The Future of Puppy Linux

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
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#61 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Yea, I know, but I gotta....

First, lets get our labels right...

Bernie is not a troll...hes an opinionated "old fart" who speaks his mind...Applies to many of us...

And BarryK is not the "leader" of Puppy Linux..BK stepped down, and gave control of mainstream Puppy to the community to concentrate on other projects, including Wary..
Since 4.20 Puppy has had several leaders..
Version 5.25 was led by Playdayz...

So if you want to "kick" sure whose "nuts" you are aiming @...

Who ever said Puppy wants to be a #1 mainstream distro..?
The end all and do it all of Linux???
Puppy has a niche, and fills it well...
A smaller, lighter distro, well stocked OOTB, runs on older hardware, etc...
If you messed up your Wary 10 times, (by your own words) trying to bloat it up, the end result isnt Puppy...
Its DangerDog...
Kick its developer ...You...
No, Puppy isnt perfect...hence the constant improvement..
And there are not 52 versions of Puppy, there are 3..
The rest are variants, even forks, of Puppy..
Go to the Ubuntu forum, and complain about xubuntu or one of the 100 or so Ubuntu variants, and see what you get...

If people have a problem with Macpup, they take it to Prit1 or Runtt21...
Got a problem with to Ttuuxxx...
And so on...

BarryK has nothing to do with these projects...
It is not "poor leadership" is NO leadership...
Not BK`s problem....

The man has done great things, and his work has made Linux accessible to many who would not have used it otherwise..

And using his Wary as a base, you said it took you what, a few days all told, to build your Dangerdog...???

So, if in that few days, you discovered any "fixes" or whatever, that could be of some positive use to the community, share them, be a positive element, OK...

Be a part of the solution instead.... 8)

"Use Win7".....please, that, in a Linux forum, is about as "Troll" as you can get....
Yes, please use Win7, and go kick Bill Gates in the nuts for a while, and see where that gets ya.... :roll:
Close the Windows, and open your eyes, to a whole new world
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#62 Post by nooby »

PuppyLuvr your have to be one of the most optimistic person that I've met.
So, if in that few days, you discovered any "fixes" or whatever, that could be of some positive use to the community, share them, be a positive element, OK...
Will never happen. He wants 2000USD to even begin sharing any knowlege :)
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#63 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

puppyluvr wrote: Now....
Who ever said Puppy wants to be a #1 mainstream distro..?
The end all and do it all of Linux???
Puppy has a niche, and fills it well...
A smaller, lighter distro, well stocked OOTB, runs on older hardware, etc...
This is the point that some of the most vocal advocates of Puppy on this forum don't understand.
puppyluvr wrote: If you messed up your Wary 10 times, (by your own words) trying to bloat it up, the end result isnt Puppy...
Its DangerDog...
Kick its developer ...You...
My goal wasn't to bloat it up and in fact my version has a pupsave file of 512MB with 222MB free. The many crashes and lock ups are mainly my own fault but some of them should not happen. The last couple of days I've been playing with temperature monitors and working on a Windows-like hibernate for desktops. I seldom read through a whole thread before trying something. This morning I had two more crashes. One was from installing and trying to run available here: Mostly my own fault but still a Puppy pet should not crash a mainstream Puppy version (500 in my case). Not working or needing dependencies or even wiping out previously installed apps is one thing but absolute crashes are another.
puppyluvr wrote: And there are not 52 versions of Puppy, there are 3..
The rest are variants, even forks, of Puppy..
Go to the Ubuntu forum, and complain about xubuntu or one of the 100 or so Ubuntu variants, and see what you get...
Technically there are only three official versions but outside this forum, including some well known review sites, any and all variants and forks of Puppy are still Puppy. I'm not complaining but only pointing to the almost universal confusion in real world about what Puppy is. Somehow the official versions must become more distinct and separate from the derivatives. Some of the creators of these variants think they are still Puppy and are calling them Puppy.
puppyluvr wrote: BarryK has nothing to do with these projects...
It is not "poor leadership" is NO leadership...
Not BK`s problem....
NO leadership = poor leadership

Somehow he has to keep his name from being associated with the many derivatives created from Puppy. May not be possible at this stage.
puppyluvr wrote: The man has done great things, and his work has made Linux accessible to many who would not have used it otherwise..
Very true, but older computers are still being trashed. Out of every one saved by Puppy ten thousand more make it to the landfill. The evangelists of the gospel of Puppy are preaching to the wrong crowd looking for converts in Ubuntu.
puppyluvr wrote: And using his Wary as a base, you said it took you what, a few days all told, to build your Dangerdog...???

So, if in that few days, you discovered any "fixes" or whatever, that could be of some positive use to the community, share them, be a positive element, OK...

Be a part of the solution instead.... Cool
DangerDog! is not yet ready for his public display. The idea of DangerDog! is to demonstrate the silliness of the paranoia about running as root and using firewalls. Since I don't think there's any real chance of lessening paranoia drilled in for years from using Windows, the time for DangerDog! has not yet arrived.
puppyluvr wrote: "Use Win7".....please, that, in a Linux forum, is about as "Troll" as you can get....
Yes, please use Win7, and go kick Bill Gates in the nuts for a while, and see where that gets ya.... Rolling Eyes
Yes, I said buy Win7 if you want something that works. That's the way it is. A trivial example is how I can install apps on my BlackBerry from Windows but I cannot from any version of Linux. I can use Barry to sync but not install new apps or update directly from RIM via Windows. There are many thousands of apps in daily use that cannot or are not made to work in Linux.

I'm certainly not a fan of Gates or Microsoft. From the beginning of the PC in the 1980's I used versions of BASIC other than Microsoft BASIC and I had to really work to keep my programs fully compatible with MSBASIC. For a few years I used IBMDOS to avoid using MSDOS.

Note that my price is variable. Nooby gets a discount. To be a project leader I’d want $10,000 per week with guaranteed payment for twelve weeks. :)

#64 Post by stu90 »

Maybe it would be an idea to have rejig of a couple of the forum categories.

A new section right at the top for:
Official Puppy Derivatives.

and the 'Puppy Derivatives' section renamed to 'User Created Puppy Derivatives'
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#65 Post by nooby »



I should not say anything due to me so confused and computer challenged but when I became active here Puppy did have trouble with shutting down cleanly but year after year Puppy has improved. I see no alternative for me.

But it is true that if one use smartphones and want to update them then Ms Windows is the only way to do it with sanction from the maker of that Smartphone.

I have Nokia, SonyEricson and Huawei, all of them real smartphones. two with android and all of them require Ms Windows to do updates.

But what to expect from Linux. as users we get what we pay for. We lack solidarity and persistence in paying the few persons that are motivated to do development.

Personally I would rather pay independent devs of Linux then to pay Ms Windows each time that I buy a new computer and that happens with only a few years apart.

2003 HP/Compaq Desktop
2005 AOpen MZ915
2006 Packard Bell Laptop
2009 Acer D250
2009 HP/Compaq Desktop
2010 Acer D255

All of them with OEM installed Windows apart from AOpen where I bought it outside of OEM
All of them bloated with try for a month ware I did not want to ahve there.

I rather pay for all of them having working puppies with same features the Windows had. Being able to update the smartphone using instructions from the maker that is.
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#66 Post by Aitch »

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#67 Post by nooby »

Aitch don't get me wrong now. My poor English misled you.

SonyEricson Xperia Mini Pro is android but it need Ms Windows on the computer to update the flashboot ROM unless you are prepared to pay very high sum for being online while you do it. They have no linux program to do the update program with.

that is what I am talking about. Total dependence on Ms Windows despite being an Android phone.

Do you get what I say now?

I trust it is same with Huawei Android you use Ms Windows to do the update thing on it.
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#68 Post by puppyite »

By accident I stumbled across this post today in which nooby states he has ADHD. In light of this revelation I offer him my apology. Although how I could have known about this before criticizing his English I can not imagine.

In my defense I can only say that I always attempt to be as clear as I possibly can by employing good grammar and spelling in all my communications, consequently I have a low tolerance for those who don’t.

Edit: This has nothing to do with the future of Puppy Linux, nor do many of the posts in this thread.
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#69 Post by nooby »

I guess one could demand that Nooby restrict his flood of posting per day though. it is even too much for me and I am kind of involved even. Sorry.

No need to apology but appreciated nevertheless. Did I tell you that my English is pure backyard Moonshining spirited brand of self taught reading Radio Mags like Popular Electronics and Wireless World and QST and CQ and Ham Radio and such Byte and DrDobb's Journal too. :)

okay we all get back on topic and me to bed
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#70 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

puppyite wrote:By accident I stumbled across this post today in which nooby states he has ADHD. In light of this revelation I offer him my apology. Although how I could have known about this before criticizing his English I can not imagine.
Nooby's language is very picturesque. The quality also varies from time to time, on occasion perfect English and at times totally muddled. That's just part of our Noobyhood. :)
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#71 Post by rjbrewer »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:
puppyite wrote:By accident I stumbled across this post today in which nooby states he has ADHD. In light of this revelation I offer him my apology. Although how I could have known about this before criticizing his English I can not imagine.
Nooby's language is very picturesque. The quality also varies from time to time, on occasion perfect English and at times totally muddled. That's just part of our Noobyhood. :)
Sort of like having a flea or mosquito as a team mascot.

He's running out of supposed afflictions to excuse his murdering
of the English language;
is irritable bowel syndrome coming next? :lol:

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#72 Post by nooby »

rjbrewer wrote: He's (Nooby) running out of supposed afflictions to excuse his murdering
of the English language;
is irritable bowel syndrome coming next? :lol:
Haha that was funny. Yes I am lactose intolerant too. What more. Panic afraid of Moscwitos even :)

The topic of the thread is The Future of Puppy Linux

I trust the future of Puppy linux to be what the then Devs of it feel for doing together. Not more and nothing less than that.

Now what the newbie user of Puppy Linux demand of the Devs that is an entirely different beast of burden. Scrap that not fun.
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#73 Post by puppyite »

I would characterize your fear of devs withdrawing from Puppy Linux due to pressure as phobia.

Not a single dev has come forward in this thread to support your claim, moaning about how they can’t stand the pressure anymore and are considering quitting.

Edit: Maybe you're just chumming the water in hopes of continuing the debate about this non-issue.
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#74 Post by 8-bit »

nooby wrote:
rjbrewer wrote: He's (Nooby) running out of supposed afflictions to excuse his murdering
of the English language;
is irritable bowel syndrome coming next? :lol:
Haha that was funny. Yes I am lactose intolerant too. What more. Panic afraid of Moscwitos even :)

The topic of the thread is The Future of Puppy Linux

I trust the future of Puppy linux to be what the then Devs of it feel for doing together. Not more and nothing less than that.

Now what the newbie user of Puppy Linux demand of the Devs that is an entirely different beast of burden. Scrap that not fun.
The newbie user of Puppy can make enemies quickly by demanding things, apps, features, etc. from the Devs.
I am ok with suggest, but demanding something of Devs who help in a big way in developing a Puppy or an application for it that is of use and that the Devs do it for the fun and challenge of it just rubs me the wrong way.
Try demanding features or applications be included by the Windows developers and see how far you get!

#75 Post by puppyite »

Have devs posted saying that people are making demands?
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#76 Post by 8-bit »

puppyite wrote:8-bit
Have devs posted saying that people are making demands?
Not to my knowledge.
And this is where I drop the subject.
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#77 Post by technosaurus »

My favs are the manipulators who (knowing that many devs work on ego) say something like:

"<linux app> sux because it cant even do x like <ms app>"

... to get a knee jerk (but typically quick) response to their real question:
(can <linux app> do x, if so, how?)

They don't necessarily care about the tone of the answer, so much as they want it asap.

At least one user was banned for this type of behavior and later allowed to return ... just to resume the same unenlightened rantings.

I am personally rather short with manipulators if it is someone else's project, or simply non-responsive if it is mine.

BTW I blame all my bad English on my Droid's autocorrect feature, combined with fat thumbs and ageing eyes.

P.S. the future replacement for jwm is uwm (a rewrite of jwm with xcb)
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#78 Post by nooby »

Thanks technosaurus that warmed my heart.

If I ever bahave that badly do send me a friendly smile and I try to better myself.

Hhaha I looked into NixOS the otehr day. is that somethign puppy can learn from Friendly smile
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#79 Post by RetroTechGuy »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:NO leadership = poor leadership
An interesting concept. So where does that leave us?... (yes, by that, I do mean you and I... :lol: )
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#80 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

RetroTechGuy wrote:
Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:NO leadership = poor leadership
An interesting concept. So where does that leave us?... (yes, by that, I do mean you and I... :lol: )
It leaves us with an interesting toy that's never going to become a mainstream desktop.

Puppy is the easiest distro I've seen to tinker with and make dramatic and innovative changes. I still don't think it's going to evolve beyond the hobbyist/tinkerer stage.
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