Dpup: Squeezed Puppy 4.99.2 bug reports and feedback :)

Please post any bugs you have found
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#41 Post by sszindian »

Seems to be the story of my life with printers :(

I noticed in BK's blog he had fixed some problems... maybe that was one of them? I downloaded my copy about a week or so ago. Maybe I should go for a fresh copy and try again! I just hate having to re-do stuff especially when you already have a lot of work on it in other areas of the program.. Oh well!

'Thanks for the help (you're always there when needed)'

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#42 Post by rcrsn51 »

Have you cleared your browser cache? This install of CUPS 1.3.11 shouldn't ask for a password at all.
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cups login

#43 Post by sszindian »

Hmmm... I checked the version on this one I have and it reports 1.4.3 Like I say, I probably have one of the earliest releases of 4.99, in fact I'm going to go into another program and HHD where I downloaded it and check, I don't seem to remember the .2 on the end of the download?

Be back....

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Re: cups login

#44 Post by rcrsn51 »

sszindian wrote:Hmmm... I checked the version on this one I have and it reports 1.4.3
Did you install both items stated above - CUPS 1.3.11 and the old Ghostscript?
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#45 Post by sszindian »

rcrsn51 said:

Did you install both items stated above - CUPS 1.3.11 and the old Ghostscript?

And sszindian says... I should bend over and let rcrsn51 give me a good swift boot... you know where!!!!

I completely overlooked that last line in your above post about the cups 1.3.11 and the old ghostscript I guess thinking it was just your signature like most others have... after awhile you kind of overlook them.

Anyway... you hit the nail right-on, my hp 1050 All-in-One j410 series printed a beautiful test page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And again rcrsn51, 'Thanks for keeping after me' I was really getting disgusted after that mess we wnt through on the Cloud Puppy .iso (never did get a printer setup in that as yet, but still trying :( )

Again thanks... I'm sure many who try this 4.99.2 will appreciate your efforts!

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#46 Post by tallboy »

I have run sqzd4.99.2 from a livecd on two old linuxboxes: 1) AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz, 512 Mb Ram, Intergraph 19sd95 screen. 2) P4 1.8 GHz, 512 Mb Ram, Sony 21" Multiscan500PS screen. I usually load livecd dpup4.84beta4. No issues with sqzd4.99.2 when booting first time.
ttuuxxx wrote: I could include all my favorite apps like gcalctool, and ditch the calculators, htop, transmission,lxtasx
I agree on the ditching existing calculators, but vote for galculator instead of gcalctool. as it has multiple modes incl. RPN, and I think gcalctool is overkill. I also agree on ditching latex editing in Abiword, I love latex, but like many others, I have a huge Debian with emacs and 4 gig latex stuff for such things.
I use htop all the time as it has more functions than Pprocess, throw out Pprocess and top instead.
I vote for throwing out the 'fun' directory with content; honestly, who opens puppy to do these child games? (uh...well, maybe apart from children, that is, but they can have their own version) I think gamers rather play with other toys.
If installing Opera, all torrent stuff can be ditched because most of it is built into Opera.

I cannot use my wireless ZTE MF636 USB modem, and then there is the Cups issue, and I really miss mplayer, and the icons for my LaCie 160 GB external usb hd does not show up unless I restart X, and they won't go away unless restarting X, and I have a strange problem (ROX?) when I click the the icons placed along the upper left side of the window to start a program, nothing happens, I have to click a second time to get some action.

I use Osmo in several locations, and the portability of the Osmo files is excellent (human readable XML), but as some recent puppy versions have complained that libical.so.0 is missing, this Osmo won't open because of missing libwebkit-1.0.so.2, a lib for Gtk+. When I used the package manager to check on downloading the lib, the whole chebang with deps are 53 Mb! There must be an earlier version that is smaller, or an equally portable alternative. Korganizer would be nice if it was small, it's not.

I love the builtin 'Stardust' theme, never take that away!

My additions: Firefox (habit - not necessary), xpad (yellow sticky note pad), htop, hnb (hierarchical console notebook - easier than Notecase), Xpdf (habit and because contents can be copied), Gramps 3.2.6-1, a new genealogy .pet by muggins, needs graphviz that just downloads with the package manager.

My wishlist:mplayer, lynx, pinfo (lynx-like viewer for info files + all the info files), mc - midnight commander (old, but very useful), and zile - a mini editor with emacs features (habit - not necessary). If you ever want to impress a C-programmer, run 'pinfo libc' in Debian, WOW!

I have also toyed with the idea to put some of the seldom used/large apps - complete with necessary deps - in /archive, or preferrebly in another dir - see here - on a multisession CD/DVD, to have them available for quick installation when needed. They don't load at bootup, so the puppy can remain small and fast, and mounting the disc and installing the wanted files from the dir take only seconds with most programs anyway, and then you know that all you need is burnt to the disk. The link above is describing a very useful way to store results, pics, music, books and other stuff not needed at bootup, but still always available, only some clicks away. Does /archive make a new dated file each save?

It is very easy to lose sight of what puppy is, and try to grow it all the time. For me it is not supposed to be a replacement for my huge Debian that contains all the heavy programs I need at the university, it is a portable, supplementary OS to take care of daily tasks.

Here is an issue I need some help for, this was in sqzd4.99.2, but the same goes for many other puppys too:

OK, so I don't want my puppy to load the last saved files in a dir on a multisession livecd, saved with the 'save to cd' dialog at shutdown. I press F2 at bootup to get the bootup options, and enter: puppy pfix=1 to prevent the loading of the dir, and 'enter' to continue the booting process. The booting starts, the following text comes up:

Loading drivers needed to access disk drives.................................done
Folder 2011-06-11-03-19 marked bad.............................................done
Loading the 'puppy_sqzd_4.99.2.sfs' main file... copying to ram......done
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempt to kill init!

And then everything freezes, nothing happens except for 'Caps lock' and 'Scroll lock' diodes start blinking on my keyboard, and I have to physically turn off the pc.

What is happening here?


Update: I did a new test, and everything froze using 'puppy pfix=1', but NOT when using 'puppy pfix=ram' ! :?: :?: :?:
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4.99.2 What Happened??

#47 Post by sszindian »

4.99.2 started off with a BANG now all of a sudden it appears there isn't any interest?

Is it too complex to develop for? I see that yet no one has come up with a ffmpg or video viewer? I can't understand why BK would not include these in the beginning?

4.99.2 is overall a nice version, a bit on the SLOW side as far as Puppy Operating systems go but I'm sure that could be overcome given time. For sure, what now works is dependable and there are lots of packages in the PPM if one desires them. Yes, there are bugs to be worked out but I wonder if anyone is going to do it or will this version just go by the way-side as many of the previous Debian-based Puppy's have?

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#48 Post by taca0 »

I made a version with woof and add the mplayer2 (the one file version) and add the BK wary ffmpeg with ffplay and all the needed libs . but I change the kernel to lts . Also I remove the browser and add dillo . And Cups change it to 1.3.10 from upup or somthing... Its about 113 MB.
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Re: 4.99.2 What Happened??

#49 Post by ttuuxxx »

sszindian wrote:4.99.2 started off with a BANG now all of a sudden it appears there isn't any interest?

Is it too complex to develop for? I see that yet no one has come up with a ffmpg or video viewer? I can't understand why BK would not include these in the beginning?

Well the reason why is that its missing some deps, an example the compiler gives tons of errors when compiling ffmpeg, I managed to compile ffmpg and gxine after spending tons of time working at it. I think the reason why Barry didn't include ffmpeg and a video player is because it still needs some tweaking. I've been working full-time and taking care of my 4 month old daughter, since my wife has been working 55+ hrs a week and doesn't leave me much time to spend on puppy. Dpup by far has more potential than any other woof, but its rough around the edges. I'll try to spend more time on it when time allows for it.
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
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#50 Post by sszindian »

Wow ttuuxxx... sounds like you have your hands full... I've been there, many, many, years ago so I know where you are coming from, it's never easy raising a family and trying to make-ends-meet!

I see taca0 (in a post above) done some work and re-vamping with an updated kernel, I hope he posts how that is doing for him!

Anyway, it's good to hear you'll be doing some work on 4.99.2 and yes, I agree, it has more potential than any other version of Puppy and for sure, Debian is in it for the long haul so support won't be a problem for a long time if ever.

I see you are using and recommending the:
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
I have that listed that over in my Cloud Puppy tread... I doubt you will find a better converter for LOTS OF STUFF than they have... I called it 'Cloud' instead of on-line, it sure is hard to get people to understand they are for the most part the same thing... Cloud just scares the living heck out of most for some reason? I admit, it did me too until I realized they were about one and the same. Funny how a new name can upset the apple-cart on an old thing? :shock:

Anyway ttuuxxx... I was planning the next version of Cloud Puppy with the 4.99.2 as the base structure, kind of giving the sceptics the best of both worlds, I pretty much have the cloud features worked out in a separate pop-up menu, coming along nice so far.

Take care my friend!

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hp 1050 scanner

#51 Post by sszindian »


As stated previously, my hp 1050 All-in-One j510 is printing nice since making the cups change and adding the older files.

Just tried the scanner... No Work... I installed the hplip-3.11.1-scan, that don't seem to cut it! Are there some older files that need installing also??

(Tried with both your pesyscan and xsane)


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hp 1050 scanner

#52 Post by sszindian »

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#53 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi sszindian hows it going bud, this weekend I'll work on 2.14X and next weekend I'll look at Dpup and try to get ffmpeg/compiler working better, maybe you could upload your version with the kernel for other users to try it out.
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Re: hp 1050 scanner

#54 Post by rcrsn51 »

sszindian wrote:Just tried the scanner... No Work... I installed the hplip-3.11.1-scan, that don't seem to cut it! Are there some older files that need installing also??
I tested this with my HP Deskjet f4280 and scanning worked fine. There are no missing dependencies.

What happens if you run "xsane" from the command line? Does the program refuse to start or does it not find a scanner?

In what other Puppies does it work?

Have you tried restarting the unit when you switch between printing and scanning?
I no longer have a copy of this version, so I am testing with the hplip_scan-3.11.3.pet from here.

[Edit] I found the hplip-3.11.1-scan.pet from your old thread. It worked too.
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#55 Post by sszindian »


Here's what I get when I run xsane from command line...

525 does OK with both your peasyscan and xsane, and if I remember Spup did OK with scan, been awhile since I used that.

Tried this from a fresh start!
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#56 Post by sszindian »


Will be a little while yet before Cloud Puppy-0.2 (with 38.4 kernel) will be available, working on a few clean-up items for the Cloud part, hopefully not too long. Looks like it might be a 'Win, Win' :D

Good luck on the compiling!!!! Anxiously awaiting your results!

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Re: Dpup: Squeezed Puppy 4.99.2 bug reports and feedback :)

#57 Post by TheProphet »

I had a bit of a problem using an older nvidia Vanta board, seems nVidia makes some hellaciously great boards that I've not worn any of them out, they just +/- politely decline to make a more modern module to fit the more modern kernels for their older boards. Shame, that is.
Of course they ARE in the business of providing new hardware.

But for this I yanked the Vanta card and put in an equally ancient Mach64 ATI card.

Both worked with basically all the puppies, and the Compviz app gives great three-D rendering regardless (unlike the Debian distro)

That's just a word of cheer that dPup does indeed give you an xserver with just any nVidia or ATI card. :) but you may have to dig for it.

I just got through about half the posts, my question is how to add "libapt-4.0.so" and there's three of these lib files apparently an absolute necessity to get aptitude and synaptic running.

This machine is a 333mhz PII with about 390 megs of RAM and the package manager is kind of a memory hog on such a setup.
I would reckon that using apt-get from the command line would be a lot more quick and efficient.

Once I get an app installed it runs quickly. VLC media player for instance, satisfactory.
ffmpeg works but again, once I get it installed.

I dig Barry's philosophy about recycling reusing repairing, on many forum discussions in other venues you get a lot of smack-talk about "just toss the dinosaur on the scrap heap and buy a more modern machine".

So far the only problem I'm encountering on this is that one about apt-get.
Was there a larger Puppy from which this was trimmed down? Something on a full CD perhaps?
Because if there's any bells-and-whistles worthy of the extra disk space, it would be a fast command line package installer.

The seamonkey browser works better and faster on this than it does on my faster machines with TeenPup.

I give, after only a few hours use, a good thumbs-up rating. Good Job.
Billtoo wrote:Frugal install to acer revo nettop.
I got to the desktop after choosing the nv driver.

Thu 19 May 2011 Operating System: Squeezed Puppy-4.99.2 Linux 2.6.32
0.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation ION VGA (rev b1)
oem: NVIDIA product: MCP79 Board - hornet-0 Chip Rev

X Server: Xorg Driver: nv
X.Org version: 1.7.7
dimensions: 1440x900 pixels (380x238 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU 330
Core 0: 1600 1: 1600 2: 1600 3: 1600 MHz

...the above also recorded at '/tmp/root/report-video-glx'.

This pc has an ION graphics chip so I downloaded the
NVIDIA-Linux-x86-270.41.06.run driver and installed that.

Thu 19 May 2011 Operating System: Squeezed Puppy-4.99.2 Linux 2.6.32
0.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation ION VGA (rev b1)
oem: NVIDIA product: MCP79 Board - hornet-0 Chip Rev

X Server: Xorg Driver: nvidia
X.Org version: 1.7.7
dimensions: 1440x900 pixels (373x231 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU 330
Core 0: 1600 1: 1600 2: 1600 3: 1600 MHz

...the above also recorded at '/tmp/root/report-video-glx'.

Installing that removed the nv driver, hardware acceleration is
working now.
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#58 Post by TheProphet »

Add: I've not tried the video on VLC yet.
Just the sound.

In Seamonkey the youtube videos played without a hiccup.

And that's on this really slow machine, too.
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#59 Post by tallboy »

Hi sszindian, the Cups printing problem may have been addressed in a dpup4.85 thread, where it was suggested that libpoppler3 from the Lenny repo would do the trick, and it certainly did! Suddenly you can print from Abiword again! You can download it here.
It provides libpoppler.so3 in addition to libpoppler-glib.so.4 and libpoppler.so.5 which already are installed i dpup4.85. They (4 and 5, not 3) are also available in Squeeze, but I cannot check right now whether they are installed in sqzd_4.99.2 or not.

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#60 Post by rcrsn51 »

@sszindian: I tested scanning with an HP Photosmart and it worked there too. So I don't know why your Deskjet 1050 would be different. But here are some things to try.

1. Look at the file /etc/sane.d/dll.conf and verify that "hpaio" is on the last line.

2. Run the commands "sane-find-scanner" and "scanimage -L".

3. Install the older version of libsane attached below.
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