Puppy Linux Windows Installer - LICK v1.3.3 released

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#81 Post by mrd »

This works on an IBM laptop, but when I try to create the pup_save file it freezes. If I power the system off, the file seems to be there, but was corrupted on my first attempt.

I've never had trouble creating the save file on this system before?
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#82 Post by mrd »

Well, it eventually worked but it took over an hour to create the save file?

Still doesn't work on my Dell laptop. I see the same issue with teh missing lupu_525.sfs.
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#83 Post by noryb009 »

This works on an IBM laptop, but when I try to create the pup_save file it freezes. If I power the system off, the file seems to be there, but was corrupted on my first attempt.

I've never had trouble creating the save file on this system before?
Probably slow disk I/O, Try creating a 32MB file, then resizing it with the resize tool in the menu (if you ever upgrade to a newer puppy)
Still doesn't work on my Dell laptop. I see the same issue with teh missing lupu_525.sfs.
I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help you. I think it's either:
- you have a USB/CD in the drive that puppy thinks is the main drive
- the hard drive isn't supported by linux (in newer kernels, which would be why it works in 431)
- you are using a corrupted version of NTFS (or linux isn't updated or something, not sure)
- puppy is having trouble with your configuration
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#84 Post by reasonit »

ok I removed the "psubdir = Puppy" part , but persistence still doesn't work on d drive :(
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#85 Post by noryb009 »

When you boot puppy, what is the D partition? (like sda)

Could I see your menu.lst?
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#86 Post by reasonit »

don't have access to my PC. will post menu.1st in the morning. my d drive is sda5 , while my c drive is sda1 (on which persistence works)
Last edited by reasonit on Mon 02 May 2011, 08:09, edited 1 time in total.
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#87 Post by reasonit »

My menu.1st :

title Puppy Linux 525
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppy-Linux-525/initrd.gz
kernel /Puppy-Linux-525/vmlinuz pfix=fsck
initrd /Puppy-Linux-525/initrd.gz

title Puppy Linux 525 - Do not load save file
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppy-Linux-525/initrd.gz
kernel /Puppy-Linux-525/vmlinuz pfix=ram
initrd /Puppy-Linux-525/initrd.gz
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#88 Post by nooby »

Would it complicate things to add this

title Puppy Linux 525
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppy-Linux-525/initrd.gz
kernel /Puppy-Linux-525/vmlinuz psubdir=Puppy-Linux-525 pfix=fsck
initrd /Puppy-Linux-525/initrd.gz

Using psubdir=Puppy-Linux-525 would allow them to easily add any other puppy using it as an template? Just a thought?
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#89 Post by ICPUG »


Where have you installed Puppy on C or D drive?

I think the save file has to be on the same drive as the puppy files (or at least mimic the directory structure -my memory is vague). This may explain why persistence works to C if your Puppy files are on C.


I agree. When a subdirectory is used then psubdir is very beneficial - not just for the reason you quote but also to boot up Puppy quicker. It does not go searching everywhere if psubdir is defined.


Where do you install the puppy files on the Dell. What does your menu.lst look like.
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#90 Post by noryb009 »

ICPUG wrote:Where have you installed Puppy on C or D drive?
The windows installer only installs to the C drive
ICPUG wrote:I think the save file has to be on the same drive as the puppy files (or at least mimic the directory structure -my memory is vague). This may explain why persistence works to C if your Puppy files are on C.
That would explain it then.
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#91 Post by Aitch »


Quick report on puppylinux525 exe:

I am running XP, had a previous win32/421.exe which I un-installed [more anon]

d/l'd and ran the 525 installer, and NADA!

There was a folder but no boot page/grub?

So, I re-installed 421.exe, as I couldn't figure it out, and lo and behold , I get a choice between 421 and 525/525 no pupsave

Great.....went through the setup steps, downloaded ff/xorghigh....looking good....go for reboot

asked to save, yes.....where....C:'s a bit full so D: yes, ext3, 1gb....great


no pupsave recognised

did another saved to C: [(FAT32)... realise now it was placed inside the 525 folder] and that one worked....
so with a bit of fiddling, I moved the original pupsave renamed to the 525 folder on C:, and its working

puzzled about the pupsave as I know people are using other drives including USB flash on a 'standard frugal install with grub'?

also, in hindsight, it appears the grubloader bit wasn't added to my boot.ini file, I think, with the 525.exe originally

now I just need to reduce the 30 second wait..... :wink:


not sure that's a proper fix, but it's working

Aitch :)
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#92 Post by noryb009 »

d/l'd and ran the 525 installer, and NADA!

There was a folder but no boot page/grub?
Because of you already having GRUB installed, it may have picked that up. (if C:\boot\grub\grub.exe or C:\grldr exists, it doesn't install grub). Was the 421.exe from this installer also?
did another saved to C: [(FAT32)... realise now it was placed inside the 525 folder] and that one worked....
so with a bit of fiddling, I moved the original pupsave renamed to the 525 folder on C:, and its working
Not tested, but try: edit menu.lst and change psubdir="Puppy-Linux-525" to psubdir="FolderInDDriveButNotInCDrive" then create the folder in the D drive.
now I just need to reduce the 30 second wait.....
Where is the timeout? Windows or GRUB?

open /mnt/sda1/boot.ini and change timeout=30 to timeout=5
(or add a line "timeout=5" if you don't see one)

Linux: In /mnt/sda1/menu.lst, change timeout to 5[/quote]
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#93 Post by noryb009 »

Puppy Linux 528 pre-compiled: http://www.mediafire.com/?58m107bbkob3c7g

Mirror if first link is down.

Also added to first post.
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#94 Post by charbaby66 »

I can't thank you enough.. now I can easily puppify my Windows-using

I chose the 528 exe and it worked flawlessly with XP 32bit on an IBM T41
1G ram, 60G hd Radeon 7500 both without pupsave, and with my 528 pupsave copied from usb or choosing the newly created one made.

I love the splash screen, as I usually do my own GRUB install I have never
seen this, not having used a Lin n Win install before. Like the boot choice
of savefile or pfix=ram done for me.

Since installing via XP felt like cheating I am going to do the Linux install soon, thanks for the helpful pointers and clarifications posted.

The only thing for me is that it installs to /Puppy-Linux-528 whereas I generally install to /puppy528. Not sure if this newb picked this up as
the way many others do it, or just if I am too lazy to add the extra caps and dashes etc.

If there are others like me, I can see how one could think files are lost or not installed because they are not where you "think" they are. I expect this only inconveniences those of us with some Puppy/Linux experience -
I bet I am not the only one who has spent time chasing code that points to the wrong place! -so simple to fix, hard to see! Windows users probably
like it as is.

I am going to see if I can edit a bit w/o breaking anything in this install to get it back to my "defaults" not worried about the Puppy side but I am rusty in XP now and I shutter to think I need to useredit to change paths
for the uninstall, I LOL to think that I am more at ease in Puppy now! Graduated to advanced Newb :)

528 is my #1 fav pup, your tool makes it A1!!
Thanks again!!!
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#95 Post by adXok »

The installer runs fine on Windows 7 ultimate x64 but...

· after the reboot it hags after the audio signal: barking dog (two times)
· the monitor enters Power Saving Mood
· seems like the PC falls asleep (!?)
· the PC is a new ASUS machine with i7 and 8GB RAM, 2 video cards Ati Radeon in Crss-Fire mode (suppose they provoke the hanging!)


Later i will test it at home on my Windows XP Pro x32 with a built-in video (think it was Nvidia 7100/i630 or something)
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#96 Post by noryb009 »

Sorry for not replying sooner, I was busy.
I love the splash screen
You can thank teasiu for that.
The only thing for me is that it installs to /Puppy-Linux-528 whereas I generally install to /puppy528. Not sure if this newb picked this up as
the way many others do it, or just if I am too lazy to add the extra caps and dashes etc.
It's just personal preference. I like to keep things well labeled and readable, so I use the long name.

adXok: Have you tried puppy 528 before on that computer? That sounds like it's from Puppy, not the installer.
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#97 Post by adXok »

Nope, testing Puppy with Windows Installer v1.1 for the first time, never have tried Puppy whatever booting way on that system (no CD, nor USB-flash drive). Just wanted to install it.

At home WInXP Pro x32 bit the same installer runs fine and puppy loads fine and smooth as a breeze. I wonder where the problem might be in my office system? :)
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#98 Post by noryb009 »

It most likely is the crossfire, but I'm not an expert.

You should repost your problem here.
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#99 Post by adXok »

Another strange thing is that when I try to install the .sfs packeges for skype, adobe acrobat reader and the others in the list of Quickpet it tells me that I need to install Puppy in order to use .sfs packeges.

Seems that is a limitation when using Puppy Linux Windows Installer (any version I suppose). :(
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#100 Post by noryb009 »

I'm pretty sure that goes away when you create a save file and reboot.
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