Lighthouse Pup 5.03 203M Wine 1.3.14 (not being maintained)

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#101 Post by nooby »

Oh thanks for the addon suggestion. I have to test that one.

I have opera 11. Maybe I just don't know how tell it to open such a file?

I have to test again. Should one just click on it or change something preferences?

But I test the addon first.

Nope the texts are very personal about God and such personal experiences so nope no example will be given :)
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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Opening MTH files with Opera

#102 Post by nickdobrinich »

Open Rox filer and navigate to one of your MTH files.
Right click on it and Left click choose Set Run Action
In the text box Enter a shell command
opera "$@"
then Use Command

After this, MHT files will be associated with Opera and will open automatically.
Last edited by nickdobrinich on Sun 17 Apr 2011, 20:25, edited 1 time in total.
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#103 Post by nooby »

Thanks it is the details that fails for me. The guy helping me save the html is so used to Safari that it never hit his mind that nobody else knows how to use such odd files.

He never told me that one need to name them test-file.mht he just sent me a test file and no endings. I did not even no at that time they had the mht I thought they talked about htm and just had the chars wrong order.

I failed with both the Addon and with Opera because it need the test-fil.mht and I had no idea they needed it. So now I will download all of them and most likely it will just work even in firefox with that addon so no need to use Opera at all :)

Thank you very very much as the say on BBC.

Edit I can read them but maybe not make standard html out of them or to make pdf or plain text or rtf even? I have to test bit past midnight here so I go to bed now :)
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though

Windows sharing from Lighthouse to LAN

#104 Post by gcmartin »

@TazOC ... Check your PM
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new wacom driver for graphics tablet

#105 Post by don570 »

I was able to get a driver for my wacom bamboo graphics tablet
to work with Lighthouse 503G

I compiled it originally for Fluppy 013.

the instructions for compiling the driver are here ... 482#512482

The driver is available there as well.


Problem - LiveCD session tailoring is NOT available on reboo

#106 Post by gcmartin »

Using LightHouse Mariner LiveCD AND tailoring LightHouse system with SFSs, then saving-session at reboot. The rebooted system does NOT contain any of the SFSs one expects in Live system. (No parms entered on reboot, allowing system to reboot under its own accord)

Performed as follows.
Use growisofs to add your SAMBA.sfs to the root of the multi-session LIve media.
Booted the Live media selecting the SFSs presented (including the SAMBA sfs)
Continued boot process all the way to desktop

Tailored basic desktop needs via the Lighthouse popup wizards.
Open Lighthouse Updates; made updates (top selections)
Tailored SAMBA to share some local needs on LAN
Tested those items over the LAN from another PC

Select "Saved to CD" when asked
All appeared normal in method system used to write the session save file to Live media

Allowed system to take the default boot (no console involvement)
Normal messages
I saw whre the system loaded te 2011 .... saved-session folder
At desktop, found that system did NOT contain SAMBA ???
Updates are not present either ???
  • Any ideas, why SAMBA package was not retained over a reboot?
  • Has this already been reported by another LiveCD user.?
  • What would you need to diagnose this problem?
Is there some pre-requisite step before reboot that is suppose to be taken in order for the booted SFSs to be included in the save-session for reboot with all features?

Thanks in advance
(4.92 KiB) Downloaded 492 times
Last edited by gcmartin on Thu 21 Apr 2011, 19:30, edited 2 times in total.

PPM in Lighthouse LiveCD desktop

#107 Post by gcmartin »

Tried to update the PPM. Got this message, repeatedly, until it exhausted attempts. Update PPM failed.

Code: Select all

--2011-04-21 02:45:02--  (try: 4)
Is there some other instruction for updating PPM>
PPM cannot update.png
(79.86 KiB) Downloaded 617 times
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PPM bugfix, x86-64 development

#108 Post by tazoc »

I have fixed the PPM Update bug; select 'get_updates' in Lighthouse Update for, or use the link below. Then repo downloads are only attempted twice. (wget -t 2) If a d/l fails, it is skipped and then the updates continue, rather than aborting. Thanks to gcmartin for reporting that PPM would not update when is unavailable. I could not find a mirror for that site, so dependency checking for Slackware packages may be incomplete. If an app won't start, sometimes

Code: Select all

ldd <path-to-executable>|grep found
in a terminal will report what is missing.

I updated CPU Frequency Scaling to hopefully fix a bug when used with some kernels newer than the one in LHP, added Samba and report-video-glx Pets to Lighthouse Update today. Here are direct links:

Support for x86-64 first came to the Linux kernel nearly ten years ago and we've received some inquiries about the possibility of x86-64 in Lighthouse. So I've begun development of a future Lighthouse64, based on the trail-blazing Fatdog64-511, with some Slackware64 packages and ports from 32-bit LHP. The Fatdog co-developer, jamesbond is quite agreeable--however it is very early in this challenging endeavor, so no promises... Early impressions suggest that boot times are lower and some apps like GIMP and Firefox "Namoroka" are taking advantage of the benefits of x86-64. Flash is working OK so far. I imagine the demand for 32-bit software will decline as 64-bit machines and native apps become the norm. I remember way back when 16-bit software was common and multi-tasking programs was nearly impossible! :)

I'm postponing development of multi-user support, which is time-consuming to implement and maintain, and it seems few are using on a regular basis. Instead I'm aiming for the prudent Fatdog model where Internet-connected apps run as a non-privileged user by default, while still logged in as root. Need to test more browsers with that, however. So far it works fine here with Namoroka.
Last edited by tazoc on Mon 25 Apr 2011, 03:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PPM bugfix, x86-64 development

#109 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:ISupport for x86-64 first came to the Linux kernel nearly ten years ago and we've received some inquiries about the possibility of x86-64 in Lighthouse. So I've begun development of a future Lighthouse64, based on the trail-blazing Fatdog64-511, with some Slackware64 packages and ports from 32-bit LHP. The Fatdog co-developer, jamesbond is quite agreeable--however it is very early in this challenging endeavor, so no promises... Initial indications suggest that boot times are lower and some apps like GIMP and Firefox "Namoroka" are taking advantage of the benefits of x86-64. Flash is working OK so far. I imagine the demand for 32-bit software will decline as 64-bit machines and native apps become the norm. I remember way back when 16-bit software was common and multi-tasking programs was nearly impossible! :)

I'm postponing development of multi-user support, which is time-consuming to implement and maintain, and it seems few are using on a regular basis. Instead I'm aiming for the prudent Fatdog model where Internet-connected apps run as a non-privileged user by default, while still logged in as root. Need to test more browsers with that, however. So far it works fine here with Namoroka.
Are you ending 32 bit releases and focusing soley on x64 now? I dont really mind either way. Just am wondering as Im building a new system specifically for running LHP. If I can run more than 4gb of ram... I'm going to be getting a different motherboard so I can.
You do amazing work, but I'd hate for you to get burned out trying to manage x86 and x64 releases at the same time.

totally off topic and random, but gcmartin, just noticed your sig... Mitakuye Oyasin?
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#110 Post by tazoc »

Q5sys wrote:Are you ending 32 bit releases and focusing soley on x64 now? I dont really mind either way. Just am wondering as Im building a new system specifically for running LHP. If I can run more than 4gb of ram... I'm going to be getting a different motherboard so I can.
You do amazing work, but I'd hate for you to get burned out trying to manage x86 and x64 releases at the same time.
Thank you and yes, my preference would be to focus on L64, however if it doesn't work out technically or otherwise, plan B is a newer 32-bit kernel. I think managing both architectures in parallel might reduce the quality of both, and yes, would be more than I should attempt. There are many distros that support only one architecture, however I think most will support 64-bit sooner or later.

If I were you I'd be inclined to select a mobo that supports more than 4GiB RAM, if only in case you might need to boot Win7/8/9-x64... at some point. I never thought I'd use more than 512MiB but I am now. It's nice to be able to load the OS and all the apps and VMs I might need into RAM... or not if I just want a quick boot.
64-bit Linux allows up to 128 TB of address space for individual processes, and can address approximately 64 TB of physical memory, subject to processor and system limitations.
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#111 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi TazOC,
TazOC wrote:So I've begun development of a future Lighthouse64, based on the trail-blazing Fatdog64-511, with some Slackware64 packages and ports from 32-bit LHP. The Fatdog co-developer, jamesbond is quite agreeable--however it is very early in this challenging endeavor, so no promises...
This is good news, looking forward to it. :D

Have, you taken a look at theWord and BibleAnalyzer? Both run great under wine in LHP and are compatible with most open source modules and have free modules that aren't available with e-Sword.

Favorites: [url=]Lighthouse 64[/url] and [url=]Lucid[/url] + [url=]theWord[/url]
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#112 Post by Barburo »

Hi TazOC,
Things in this thread have been a bit quiet lately.
It's good to hear that you're taking a look at 64 bit LHP based you say on Fatdog. I run FD511 on one of my 64 bit capable desktops that despite everything I've tried will not run any variant of LHP using your current kernel.
There is something to be gained speed-wise using a 64 bit OS on 64-bit capable processors (not a lot but noticeable), and most systems these days sold with Windows7 have 64 bit processors.
James Bond and others have done a great job of providing a fast 64-bit puppy (if somewhat bare-bones compared to LHP), and like Jim1911 I look forward to seeing (and testing out) anything you come up with.

That said, I've been using LHP 5.03 (LXDE W/M with C-F) for some time and it's stable, effective, and winning new converts when they finally get around to trying it out!). The Frisbee wireless ap is fast and it works well!
I use gkrellm as my monitor of choice. It's simple, effective, and I love the webcam, and there's lots of skins. Kudos to you for developing the LHP skin with the little signpost on the side. It warmed my developer's heart that you took the time on such a small thing.

One cosmetic issue that hits my eye every logon is the rotating timer you use instead of the dots (. . .) when doing the file system check.
When using the default font the vertical bar part of the "/-\|" sequence has a gap in it that sort of detracts from the intended effect. I noticed that if you specify kernel parameters vga=788 with video=800x600 a different font gets used that doesn't have the gap (sort of like this one), however on my machine the default font looks and works best.

All the best,
[i]Laptop[/i]: Acer Aspire 5810TZ

64bit development announced.

#113 Post by gcmartin »

You may
  1. want to direct your 64 bit announce and development to a new thread maybe calling it "64bit Development of Lighthouse" or something.
  2. And after completion of development, you should probably start an immediate thread to track those things occurring after development completes calling it "64bit Lighthouse"/"LightHouse64"/etc.
And, the ONLY thing I have found, that is NOT a show-stopper but, where there is an apparent need, is getting a user booting from LiveCD all the way to desktop versus your current intermediate stops for keyboard, language... The stops are not necessary and does not get your user community directly to their initial need...."Your Lighthouse desktop". So maybe, reviewing how Puppy and Wary and Shinobar's WARY are taking users to desktop would be one that starts a user with "a better taste in his mouth".

But, weigh its benefits to you and your cause.

Other than that, I will refrain from making 64bit posts in this thread so as not to confuse the 32bit user following you have. My "LiveDVDs" await your newest addition to the community.

Hope this helps.
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Re: theWord; new L64 development thread

#114 Post by tazoc »

Jim1911 wrote:Hi TazOC,
This is good news, looking forward to it. :D

Have, you taken a look at theWord and BibleAnalyzer? Both run great under wine in LHP and are compatible with most open source modules and have free modules that aren't available with e-Sword.
Hi Jim,
Good suggestions! Yes, I like theWord and e-Sword isn't working for me in L64. So I'm planning to replace the e-Sword Wine installer with theWord. Doesn't really even need that, but it makes the menu entry and icon stuff automatic. I'll try BibleAnalyzer when I have a chance.
Thank you.
Barburo wrote:James Bond and others have done a great job of providing a fast 64-bit puppy (if somewhat bare-bones compared to LHP), and like Jim1911 I look forward to seeing (and testing out) anything you come up with.
I agree, Fatdog is awesome and the fd64-devx_511.sfs is excellent.
That said, I've been using LHP 5.03 (LXDE W/M with C-F) for some time and it's stable, effective, and winning new converts when they finally get around to trying it out!). The Frisbee wireless ap is fast and it works well!
I use gkrellm as my monitor of choice. It's simple, effective, and I love the webcam, and there's lots of skins. Kudos to you for developing the LHP skin with the little signpost on the side. It warmed my developer's heart that you took the time on such a small thing.
Thank you, I can't remember where I found that skin, I just changed the color scheme a bit with the GIMP. Patching the source code of the GKrellM webcam plugin was more difficult.
One cosmetic issue that hits my eye every logon is the rotating timer you use instead of the dots (. . .) when doing the file system check.
When using the default font the vertical bar part of the "/-\|" sequence has a gap in it that sort of detracts from the intended effect. I noticed that if you specify kernel parameters vga=788 with video=800x600 a different font gets used that doesn't have the gap (sort of like this one), however on my machine the default font looks and works best.
Hmm, I didn't think about that. Yes, the '|' button on my keyboard also has a gap.
gcmartin wrote:@TazOC
You may
  1. want to direct your 64 bit announce and development to a new thread maybe calling it "64bit Development of Lighthouse" or something.
  2. And after completion of development, you should probably start an immediate thread to track those things occurring after development completes calling it "64bit Lighthouse"/"LightHouse64"/etc.
And, the ONLY thing I have found, that is NOT a show-stopper but, where there is an apparent need, is getting a user booting from LiveCD all the way to desktop versus your current intermediate stops for keyboard, language... The stops are not necessary and does not get your user community directly to their initial need...."Your Lighthouse desktop". So maybe, reviewing how Puppy and Wary and Shinobar's WARY are taking users to desktop would be one that starts a user with "a better taste in his mouth".
Yes, it seems the text mode dialogs can be replaced with a desktop GUI as Shinobar has done. Will try to do the same. A new development thread is here.
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#115 Post by HiDeHo »

Hi i have been using puppy lnux for a while now. I have also tested and was using lighthouse pup for a while, i haev not been using it since the f series. or the first g version.

today i am having alot of trouble with configuring the xorg and xvesa

my set up is this. I have a 2 year old acer aspire 1 with 4gbram and 2ghz dualcore cpu.
Graphics: Card nVidia C67 [GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M] X.Org 1.7.6 Res: 1280x800@50.0hz
GLX Renderer GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M/PCI/SSE2 GLX Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA 195.36.24

i have i have downloaded the iso of the latest puppy, and as i usually do mounted the iso and extracted the intrid.gz, vmlinux adn puppy.sfs file from the iso into there own file to boot. on my hdd. this works for me.

i cannot boot into xwin at all.

i have tried the base vesa that works in other pupies adn previous lhp versions, also the default nv driver usually works. as i cannot even get into any xwin i cannot install teh nvidia drivers needed. can you please help me sort this out. LHP is an awsome os, adn has grown from its humble puppy linux begginings and evolved into its own unique os. i like it adn waht to set it up again. what can i do to look at this.

as always i know you will provide excellend help. when you have the time
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#116 Post by tazoc »

HiDeHo wrote:...
GLX Renderer GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M/PCI/SSE2 GLX Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA 195.36.24

i have i have downloaded the iso of the latest puppy, and as i usually do mounted the iso and extracted the intrid.gz, vmlinux adn puppy.sfs file from the iso into there own file to boot. on my hdd. this works for me.

i cannot boot into xwin at all.

i have tried the base vesa that works in other pupies adn previous lhp versions, also the default nv driver usually works. as i cannot even get into any xwin i cannot install teh nvidia drivers needed. can you please help me sort this out. LHP is an awsome os, adn has grown from its humble puppy linux begginings and evolved into its own unique os. i like it adn waht to set it up again. what can i do to look at this.

as always i know you will provide excellend help. when you have the time
Try adding or nouveau.modeset=0 or nouveau.modeset=1 or xforcevesa nomodeset to the kernel line in your GRUB menu.lst, or post the relevant section here for us. The latter option, xforcevesa nomodeset is the default when booting from the LiveCD. Or burn an LHP ISO to CD-R and experiment with the boot options (press F2) including puppy pfix=ram at the boot menu. These may help in setting up GRUB to boot LHP.

LHP 5.03 uses Xorg-server 1.7.7 and KMS can result in booting to a blank screen. Don't use vga=788 or pfix=fbcon until you have sorted this out, as those may be incompatible with KMS. describes how to copy the core files off the LHP LiveCD or mounted ISO onto your hdd. Please review this if you haven't already and let us know how/if this is resolved to help others.
Thank you,
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#117 Post by HiDeHo »

ok i have been aboe to boot into Lhp from cd using the default graphical option you suggested.

here is the config file i have for booting puppy in general with the default boot uptions.

as LHP now has its own options can you help me edit / change the file so i have a LHP boot options to use for my setup. thanks.
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GRUB 2 examples

#118 Post by tazoc »

menuentry '10. pfix=<n> Number of save files to ignore (need to press e then type this commnad)' {
set root

(notice in the config file the first menu optoion is the title. clicking on it will not do anything. then option 10. the last option will also do nothing if clicked on).
I don't have any experience with GRUB 2, but here are example entries for LHP based on the others in your grub2.cfg.

This assumes you were able to boot from the LiveCD without entering additional boot options, and the Lighthouse files are in a directory 'lhp503'. Please change the 3 'lhp503' references, in each entry, to the actual folder name you installed into, if it differs.

I noticed that entries 1 and 10 are incomplete and have 'intird' instead of 'initrd'. Maybe that was intentional?

Entries 2 - 9 have 'psubdir=Puppy520 puppy pfix=', which should be changed to 'psubdir=Puppy520 pfix=' as the 'puppy' is only used when entering options from the LiveCD boot menu.

(The lines beginning with 'linux' may appear wrapped; pfix= must be on the same line as linux.)

Code: Select all

menuentry '10. pfix=<n> Number of save files to ignore (need to press e then type this command at end of linux line)' { 
insmod ext2 
set root='(hd0,3)'  
linux  /Puppy520/vmlinuz psubdir=Puppy520 
initrd  /Puppy520/initrd.gz 
menuentry '11. Lighthouse Linux 5.03' { 
insmod ext2 
set root='(hd0,3)' 
linux /lhp503/vmlinuz pdev1=sda3 psubdir=lhp503 loglevel=3 nmi_watchdog=0 xforcevesa nomodeset
initrd /lhp503/initrd.gz 
menuentry '12. pfix=ram Run totally in RAM ignore saved sessions' { 
insmod ext2 
set root='(hd0,3)' 
linux /lhp503/vmlinuz pdev1=sda3 psubdir=lhp503 loglevel=3 nmi_watchdog=0 xforcevesa nomodeset pfix=ram
initrd /lhp503/initrd.gz 
menuentry '13. pfix=fsck do filesystem check on LHPsave (and host partition)' { 
insmod ext2 
set root='(hd0,3)' 
linux /lhp503/vmlinuz pdev1=sda3 psubdir=lhp503 loglevel=3 nmi_watchdog=0 xforcevesa nomodeset pfix=fsck
initrd /lhp503/initrd.gz 
I was curious about 'insmod ext2', and googling I just read that in GRUB 2, ext2 covers ext 2,3 and 4.
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Re: GRUB 2 examples

#119 Post by HiDeHo »

tazoc wrote:n

Entries 2 - 9 have 'psubdir=Puppy520 puppy pfix=', which should be changed to 'psubdir=Puppy520 pfix=' as the 'puppy' is only used when entering options from the LiveCD boot menu.

(The lines beginning with 'linux' may appear wrapped; pfix= must be on the same line as linux.)

Code: Select all

menuentry '10. pfix=<n> Number of save files to ignore (need to press e then type this command at end of linux line)' { 
insmod ext2 
set root='(hd0,3)'  
linux  /Puppy520/vmlinuz psubdir=Puppy520 
initrd  /Puppy520/initrd.gz 
menuentry '11. Lighthouse Linux 5.03' { 
insmod ext2 
set root='(hd0,3)' 
linux /lhp503/vmlinuz pdev1=sda3 psubdir=lhp503 loglevel=3 nmi_watchdog=0 xforcevesa nomodeset
initrd /lhp503/initrd.gz 
menuentry '12. pfix=ram Run totally in RAM ignore saved sessions' { 
insmod ext2 
set root='(hd0,3)' 
linux /lhp503/vmlinuz pdev1=sda3 psubdir=lhp503 loglevel=3 nmi_watchdog=0 xforcevesa nomodeset pfix=ram
initrd /lhp503/initrd.gz 
menuentry '13. pfix=fsck do filesystem check on LHPsave (and host partition)' { 
insmod ext2 
set root='(hd0,3)' 
linux /lhp503/vmlinuz pdev1=sda3 psubdir=lhp503 loglevel=3 nmi_watchdog=0 xforcevesa nomodeset pfix=fsck
initrd /lhp503/initrd.gz 
I was curious about 'insmod ext2', and googling I just read that in GRUB 2, ext2 covers ext 2,3 and 4.
I dont understand what you mean all the puppyentries i have a corect for any standard puppy wary, lupu, quirky, dn 431 baised serides.
and any built on them.
I dont understand what you mean when it is corect.

dispite you saying that pcix=????? does nto work well for me it does. so i am going to stick with it.

if you see the last post i have and go to that config i posted that is teh full lhp grub2 entry.

I actually just want entries that are extra ones in LHP.
i will test your syggestions for 11, 12, 13 and see if they work

its a bit hard nto being able to see a list of all teh LHP entries to remember exactly how i got it to boot.
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#120 Post by HiDeHo »

I am looking for fo or skype.sfs for LHP is there one available. in any pup os tit is better to use native apps where possable. if there is nothing else i will reluctantly use the slackwear app in ppm or gsplat.
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