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#241 Post by rcrsn51 »

jamesbond wrote:Interesting. Epson tools from cups doesn't work without usblp - and yet the same cups won't work with usblp (I'm talking about default cups in FD64).
Were you talking about escputil? It is actually part of the Gutenprint package, not CUPS.
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#242 Post by l2ulinux »

It is working very well and THANKS for the chance to get to use it.

Operating System
Kernel Linux (x86_64)
Compiled #1 SMP Tue Nov 9 00:23:48 GMT+5 2010
C Library GNU C Library version 2.11.1 (stable)
Distribution Puppy Linux 0.50
Current Session
Computer Name fatdog64
User Name root (root)
Home Directory /root
Desktop Environment Unknown (Window Manager: Openbox)
Uptime 3 hours, 57 minutes
Load Average 0.05, 0.05, 0.06

Useful Configuration

#243 Post by gcmartin »

@Ray MK and @Rickkk, welcome to 64bit world of Puppyland; nmely FATDOG.

I am not the official greeter, but I have been using FATDOG on an 8GB and a 4GB system without incidents. The help I have received and the understanding that these Puppy owners provided me is extremely good, clear, and consistent.

I run a LiveDVD environment, as such, I have NEVER installed anything on a HDD/USB ever in running FATDOG! My HDD/USB are ONLY used as storage devices; never for running the OS (This is a personal preference for I have outstanding performance running as I do from the LiveCDs/LiveDVDs/PXE.)

Most everything I need is in FATDOG so I may NOT be a good example, but let me share what I have in my 8GB PC. It has 2 services added via PPM and 1 service that Kirk has made available, almost exclusively, to me for Sharing files from FATDOG with all of my LAN PCs (including all windows and all Linux distros) Those services are the latest nVidia PET, the SAMBA PET (that I referenced) and 2 PETs which allow FATDOG to be a boot server to various other machines I test with on the LAN (this was provided, Thanks to JamesBond). That's it. (I think I may have flash installed, but its been so long ago, I can't remember if I did or not.)

That PC is a main system that is used everyday for internet, multimedia playback, NAS storage, adjustments of test cases used on other PCs. The PC has only been down 3 times in the year I have run V5 FATDOGs:
1. changed to new 5.10 ISO
2. change to new 5.11 ISO
3. Test a feature for comparison
Thus, the system is stable, Stable, STABLE!

The 2 systems have DVD writers, so, I write my ISOs to DVD in "multi-session mode" so that FATDOG can save all of my work whenever I need to reboot the system. This has worked flawlessly over time.

One thing that you MAY want to do is to setup a SWAP partition that is the size of your RAM. As, I have found that from time to time the system has used it, although those have been rare occasions. (Right now for example, my browser has 5 windows open with about 5-6 tabs open within each window.

Should you want to use the services I mentioned for your FATDOGI am expecting that the SAMBA PET will be made available via PPM in the upcoming June upgrade to FATDOG.

Hope this helps
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#244 Post by HiDeHo »

I am having trouble connecting to my wireless. i manage to get it to connect. until i remove my dsl cable then it disconnects.

Problem with LAN

#245 Post by gcmartin »

HiDeHo wrote:I am having trouble connecting to my wireless. i manage to get it to connect. until i remove my dsl cable then it disconnects.
Can you run this command in a terminal

Code: Select all

ip address show
and post, back here, 2 things:
  1. results before you disconnect the cable
  2. results after you remove the cble to your PC's ethernet card

Looking forward
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new AMD cpu/gpu

#246 Post by Aung »

I have a new AMD E 350 fusion cpu that has the graphics inside the cpu. Could the drivers for it be included in the next Fatdog. The dash hound in ones face looks more like a sauuuuuusage dog and looks like Fatdog sat on the Firefox icon. Others on my wish list, auto line wrapping in Geany and Nicoedit and a delete to rubbish bin instead of delete to the never never. 3G modem support would be great also but that a hard one so not pushing for it. Aung


#247 Post by gcmartin »

I need to run a syslog server. In FATDOG, I see

Code: Select all

# ps waux | grep sysl 
root      9906  0.0  0.0   7208   316 ?        Ss   May28   0:00 syslogd -m 0
root     21309  0.0  0.0   4176   512 pts/3    S+   18:37   0:00 grep sysl
But, I cannot find a syslog log file or a syslog conf file.
  • Could someone help by directing me to where these may be hiding in the system?
  • Does anyone know if syslogd logs from the "standard" port when LAN connected machines direct to it?
  • Has anyone ever used syslog on a PUP (If so, could you share your experiences)?
Thanks in advance
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VirtualBox in FatDog ?

#248 Post by Rickkk »

Hey all,

Please point me in the right direction if the answer to this question is already somewhere in the topic ...

Is there a way to get 64-bit VirtualBox working on FatDog ? The installer from the Oracle site seems to install the app, but it just won't start when selected from the menu (nothing happens ...).

Thanks again for any guidance ...


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Re: VirtualBox in FatDog ?

#249 Post by tazoc »

Rickkk wrote:Hey all,

Please point me in the right direction if the answer to this question is already somewhere in the topic ...

Is there a way to get 64-bit VirtualBox working on FatDog ?
jamesbond wrote a script to d/l and install the latest VB, get it here. Need the fd64-devx_511.sfs installed before running the installer--if not it will let you know it isn't available. Also need at least ~250MiB free space if you're using a frugal install, and I symlink /root/.VirtualBox out to somewhere in /mnt/home or another partition. When an app won't start, try typing the executable in a terminal. In this case that would be

Code: Select all

The app typically installs in /opt/VirtualBox.
[url=http://www.lhpup.org/][b][size=100]lhpup.org[/size][/b] [img]http://www.lhpup.org/gallery/images/favicon.png[/img][/url] [url=http://www.lhpup.org/release-lhp.htm#602]Lighthouse 64 6.02[/url]
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#250 Post by playdayz »

I wanted to see if Firefox was faster on Fatdog 64 than on Lucid 5.2.5, and the answer is Yes. This is a special Firefox 5.0b5, compiled for my AMD Phenom cpu in Fatdog 64 and I compared it to a version likewise compiled for Phenom (amdfam10) in Lucid 5.2.5. This one is 64-bits and the Lucid build is 32 bits. The Lucid build scores 4900 on the Peacekeeper benchmark and this one scores 5431, which makes it a solid 10% faster. The score for unknown: unknown is for the version of Firefox (Namaroka) 3.6.13 that is included with Fatdog 511.


If you have a Phenom or an Athlon 2 (I am not sure about Athlon 64) this build should work for you in Fatdog 64 only of course.

Firefox 64 5.0b5 for amdfam10/Phenom -> http://diddywahdiddy.net/Puppy500/firef ... dfam10.pet

It is possible to compile it on and for your own cpu. There are some instructions for Lucid. http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=67756

The version currently linked is recompiled with kirk's options, from the message below.

Last edited by playdayz on Sun 19 Jun 2011, 02:10, edited 3 times in total.
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#251 Post by kirk »


I build Firefox like this:

./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-dbus --disable-hal --disable-crashreporter --enable-strip --enable-application=browser --disable-libnotify

You shouldn't need any other dependencies that way. Fatdog64-520 has Firefox 4.0.1. I'll be posting a beta soon hopefully.
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Re: VirtualBox in FatDog ?

#252 Post by Rickkk »

tazoc wrote:
Rickkk wrote:Hey all,

Please point me in the right direction if the answer to this question is already somewhere in the topic ...

Is there a way to get 64-bit VirtualBox working on FatDog ?
jamesbond wrote a script to d/l and install the latest VB, get it here. Need the fd64-devx_511.sfs installed before running the installer--if not it will let you know it isn't available. Also need at least ~250MiB free space if you're using a frugal install, and I symlink /root/.VirtualBox out to somewhere in /mnt/home or another partition. When an app won't start, try typing the executable in a terminal. In this case that would be

Code: Select all

The app typically installs in /opt/VirtualBox.
Thanks, Tazoc (and JamesBond). The script did the job most painlessly ... ;-)

Once again, kudos to the FatDog/Puppy community for excellent support !

Cheers from warm, sunny (yay !) Montreal,

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#253 Post by playdayz »

I couldn't use Fatdog without my trusty audio player, so here is Audacious 2.5.1 for Fatdog. The main thing I like is that it is easy to choose whichever audio device, without changing the default. It plays everything. I just like it.



Would the same parms be used for SeaMonkey 2.1

#254 Post by gcmartin »

kirk wrote:playdayz,

I build Firefox like this:

./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-dbus --disable-hal --disable-crashreporter --enable-strip --enable-application=browser --disable-libnotify ...
Would the same parms be used for SeaMonkey 2.1?

Thanks in advance
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#255 Post by kirk »


I build Firefox like this:

./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-dbus --disable-hal --disable-crashreporter --enable-strip --enable-application=browser --disable-libnotify ...
Would the same parms be used for SeaMonkey 2.1?
Yes, except --enable-application=browser would be something like --enable-application=suite. Not sure if that's exactly it. Type ./configure --help and check for the exact option.


I repackaged your Audacious pet and put it in the repo. Please check it out and make sure I didn't break anything. I guess I need to find the source as well. Your pet was really big, due to it being unstripped mainly. Here some things to check if making a pet package:

1) Strip all binaries and libraries like this:

# strip --strip-unneeded *

2) Is anyone likely to compile another package that depends on this one? For almost all applications the answer is no, so delete all include files and static libraries (blabla.la or blabla.a) and macros /use/share/aclocal.

3) Delete unneeded or excessive localization files or documentation. Localization files are usually in /usr/share/local. Keep in mind this is an english only distro, so having tons of localization files for your app is probably not useful. If these files may be needed and they're large consider making another pet package with the SameName-dev-version or the SameName-doc-version. Look at the repo for examples.

4) Boot up pfix=ram and test your package to make sure needed dependencies are in the base iso. If not, they need to packaged If they're already in the repo, the dependencies need to specified when running dir2pet.

Actually before doing all of that make sure things are configured right when you compile it. Generally when we compiling something:

./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
new2dir make install

We want to do ./configure --help and check for options we want or want to disable and add those options to the ./configure line above. When you run ./configure and it errors with a missing dependency, check ./configure --help and see if you can disable that dependency.

I'm planning on uploading Fatdog64-520 beta1 tonight. I'll make an announcement when it's there.
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#256 Post by playdayz »

That is it exactly. I know because I tried to compile SM 2.1 on FD64. I was not able to. It did configure using kirk's options, but it failed during the make. Someone with more knowledge will be able to solve it surely.

kirk, Thanks for all the info. It is very helpful, also well-explained. I was lazy because I was thinking of it for testing, but I have compiled 2.5.0 and 2.5.1 for 32-bit and they have been very solid. One thing was that this 64-bit version would crash if one tried to use the Winamp skins interface, so I disabled that--the gtk interface is much nicer now anyway imho. Looking forward to the beta. The repackaged audacious pet seems to work fine.
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#257 Post by Ted Dog »

Thanks to the people who put this together, this works the best of any sub 200M puppy. I'm creating a version of puppy linux live DVD for MiniMacs.
So far MiniMacv4.1 can boot run in vesa mode, save session, and see the EFI/FAT 200 mg partition on a mac HD. The hard to get working wireless and audio are found and was able to get on the internet. Being a 64 bit version I tried booting with a EFI only Grub2 and it tried (lights on EFI boot USB, flashed) but screen stayed dark.

I read there is a NV.pet the one big flaw is a screwed up Xorg in the version 520b1. can someone PM me the location of Nvidia pet for this version.
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#258 Post by PROGRAFX »

OK I have had my new HP DM1Z Netbook for about a week now. I hate Windows 7 and all the other BS the HP puts on the system. So I have been Dabbling with different Linux Distros for years now. But I still Consider myself a beginner. Now I want to use Puppy from flash and run it from a ramdisk. But still have access to a 128GB SD card for watching movies and stuff like that while I'm on a plain or what not. I'm thinking this has got to be the best way to prolong the battery life and access the net via all the different options I have available. Now I am upgrading the RAM to 8GB so a ramdisk should not be any problem. I have not seen any distros fill these shoes other than Fatdog64. Has anyone tried this yet? And if so what needs fixed so that it will work perfect on a DM1Z?
Last edited by PROGRAFX on Sat 16 Jul 2011, 14:15, edited 1 time in total.
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#259 Post by Aitch »


AFAIK that netbook has an AMD Fusion dualcore, so should be OK

Try it, is the simple answer........puppy doesn't break things trying, as long as you run live CD or put it on a usb stick

Aitch :)
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