Dpup 484beta Testing

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484b4 testing

#621 Post by jeffy39 »

Howdy All,
Am I missing a codec or something?
Dont have any sound from .pps slide shows.
Am using OpenOffice-2.4.1.sfs and ch4-jre1.6.0_11.sfs.
Dpup-devx-484.sfs also loaded.
Thanx much for info to fix.
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#622 Post by Shep »

I was using dpup477 but it seemed that firefox was developing one
problem after another (*) so when firefox wouldn't even start up after
I allowed an automatic security update install from mozilla, I
downloaded a firefox pet and installed that. :( This left me with two
firefox entries in the MENU. Firefox would now work again , but it was
still not right. (*)

I upgraded to 484 hoping that this would fix things. Alas, I still have two
entries in the MENU and neither succeeds to bring up the browser.
From the command line, /usr/bin/firefox elicits this error message:

oops, I've had to resort to stardust CD so can't get hold of the error

Anyway, perhaps I can clean out all files relating to firefox and reinstall
it. So is it safe to delete every file whose pathname includes the
'firefox' or 'mozilla' string? Can I avoid losing my bookmarks and
stored passwords?

(*) that was weeks ago, I've forgotten exactly what was going wrong
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#623 Post by dejan555 »

dpup's firefox is installed in /lib/firefox by default not sure which pet you installed but it may have created another desktop entry.
Menu entries are built from desktop entries in /usr/share/applications/ you probably have two firefox desktop files there if you delete one and refresh menus it will be gone.

Installing firefox on dpup 484 - well I downloaded latest firefox 3.6.3 from their official site there's precompiled binary and extracted to /lib/firefox over the one that was there.
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#624 Post by sinc »

is gposil gone? just curious, i think micko has had updates on him previously. if so, (i hope he is okay) is anyone else going to take over this project? :?:
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#625 Post by Shep »

I'd like a lynx browser. I found a lynx .deb so I clicked and gave the go ahead to
install it. It said it was installed, but I can't find where it is stored, if indeed it is.

Code: Select all

# find / -name 'lynx*'
The puppy package manager does list it under Installed packages.

No joy here, so is there a lynx .pet specific for dpup?
I'm wanting it to read news direct from the server, so it must
understand the news:// style of URL/
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crippling bug in abiword

#626 Post by Shep »

There's a gotcha in abiword in dpup484 (I don't know about in other
puppies). Twice within the space of 15 mins I lost abiword all together.
Both times it happened as my left pinkie slipped off the shift key and
hit the ctrl key (well, those are the keys I believe were involved). :shock: :shock:
I meant to hold the shift key down but had it by the edge and my
finger slipped onto the ctrl key and the window with abiword disappeared.
I started another instance of abiword, then the identical thing
happened again. :evil: :evil: :( :( :evil:

So dangerous as to make abiword unusable for anything except
very short files that I can afford to lose. :oops: :o :o :o

EDIT: Just discovered that abiword disappeared when I hit the BS
key, so clearly there are major probs. Fortunately, I had started
abiword from the commandline, and the error message it leaves
after it crashes, is this:
** (abiword:5772): WARNING **: Error loading plugin: unknown dl-error

Means nothing to me, but I hope it does to someone.

I'm not one to give up. :P
So I tried again. After about 10 mins, I hit the backspace key to
erase a typo and abiword disappeared. This time the error message
on the commandline is:
(abiword:16819): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated

The window with abiword disappeared as I tapped the BS key.

AFAIK I'm using the bog-standard dpup484 beta 4. :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Where is my dpup?

#627 Post by s0n1c800m »

I had a hdd die on me, so now, 2 months later, I wanted to re-dl dpup. And I can't find it!
I went to dpup.org and waded down to 484b4, as usual, but all I get are the md5 numbers.
What's going on?
LuPu isn't running the one program I really need to run, and I don't know/care enough to spend any more time on figuring out why.
I like dpup and would have been happy to see it become the standard for future pups.
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#628 Post by dejan555 »

Wow well isn't that weird! Indeed isos are removed, maybe hosters decided to delete the big files and gposil is still away - maybe they didn't even contact him. Anyway that's strange!
Here I've found a dpup 482 iso on Mike's puppy repo:
http://brainwavedesigncentral.net/mike/ ... 6.30.5.iso

Also if you want you can try my kdpup which is based on latest 484 beta, it's much bigger but there are several window managers inside and all the apps that were in dpup are still in, just look for link in my signature.

I will see if I can find latest beta somewhere on web or make someone upload it dammit! :P
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#629 Post by dejan555 »

Here's the link for 484 beta 4 sickgut has it mirrored on his server!
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#630 Post by s0n1c800m »

Oh, you rock... Thanks!

I'll give your pup a try, but I suspect kde might be a bit much for this old box.


Gah, followed the link and read up on it... :/

Might be ideal, actually, esp if I can use icewm or sommat on it.

s0n1c begins to scheme and plot.
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#631 Post by Shep »

Anyone know of an archive that still has a copy of Dpup477?
The file's full name is, I believe, dpup-477beta1-

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#632 Post by dejan555 »

Hey people, bringing this thread back from the dead :)
I'm still using dpup484 b4 on my PC and was thinking of updating some backend stuff ( new glibc/gtk/gnutls ) so it's more compatible with newer apps and packages.
I compiled glibc 2.13 and gtk 2.24.4 plus new gnutls if anyone's interested I might upload an iso after some testing if I manage to get this right.

EDIT: I want to keep same Xorg version that was in dpup, and make build with same kernel just with these libs updated since I'm not kernel guru, but pemasu is willing to try to update kernel once I upload a working iso and devx.
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#633 Post by ttuuxxx »

dejan555 wrote:Hey people, bringing this thread back from the dead :)
I'm still using dpup484 b4 on my PC and was thinking of updating some backend stuff ( new glibc/gtk/gnutls ) so it's more compatible with newer apps and packages.
I compiled glibc 2.13 and gtk 2.24.4 plus new gnutls if anyone's interested I might upload an iso after some testing if I manage to get this right.

EDIT: I want to keep same Xorg version that was in dpup, and make build with same kernel just with these libs updated since I'm not kernel guru, but pemasu is willing to try to update kernel once I upload a working iso and devx.
I understand updating the gtk and its deps, but why update a kernel? The kernel in it was good if I recall right, Xorg ran very quickly with firefox, I would update things like Seamonkey/Firefox whichever but use the mozilla versions because they autoupdate which is nice for users, sure you compile them they are a bit smaller but don't update, maybe compile the latest QT which is always nice and VLC, but the best is GTK, oh when you compiled GTK did you get libpangocairo to compile? its usually a pain.
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#634 Post by dejan555 »

Well, kernel works just fine for me, I just though maybe other users would like it for newer modules and stuff, I am surely doing a build with same kernel and keeping Xorg.
I compiled glibc, glib, pixman, cairo, pango in that order, since it needs cairo compiled first to build libpangocairo. gdk_pixbuf was also needed to build gtk, it compiled but I had problems with it later so when I build gtk I update all these packages but keep old gdk_pixbuf which doesn't seem to make problems so far.

EDIT: BTW ttuuxxx I still haven't striped/splited these packages, since these are some crucial system libs can I still split dev libs and put them in devx sfs and what about locales?
Oh yeah it wanted new atk package too.
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#635 Post by Lobster »

Hey people, bringing this thread back from the dead
Good news. 8)
In an ideal world we would have pups created using woof (new security features being added) from the majors such as dpup, spup and upup . . .

I was very happy to use dpup
whilst it was emerging.

Some of the features and innovations that Guy was adding
showed a real talent and very able Puplet.
Good luck with the resurrection. :)
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#636 Post by dejan555 »

Well, I'll be doing some kind of manual update, compile these libs on actual dpup and then replace them in unsquashed old sfs, I will probably ditch blinky which is now ancient and use Barry's network tray icon which is standard for any wm systray, and maybe add firewallstate icon?
I will probably add precompiled seamonkey, not sure if firefox 4 is really enough stable yet. Plus seamonkey has customizable movable toolbars now.
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#637 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi most of the time the locales are located in /usr/lib/locale either in the iso, which will take extra ram at boot time or like in 2.14X its located in zdrv_214X.sfs in the iso.

I did post the sources of the blinky replacement called networktray used in Upup Luci located at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 304#519304

looking forward to your iso :)
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#638 Post by dejan555 »

Thanks ttuuxxx, I got Barry's 2.4.3 sources, these for lucid are somewhat tweaked?
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#639 Post by ttuuxxx »

dejan555 wrote:Thanks ttuuxxx, I got Barry's 2.4.3 sources, these for lucid are somewhat tweaked?
Yes first you compile the bin in the sources on that link and then you download the pet from that link and you switch the bins in the pet with the compiled one. That version gives you 5 themes and you can change them by right clicking on the icon on the taskbar. Where as Barry's doesn't have any themes.
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#640 Post by plankenstein »

I'm still using 484 b4 on one machine that I frequent. I'm with ttuuxxx on the kernel, mine works great. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
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