Developers wanted for Swift Linux (antiX-based)

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Developers wanted for Swift Linux (antiX-based)

#1 Post by swiftlinuxcreator »

Swift Linux ( NEEDS more developers! The version control system is GitHub (, and the bug/goal tracker is (

If you have worked on Puppy Linux, Swift Linux needs you. Of all of the distros I have used, I like the user interface of Puppy the best, even better than that of Linux Mint and Ubuntu. The menu arranges the applications so nicely and makes everything easy to get to.

Like Puppy Linux, Swift Linux uses the ROX Pinboard desktop environment. The window manager is IceWM. Some of the features of Puppy Linux that I want to copy in Swift Linux are:
1. PBurn and iso2cd: Unlike other CD/DVD burning applications, PBurn and iso2cd offer verification AND are lightweight. I dual boot Swift Linux and Puppy Linux, because I need PBurn and iso2cd for burning CDs. Xfburn (what antiX currently provides) and GnomeBaker (what antiX used to provide) don't come with verification. K3B has verification, but it has numerous KDE dependencies. Thus, I want to provide my users with PBurn and iso2cd.
2. Smaller ISO: One of the challenges in Swift Linux is including OpenOffice (in the regular edition and special editions) WHILE keeping the ISO file size small enough for a CD. The full version of antiX Linux M11 (the base for the current version of Swift Linux) is 680 MB, and I have to cut many packages to make room for OpenOffice. I need input from Puppy Linux developers for help in trimming the fat. (PBurn and iso2cd are examples of the superior efficiency of Puppy Linux.)
3. Trash feature: How does Puppy Linux provide the Trash feature? Ubuntu and Mint have it, but they're much heavier. This is another Puppy Linux feature I want to copy.
4. Menu: As I said before, I like the Puppy Linux menu better than that of any other distro.
5. PMount: When I plug in a USB drive, I see the icon for it automatically show up on the desktop. It's so convenient.


Swift Linux 0.1.1 is now available at and based on antiX Linux M11. There are two plain vanilla editions (Diet Swift Linux and Regular Swift Linux) and three special editions (Taylor Swift Linux, Minnesota Swift Linux, and Chicago Swift Linux).

Swift Linux is lightweight, user-friendly, and fully compatible with the large Debian software repository. No other distro can compete with Swift Linux on all three of these criteria. If you wish that Puppy Linux had a large software repository, or if you wish that Linux Mint could be as lightweight as Puppy Linux, then this is the distro for you.

Swift Linux gives that old computer a new lease on life! Windows XP support ends on April 8, 2014. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a new computer or slowing down your old computer with a costly and bloated "upgrade", make the REAL UPGRADE to Swift Linux.
Bruce B

#2 Post by Bruce B »

Any developers of ours missing, and we solicit yours.

And we know how to make clickable links, which puts us at an advantage.

Bruce B

#3 Post by Bruce B »

If anyone wants iso2cd with md5sum checks and verifications, I can do that in a few minutes with a text editor and lightweight utilities.

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#4 Post by Lobster »


Try helping these guys for a while ... 162#521162
You might find you are able to create a swifter, smalller
OS with the features and developers you need 8)
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#5 Post by lithpr »

Bruce B wrote:And we know how to make clickable links, which puts us at an advantage.

It does seem kind of a jerk move in mine eyes to solicit the devs of another project en masse in their forum. But hey, if someone here wants to help you on your endeavors, more power to them.

Alternatively, swiftlinuxcreator, you might want to join in with the project. It looks like you guys have similar goals.

Or, you know, help make Puppy an even better distro.
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#6 Post by swiftlinuxcreator »

Thanks for the tip about Zenix OS. I'll have to try it out.

Is it that rare for developers to work with two or more distros? I wouldn't expect there to be many developers who work on Mint and Fedora, but what about Ubuntu and Mint, Fedora and CentOS, MEPIS and antiX, etc.?

Don't distros cooperate often? When I get PBurn and iso2CD working properly (Bruce B, how do you do that for a Debian-based distro?), I will share how I do it with the upstream distros (antiX, MEPIS, and Debian), because it would benefit users of these distros.

I strongly disagree with those who think that there are too many distros. The controversy over the new Unity interface in Ubuntu proves that diversity is a good thing. People who don't like the new Ubuntu are free to switch to other distros.

The lower part of the Linux market is underpopulated. Seven of the top then distros on Distrowatch are heavy. The other three are Puppy, Debian, and Arch. Of these three, I'd only recommend Puppy to Linux newbies. The only other lightweight distros that I'd recommend that a Linux newbie try are Lubuntu (#17), antiX (#44) and SliTaz (#52), and I also have doubts about Lubuntu's future status as a lightweight distro given its Ubuntu base. (You can't argue against the merits of Ubuntu, but lightweight operation isn't one of them.) In contrast, there are many great heavyweight distros that appeal to the Windows Vista and 7 users - Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, OpenSUSE, PCLinuxOS, CentOS, Sabayon, Mandriva, MEPIS, Pinguy, and others.
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#7 Post by lithpr »

That last post comes across as far less "poachy". Good luck with Swift Linux!
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#8 Post by harii4 »

Swift Linux is lightweight, user-friendly, and fully compatible with the large Debian software repository. No other distro can compete with Swift Linux on all three of these criteria. If you wish that Puppy Linux had a large software repository, or if you wish that Linux Mint could be as lightweight as Puppy Linux, then this is the distro for you.
You could use DPUP - remaster it and call it "SwiftPUP"? 8)
3.01 Fat Free / Fire Hydrant featherweight/ TXZ_pup / 431JP2012
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#9 Post by bugman »

harii4 wrote:You could use DPUP - remaster it and call it "SwiftPUP"? 8)
greyhound or whippet?
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#10 Post by harii4 »

3.01 Fat Free / Fire Hydrant featherweight/ TXZ_pup / 431JP2012
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