The Future of Puppy Linux

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy

#141 Post by puppyite »

I said no such thing. I was commenting on the useless debate that BBTS instigates (aided by all and sundry). I think your real intent is chumming the water purely for the purpose of debate in which case I will simply ignore you just like I would BBTS.
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#142 Post by Q5sys »

puppyite wrote:I said no such thing. I was commenting on the useless debate that BBTS instigates (aided by all and sundry). I think your real intent is chumming the water purely for the purpose of debate in which case I will simply ignore you just like I would BBTS.
I must be seeing things then... Or perhaps not... here is a screencap:

Link is here

#143 Post by puppyite »

Those posts are six days apart and unrelated (a.k.a. taken out of context).
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#144 Post by Q5sys »

puppyite wrote:Those posts are six days apart and unrelated (a.k.a. taken out of context).
So comments you made 6 days prior arent valid?

Fact: you made a comment about how the putting a man on the moon is an example of why the the US #1.
Fact: The men who worked on the Apollo program are now retirees.
Fact: You make a slanderous statement about retirees.

Its not out of context... its showing that you simply are not able to make a statement that is of any merit. If you have a rolling 6 day window of when you're comments are valid... well I dont really see why any of us are talking to you.

#145 Post by puppyite »

I don't have to explain myself to you or anybody.
Last edited by puppyite on Wed 18 May 2011, 00:21, edited 2 times in total.

#146 Post by jonyo »

no man is an island
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#147 Post by Q5sys »

puppyite wrote:I don't have to explain myself to you or anybody.
I'm so happy you said that. You've made your self contradiction complete.

Now stop complaining when the Developers of Puppy do something you dont like. You dont feel you need to explain yourself... then dont expect them to explain themselves. THEY will do what THEY feel is best, and they dont owe you or anyone else an explanation either.
jonyo wrote:no man is an island
apparently someone else feels otherwise.
I guess he feels he doesnt have to be accountable to us... but we all have to be accountable to him.

#148 Post by puppyite »

Why don’t you support AttackPup and help others of your ilk crack their neighbors network and steal their Internet access?
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#149 Post by Q5sys »

puppyite wrote:Why don’t you support AttackPup and help others of your ilk crack their neighbors network and steal their Internet access?
That sir, is what is called an 'ad hominem attack'. Short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity or invalidity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.

Ad hominem attacks are where you attack the person, and not the argument. If you can’t pick apart the argument being made, don’t go after the person. It makes you look stupid. If your response to my point is to attack me personally, you’ve lost. You’ve got no point to make, and you’re just embarassing yourself.

Abusive ad hominem attacks involve insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to invalidate your argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because insults your opponent's personal character or actions which have nothing to do with the logical merits of the your opponent's arguments or assertions

As for AttackPup, thanks for the free advertisement about it. It's a release intended for those within the Security community, those who wish to do security analysis of their own systems or those who are interested in learning about Computer Security. If you dont like those tactics... take that up with the greater Computer Security Community.

#150 Post by puppyite »

Q5sys wrote:As for AttackPup, thanks for the free advertisement about it. It's a release intended for those within the Security community, those who wish to do security analysis of their own systems.
Security analysis my butt, you don’t need a 3 mile range to test your own network.
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#151 Post by Q5sys »

puppyite wrote:
Q5sys wrote:As for AttackPup, thanks for the free advertisement about it. It's a release intended for those within the Security community, those who wish to do security analysis of their own systems.
Security analysis my butt, you don’t need a 3 mile range to test your own network.

Way to misquote me... My original sentence was:
Q5sys wrote:"It's a release intended for those within the Security community, those who wish to do security analysis of their own systems or those who are interested in learning about Computer Security."
Perhaps Grammar is not your strong suit, so let me explain so you can understand. Notice my use of a comma and the conjuction 'or'. I'll even bold them so you can see them clearly.
Q5sys wrote:"It's a release intended for those within the Security community, those who wish to do security analysis of their own systems or those who are interested in learning about Computer Security."
As proper English grammar would show, I listed 3 groups of people that AttackPup was intended for. They are as follows:
1) those within the Security community
2) those who wish to do security analysis of their own systems
3) or those who are interested in learning about Computer Security.

That antenna has nothing to do with Attackpup, as it can be used with any computer and any network. Even to access a network you have authority to use. It is merely an antenna for a wireless card. As a person who was talking previously about comments being 'out of context' you need to analyze your own statements.

When you are a ComSec Consultant and have a paying client that falsely feels they are secure you need to do what you can to prove your point. After all that is what they are paying you for. When you can take them somewhere outside their place of business and access their network from a place they would think is not possible... it makes them realize they are not as secure as they feel they are.
If you knew anything about the ComSec field you'd understand the mentalities behind what we do.
So please stop making assumptions about things you do not know. It only makes you look stupid when people explain how you are wrong.

Now with that explained... Shall I quote you again...
puppyite wrote:
mickee wrote:Can we ... get back to talking about the future of puppy linux?
This is what you can expect from a bunch of retirees with time on their hands. Probably explains why they want to go back to Slackware, stuck in the past.
Lets get back to the issue at hand instead of you trying to slander me, my work in this community, or any other statements I have made.
Afterall you didnt like it when people got off the topic you started. So lets get back to the topic that you started... "The Future of Puppy Linux".
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#152 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

Out of hundreds of web sites I checked, I found only one that states the Law of Supply and Demand the way I do, and it was an obscure text published in 1902. It even had an illustration based on a children’s seesaw with supply on one end and demand on the other with a pegboard system to raise and lower the height of the pivot price in the center.

I wrote a dozen or so drafts using distilled water and airline seats as examples.

However, I think it’s best to back up. Originally I wrote:
A near-infinite supply always tends towards zero demand.
This is real world observation, not a theory, not a “law,
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#153 Post by Jasper »

Hi by_the_sea,

You claim "This is real world observation [obviously your real world observation], not a theory, not a “law,
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#154 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

[quote="Jasper"]Hi by_the_sea,

You claim "This is real world observation [obviously your real world observation], not a theory, not a “law,

#155 Post by Jasper »

Hi by_the_sea,

What was it that was observed and by whom?

#156 Post by puppyite »

Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:It (Puppy Linux) needs stronger leadership to curb all the wild tangents.
Average users (those who are not devs) need a seat at the table with equal standing to influence the future of Puppy Linux.
Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:Today's joke: puppyite wrote “This ends my participation in this thread, un-subscribing now.
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#157 Post by Bernie_by_the_Sea »

Jasper wrote:Hi by_the_sea,

What was it that was observed and by whom?
What I've observed most recently is that at least two of my posts in this forum were deleted this morning. I never participate in censored forums so this is most likely my last post... if it even makes it through. My last post be may elsewhere. I had no warning public or private. Utlimate cultic behavior.

Now It looks like at least twenty of my posts were deleted and deletion is ongoing, 126 threads yesterday, 106 today.
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#158 Post by RetroTechGuy »

puppyite wrote:
Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:It (Puppy Linux) needs stronger leadership to curb all the wild tangents.
Average users (those who are not devs) need a seat at the table with equal standing to influence the future of Puppy Linux.
Since Puppy is a volunteer product, and a volunteer organization, the "planning" is going to be limited to "could you please add this...". As others have noted, it is not a democracy, but rather a do-ocracy (those who "do", are the ones who decide). And thus, you could decide, if you "do".

As such, I would not expect _demands_ to be addressed, but polite requests to our most gracious hosts and benefactors might be (and often are, from my experience and observation here). I believe that there is a thread discussing what the users would like to see in the next release.

And since it has been a while, I would like to again thank you to all of the developers and contributors for their fine works!
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#159 Post by puppyite »

Please see this: Users and Developers - Symbiotic Relationship
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#160 Post by Aitch »


Of course you could always talk to all the visitors to your award winning website!

If you allowed the kind of 'seat at the table' you plead for here.....have you heard of the level playing field strategy?

Aitch :)
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