Puppy Theme Info (pti)

Themes, icons, wallpapers, etc.
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Puppy Theme Info (pti)

#1 Post by stu90 »

Here is a script i made to display the current Puppy themes in use information then take a screen shot of its self with scrot.

Works with OpenBox and JWM windows managers.


Make sure the script is executable and move to /root/my-applications/bin/

Things to know:
You might need to tweek the Distro name section line #25 and #27 to get correct alignment for the puppy version you are running.
Colours can be changed on line #9 - #12
If you don't have scrot installed it will just display a readout with out taking a screen shot.

To Run:
Open a terminal and type the command pti

Or if you wanted to you could make a .desktop file and run it from that.
.desktop file example (change background colour and/or geometry for your terminal text size) :

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=urxvt +sb -bg "#424242" -fg white -geometry 36x17+1005+10 -hold -e pti 
pti v003
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#2 Post by maik.murks »

Hi stu90.

First of all, thank you for providing the link to your new thread :D

It‘s cool that you‘ve added some more informations to your script :D

I‘ll download your script now and I‘ll give it a try somewhere during the next weekend.

So, thanks for the script :D

Cheers :wink:


#3 Post by stu90 »

maik.murks wrote:Hi stu90.

First of all, thank you for providing the link to your new thread :D

It‘s cool that you‘ve added some more informations to your script :D

I‘ll download your script now and I‘ll give it a try somewhere during the next weekend.

So, thanks for the script :D

Cheers :wink:

Hi maik.murks,

I clear out forgot to mention in my first post - to obtain the current JWM theme a small edit is needed of the script /usr/local/jwmconfig2/theme_switcher

Around line #49 (just above the if statement) add the following:

Code: Select all

echo "${NEWTHEME}" > /root/.jwm/currentjwmtheme
As there is no convenient way to obtain the current JWM theme this will output to the file /root/.jwm/currentjwmtheme the JWM theme name when a theme is changed with the GUI.

I will attach the relevant theme_switcher script with the change applied - make sure it is executable and move to /usr/local/jwmconfig2/
updated theme_switcher script
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#4 Post by maik.murks »

Hi stu90.

I‘ve tried your script and in the end I have a full screenshot inclusive the terminal window where pti was started. But unfortunately it seems to be that I do something wrong. Would you please take a look to the attached pti1.jpg? Moreover, I don‘t know what the -u option is when pti calls scrot. Unfortunately my scrot don‘t know the -u option either. Would you please take a look to the attached pti2.jpg? Thank you.

Cheers :wink:

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#5 Post by stu90 »

Hello maik.murks,

From your screen shot it looks like you need to alter your theme_switcher script as described in my post above - if you have already done this try changing the JWM theme with the GUI > JWM configuration > Choose a JWM theme, then check to see if the file /root/.jwm/currentjwmtheme has been created with the theme name in it.

It looks like the version of scrot you are using is missing some options - the -u option is to take a screen shot of only the current focused window.
You can see the options in the scrot i am using in this image:

For a better alignment try using something like:

Code: Select all

rxvt +sb -bg "#424242" -fg white -geometry 36x17+1005+10 -hold -e pti
I noticed in your screen shot you have several other parts of the theme information missing as well - i have never used puppy 214 so i am unsure if it has the same files as Lucid puppy to obtain the theme information from?

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#6 Post by maik.murks »

Hi stu90.

Thank you very much for your informations given. It seemed to be that I‘m using a quite different version of scrot and that this version haven‘t got anything like making a direct screenshot of the current focused window. Well, perhaps it would be a good idea to take a closer look to scrot as it seemed to be a very nice and tiny tool. But I need some time.

WM theme is OK now, after editing the theme_switcher script as you mentioned above. Thank you very much. For the other informations being left so far, I have to take a closer look to where ever this Puppy is hiding these informations. When I have some more time.

So, thank you very much again for your effort :D

Cheers :wink:

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