A HUGE thanks to all Puppy community for this AWESOME work!

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A HUGE thanks to all Puppy community for this AWESOME work!

#1 Post by Wyk72 »

It's a couple of years I've got rid of Windows on my machines at the office. I've been using Ubuntu since version 9. It's been pretty cool for a while, felt good, got used to a Gnome desktop.

After I while, at home, I discovered Puppy Linux for my nettop.

Such an AMAZING piece of work, especially (but not only) Lucid Puppy 5.x

I'm such an happy camper with that, I even bought a little SATA hdd solid-state (8Gb, 50 Euros, in Germany, I live in Italy), that makes my netbook FLY.

This week I'm trying to udate Ubuntu to 11.04 version. I stumped upon this UNITY thing.

Well, I'm trying to be polite, but in my opinion, this UNITY interface is the most stupid, crappy, useless piece of software ever written.

Also: everyone at my office are used now with a GNOME desktop. Like millions of users.

Now WHAT IS THE POINT of changing the USER INTERFACE with uber-crappy beta software.

It's the worst, useless and illogical move I've ever seen.

SO, now I'm thinking about using Puppy 5.x for ALL my machines at the office. Basically I have all I need, Libreoffice, printing support, very good software for most applications. Xtreme speed (all dual core machines, 4gb ram - 2 yo)

Problem is: for me is no problem. But for the people working with me, it'll be too much PAIN to change the interface again.

Getting them used to GNOME was a lot of work (1 year).

I'm SO disgusted by this UBUNTU turn. GRUB2 was also the worst piece of crap software ever written. Never seen anything so horrible just to BOOT an OS.

Also, you lose all control to what those "KMS" modules do to your video card. If anything breaks, or if you swap a video card you're buried under 20 tons of s*it.

I booted my USB pen with Puppy Linux 5.2 on AT LEAST 15 different machines - laptops - desktops -nettops - netbooks.


I keep an entire VirtualBox with a tiny windows XP (1,6gb image) on a 8gb USB stick, just because I have 2/3 stoopid softwares that I need to run under that slug-os. People are amazed when I boot that (and me too, still!)

So, I think this project you've created is the most REALLY interesting, nice, beautiful software ever. It's SO flexible , fast, and makes you feel "under control", not by some "deus ex machina" that constantly changes stuff to get people confused over and over (look at GRUB vs GRUB2 - CONSTANTLY changing file locations! It's a PAIN in the arse constantly!).

So, thank you guys. I'm spreading the word around here, because most of my friends, looking how FAST is my netbook (an antique netbook with an ancient 1,6ghz atom), stare at me like: "hey how come you load a recent browser with this antique , and in 1 second, and my DUALCORE nettop takes 45 secs??" - he's on Win7 STARTER EDITION :P

Puppy Linux is a work of genius. Period!


One thing I'd really LOVE to death:

a Puppy Linux for my TEGRA2 android pad. It'd be SO amazingly amazing.

If there's anyone working on that, let me know!

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Moose On The Loose
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Re: A HUGE thanks to all Puppy community for this AWESOME wo

#2 Post by Moose On The Loose »

Wyk72 wrote: I keep an entire VirtualBox with a tiny windows XP (1,6gb image) on a 8gb USB stick, just because I have 2/3 stoopid softwares that I need to run under that
You may want to look at downloading a copy of wine and trying out your software under it. Some programs won't install but will run under wine. The solution I have found is to install them onto an XP and then copy all the files over to the wine side.

The advantage of wine is that the Win softwares files can be found on the Linux hard disk so you can copy them etc with ease.

The disadvantage is that only well written windows software will run. Windows lets some bugs like wild pointers slip by that wine will abort on.

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#3 Post by Wyk72 »

Thanks Moose. I've already tried the WINE road, but it's still too .. bumpy. I also find it quite difficult to integrate stuff correctly, but it's my problem I guess.

Funny enough a "portable" version of Photoshop CS4 works flawlessly under WINE, but this little custom software does not.

I'm trying to port this little thing into LibreOffice VBA...I have experience on that, painful as it is.

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