wanting to try a virtual puppy under linuxmintppc

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#21 Post by mmmrr »

happy to report back on track: dual-booting mintppc and mac os x 10.2.8., just where i was three days ago, before i learned that i didn't need to boot into mac os 9 i could shift into it while running in os x 10.2.8--a virtual machine running os 9.2.2 for legacy apps/games.

copies of virtual pc for mac ---powerpc mac of this vintage --- are not so easy for me to get. this vintage mac also runs mac os 9.2.2 under 10.2.8 which means, i think, that virtual pc 3 for mac, or vp4, or vp5, will run on this machine.

i've seen some copies on torrent services and some for sale at amazon. some torrent outfits seem dubious-lots of once-proprietory stuff that has been 'cracked' and pole-dancer-for-yr-desktop offers, some simply confuse/irritate me--four clicks and i still haven't found out what i'm supposed to do???

i had assumed that there might be a site like evolt, where there are download-able heaps and heaps of wonderful other older browsers, where i could find older virtualpc for mac, i looked on 'olderversions' &

all for now, cheers, mm
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#22 Post by Aitch »

http://apple.driversdown.com/apple-soft ... 1569.shtml

google find....'virtual pc for osx10.2.8'

Virtual PC6 for 9.2.2....if you can find it....

Aitch :)
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#23 Post by mmmrr »

many thanks, aitch, download completed saved onto usb stick;
i can't see the mac os partition, though before i couild.
i'll reboot mac os, install virtual-pc, see what happens.
cheers, mm
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#24 Post by mmmrr »

alas, aitch, i found one just like a day or two ago
they are updates to an existing install of version 7
look nice though, clear, polite expression of inability
to continue, my return with 7 welcome at any time.

two bits of better news though: i have to check
if hidden items are included in standard search
beause std search shows a clean house for a
search on virtual pc stuff --that's progress.

this is the second , better bit of news: i've been offered
a copy of virtual pc 5. i will sweep hidden files for snags.

thanks for looking. cheers, mm
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#25 Post by mmmrr »

the removal efforts have highlighted the fact
that in mintppc i continue to get no access notices
when i try to mount the mac partition: permission denied

it seems like i haven't found the needed data the way
/etc/fstab and/or /etc/mtab want it--no mount point for
the mac partition /dev/hda6 seems to be an issue; my
guesses don't trash the system but they don't solve the
partition access issue and i don't like 3 freezes, 2
'force quits', 1 hard restart and no further ahead.

help on this partition reading issue much apprecitiated

cheers, mm
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virt-pup's first steps

#26 Post by mmmrr »

hooray, puppy linux is running, well, walking on this g4.

it is the first go and imminently tweakable: i used the 'express install'
rather than the 'custom'; i used the puppy version which was on a
handy cd rather than the racing demon version from puppy iso files
on another compu; [ i'll be giving tinycorelinux a try too] and i'm running
under mac os x 10.2.8 rather ther under os 9.2.2 which i could set to
the exclusive use-i think-of virtual pc.

i'm hoping that under custom install i'll be able to assign more than the 512 mb of ram which expess install seemed to allow...not got internet working yet , until speed is increased, internet will be nice to know how to do but not so nice to use.

tons of fun to come .... i wanted to post this good news though....
i came upon this tar of virtualpc 5 for mac in a quiet corner of the web
thank you very much. would also like to try a vpc4 for mac, or vpc6

anyway i'll keep you posted as the project progresses, regresses, transgresses..please feel free to offer advice, etc.
one thing must be said--that if i had spent the time getting to this point
learning that nifty chroot stuff,,,i would probably be past this point
because the chroot virtuality seems inherently quicker.

however, i'm getting to it, i had a bunch of fun/learning along this road
big cheers today, mm
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#27 Post by Aitch »

Looking interesting....

Just a thought, qemu for ppc...whilst your playing :wink:

http://download.cnet.com/Q-kju/3000-209 ... ?tag=lst-1

I'll keep looking for other VPC versions, meanwhile...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison ... l_machines

useful tips here








(may only work on IBM PPCs)

It seems the PPC MAC is regarded as 'dead' for development/virtual stuff :cry: - too good to throw away, and I've pleaded for a PuppyMAC

and yet.... ppc mac on linux.... (they said it couldn't be done, didn't they...?)


Aitch :)
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#28 Post by mmmrr »

thanks, aitch,

i'll give that list a good look; i'm trying to start another first go
out of virt-pc 5 for mac: i've seen on ebay the same version that
i'm using, with id number included, for 20$cdn = ~14gbpounds ,
delivered. i may do that.

cheers, mm
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#29 Post by mmmrr »

i was able to get virtual pc5 for mac working, however,
though the speed of puppy is much greater than qemu
it is still not as quick as puppy is on the pentium 2, 266mhz, 160mb ram
compu. i'm trying to get the virtual pc running under classic 9, which is
supposed to be 25% faster but have not been able to get vpc to actually do anything under 9.2

it's time for me to take a look again at uml, mentioned in an earlier post:
'... user mode linux--UML--which is supported for ppc in debian
and has a useful looking website: /dev/loop.org.uk as well as a maintained spot on
sourceforge. it is supported in the linux kernel some kernels back. i think i'll have to post
a question there.'

i think that working off a current linux for ppc, mintppc, then using some
supported virtualization --uml-- will be more fruitful than the historical
re-creation i've been trying.

cheers, mm

cheers, mm
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#30 Post by mmmrr »

user mode linux is subject to the host cpu.
if it -uml-is set up on an x386 machine then
uml will run x386 linux. if uml is set up on a
powerpc machine then uml will run ppc linux.

no crossover. i'm sure it's fast at what it does
but run puppy on this g4 it will not.

however, ive found a trove of abandonware
and installed mac os 9.2.1. i still have virtual pc5
for mac and the trove included a vpc1,*, with
upgrades to vpc3 and 4, if the stuff behind the
labels works.

the further i get into this project the better i like puppy:
also the more i see the desirability of a puppy port to
the power pc architecture...i see a couple of things to help
that along---one is a good emulator to go our x386's nad ppc's
to create ppc virtual machine/s for development work..sheepsaver
is one that looks likely.

the other thing would be puppy running briskly on vpc on one
of the pre-mac osx's: mac os 9.2.2 or earlier. the earlier systems
were up to 20% faster due to more complex data-handling in
the os x series. if that brisk puppy comes to virtual life inside
virtual pc running on 9.2.1, then a fileimage can be created which
might also be useful in development work of a ppc port

anyway, cheers, mm
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