Questions about usability / personalization

Using applications, configuring, problems
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Questions about usability / personalization

#1 Post by CoronelN »

Here are some questions that have me banging my head since yesterday...
any help will be much appreciated.

with puppy love

Here is what i propose:

Lets leave the replies to people who is answering the questions.

Every time a new question is posted here I will add it to the first post if there is a answer that i know of i will add a link aside the question.

I will appreciate if other "Askers" edit their post and remove it once i have copied their question to the first post...

that way we dont have a clutter of back and forth replies that in many cases go stray out of topic or aid the general confusion of puppy noobs (like myself :P)

If you dont agree please refrain from flaming me here... (yes to avoid polluting the thread) i am available 24/7 on PM to be flamed and even insulted :P

Key mapping:

where can i map keys system wide and not dependant of the WM ?

how do <fn> are called for mapping ?

same applies for the <windows> key ?


How can: Create a dialog that shows a cancel button and waits for 10 seconds if no cancel was pressed it does an action (reboot in this case) wmreboot

Drive Icons
They can be moved but if disconnected / reconnected they reappear on the bottom left of the screen (sometimes obscured by wbar if it is set to bottom)

Is there a way to have the move to be persistant or to ask puppy to create them somewhere else in the screen ?

Desktop Icons in General:
Moved desktop icons go back to their original position after restart or pet install.

Being obscured by Widgets in many cases

Screen size seems to matter:

Some dialogs open bigger than the screen in sublaptops is there a way to implement either scroll bars either avoid the dialog going off limits ?

Start menu

Is there a simple way to edit the menus? that goes system wide independant of the WM used ?

Start applications minimized on IceWM

Tried windowoptions file in /~/.iceWM to no avail.

Is there a system wide way independant of the WM ?

Like UBN that starts chat and mail client minimized to tray on startup ?

Windows viewing
Snap windows to borders or tile them in desktop
like vista new feature...

nice to have: current window shaking minimize all other windows :P
Last edited by CoronelN on Wed 08 Jun 2011, 22:47, edited 2 times in total.
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#2 Post by 8-bit »

Last edited by 8-bit on Wed 08 Jun 2011, 17:11, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed 22 Dec 2010, 17:18

#3 Post by CoronelN »

Edited to keep clean
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