through the repository which can be very tricky for a beginner. I failed at it but using the remix I got it for free.

Swift linux is a remix of AntiX not sure how much that have changed. Rokytnji? Sorry never remember the speeling of your name. He may know how different swift is.
title SwiftOS
root (hd0,2)
kernel /swift/vmlinuz vga=791 fromhd=/dev/sda3 fromiso=/swift/swiftlinux-0_0_3.iso lang=se drvr=intel xres=1024x768
initrd /swift/initrd.gz
my computer has a drvr=intel graphic driver so that code there seems to be needed on mine but maybe not our yours.
title Archiso-live
root (hd0,2)
kernel /archiso/boot/vmlinuz from=/dev/sda3/archiso elevator=deadline session=xfce load=overlay
initrd /archiso/boot/initrd.img
title slabix is a version of Slax???
root (hd0,2)
kernel /slabixboot/vmlinuz ramdisk_size=6666 vmalloc=256MB root=/dev/ram0 rw vga=791 splash quiet autoexec=xconf;telinit~4 changes=/slax/
initrd /slabixboot/initrd.lz
They worked on my computer but may not work on yours.

I did get Xpud to work on my older machine but not on the newest.

Here is two different entries. (hd0,0) due to XP was a barbone and not an OEM installation of windows xp. Yes I payed for a regular XP dow in 2004 crazy :)
title xPUD
kernel /xpud/boot/bzImage noisapnp lang=se
initrd=/xpud/opt/core /xpud/opt/media

title xPUD 0.9.2 iso-boot
root (hd0,0)
kernel /xpud-0.9.2-image noisapnp quiet lang=se screen=1024x786
I fail to get them booting on my Acer. Not sure why.

So despite me have tested some 75 different Linux distros due to my lack of patience having a strong ADHD tendency I easily give up if it takes more than a day or even a few hours to get them going. I seldom spend days looking for how to get them to boot., :)

Linux Developers don't seems to care much about us who want to have a non-tampered with machine dualbooting in a safe way with the original OS. :) Linux Devs wants the machine to be all Linux on Linux partitions.

That was what I hated about Ms Windows them wanting to own the machine I bought. I want linux distros that accept to be one of many OS distos in cooperation on my NTFS HDD :)
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#17 Post by tikbalang »

here is my MENU.LST using grub4dos:

Code: Select all

color light-gray/blue red/light-gray
# timeout 30
# default /default

title PLoP Bootmanager
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /bootimg/plpbt.bin
kernel /bootimg/plpbt.bin

title Austrumi
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /austrumi/bzImage
kernel /austrumi/bzImage dousb nocache lang_en acpi=force
initrd /austrumi/initrd.gz

title CDlinux
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /CDlinux/bzImage
kernel /CDlinux/bzImage CDL_LANG=en_US.UTF-8 acpi=force
initrd /CDlinux/initrd

title GeeXbox
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /geexbox/boot/vmlinuz
kernel /geexbox/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 rw rdinit=linuxrc boot=UUID=AC21-E17E lang=en remote=atiusb receiver=atiusb keymap=qwerty vga=789 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr
initrd /geexbox/boot/initrd.gz

title Pupcade
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /pupcade/vmlinuz
kernel /pupcade/vmlinuz psubdir=pupcade acpi=force
initrd /pupcade/initrd.gz

title Lupu
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /lupu/vmlinuz
kernel /lupu/vmlinuz psubdir=lupu pkeys=us acpi=force
initrd /lupu/initrd.gz

title Quirky
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /quirky/vmlinuz
kernel /quirky/vmlinuz psubdir=quirky pkeys=us acpi=force
initrd /quirky/initrd.gz

title Slax
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /slax/boot/vmlinuz
kernel /slax/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 init=linuxrc load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_size=6666 rw nopcmcia vga=791
initrd /slax/boot/initrd.gz

title Slitaz
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /boot/bzimage
kernel /boot/bzimage rw root=/dev/null home=AC21-E17E autologin lang=en_US kmap=us vga=789 screen=1024x768x24
initrd /boot/rootfs.gz

title TinyCore
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /tce/boot/bzimage
kernel /tce/boot/bzimage vga=792
initrd /tce/boot/tinycore.gz

title xPUD
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /xpud/boot/xpud
kernel /xpud/boot/xpud noisapnp lang=en kmap=us
initrd /xpud/opt/media

title MemTest86
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /bootimg/mt86v35a.bin
kernel /bootimg/mt86v35a.bin

title MemTest86+
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /bootimg/mt86p420.bin
kernel /bootimg/mt86p420.bin

title commandline

title floppy (fd0)
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)

title back to dos

title reboot

title halt


1. all distros are current stable as of this date.
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#18 Post by nooby »

tikbalang are these installed on NTFS or have you reformatted the hdd to something else than NTFS formatting?

I have to test your CDLinux code to see if it works on mine which now fail.
and your xpud code cool if it works.

Edit, nope I failed to get CDLinux going despite me did a new install of it too. I have no idea why it worked some months ago and now it refuses.

I guess my Acer are haunted by Windows :)
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#19 Post by tikbalang »

nooby wrote:
tikbalang are these installed on NTFS or have you reformatted the hdd to something else than NTFS formatting?

i have all/some of them installed to all my usbdisks with fat32. fat32 is the intersecting filesystem between linux and windows. it is also non-journaling, which is important for flashdisks (less writes). updating is as simple as ripping the ISO contents into its own folder. transferring to other disks is simply by copying the distro folder, then installing grub4dos to the mbr of the disk.

note that grub4dos has the "FIND" command which other variants may not have. you may need to specify where "root" is, depending on your bootloader.

if it still fails, then maybe the kernel or initrd does not have the corresponding filesystem module needed to access the partition.
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#20 Post by d4p »

boot from iso:

title SliTaz 3.0
find --set-root /slitaz-3.0.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 /slitaz-3.0.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title TinyCore 35
find --set-root /tinycore.iso
map /tinycore.iso (0xff) || map --mem /tinycore.iso (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff)

title Ubuntu 10.10 (GNOME Desktop)
find --set-root /ubuntu-10.10-desktop.iso
map /ubuntu-10.10-desktop.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper persistent iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu-10.10-desktop.iso splash
initrd /casper/initrd.lz

title Peppermint Linux
find --set-root /Peppermint.iso
map /Peppermint.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/mint.seed boot=casper persistent iso-scan/filename=/Peppermint.iso splash
initrd /casper/initrd.lz
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