How to make a Puppy Kiosk out of Lucid Puppy 5.2

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How to make a Puppy Kiosk out of Lucid Puppy 5.2

#1 Post by shadower_sc »

Link to Precise Puppy 5.4 Kiosk Setup.
(Instructions updated to include changes needed to work with Lucid Puppy 5.28.) 1/30/2012

Hello again everyone,

How-To Documents:
Create a Kiosk Setup CD: Puppy Linux Kiosk Setup.doc
Create a Final Kiosk CD: Kiosk Setup Final Touches.doc
Checklist: Final Puppy Kiosk Checklist.txt

Update: (Link to iso not working as of: 1/31/2012.)
Link to Kiosk_Setup_Lupu_520.iso Thanks raffy. :-) 02/14/2011
I have included instructions on how to setup the final steps on the CD. You can bring up firefox and click on the Final Touches link or the file is directly located at /root/finish.doc.

Update: 03/07/2011
Updated Setup Firefox and Lock it down. Steps 2 &3. Updated Final touches Steps 1, 2, & 4.

Link to Puppy Linux 4.3.1 Kiosk Setup.

(Skip this post, if you want to get straight to business.)

This is an updated version of my Puppy Kiosk using Lucid Puppy 5.2 instead of Puppy 4. My first How-to was a bit wordy, so we will get straight to the point here. I am using puppy as an internet kiosk, but I want it to only be used for research. I have the computer locked in a cabinet and there are no USB ports on the monitor or keyboard. I remove all access to the filesystem and all menu entries, except Firefox, Reboot, and Shutdown. I install Public Fox and Procon Latte to lockdown firefox and create a whitelist of allowed websites. Only the websites in my whitelist are accessible. All other webpages get a little pop-up with a message I have defined. There are programs for Windows that can do most of what I will do here, but they do not allow for the same amount of access control. Either that or I'm too cheap to look at the more expensive options. My next post(s) will cover how to accomplish what I have described here.


Link to Puppy Kiosk Setup for Racy Puppy 5.2.2
Last edited by shadower_sc on Wed 24 Oct 2012, 20:02, edited 22 times in total.
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Begin Puppy Lockdown

#2 Post by shadower_sc »

(All file names, structure, and commands will be in quotes "".)
Begin Puppy Lockdown

Step #1
Disable save on shutdown in Lucid Puppy 5.2.
Edit the file "/etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown" and comment out lines 628 - 732.
These lines enable puppy to recognize that you have not created a save file and then help you create a save file.


Disable save on shutdown in Lucid Puppy 5.28.
When editing the "/etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown" file you need to comment out lines 632-741.

Step #2 Disable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and Function Key Combos.
Edit the files "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and "/etc/X11/xorg.conf0".

Find the Server Flags section and uncomment the following two lines:
Option "DontZap" "false"
Option "DontVTSwitch

Replace "false" with "true" to disable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.

Step #3 Remove all Desktop Icons
Edit the file "/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin".
Delete all Lines beginning with <icon.

Right-Click any Drive Icon and select Drive Icon Manager.
Uncheck all boxes in all tabs of the Drive Icon Manager.

Edit the file "/root/.xinitrc".
Comment out lines 18 & 19. They contain clean_desk_icons and pup_event_frontend_d which apparently add the Drives icon to the desktop.
Last edited by shadower_sc on Mon 30 Jan 2012, 17:55, edited 6 times in total.
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Setup Firefox and Lock it down

#3 Post by shadower_sc »

Setup Firefox and Lock it down.

Step #1 Install the Latest version of Firefox
Click on the Menu and Navigate to:
Menu->Setup->Setup Puppy->Quickpet Install Popular Programs
Click on the "Internet Pets" tab and click on the Firefox Icon. It will ask you what version you want to install. Install your favorite or just install the most recent version that does not have the letter b in it. All of the versions with the letter b beside them are beta versions.
Puppy will now install Firefox.
Click on Ok once it is done.

Step #2 Install the Public Fox and ProCon Latte Add-Ons

Install Menu Editor, and Full Fullscreen Add-Ons as well.

Start Firefox:
Menu->Internet->Firefox web browser

It will ask you, if you want to make it your default browser.
Make sure the checkbox is checked and click Yes.

Click on Tools in the Firefox Toolbar at the top of the window.
Click on Addons within the Tools Menu.
Click on the "Get-Addons" Button.
Type "Public Fox" into the text box and press the Enter key or click on the search icon on the right side of the text box.

Select Public Fox and click on the "Add to Firefox..." button.
It will give a count down and then the Install Now button will appear.
Click on the "Install Now" button.

Restart Firefox after the installation.

Click on Tools in the Firefox Toolbar at the top of the window.
Click on Addons within the Tools Menu.
Click on the "Get-Addons" Button.
Type "ProCon Latte" into the text box and press the Enter key or click on the search icon on the right side of the text box.

Select ProCon Latte and click on the "Add to Firefox..." button.
It will give a count down and then the Install Now button will appear.
Click on the "Install Now" button.

Update: 03/07/2011
Step#2 Continued

Click on Tools in the Firefox Toolbar at the top of the window.
Click on Addons within the Tools Menu.
Click on the "Get-Addons" Button.
Type "Menu Editor" into the text box and press the Enter key or click on the search icon on the right side of the text box.

Select Menu Editor and click on the "Add to Firefox..." button.
It will give a count down and then the Install Now button will appear.
Click on the "Install Now" button.

Click on Tools in the Firefox Toolbar at the top of the window.
Click on Addons within the Tools Menu.
Click on the "Get-Addons" Button.
Type "Full Fullscreen" into the text box and press the Enter key or click on the search icon on the right side of the text box.

Select Full Fullscreen and click on the "Add to Firefox..." button.
It will give a count down and then the Install Now button will appear.
Click on the "Install Now" button.

Step#3 Customize Public Fox and ProCon Latte to your liking.

Update: 03/07/2011
Customize Menu Editor and Full Fullscreen as well.

I use Public Fox for the following tasks:
Password Protect the Menu and about:config.

I use ProCon Latte for the following tasks:
Enforcement of the Whitelist.

I use Menu Editor for the following tasks:
Editing the Right-Click Menu. I remove all Save Image As, etc.... entries as well as the ProCon Right-Click Menu Entry.

I use Full Fullscreen for the following tasks:
Start Firefox in Full Screen on Startup. I do not make use of any other functionality of Full Fullscreen.

The Add-Ons are full of useful things. It would be wise to take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with their funtions.
Last edited by shadower_sc on Mon 07 Mar 2011, 23:41, edited 4 times in total.
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Customize the Menu

#4 Post by shadower_sc »

Customize the Menu

Step #1 Edit the JWM menu
Edit the files "/root/.jwmrc" and "/etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc".
(Make the exact same changes to the menu in each file.)
Comment out any entries you do not want.

I comment out anything between the starting Root Menu line and the start of the Shutdown Menu. I also comment out the Restart X Server and Exit to Prompt Menu entries in the Shutdown Menu.

I copy each Program Menu line separately for Firefox, NicoEdit, Urxvt Terminal Emulator, and Remaster Puppy live-CD. Then I paste each one to just above the Shutdown Menu. I then make sure I have a separator line between the Shutdown Menu and the other Menu Entries.

This way you can create a "Kiosk Setup" CD. You can have all of your changes done, except the final steps for the specific machine you are working on.

Step #2 Edit the JWM Tray
Edit the file "/root/.jwmrc-tray".
Comment out any elements you do not want listed in the taskbar. Make sure you do not Comment out the Menu. Theoretically you may be able to comment the whole thing out and just rely on the right-click menu to manage your Kiosk. Down sides to that would be that you would give up the ability to see at a glance, if the network is down or even just looking at the time.

Step #3 Switch the Window Manager from Openbox to JWM.
Navigate to the "WM Switcher Switch between windowmanagers".
Menu->Desktop->Desktop Settings->WM Switcher Switch between windowmanagers
CAUTION, if you have not setup your menu correctly you could end up unable to start any programs or even Shutdown the computer Properly.

Select JWM and click "Restart X".

You should now have your Customized Menu. Now, isn't that pretty. :-)

When making your Kiosk Setup CD you might want to add other menu entries that will make setting up your Kiosk a little easier. Like the Theme chooser, the "WM Switcher"/Windows Manager Switcher, and the "Restart X Server" option in the Shutdown Menu. I use the "Restart X Server" option to check to make sure that my Menu is setup correctly.
Last edited by shadower_sc on Tue 08 Feb 2011, 22:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Network Printing and Local Printing

#5 Post by shadower_sc »

Printing in Puppy

Step #1 Manage your printers

Start your Internet Browser: (I use Firefox)
Menu->Internet->Firefox web browser

Go to the CUPS management page:

Click on the Administration Tab.

Click on the Add Printer Button.
It will try to automatically detect your printer(s).

The interface is easy to use and as long as you know what you are doing all should work well. There are some help files to look into that have great information.

The Network Printer Help page has a list of models and their common URI types. "http://localhost:631/help/network.html"

Step #2 Keep the printer settings for your Kiosk
When creating the Re-Mastered CD remember to do the following:

Delete the "/tmp/etc/cups" folder.

CAUTION the command "rm -r" is a powerful delete tool and will not give you a second chance. It will more or less irrevocably Delete Everything You Tell it To.

Use this command to delete the temporary cups folder:
"rm -r /tmp/etc/cups"

You should no longer have a "cups" folder in the "/tmp/etc/" directory.

Use this command to move the current cups settings from Step #1:
"mv /etc/cups /tmp/etc/"

You should now have a "cups" folder in the "/tmp/etc/" directory.
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Remaster Puppy

#6 Post by shadower_sc »

Remaster Puppy

Puppy Remaster Checklist
#1 Puppy Lockdown - Disabled Key Combos, Removed Desktop Icons, and Disabled Save on Shutdown.
#2 Installed All Extra Programs - Firefox, Firefox Add-Ons, Etc...
#3 Customized the Menu And Switched to the JWM window manager.
#4 Setup Printing
#5 Setup Custom Data - Timezone, Country, Etc...

I missed Checklist item #5. Lets do that before we begin the Remastering sequence.

Run the Country Wizard with the following command:

The first drop down menu is the default Language of Puppy.
The second drop down menu is the Time Zone that Puppy is set to.
The third drop down menu is the default keyboard layout of Puppy.

It is also a good idea to setup psync.

Run psync with the following command:

Step#1 Start the Remaster Puppy live-CD script

The Default location for the Remaster Puppy live-CD script in the menu is:
Menu->Setup->Remaster Puppy live-CD

Click on that to start the Remaster Puppy live-CD script.
You can click on the close window button to cancel the script or click ok to continue Remastering.

The Next Window will ask where you want the temporary workspace to be. I usually choose a flash drive I have plugged in. This way I have the remastered iso on my flash drive and I can burn that to a cd or use it in any way I like.

The following Window asks for a CD to acquire the essential files from. Select the CD drive you have booted Puppy from or you can use an iso that you mounted earlier. You can mount an iso in Puppy Linux by clicking on it.

Click Ok, and then it will ask for you to insert the CD. Just click ok, assuming you already have it inserted.

It now asks:
"Do you like to make zl520332.sfs, the separate driver file?"
I have no clue what that does, so I just say no. :-)

It will now create the lupu_520.sfs file in the hard drive or flash drive that you selected earlier.

(I am using Virtualbox to create my Puppy Linux Kiosk Setup disc and it takes a couple of minutes.)

That window will automatically close and popup with a new window.

Step #2 Save your changes to the "/root/" directory

The new window now says that the /tmp/root directory has been made.
At this point I make sure that the files I edited in the "/root/" directory have been saved correctly.

The Remaster by default does not include any personal setting changes to Firefox. Bookmark, Addon, and History information are not included by default.

I Remaster from a pristine environment and do not login to personal sites.
Use this command to delete the pristine Firefox settings:
"rm -r /tmp/root/.mozilla"

Use this command to include all the changes you made to Firefox:
"mv /root/.mozilla /tmp/root/"

The changes to the "/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin", "/root/.xinitrc", and "/root/.jwmrc" files are automatically saved using the Puppy Remaster Script.

Click ok, when you are satisified that you have completed all the changes you require.

Step #3 Hardware Customizations or No Hardware Customizations?

The next Window asks, if you want to include Hardware Customizations in your "/etc/" directory.

Choose No, if you are creating a "Setup Kiosk CD".

Choose Yes, if you are creating a Kiosk CD specifically for the computer you are using.

Choosing Yes will keep the monitor resolution and other specific hardware configurations on the CD. It will automatically use these settings and will not go through a first setup process.

Choosing No will discard any monitor resolution and other specific hardware configurations that you have made. This is ideal for a "Setup Kiosk CD". This way you can have a mostly prepared Kiosk that you only need to make a few changes to when creating a Hardware Customized CD for the particular machine you are using.

Step #4 Save your changes to the "/etc/" directory

I added the removal and creation of the "windowmanager" files. You must do that in order for jwm to be loaded as the default window manager.

We'll start by deleting the files in the "/tmp/etc/" directory that we will be replacing with our customized files.

Delete the "/tmp/etc/X11/xorg.conf0" file:
"rm -r /tmp/etc/X11/xorg.conf0"

Delete the "/tmp/etc/windowmanager" file:
"rm -r /tmp/etc/windowmanager"

Delete the "/tmp/etc/windowmanager.openbox" file:
"rm -r /tmp/etc/windowmanager.openbox"

Delete the "/tmp/etc/cups" folder: (Only needed, if you setup a printer.)
"rm -r /tmp/etc/cups"

Delete the "/tmp/etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc" file:
"rm -r /tmp/etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc"

Delete the "/tmp/etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown" file:
"rm -r /tmp/etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown"

Now we will replace them with our customized versions.

Move the "/etc/X11/xorg.conf0" file to the "/tmp/etc/X11/" directory:
"mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf0 /tmp/etc/X11/"

Move the "/etc/windowsmanager" file to the "/tmp/etc" directory:
"mv /etc/windowsmanager /tmp/etc"

Copy the "/tmp/etc/windowsmanager" file to "/tmp/etc/windowsmanager.jwm":
"cp /tmp/etc/windowsmanager /tmp/etc/windowsmanager.jwm"

Move the "/etc/cups" folder to the "/tmp/etc" directory: (Only needed, if you setup a printer.)
"mv /etc/cups /tmp/etc/"

Move the "/etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc" file to the "/tmp/etc/xdg/templates/" directory:
"mv /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /tmp/etc/xdg/templates/"

Move the "/etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown" file to the "/tmp/etc/rc.d/" directory:
mv /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown /tmp/etc/rc.d/"

Make sure you have switched out all of the default files in the directory "/tmp/etc/" with the files you customized in "/etc/".

Click Ok.

Step #5 Finish Remastering Puppy

This next window is asking, if you want to edit the isolinux.cfg file.
You may want to edit the isolinux.cfg file, but I chose not to as the default works fine for me.

Click No, if you want to continue and leave the default isolinux.cfg file alone.
Click Yes, if you want to customize the boot menu for the CD and other boot options.

I will assume you said no.

The next windows will ask, if you want to include any additional files or make any changes to the files.

I just click ok, because I don't have any SFS files to include or any other changes that I need to make.

Now it asks, if you are wanting to Burn a CD now or are wanting to create an iso file.

Choose No to create an iso file. (My Preference.)

Choose Yes to Burn the files to a CD. (I recommend not.)

You can easily burn an iso to a CD using any CD Burning program. I prefer ImgBurn on Windows.

I will assume you chose no.

Now it asks, if you want to create an iso file or quit the program leaving the files on the drive you specified earlier.
Choose Yes to create an iso.
Choose No to Quit the Program and keep the files you would need to create an iso.

Choose Yes.

It will now create the iso and popup with a window when it has completed.
Click Ok when it has finished.

You can now burn the iso to a CD or boot it up in VirtualBox. :-)
Last edited by shadower_sc on Tue 22 Feb 2011, 18:33, edited 6 times in total.
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Edit the First Boot Welcome Screen

#7 Post by shadower_sc »

Edit the First Boot Welcome Screen

The welcome1stboot.htm file is not used by default in Lucid Puppy 5.2. This step was a work around in Puppy Linux 4.X.

Edit the file "/usr/share/doc/welcome1stboot.htm".

Doing this may take some HTML knowledge. I delete the lines between the opening <body> tag and the closing </body> tag.
Then add this line between the opening and closing body tags:
<h1>My Welcome Message</h1>

You can also edit the title of the page by changing the Text between the opening <title> tag and the closing </title> tag.

I am not sure, if this file is saved by the Remaster CD script.
You may need to manually update this file when Remastering the CD.

I am sure there is probably a way to disable the First Boot Welcome Screen, but editing the welcome message serves me just as well.
Last edited by shadower_sc on Tue 22 Feb 2011, 18:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Final Touches

#8 Post by shadower_sc »

Final touches

When creating your “Final Kiosk CD
Last edited by shadower_sc on Tue 08 Mar 2011, 00:27, edited 6 times in total.
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#9 Post by yitzhakbg »

Thanks very muchly for your fine work and for making it available. It's right down our alley.
Just as I was close to finishing having gone through your installation procedure, step-by-step, I noticed that you had uploaded a Kiosk_setup iso. I haven't tried it yet, so it may make my issue superfluous.
First, a typo in your instructions.
The instructions read:
Step #2 Disable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and Function Key Combos.
Edit the files "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and "/etc/X11/xorg0.conf".
Should be:
Edit the files "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and "/etc/X11/xorg.conf0" instead of xorg0.conf

My issue is that /root/Choices/ROX-File/PuppyPin keeps on getting overriden, so that the changes I make in it get lost. I could not find who overrides it.
The result is of course that the remastered disk comes up with all the Desktop icons and the Public Fox and Procon Latte addons are lost (even though it did remember my homepage setting).
Also, I didn't see anything about where and how to change the function key combos.

I actually tried to edit /root/Choices/ROX-File/PuppyPin during the remastering process as /tmp/root/Choices/ROX-File/PuppyPin but something annoying keeps occurring: The next stage of the remastering (that is the /etc branch) kicks in and the root branch in /tmp gets lost. I couldn't find out how to get it to wait for me to finish my edits before it proceeded.

Now I'm going to take a stab at your Kiosk Setup iso.

Thanks again,
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A few fixes.

#10 Post by shadower_sc »

Thanks. :-)

I have corrected a number of my typsos. hehe. :-) In the xorg0.conf vs xorg.conf0 case I probably went more by memory than by what I had in front of me on the screen. I will update that post.

As far as the PuppyPin issue:
There are a few things that you probably Need to do.
#1 Edit the file /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin.
Delete all of the lines that begin with <icon.

#2 Right-Click any Drive Icon and select Drive Icon Manager.
Uncheck all boxes in all tabs of the Drive Icon Manager.

#3 Edit the file /root/.xinitrc
Comment out lines 17 & 18.
The lines you are commenting out contain "clean_desk_icons" and "pup_event_frontend_d".

#4 When Remastering Puppy live-CD
Get to the point where the Window tells you that it has created the /tmp/root file and it tells you that you can edit the files there.

Then Make sure that the /tmp/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin file saved the changes.
Enter these two commands.
#1 Remove the /tmp/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin file.
rm -r /tmp/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
#2 Move the corrected file over from your /root directory.
mv /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin /tmp/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/

Now click ok, and it will continue on to the Hardware Customizations.

Good Luck!
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Re: A few fixes.

#11 Post by yitzhakbg »

shadower_sc wrote:Thanks. :-)

I have corrected a number of my typsos. hehe. :-) In the xorg0.conf vs xorg.conf0 case I probably went more by memory than by what I had in front of me on the screen. I will update that post.

As far as the PuppyPin issue:
There are a few things that you probably Need to do.
#1 Edit the file /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin.
Delete all of the lines that begin with <icon.

#2 Right-Click any Drive Icon and select Drive Icon Manager.
Uncheck all boxes in all tabs of the Drive Icon Manager.

#3 Edit the file /root/.xinitrc
Comment out lines 17 & 18.
The lines you are commenting out contain "clean_desk_icons" and "pup_event_frontend_d".

#4 When Remastering Puppy live-CD
Get to the point where the Window tells you that it has created the /tmp/root file and it tells you that you can edit the files there.

Then Make sure that the /tmp/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin file saved the changes.
Enter these two commands.
#1 Remove the /tmp/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin file.
rm -r /tmp/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
#2 Move the corrected file over from your /root directory.
mv /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin /tmp/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/

Now click ok, and it will continue on to the Hardware Customizations.

Good Luck!
Hey, thanks. I'll give it a try. I had a quick try of your pre-configured Kiosk_setup. Looks like all we have to do is boot it, tweak a few settings, then remaster again. Did I get that right?
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Setup Kiosk iso

#12 Post by shadower_sc »

Boot the CD.
Make your final tweaks.
Remaster the CD.
Voila! :-)

I have more detailed instructions on the iso itself. There is no way for me to know exactly how you want your Kiosk Finished out. I could edit the Remaster CD script, but that would be a whole lot more involved. Even then I would not be able to anticipate every change that you would want to keep. I am sure things could be done more elegantly, but I only have two Kiosks I need to worry about.

My Final Setup CD will have all the settings I want for ProCon Latte, and Public Fox including my whitelist. I will also only have Firefox, Remaster Puppy live-CD, NicoEdit, Rxvt, Shutdown, and Reboot menu entries.

I will then use that Customized Setup CD to create my "Final Kiosk CDs".

That way I cut down on the amount of steps I need to take to finish off my Kiosks.
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Re: Setup Kiosk iso

#13 Post by yitzhakbg »

shadower_sc wrote:Yes.
Boot the CD.
Make your final tweaks.
Remaster the CD.
Voila! :-)

I have more detailed instructions on the iso itself. There is no way for me to know exactly how you want your Kiosk Finished out. I could edit the Remaster CD script, but that would be a whole lot more involved. Even then I would not be able to anticipate every change that you would want to keep. I am sure things could be done more elegantly, but I only have two Kiosks I need to worry about.

My Final Setup CD will have all the settings I want for ProCon Latte, and Public Fox including my whitelist. I will also only have Firefox, Remaster Puppy live-CD, NicoEdit, Rxvt, Shutdown, and Reboot menu entries.

I will then use that Customized Setup CD to create my "Final Kiosk CDs".

That way I cut down on the amount of steps I need to take to finish off my Kiosks.
Please tell me, how can we have Firefox launch automatically in full screen on startup?
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Firefox Fullscreen on Startup

#14 Post by shadower_sc »

Update: 02/22/2011
yitzhakbg told me he had success in using my instructions below.
Update: 03/07/2011
I tested my instructions. Puppy may need to have more time to setup the Network Connection. Increase sleep time, if it displays a connection error page on Firefox startup.

There is no Full Screen on Startup option in plain Firefox.

I did a quick search in the firefox addons and found Full Fullscreen: ... n/?src=api

It claims to add Full Screen capabilities as a Startup option.

You should be able to create a Bash Script that starts firefox.

Create a file in the /root/Startup directory.
Enter the following three lines:
sleep 5

Save the file.

Assuming you use the add-on and save the settings. You will start firefox in fullscreen every time you boot Puppy.
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Firefox 4 Update - Use FoxFilter instead of ProCon Latte

#15 Post by shadower_sc »

Updated 04/21/2011:
The author of ProCon Latte shared a link to the unreviewed update of ProCon Latte on his Twitter page. The link is, if you feel brave enough to test it. :-) I did and it seems to work like a charm. I am waiting for the official update before I put it into use though.

Updated 04/14/2011:
You can see on the ProCon Latte Add-On page an update from the author. ProCon Latte has been submitted for review as of yesterday. I checked on the review process and found that Mozilla aims to have all reviews done within 10 days of submission. Some reviews are faster than others though. I'm hoping for less than that aimed for 10 days.

Updated 03/28/2011:
I found this quote on the ProCon Latte Add-On page:
New release (compatible with Firefox 4) is scheduled to be released by next week. Follow me on Twitter (@hunterPaolini) for status updates.

Thank you All!
Looks like a little bit more waiting and all will be well with the world once again. Ok, ok..., at least ProCon Latte should work again. :-)

Updated 03/25/2011:
I have tried using FoxFilter, but the full functionality requires registration and purchase of a license good for 10 computers. In Firefox 4 the only place to edit the options of FoxFilter is listed in the menu bar. You have to enable the menu bar and click on FoxFilter Settings to edit the Settings.

FoxFilter has a number of annoyances. They all seem to revolve around the fact that they have a more proprietary model.

Original Post:
I have yet to test FoxFilter, but I will be doing so in the next day or so. ProCon Latte is not up to date and as such is automatically disabled when switching to Firefox 4. You need to switch to FoxFilter or disable the update to Firefox 4 until ProCon Latte is updated. (I assume ProCon Latte will be updated, but that may never happen.)
Last edited by shadower_sc on Thu 21 Apr 2011, 18:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Blacklist Everything

#16 Post by shadower_sc »

For those that don't want their Kiosk to access any webpages you could use public fox and black list everything. In the Public Fox Preferences click add to add a new site to blacklist, enter http://*, and that is it.

Not sure why one would want to do that, but I came across it and thought I would share.

The ProCon Latte update has not been released yet, but hopefully will be soon.
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Install Puppy Kiosk on Hard drive

#17 Post by purjuju »

Hello !

Could you explain how to install Puppy Kiosk on Hard drive ? As I'm using an old computer so cd reader is slow and usb port is 1.0 version (very slow).
Installing Puppy kiosk on hard drive should be perfect ! :)

Thank you very much.

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Location: QLD Australia

#18 Post by oldmac2006 »

The Puppy Kiosk setup CD is brilliant, I have had no trouble installing Puppy Kiosk to a HDD using the Puppy Universal Installer. I find the system runs a lot quicker off the hard drive than a CD or USB Flash drive. When using the CD I can freeze the system for short periods by loading up a couple of youtube videos.
The major problem with using a HDD is that when a user clicks on File/Open File in Firefox ...they have access to the whole file system. This Kiosk will not be within easy distance for me to repair , so I need the security of tampering with the system to be rock solid. I guess this is why a CD is a good solution for Kiosk application.
I would like to be able to use the hard drive for the speed benefit, so does anyone know how I can remove the menu bar in Firefox ... or at least the File menu.
Otherwise what are my options for keeping users from being able to alter system files??
Create a User ?
make all Files Read only ?? don't know how.
I welcome your feedback
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Location: QLD Australia

#19 Post by oldmac2006 »

I may have solved my own problem :-). I have loaded the add on personal-menu in Firefox.
This enables me to hide the parts of the menu bar that I do not want the users to see. The Public Fox protects users from accessing the addons once it is all installed. I will do some more testing ..but so far seems to have locked the system down better. I have hidden the File, View and Tools off the menu. Should keep the would be hackers out of the file system and trying to get into the Add ons. There is a hotkey shortcut to show the personal-menu settings. ...not sure if this would be easily figured out. It would obviously be known by any user who is familiar with the personal-menu add on. There seems to be an option to disable the hotkey ...but do not want to try that yet. If I disable the hotkey function I don't think even I will be able to get back into the tools menu to make any other changes.
Anyway, I'm real happy with the setup I have now ..looking good!!
A huge thanks to shadower_sc .... I take my hat off to you!!
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue 24 May 2011, 07:14

#20 Post by purjuju »

Hi oldmac2006 !

Is Puppy Universal Installer in Puppy kiosk CD ?

Could you help me please ?

Thank you.
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