PupBeGone-Package Remover for Built-In Unleashed Packages

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PupBeGone-Package Remover for Built-In Unleashed Packages

#1 Post by Pizzasgood »

Built-in-package remover for Puppy (both versions 1.x.x and 2.xx)

Note: Version 1.5 will work with Puppy 2.14. However, it has a dependency on the 0pkgs_db file. That is what contains the data it needs to uninstall things. If you upgrade your Puppy to a newer version, you should also update that dependency for best results. Just use PETget, it's easy.

PupBeGone is a hacked PupGet that displays the files that Puppy comes with by default. Stuff like Abiword or Gaim or Mozilla. It then lets you remove them. This is accomplished by either downloading the package list, or downloading the package and making a filelist out of it, then using that list to remove the package. It also edits /root/.packages/packages.txt to reflect the changes. That means that if you want to get them back, you will be able to do it with good old PupGet. Which is good since PupBeGone can't install.
Unfortunately, Puppy replaces /root/.packages/packages.txt with every boot. To get around this, I set it to back it up to /root/.packages/currentpackages.txt. The install script adds the line

Code: Select all

cp /root/.packages/currentpackages.txt /root/.packages/packages.txt
to /etc/rc.local to compensate for that. (Note: If you reinstall it, it will see that the line is there and skip that step)

Also, like with PupGet, PupBeGone gives you the option of using a local file rather than downloading the package. It also allows you to archive the package (in /root/archive) in case you want to reinstall it without pesky download times. You don't have to archive it, though.

Keep in mind that this script is pretty much pointless in anything but a hardrive install (poor-man's-hd install won't cut it either). It will "delete" the package, but it will still be there. It will look like it's gone, but since it's really on the cd or pup_xxx.sfs, it's really still there. It makes it unusable and removes it from the menu, but there is no size change.

However, it is possible to use PupBeGone to remove packages before running one of those easy remaster scripts that copies your current setup. I think AlienX's works like that.

WARNING: PupBeGone is broken, and has been for the last couple versions too. Version 1.4 should work with the "old method" up through Puppy 2.13. I'll fix this by the 24th.
Last edited by Pizzasgood on Tue 13 Mar 2007, 23:37, edited 9 times in total.
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language translatio

#2 Post by Lobster »

I was just reading about this on your wiki home page :) and mentioned it in another post :)

from what you are describing the same can be achieved but not so elegantly with editing the menu calling script. This ability to alter is being used in language translation - so is your program able to rename (in a future incarnation?)

I will be interested in how people get on with this - I will certainly download it in the future.

Good job!
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#3 Post by Pizzasgood »

from what you are describing the same can be achieved but not so elegantly with editing the menu calling script. This ability to alter is being used in language translation - so is your program able to rename (in a future incarnation?)
Maybe I'm more tired than I feel, but that didn't make a lick of sense to me. :oops: Do you mean by just removing the items from the menu? That would remove them from the menu, but they would still be there and runable. Even with a livecd, PupBeGone eliminates the ability to run them. It just doesn't change the size since it can't acually delete the files. But as far as the user and Puppy are concerned, they are gone.
Either way, I still don't get the second half. :?
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#4 Post by Lobster »

I don't usually comment on a program I have not used, so will write again when I have - probably next week.

Sorry for any confusion :oops:
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#5 Post by Pizzasgood »

No problem. If you've been paying attention to my location tag, you'll have noticed that I recently moved. I no longer reside in the "State of Confusion," but some of my mail still gets sent there...
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Sounds good

#6 Post by PeterSieg »

Hi. So together with Alienx remaster scripts, do we have another way to
create custom puppys, that are not only have additional apps but also can have apps deleted from standard puppy..?

It would be nice, to have the needed file lists upfrond in standard puppy..
Meaning, that when you open Pupget manager, you see all packages that one can remove already!

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pupbegone on windows xp instalation

#7 Post by kelewax »

I am using puppy 1.0.6 from windows XP with NTFS harddisk. I installed it using the instructions from
Since linux cannot safely write to NTFS harddisk I was just wondering if I could use Pupbegone to remove some default puppy applications without causing harm to my system. I would have tried it before asking but I dont know if I can recover from any serious damage.
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#8 Post by Pizzasgood »

Well, that would put you in the same situation as the live cd users. What you have is a poor-man's install. It does the same thing as livecd, but it gets the files from the harddrive instead of the cd. So there wouldn't be much point in using it unless you're doing the remaster thing.

In any case, if you can write to your pup001 (/root), it will work. I've never had the ntfs problem, but I'm under the impression that once you put your pup001 file there you can write to that, just not the rest of the drive.
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pupbegone for poormans install

#9 Post by kelewax »

Thanks, I guess I will have to wait until such a time when I can create a linux partition.
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#10 Post by ting »

I just wanted to say i love this little thing, iwe been playing around with it. I havent yet remastered anything, but i will try soon. Keep up the good work. I plan on making my own personal perfect puppy, hopefully :lol:
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#11 Post by jcagle »

ooh, a perfect puppy!

So no bugs in it or anything? Nothing imperfect about it? You've got to do a lot to meet up to the name :wink:

Puppy has got a lot of things that make it great and easier than most Linux distros. :D
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#12 Post by Pizzasgood »

Thanks. I came up with the idea when I was removing packages by hand and figured I should make a script do it for me. Then I decided the best way would be to just hack a script that could already do it. I can guarantee that this thing would be nowhere near as nice if I hadn't had PupGet to build it from. GUIs (any UI, really) are one of my weak points. So, thanks, Barry!
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#13 Post by bkeadle »

Pizzasgood....you're my hero! 8)

As a newbie (just discovered on Sunday) I'm trying to remaster my own, scaled-down puppy, to become a Rescue Console (I call it my St. Benard puplet...). Having to get up to speed in a hurry has been a challenge, and I've been wondering how I was going to uninstall all the office, multimedia, and graphics stuff I don't need. Seems pretty formidable. Your beauty here makes quick work of it. Thanks alot!

I had expected this to be part of the PupGet Manager...effectively the Windows equivalent of Add/Remove programs. But as it is now...it's just an "Add Programs"...only let's me remove what I've added...not what comes with.

Thanks again for sharing!
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#14 Post by bkeadle »

One comment/suggestion about the script: how 'bout a completion message...so I know when it's done (instead of wondering if it's working in the background) or, better yet, return me back to the package manager so that I can select more to uninstall if I want.
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#15 Post by Pizzasgood »

It doesn't have one? I never noticed :oops: It was such a pain in the butt doing the other stuff that I spent very little time modifying the windows that pop up. I guess some of what I did must have skipped a message, or done stuff after it :roll: Tomorrow I'll look into it. I've vowed never to go back into that script, but one dialog box isn't a problem.

As for tying into Pupget, I gave that about two seconds of thought when I started, realized that I'd be better off starting from scratch, and just specialized it instead. Plus, I'd rather keep Pupget "pure" than to combine it with possibly destructive code.
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#16 Post by jcoder24 »

I've used this package to remove a set of about 15 or more packages before remastering with alienx remaster scripts. Unfortunately, the size of my iso after wasn't much different than the remaster before I removed the packages. I'll have to do some more testing but I think a feature where the answer to question about saving/archiving the downloaded packages is saved and used for all other package to be removed.
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#17 Post by Nathan F »

It really depends on what you're removing, I think. Some of Puppy's packages are so small you won't notice that they're gone.

I really like this idea and will be taking a closer look at the script. I have always kind of thought it was a handicap that people on a hard drive install have no list of files for the packages included in the distro. This ability would make upgrading from version to version easier, as you could just replace the packages that have been altered instead of reinstalling everything.

Would you mind terribly if this found it's way in some form into Grafpup?


#18 Post by bugman »

Thought I'd let you know, after I installed PupBeGone my swap partition stopped working at boot.

Here's my rc.local before PBG:

swapon /dev/hdb5

And after?

swapon /dev/hdb5cp /root/.packages/currentpackages.txt /root/.packages/packages.txt

PupBeGone appended its line to the file, instead of making a new line. Easy to fix, but scary to watch in action. You might want to let HD swappers know about this, or fix it.
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#19 Post by Pizzasgood »

Would you mind terribly if this found it's way in some form into Grafpup?
Doesn't bother me. :)
PupBeGone appended its line to the file, instead of making a new line.
Ooo. That's not good. I'll have to fix that. I might even get to it tonight.
I think a feature where the answer to question about saving/archiving the downloaded packages is saved and used for all other package to be removed.
You mean if you click "archive" once, it carries over for the rest? That's no good either. I wonder if that same problem is in my modded version of PupGet. I'd better check that out while I'm messing with the appending bug.
how 'bout a completion message
I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean. I must be interpreting where you want a completion message wrongly. Maybe when the entire thing is done? I don't think it has one of them. I didn't think of that, but I did check and it has a message after each package is done.
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#20 Post by Pizzasgood »

I've replaced this with a backported version of HackyPupBeGone, which has several small improvements, mostly on the inside (uses variables for more things making it easier to adapt to new situations). It has also been updated to work with version 109 in addition to 108 and prior.
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