XP-installer for Puppy 1.0.7 / 1.0.8r1

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Mr Doolie2

#21 Post by Mr Doolie2 »

ICPUG wrote:An alternative to installing full grub, to avoid the defrag problem, is to install the grldr file from grub4dos or Wingrub.
That's the one I was using; the Wingrub grdldr . No good (for me anyway). Whether it's a clean install or a re-install it will not work for me if the drive has more than 2 gigs or so of files. Sectors out of range, menu.lst not found and so on.
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Ignore that previous message!

#22 Post by Mr Doolie »

This is a formal announcement to tell the world that I am a clone.

I scraped the dried boogers from my glasses and actually *READ* the error messages(s) I was getting. Didn't write it down but it was right after wingrub displayed the line that loads Puppy and said something like:
Error 19: Selected cylinder is out of range of BIOS.

"You stupid computer", says I, "the puppy BIOS hasn't even loaded yet!"
[Sticks a long screwdriver into ear and tightens brain]
BIOS! The little square thing with the battery on it inside the confuser! DUH!
[Checks BIOS setting for HDD]
HDD was set for "Auto" and shows 8 heads.
[Sets HDD type to "LBA". Head count jumps to 255].

OK, Puppy boots just fine now.

So I guess the problem was that the optimized files *were* too high on the drive but only because my BIOS thought I had an itty-bitty 2-Gig HDD.
Why has the system been working fine for well over a year? Winblows must ignore the BIOS settings and check things out for itself.

Maybe THAT'S why fdisk won't partition my drive over 2 gigs!
1) I am a clone.
2) Don't trust the Auto settings in your BIOS.
3) If Wingrub stops working check your BIOS settings.

I just did a major optimization of my HDD and Puppy still boots fine. Looks like it was that BIOS setting that was the problem. Guess I'll dig though all the setings and see what else might be fixable. Stupid confusers. Stupid Winblows.
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XP-Installer for 1.0.7

#23 Post by ndujoe1 »

Thanks for creating this program. I used with my older PUppy 1.0.6 by just plugging in 1.0.6 in the window and it worked well.
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#24 Post by Rickrandom »

Worked very nicely for me :D on my XP laptop (FAT32) so THANK YOU. I had previously been booting Puppy from a CD.

It kept my wireless connection settings, presumably because it still uses the same pup001 file, so that was good.

I let it download the 60M+ Puppy file, but as it was nearly finished, I then wondered if this was necessary, as I already had Puppy 1.0.7 files on my CD. I thought they might be different, so I just carried on letting it do the work.

If they are the same, it might be helpful to tell the user they can get them from the CD, and have a button for that purpose? I guess anyone doing this install would already have played with the CD version, and thus have the downloaded files available.

[Edit: Now I wonder if there was something saying copy the file(s) but I didn't read it??? :? ]

Of course if there's a subtle difference in the files then my suggestion is stupid.

Also the Help button for the grub install didn't do anything. I thought I'd read the Help first, but in the end I just went for it. Of course your program is good enough that you don't need the help!!

I think I'll try the equivalent process with my Win 98SE desktop next.

I will now try to find out how to reduce the default 30 seconds before booting....
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#25 Post by MU »

Thanks for the feedback :)
Yes, I could add a fileselection-Button for an existing ISO.
The Help - must check that.

The default can be set in c:\boot\menu.lst

Code: Select all

default 0
timeout 10
title Puppy Linux 1.0.7
Or in c:\boot.ini

Code: Select all

[boot loader]
You must "attrib" boot.ini to edit it, see: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=5857

To use it with Win 98, you need another Grub, and must edit autoexec.bat:
http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.p ... ight=win98

I have no free computer for Win98 here to test, but it should not be difficult to adapt the installer.
It is a short Basic-program "main.wxb".
The Basic-Interpreter is inluded with the installer (wxbasic.exe).
I decided to keep the Basic-code seperate from the interpreter, so people easily can modifiy it.
Puppyinstaller.exe simply runs resource\main.wxb with resource\wxbasic.exe.

Mark http://wxbasic.de

#26 Post by Guest »

>I have no free computer for Win98 here to test,
How about QEmu, MS Virtual [Whatever] and VMWare?
All free* downloads and any of them will give you a "free computer" to play with.

*Either totally free (Qemu) or at least free for 30 days.
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#27 Post by Rickrandom »


Thanks for the help (again).

If I get you right, it would be necessary to create a new main.wxb (based on your existing one) to use the appropriate commands for a Win98 install, e.g. looking for win98, not XP/NT at the beginning, and editing the autoexec.bat as necessary, running the appropriate grub, and various other changes.

I think I'm a long way from that ability, but I'll read up anyway on the wxbasic.de link you provided.

#28 Post by Guest »

Grub won't load Puppy.

It says:
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
kernel /puppylinux1.0.7/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PFILE=pup001-none
initrd /puppylinux1.0.7/image.gz

File not found.

Unfortunately, I do not know which file grub did not find.

I see these files on C:\

The folder puppylinux1.0.7 and boot exist.

image.gz and vmlinuz are in puppylinux1.0.7.

I editied the [Bootloader] section of my boot.ini file so that the timeout is equal to 10 seconds.

I saw a line that says:
I believe that my C: drive that is an NTFS partition is on my second partition. The first partition has Compaq's Fat 32 recovery tools.

I have a second harddrive with FAT16 and FAT32 partitions.

Is there anything else I can check for you?

I did install the patch after I extracted PuppyLinux but before I ran GrubInstall. Did I click the buttons in the right order?

I'll double check the error message tomorrow. I gotta go now.
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#29 Post by MU »

The patch will not work in your case, as it uses hda1 as c:\
You could try to extract the puppy-iso again to recreate the original image.gz (first button).

And then try other entrys in Grubs menu.lst.
But I am not shure, if and how it will work.
I googled for that issue,and just found messages reporting, that grubinstall can't handle that.

I had a similar problem, I have a second Computer with WinXP.
XP is located on 2 partitions, for example \WINDOWS is on the second one, but boot.ini on the first.
I was not able to get Grubinstall working on this system.
For this reason I installed Linux-Mandriva in addition, that installs a "real" grub to the bootsector.
Like this I can boot all systems.

During the Mandriva-installation I created a 100 MB -partition, that got the Mountpoint /boot
To this partition I also copied vmlinuz and image.gz from Puppy lateron.
And usr_cram.fs and pup001 went to a fat32 - partition.
So in case I delete Mandriva somewhen, I keep /boot and still can boot Puppy or other new systems.


#30 Post by Guest »

Thanks for the information and suggestion. I will take a look at the menu.lst to see if I can modify something.

If our plan doesn't work, I'll go find a blank CD to make a bootable Puppy CD.
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Bad press about Puppy Linux and WinGrub

#31 Post by J_Rey »

You should include some warnings about editing boot.ini and defrag problems to the next version. I found this news article about problems someone had when editing boot.ini when the XP installer didn't work.
Also, I haven't looked around for the answer, but does this installer also work with other NT-based versions (Windows NT 4+, 2000, 2003 server)?
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#32 Post by MU »

I should add an option to remove the Puppy-entry automatically from c:\boot.ini.

Other NTs: I think someone tried it with Win 2k or ME.
Try at own risk, Do backup.

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Tried XP installer for 1.07

#33 Post by papakanush »

Just to let you know that I tried out the XP installer for version 1.07, tried out a few things (mostly only those a newbie like me would understand) and it all worked great. First I had copied my pup001 file to a safe location in widows first, downloaded a new, fresh pup001 onto the c-drive. After I found that it worked, I copied the pup001 file that had all my configurations, files, etc. back to the c-drive, re-booted into puppy (by the way, the grub boot loader worked fine too) and everything came up just like I like. Now I have a dual boot system with XP and Puppy on the same NTFS partition without having to use a startup disk.

Puppy really is the best !! :D

P.S. I have this on my work laptop IBM R40. All my work stuff has to be on XP, and I can do all my personal work on Puppy. :wink:
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#34 Post by maltje »

I used puppy linux installer on my laptop but after a while I got the next error
PCI:Using configuration type 1 and all is hanging!!!!
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#35 Post by MU »

maltje, more details please.

1.) What Puppy-version did you install?
2.) When do you get the error?

3.) Can you choose between Windows and Puppy, when the computer starts?
4.) Do you get the error, when you choose Puppy, or also when you choose Windows?

5.) Did you install the Patch?

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#36 Post by maltje »

after rebooting I can choose between XP or puppy
I don't know wich version I just started puupy linux installer.

found existing C:\Program Files\Puppy-Linux Installer for Windows XP\resource\image-patched-1.0.7.gz
using C:\Program Files\Puppy-Linux Installer for Windows XP\resource\image-patched-1.0.7.gz

done, patch was copied

I also tried to start from cd but then I have an error telling me that a file is missing
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#37 Post by MU »

the installer uses a grub-bootmenu especially made for Windows.
But it does not work with every situation.

Instead of "1.0.7", you also can try "1.0.8r1" , but I fear that will give the same error.

I just saw your other thread:

You can install Puppy2 to the harddisk, it will install it's own version of grub.
Reports in the Forum say, that the version in Puppy2 is more reliable.

Puppy2 has a program "gparted", that can format your second partition for Linux.
But you won't even need to do that, it also should support a second type of installation, that just copies the files from the CD to the harddisk (which is the better solution for different reasons).

Puppy2 also might work in your USB-CDrom, as the USB-things are completely new.

I would suggest, to try Puppy 2 in your situation :)
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#38 Post by maltje »

The second problem(booting from cd) is with puppy 2 (seamonkey)!!!! :cry:
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#39 Post by MU »

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#40 Post by MU »

Then it gets difficult.
You could try these instructions:

or better this newer one:

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