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#221 Post by l2ulinux »

My screensaver over works itself. What I mean is that I set it to 9900 secs to be able to watch internet TV. Well it came on at that time and now no matter what I do it comes on at 600 secs even if turned completely off.

All help greatly needed

Re: "fd64-511.sfs not found " ....

#222 Post by gcmartin »

Rickkk wrote:Hi all,

Tried searching high and low for a solution to this. After installing FatDog 511 frugally, GRUB boots the kernel, but stops after searching for the fd64-511.sfs file and not finding it. Have tried leaving copies of it in several directories, but to no avail.

Installed frugally using Puppy Universal Installer on an ext4 partition (sda5) after booting liveCD successfully. Also installed on the same partition are Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit and the 32-bit Lucid Puppy 525 - frugal, both of which boot fine. FatDog frugal files are in subdirectory /fatdog64_511. Here is my FatDog GRUB entry:

title FatDog64 5.1.1
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
kernel /fatdog64_511/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd root=/dev/sda5 pfix=ram psubdir=/fatdog64_511
initrd /fatdog64_511/initrd.gz

Need help ! Thx ...

Hi @Rickkk
Until someone comes to help on this, you MAY want to run FATDOG as I have.
1. I created a SWAP "partition" that matches my RAM 8192MB+ on my HDD
2. I have ALWAYS run FATDOG from LiveDVD.It has worked flawlessly over the past year. I have installed all necessary programs (namely SAMBA 3.5.6 created by Kirk) and several others.
3. Each time the system is shutdown (rarely done), I insure to "Save to CD" as it will save all changes I make to my OS system's PETs and scripts.

This system is used as a Windows7 replacement and it is a NAS as well as a LAN boot server for all PC tests that I do with other PUPs.

It boots easily, runs speedily and is flawlessly stable.

Lastly, if need, although I have never tested, there are some steps to reduce the number of Saved sessions on your LiveDVD. I am up to 4 right now but, I have not gotten a need to do that just yet as there is a ton of room on my Live media. I can label the DVD so that I can tell what it contains (which I cannot do for any USB).

If it helps until you resolve your GRUB issues, you may want to try this.

Hope this helps
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#223 Post by DC »

Hi all,

Problem with install of fd64-devx_511.sfs to full install of fatdog 511

I've narrowed it down to

This has never happened with previous builds of Fatdog or other breeds of puppy.

does anybody else compile with a full fatdog 511 install?

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Re: "fd64-511.sfs not found " ....

#224 Post by tazoc »

Rickkk wrote:Here is my FatDog GRUB entry:

title FatDog64 5.1.1
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
kernel /fatdog64_511/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd root=/dev/sda5 pfix=ram psubdir=/fatdog64_511
initrd /fatdog64_511/initrd.gz

Need help ! Thx ...

Hi Rick,
Here is my GRUB entry:

Code: Select all

title Fatdog 64 (frugal on sda8)
root (hd0,7)
kernel /fd64/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd pdev1=sda8 psubdir=fd64 loglevel=3 pfix=fsck
initrd /fd64/initrd.gz
You might try removing the / after psubdir= or replacing root=/dev/sda5 with pdev1=sda5 or check the md5sum on your Fatdog 64 ISO.
Last edited by tazoc on Fri 20 May 2011, 17:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "fd64-511.sfs not found " ....

#225 Post by Rickkk »

tazoc wrote:
Rickkk wrote:Here is my FatDog GRUB entry:

title FatDog64 5.1.1
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
kernel /fatdog64_511/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd root=/dev/sda5 pfix=ram psubdir=/fatdog64_511
initrd /fatdog64_511/initrd.gz

Need help ! Thx ...

Hi Rick,
Here is my GRUB entry:

Code: Select all

title Fatdog 64 (frugal on sda8)
root (hd0,7)
kernel /fd64/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd pdev1=sda8 psubdir=fd64 loglevel=3 pfix=fsck
initrd /fd64/initrd.gz
You might try removing the / after psubdir= or replacing root=/dev/sda5 with pdev1=sda5 or check the md5sum on your Fatdog 64 ISO.
Hi Tazoc and gcmartin,

Thank you both very kindly for your quick replies.

@gcmartin: The laptop I am attempting to try FatDog on unfortunately has no optical drive. Your suggestion would indeed be excellent for booting from a USB key, which I have as yet been unable to do with FatDog either. Other than that, I already have an 8 Gb swap partition for Linux distros, as my laptop has the same amount of RAM as yours. I will try out Tazoc's suggestions for GRUB and see if I can get FatDog to boot both from HD (frugal) and USB. More later.

@Tazoc: Thx for your GRUB entry suggestions. I will try them and let you know how it went.

Cheers all,

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#226 Post by l2ulinux »

I found a program that took care of the screensaver. Fatdog works great to watch internet TV now and does not have the sound problem that other PUPPY releases have after about five hours.

The program is called NO Blank Screen 1.0 at:

Forum index » Advanced Topics » Additional Software (PETs, n' stuff) » Utilities
No Blank Screen 1.0

It works.
(829 Bytes) Downloaded 735 times
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Re: "fd64-511.sfs not found " ....

#227 Post by Rickkk »

Cheers again ... Success ! Have finally got frugal install of Fatdog working. Tazoc's suggestions of "pdev1=" instead of "root=" and removing the leading "/" in paths did the trick. Hoping this will work with USB boot as well. More on that later ....

NOW, however, two more pressing issues:

1) My HP TouchSmart TM2-1070ca has an onboard Broadcom wireless card, the 4322, I believe (will double-check this). Fatdog sees the device ("unknown Broadcom device") but loads the "wl" module, which doesn't work. Have tried the other Broadcom modules, with no success. Any ideas ?

2) The laptop's Synaptics touchpad is painfully slow and unresponsive under Puppy/Fatdog unless configured properly. In Lucid Puppy 525, there is a Synaptics configuration applet that helps iron out the worst problems, but I haven't found it in Fatdog. Is it there somewhere, and if not, is there some other way to manuall configure the touchpad ? It is virtually unusable as is.

So once again .... Help please !

Thanks so much in advance - great support community for this ...


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FAtDog on HP TouchSmart TM2

#228 Post by Rickkk »

Hi again all,

A bit more news ....

1) Wireless networking is functional after all. For some reason, my first attempt at using FatDog's suggested "wl" module for the Broadcom card didn't work - it saw networks but wouldn't connect to my WPA2 router. Well, not sure what made me try it again, but I did, and it worked perfectly ... :shock: ... Must have screwed up something the 1st time around. So - no longer an issue.

2) Synaptics touch pad config is still an issue. I really need to know how to properly configure this. The pointer response is so minimal that to move it across the screen takes a good 10 swipes of the pad ... I will keep looking on my own, but any community assistance would be, again, greatly appreciated.

By the way, the GRUB issue I originally had that was preventing FatDog from booting a frugal hard-disk install, was specifically caused by my putting a leading "/" in the "psubdir" parameter (i.e.: psubdir=/fatdog64_511 ... has to be psubdir=fatdog64_511). This is not an issue for other Puppy frugal installs (e.g. Lucid), but is indeed important for Fatdog (thanks again to Tazoc).

Thanks again - please chime in with any suggestions re: touchpad ....


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#229 Post by Aitch »

Rick, try reading here....see if it helps


I use Lupu 525 and there's a wizard....I thought there was one in wizard wizard in other pups?

else try Jemimah's .pet


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#230 Post by kirk »

Been out a bit lately, I've started work on Fatdog64-520, Just built the latest Xorg.


Your slow touch pad problem is probably due to Fatdog64 thinking it's a older Synaptics pad instead of a Alps. To fix edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the AccelFactor from 0.0030 to 0.030

This and other solutions (frugal install) can be found under the FAQs link on the home page :)

Thanks again - please chime in with any suggestions re: touc

#231 Post by gcmartin »

Rickkk wrote: ... please chime in with any suggestions ...
Here a idea that you may find useful.

There is a feature which was originally bult and tested on FD, here. It will allow you to setup a PUP to "serve" any PUP ISO you designate to any machine that has a wired LAN connection to your network. This allows any other PC to powerup, find that server, and boot whatever that server has for it.

So, for example, I could use a running Puppy to make a 64bit FD available. Then, have a 64bit laptop boot without ANY local peripheral being used. Simple.

And, if I decided, in addition, I could have the feature on the running Puppy make many different Puppy distros available. This would allow the person booting the laptop to select which distro he wants to have the laptop boot. Again, nothing on the laptop is used to allow it to do this.

And, finally, once its booted, I could disconnect that ethernet wire and my laptop would run wirelessly until I shut it down (if ever).

If you haven't looked at this, take 7 minutes to do, both, server setup and to boot your first PC from that server. There's an enclosed document to show you how to setup any PUP PC you choose to set this up on; and its easy to follow.

Hope this helps
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Rick's continuing adventures with Fatdog ...

#232 Post by Rickkk »

Kirk / Aitch / gcmartin:

Thanks so much for your input. Have now got touchpad working nicely with Fatdog - did it by duplicating output of "synclient -l" under Lucid in Fatdog's xorg.conf. Lots of manual editing - but it worked.

Here's my latest issue: need to configure my printer whose driver is not in the supplied list (HP OfficeJet Pro K5400DN). In other Puppies, I have had to install HPIJS (version depends on version of CUPS - probably 3.10.6 with this one), and, depending on the Puppy version, sometimes libnetsnmp15 and / or foomatic filters. How may I get this done with Fatdog, since the available 32-bit pets are incompatible ?

Thanks again in advance for all your help - much appreciated !


Re: Rick's continuing adventures with Fatdog ...

#233 Post by gcmartin »

Rickkk wrote: ... Here's my latest issue: need to configure my printer whose driver is not in the supplied list (HP OfficeJet Pro K5400DN). ... Rick
i looked over this

It may not be optimal, but, looks like you can try one of these: the
  1. HP LaserJet 5 may work for black-white,
  2. Business Inkjet 2250TN may work for color.
Hope this helps
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Rick's continuing adventures with Fatdog ...

#234 Post by Rickkk »

Thanks gcmartin. Never thought of trying one of the other drivers - will test and let you know.

In the meantime - yes ... aNOTHer question ... :oops:

In other linux distros on this laptop, I have to use the "setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=xx" command to change screen brightness, due to the unique hardware in the machine. The command ("setpci") does not seem to be present in Fatdog (or perhaps in any Puppy, for that matter ... I hadn't noticed its absence until trying it in Fatdog just recently ...). Can this be added to Puppies ? I have read somewhere that it could be part of a package called PCI tools or something similar. Any help (again ...) would be appreciated !

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Rick's continuing adventures with Fatdog ...

#235 Post by Rickkk »

... Update ... Found a workaround to the setpci thing .... I have Ubuntu 11.04 installed on the same partition as FatDog, and simply running the command from its Ubuntu directory works fine.

Still no printer joy, I'm afraid. I even tried the 64-bit PPD file from my Ubuntu install, but I believe FatDog's version of CUPS wants an older version of the driver (3.10.6, perhaps ...).

More later ...

Cheers !


Re: Rick's continuing adventures with Fatdog ...

#236 Post by gcmartin »

Rickkk wrote:... Still no printer joy, ...
In the past, I have had success with contacting HP directly for support/guidance in addressing HP printer drivers in Linux. You can call them or try chat online. You'll need your serial number on your printer.

Your other question is about laptop screen brightness controls. Yeah, I had similar problems where the laptops goes to screen savier then dulls over time. maybe others can help by suggesting how to get the running system to restore brightness back to original boot as well.

Hope this helps
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Re: Rick's continuing adventures with Fatdog ...

#237 Post by rcrsn51 »

Rickkk wrote:Here's my latest issue: need to configure my printer whose driver is not in the supplied list (HP OfficeJet Pro K5400DN). In other Puppies, I have had to install HPIJS (version depends on version of CUPS - probably 3.10.6 with this one), and, depending on the Puppy version, sometimes libnetsnmp15 and / or foomatic filters. How may I get this done with Fatdog, since the available 32-bit pets are incompatible
Have you tried the hpijs_print_fd64-3.11.1.pet from here?

Also, see Page 14 for info about using 32-bit printer drivers in Fatdog.
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Rick's continuing adventures with Fatdog ...

#238 Post by Rickkk »

Hello again all,

I must say, the community support for FatDog / Puppy certainly is amazing. Been using various Puppies since 2009 and have never failed to obtain timely, well-informed assistance. Once again, my sincerest appreciation.


1) gcmartin's earlier suggestion of using a different printer driver seems to work (thx gcmartin). Configured with the Business InkJet 2250 driver supplied with FatDog, I can print. There is an issue with the duplexing option that I am still testing, but it appears that a slight modification in the PPD file might do the trick. More later.

2) rcrsn51's info concerning a 64 bit HPIJS 3.11.1 .pet for Fatdog is promising. I thought I had searched thoroughly, but I guess not :oops: .... Thx rcrsn51 - will give it a try and see if it is a better solution than the previously mentioned one. Thx also for the link concerning 32-bit support in Fatdog - I will read this with interest.

Thx again folks, more later ....

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Rick's continuing adventures with Fatdog ...

#239 Post by Rickkk »

Hi again everyone,

Things are going well with FD. The 64-bit pet for HPIJS printing works perfectly so far - thx ! So GRUB / frugal install, networking, screen brightness commands, Synaptics control, and printing issues have all been addressed thanks to your support.

Much appreciation - Puppy has been one of my favourite distros, if not my favourite hands-down, for a couple of years now, even on a powerhouse of a laptop like the one I'm using at this moment with FatDog. The frugal install feature and the snappiness of the performance, coupled with the very useful and well thought-out packaging of applications, make it a winner IMHO.

Thanks again all for your prompt and very useful assistance.

Cheers from (very rainy) Montreal ....

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#240 Post by Ray MK »

Hi all,

Rickkk said:

Much appreciation - Puppy has been one of my favourite distros, if not my favourite hands-down, for a couple of years now, even on a powerhouse of a laptop like the one I'm using at this moment with FatDog. The frugal install feature and the snappiness of the performance, coupled with the very useful and well thought-out packaging of applications, make it a winner IMHO.

Would like to second that and add my own sincere thanks and appreciation.

Just burnt my 1st iso for a long time, created a 512mb save_file and then installed to a 4Gb SDcard(fat16)no swap).

Fantastic - read the full 16 pages to get a feel of what’s what, still finding my way around, applied the touchpad fix and running from SDcard now.

Running on an E-machines E732 laptop,
can’t believe how fast FD64 is.

Again - many, many thanks and very best regards - Ray.
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