Puppy as a wifi access point - OLD !!

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Puppy as a wifi access point - OLD !!

#1 Post by tempestuous »

Important Update Feb 2013:
This package updated for Slacko 5.4 here -
All wifi drivers are now supported, not just the ath_pci and hostap drivers.

A Linux computer can be used as wifi access point ("hotspot") using the hostapd application, now attached.
Unfortunately at the time of writing Puppy is at version 5.2.x with a 2.6.33 kernel, and only these three wifi drivers are currently supported:
hostap_pci - for Prism2/3 based PCI wifi devices
hostap_cs - for Prism2/3 based PCMCIA wifi devices
ath_pci (MADWiFi) - for Atheros AR521x PCI/miniPCI/PCMCIA wifi devices

The ath_pci driver is not provided in Puppy 5.2.x, since it conflicts with the standard ath5k driver, but I have provided this driver (2 different versions) below.

i) Install the hostapd dotpet and bridge-utils dotpets from the bottom of this post.
ii) Also install one of the madwifi dotpets if you have an Atheros AR512x wifi device (PCI or PCMCIA), and reboot.

I will assume the use of a MADWiFI-compatible wifi device under Puppy 5.1/5.2.x
If you're using a hostap-compatible wifi device, alternative commands are shown in red.

First have a think about:
- what you want your Access Point to be known as - this is the SSID.
- whether you want WPA or WPA2 encryption, or no encryption.
- if encryption, what passphrase. Then you should convert your chosen ASCII passphrase into its true 64 digit hex value, using this command -

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wpa_passphrase <ssid> <passphrase>
All of these parameters then need to be entered into the configuration file; /etc/hostapd.conf
I have pre-configured this file for the SSID of "Puppy_Hotspot", using WPA2 encryption, with the PSK passphrase "woof1234".
so there's no need to change anything - you can just use my settings if you wish.
But it's worth opening /etc/hostapd.conf in Geany just to see what I'm talking about. You will see that I have commented out the PSK password (woof1234) and used the full passphrase hex value, calculated as explained earlier.
Note the relevant value for WPA2 encryption: "wpa_pairwise=CCMP"
If you want to use the older WPA encryption, you will need: "wpa_pairwise=TKIP"
And if you want no encryption, you will need: "wpa=0"
For the hostap_pci/hostap_cs drivers, change "interface=ath0" to "interface=wlan0", and change "driver=madwifi" to "driver=hostap", and change "hw_mode=g" to "hw_mode=b".

Now connect your Puppy computer's ethernet interface to some form of modem/router. This will be the internet connection that you are about to share via your wifi interface.
If you have previously set up your ethernet interface with Puppy's Network Wizard, these settings must be killed. First bring down the ethernet interface -

Code: Select all

ifconfig eth0 down
Now you must kill the dhcpcd daemon - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Go to Menu > System > System Status and Config > Pprocess process manager
and somewhere in the list of processes you should see "dhcpcd -d -l eth0"
Select it, and press "End process"
Now you need to remove the stale dhcpcd run file with this command -

Code: Select all

rm -f /var/run/dhcpcd-eth0.*
Now change your wifi driver from its default "Station/Managed" mode to "AP/Master" mode -

Code: Select all

ifconfig ath0 down
wlanconfig ath0 destroy
wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
Or for the hostap_pci/hostap_cs drivers, do this instead
ifconfig wlan0 down
iwconfig wlan0 mode Master

Next you need to bridge your ethernet interface to your wifi interface, with these commands:

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ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig ath0 up
modprobe bridge
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth0
brctl addif br0 ath0
Or for the hostap_pci/hostap_cs drivers, change "ath0" to "wlan0".
Note that your Puppy computer is now seen on the LAN by its bridged interface: br0.
Now in theory it's optional to give the Puppy computer an IP address for its bridged interface,
but in practice I found this is essential. So do this -

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rm -f /var/run/dhcpcd-br0.*
dhcpcd -t 30 -h puppypc -d br0
I found that this may take 15 seconds or so! dhcpcd seems to struggle with a "br0" interface.
Various code will run by, and eventually you should see "...forking to background".

Now you're finally ready to run the hostapd daemon

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hostapd /etc/hostapd.conf -dd
The last two lines you see will be
"ath0: Setup of interface done.
l2_packet_receive - recvfrom: Network is down"
Don't worry, this means success.

Any wifi client (running on any operating system) should now be able to connect to your Puppy access point.

The script is installed at /usr/bin and it's called "Wifi-AP-launch.sh"
Obviously you can run this script from an rxvt terminal, but better still, I have created a desktop launch-script called "Wifi-AP-launch". With ROX, go to /usr/bin and drag the icon for "Wifi-AP-launch" (not Wifi-AP-launch.sh") onto the desktop. This is ready to go, but it has a generic icon. To give it a nice icon, right-click it, select File 'Wifi-AP-launch' > Set Icon...
and this will present a window. Use ROX to drag /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/Wifi-AP-48.png into the window.

UPDATE: just because your Puppy computer is now a wifi Access Point, don't assume it's acting as a router ... it's not. See my later post about router/server/network considerations -
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 738#551738
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Last edited by tempestuous on Sat 09 Feb 2013, 02:51, edited 4 times in total.
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#2 Post by tempestuous »

Here is the "standard" version of the ath_pci (MADWiFi) driver, for Atheros AR521x PCI/PCMCIA wifi devices.
This driver is only compatible with Puppy 5.1/5.2
After installing this dotpet, reboot.
This package modifies Puppy's MODULESCONFIG file so that the new ath_pci driver is then used in preference to Puppy's existing ath5k driver.
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#3 Post by tempestuous »

The "standard" ath_pci driver will not work with Atheros AR5007EG variants of the chipset, as found in miniPCI cards typically bundled with certain laptops, such as early ASUS Eee models.
So here is the suitable madwifi-HAL variant of the ath_pci driver, for these wifi devices.

#4 Post by aarf »

Upload image of eeepc taken from phone story to follow and other stuff.
image from phone comes when usb phone modem plugged in on boot. need to disconect phone and reboot before boot will complete.
interface is usb0. made a mistake during first try(somename.tar.gz) . will now disconnect and reboot and try again.
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#5 Post by aarf »

so far inconclusive.
at the moment no second wifi machine that i can access to test-see if my eeepc is broadcasting and available.

for checking:

1/ my wifi device is atheros AR5001 and I am using madwifi-hal- is this correct?

2/ i must start my gprs/3g usb0 connection using pupdial before beginning to issue the sequence of commands that start with

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wlanconfig ath0 destroy 
 wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap 
 iwconfig ath0 mode Master

3/if i want to have an OPEN wifi connection with no encryption how would the modifications of hostapd look? my guess is with the key info commented like so:
##### hostapd configuration file ####

or/and not issue this command

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wpa_passphrase Puppy_Hotspot woof1234

4/ does this output

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 Using interface ath0 wit - recvfrom: Network is down
l2_packet_receive - recvfrom: Network is down
l2_packet_receive - recvfrom: Network is down
l2_packet_receive - recvfrom: Network is down

mean that others are looking at my wifi connection and cant or haven't connected, or mean that my gprs/3g connection is not connected to my newly created wifi connection?.

5/ is wifi0 correct for my setup in this line

Code: Select all

# wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap

6/later i when i am sure that my wifi is active, i will want to know about setting up a introduction or even login screen for OPEN wifi.

7/perhaps wifi reference links for this info?
8/anyone else getting this going.
9/ list of some laptops with the correct wifi cards
correct wifi dongles that can be bought separately that will function.
10/ can/should i see my own Puppy wifi being broadcast in the network wizard. i can't at the moment.
interfaces look ok
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br0 seems ok.
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#6 Post by tempestuous »

OK aarf, let's try to fix this.
First I must say I'm a little nervous about you using an internet connection from a mobile phone, where the interface is "usb0". I would be more confident if you were accessing the internet from an ADSL modem via ethernet.
But anyway, your situation means that in the above instructions you must change all instances of "eth0" with "usb0".
Don't run any commands which involve eth0, because your ethernet interface is unconnected, and has no involvement with your setup. You are passing network traffic between usb0 and ath0.

i) I did a bit more reading about hostapd configuration. First I suggest these changes to the hostapd.conf file:

this specifies "open authentication" which seems to be the norm for wifi access points.

this specifies WPA2, consistent with my other example settings.

Only for Atheros wifi devices, not for hostap users. This allows the access point to operate at G speeds instead of the default B mode, but still allows B clients to connect at the slower speed.

If you want to set up your access point with no encryption, I believe that you need this -

ii) When configuring the ath0 interface, apparently "iwconfig ath0 mode Master" is unnecessary.
Add this command instead -

Code: Select all

iwconfig ath0 essid "Puppy_Hotspot"
iii) when you launch hostapd, add "-dd" so you can see results in detail, thus

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hostapd /etc/hostapd.conf -dd
aarf wrote:1/ my wifi device is atheros AR5001 and I am using madwifi-hal- is this correct?
Atheros naming conventions are confusing, but yes, you have the correct driver. It's been well established that the Atheros miniPCI wifi device in the Eee 701 requires the madwifi-HAL driver.
aarf wrote:2/ i must start my gprs/3g usb0 connection using pupdial before beginning to issue the sequence of commands that start with wlanconfig ...
aarf wrote:3/if i want to have an OPEN wifi connection with no encryption how would the modifications of hostapd look? my guess is with the key info commented like so: ...
Yes, comment out most of the lines that start with "wpa..." except "wpa=". This should be "wpa=0" although information about this on the web is contradictory.
aarf wrote:or/and not issue this command

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wpa_passphrase Puppy_Hotspot woof1234
Actually that command is not necessary at all. It's only necessary to convert your passphrase into full wpa_psk hex value, so you can enter this value into the configuration file. Once the configuration file has been set up, the command is no longer needed.
aarf wrote:4/ does this output

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l2_packet_receive - recvfrom: Network is down
mean that ...
I don't know. If you continue to see this message, you might need to post a question on the hostapd mailing list.
aarf wrote:6/later i when i am sure that my wifi is active, i will want to know about setting up a introduction or even login screen for OPEN wifi.
I don't know of any application in Linux which will do that.
aarf wrote:10/ can/should i see my own Puppy wifi being broadcast in the network wizard. i can't at the moment.
No, because your wifi interface is being used as an access point. To be able to "see" this interface from the same computer you would need to connect a second wifi device!

#7 Post by aarf »

tempestuous what is the source of the nervousness? legal, security, hardware incompatibility? "ADSL modem via ethernet" you mean like build you own prison type of domestic arrangement. sorry not me.

anyhows i am thinking that i will purchase a wifi dongle to test this on some nearby computers, also to get better range for my own personal use and to spread the puppy word over a larger immediate area when we get this sorted. so i need some recommendations and advice there so i dont get one that isn't supported somewhere along the line..attached is wifi some stuff that is available locally.
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#8 Post by tempestuous »

I'm not worried about wireless internet access, itself. In fact I use a standalone 3G wireless modem ... but mine has an ethernet interface, so my Linux boxes see it as a conventional ethernet network device.

My nervousness relates only to the nature of the "usb0" interface; I'm unfamiliar with this, and I'm unsure if it behaves like all other network interfaces?? I may worrying unnecessarily, it's just an unknown area for me.

Regarding the purchase (and setup) of a USB wifi adapter, I don't go out testing every piece of new hardware myself. I can only help people set up troublesome wifi hardware in Linux if I'm told the device ID and/or chipset.

... but before you go out and buy a new wifi adapter, I suggest you test your new hostapd hotspot with a KNOWN-GOOD wifi adapter. And this doesn't necessarily need to be a Linux machine; Windows and Mac (and Android!) wifi clients are fine to test with.
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#9 Post by tempestuous »

On your gnumeric list of USB wifi dongles, the first two are difficult to find on Google, the most promising are the Buffalo WLI-UC-G300N and D-Link DWA-140.

#10 Post by aarf »

so i went to do a covert wifi test operation on the display models at the superstore. stuck in my trusty 8g kingston usb and rebooted, got to grub then after selecting the puppy i wanted to boot, got message: unsupported file system. it is ext2. laptop was a new lenovo. left quickly at this point as the attendant was hovering. they didn't have any suitable wifi dongles there. will go to the specialty computer store tomorrow.
edit just checked again, the puppy i was trying to boot isnt on the kingston drive. but still in the grub menu. my bad.

#11 Post by aarf »

D-link DWA-140 RangeBooster N™ USB Adapter connected and functioning in lupu525 (not functioning in puppeee4.4rc2 no drivers I guess).. yet to test puppy hotspot.
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#12 Post by aarf »

note: only thing remaining to try is dlink140 in windows on external computer with ath0 on puppy to see if hotspot is working on eeepc
all below on eeepc only.
have been trying various combinations of wlan0, usb0, and ath0 and have determined that D-link dwg140 on wlan0 using "usb" driver is NOT going to be the wifi source or sender of puppyhotspot. just checking that because it isn't of one the supported drivers in tempestuous's first post
Unfortunately at the time of writing Puppy is at version 5.2.x with a 2.6.33 kernel, and only these three wifi drivers are currently supported:
hostap_pci - for Prism2/3 based PCI wifi devices
hostap_cs - for Prism2/3 based PCMCIA wifi devices
ath_pci (MADWiFi) - for Atheros AR521x PCI/miniPCI/PCMCIA wifi devices
some output and notes mixed together (some possibly garbled and mixed up):

ath0 switched off.
usb0 not plugged in and:
wlan0 not plugged in
# wlanconfig wlan0 destroy
wlanconfig: ioctl: No such device
# wlanconfig wlan0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
wlanconfig: ioctl: No such device

wlan0 plugged in not connected
# wlanconfig wlan0 destroy
wlanconfig: ioctl: Network is down
# wlanconfig wlan0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
wlanconfig: ioctl: No such device

wlan0 plugged in connected
# wlanconfig wlan0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
wlanconfig: ioctl: No such device
# wlanconfig wlan0 destroy
wlanconfig: ioctl: Operation not supported
# wlanconfig wlan0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
wlanconfig: ioctl: No such device

ath0 off
usb0 connected wlan0 connected

# wlanconfig wlan0 destroy
wlanconfig: ioctl: Network is down
# wlanconfig wlan0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
wlanconfig: ioctl: No such device
# iwconfig wlan0 mode Master
Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :
SET failed on device wlan0 ; Network is down.
# ifconfig usb0 up
# ifconfig wlan0 up
# modprobe bridge
WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.
# brctl addbr br0
# brctl addif br0 usb0
# brctl addif br0 wlan0
# hostapd /etc/hostapd.conf
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd.conf
ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX): No such device
madwifi driver initialization failed.

wlan0 active and connected
# wlanconfig wlan0 destroy
wlanconfig: ioctl: Operation not supported

since dlink140 has driver "usb" which is not a supported driver for puppyhotspot???

I attempt to transfer internet connection from wlan0 to ath0
i.e. wlan0 as input, ath0 as puppyhotspot also to check if ath0 is broacasting. wlan0 connected to internet before the following terminal input.

# wlanconfig ath0 destroy
# wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
wlanconfig: ioctl: Input/output error
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#13 Post by tempestuous »

aarf wrote:have determined that D-link dwa140 on wlan0 using "usb" driver is NOT going to be the wifi source or sender of puppyhotspot.
Correct. You must use your inbuilt wifi device with the ath_pci driver.
aarf wrote:D-link DWA-140 RangeBooster N USB Adapter connected and functioning in lupu525
on wlan0 using "usb" driver
Yes, the Ralink wifi drivers have a "quirk" in that they report their driver name as "usb". If you run the "lsmod" command you should see that the actual driver in use will be either rt2800usb or rt2870sta. In fact, these two drivers will both try to claim the wifi device, so you could experiment to see if one works better than the other by going to -
Menu > System > BootManager configure bootup > Give preference to one module over another:

And there's even a third driver you can use is these two fail - the proprietary rt3572sta/rt3370sta drivers from
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 085#481085
Exactly which one depends on your USB device ID.

#14 Post by aarf »

Code: Select all

usbcore   91279  7 rt2870sta,uvcvideo,usbhid,usb_storage,uhci_hcd,ehci_hcd
are you saying with different driver it may be possible to rebrand an external internet wifi signal into puppyhotspot on my eeepc? that would be cool.

running into head winds with this so it has taken a backseat for now.

other puppy users would still need the name a dongle that uses the correct drivers to be plugged into a non-wifi computer or into a laptop with the wifi enabled by an unsupported driver.
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#15 Post by tempestuous »

aarf wrote:are you saying with different driver it may be possible to rebrand an external internet wifi signal into puppyhotspot on my eeepc?
I was saying that there's a choice of three different Ralink wifi drivers which can be used with the DWA-140.
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A possibility to create a standalone AP for local net?

#16 Post by Atle »

Dear Puppy users.

This idea is not about sharing the internet. Its about sharing content, music, video and even broadcast your little very local "TV Station", using your webcam and whatever you can make on your own.

This requires a preset "AP Puppy" that covers as much Wlan hardware as possible by default. Most people can not configure this HostAPD, so its a dead end to try to explain and all this. I am on their mailinglist and have given it up, as its to complicated.

So the idea is to give as much Puppy possible stuff, like gameserver, websserver that can have chat, videochat and whatever you can build around the LAMP and lets say Joomla? I can say for the joomla part its so many possibilities here.

Waht i do not know is if one can build a Puppy, based on the lastest, like the one around the corner, that does this out of the box? So when I go out, I can put on this and people around can for free download, upload or do whatever?

Thanks for any answer.

Is that possible
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#17 Post by tempestuous »

Atle, you're asking two separate questions;

Q1) whether a Puppy (or dotpet package) can be provided with various filesharing, media streaming-server & chat utilities pre-configured.
The answer is almost certainly yes, but this is a distinctly different subject to this forum thread. Please make your own new forum thread (with a relevant thread title) which is correct forum practice and forum etiquette.

Q2) whether a Puppy (or dotpet package) can be provided with wifi access point configuration pre-configured.
The answer is definitely NO !!
You need to understand that Puppy is an operating system, and is subject to the vagaries of different hardware that individual users might choose to run it on. There's absolutely no way that a particular hardware function can be guaranteed to work, and certainly not with a complex application such as a wifi access point daemon.
As I explained in the first post, hostapd was originally designed to work with only a limited range of wifi drivers (and the corresponding devices): hostap_pci, hostap_cs, and ath_pci (MADWiFi). And this limited range of support remains the case in Puppy 5.1/5.2 at this stage, until the kernel is ugraded and the wifi subsystem moves up to the new "nl80211" architecture.

What you're asking for could be achieved if it was within the confines of a hardware-specific device ... that's why Netgear and Linksys, for example sell you a wifi router device - they don't sell you the embedded Linux operating system to set up, yourself.

Of course, if you really wanted to set up a hardware-specific device (running Puppy) in the manner that you describe, sure, you can do it - just make sure that you use a wifi adapter which uses one of the 3 drivers I listed as compatible.

Atle wrote:Most people can not configure this HostAPD
Well ... yes ... maybe. Like many things in Linux, it requires effort, and the question then becomes is the user prepared to step up to the challenge?
But to be clear, hostapd does definitely work in Puppy 5.1/5.2, it's been confirmed via private message to me ...
but naturally, it will only work with one of the 3 compatible wifi drivers ... and it seems that newbies have great trouble understanding this critical point.
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A mulitiple ISO?

#18 Post by Atle »

Ok. Could it be possible to create 3 different preset configurations, covering those 3 drivers?

As an example. Let say I make a remaster of 5.2.6, and it has a web server running and all is fine. I make sure the ISO is no larger than 225MB(3x225=675MB). The idea is to make a multiple ISO CD, whereas, the 3 different HostAPD, drivers are working out of the box. The CD serves no other purpose than that.

Is it possible?

Thanks for your reply that was fast and informative.

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#19 Post by tempestuous »

Atle wrote:Could it be possible to create 3 different preset configurations, covering those 3 drivers?
Sure, but the difference in configuration between hostap_cs/hostap_pci setup versus ath_pci setup is quite trivial. I hardly think it's worth the effort to make 3 separate packages.

I'm reading between the lines, but I think what you're really wanting is some form of simplified initialisation to launch the computer into wifi Access-Point mode?

Experienced Linux/Puppy-Linux users should realise that the manual commands I explained are intended to be used in the initial "testing" stage with their particular hardware. But once these commands are tested and confirmed to work, it's quite straightforward to create a script which will run all of the necessary commands from a single mouse-click.

I could go ahead and create this script, myself, and include it in the hostapd package ... but there are two reasons why I didn't do this in the first place:

i) I don't have the relevant wifi hardware, myself, and it's somewhat "bold" to provide a setup script which I only know to be correct in theory.
But now you have raised this point, my curiosity is piqued, and I think I will buy an Atheros-based wifi card on eBay so I can test hostapd, myself. You will need to wait for about a week for my results.

ii) anyone who doesn't know how to run the manual commands, then create a suitable script, themselves, is quite inexperienced in the Linux world, and the somewhat advanced technical setup that you outlined is going to be difficult to achieve for such a person, regardless of whether I provide automated wifi AP setup.

Re: A possibility to create a standalone AP for local net?

#20 Post by aarf »

Atle wrote:Dear Puppy users.

This idea is not about sharing the internet. Its about sharing content, music, video and even broadcast your little very local "TV Station", using your webcam and whatever you can make on your own.
this was also my idea in addition to supplying a wifi access point. was hoping that the in-built haiwatha server or an installed Xampp would be able to get the stuff out onto the wifi hotspot. wasnt thinking tv station but website and in distant future possibly robotic application..
havent progressed or tried further since last visit to this thread.
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