Lighthouse 64 5.11 Alpha for 64-bit processors

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Ray MK
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#41 Post by Ray MK »

Hi again

Been running live for nearly 3 days with only the minor issue of frisbee taking what seems a little too long to get wpa_supplicant going and to eventually lock on to or allocate an IP: address for wifi.

It seems to take somewhere around 3 to 5 mins. after lifting the lid before wifi and therefore access to internet is available.

A fully populated desktop is up in seconds.

Acpi suspend/resume works as expected. (As it did in FD64-511)

Everything else seems better than fine.

After reading about some issues with creating a save_file, decided to try and all seemed to go well. Created a save_file of 512mb on the NTFS hard-disk.

Forgot to re-insert CD on reboot and Win7 started for the first time (aarrgghh), oh well - slow-ish but ok-ish.

Got over that and rebooted to LHP64 - save_file recognised ok and copied LH64.sfs from CD to hard-drive, and here I am.

However, the sfs’s that were previously in ram were gone - so loaded JRB’s and bingo, Opera etc loaded in seconds - brilliant.

So that’s about it for now - work to do - more later.

Many thanks again for a stonkingly good puppy to all involved.

Very best regards - Ray.
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L64 feedback

#42 Post by Barburo »

Hi TazOC
I'm slow to pick this 64 bit version up - been on vacation for a while.
Happy to report that no problems getting L64 up and running on my Acer aspire Laptop with twin 64 bit processors. I did what I usually do:
Downloaded the Mariner .iso, checked the md5sum, made a directory in /Home for L64, mounted the .iso file and copied all of the system files and .sfs files to that directory, cloned the LHP503G entry in menu.lst to create a new entry for L64, and changed the directory names in the kernel and vmlinuz lines to point to files in the L64 directory. The boot parameters for me were:
psubdir=LHP64A pmedia=atahd pdev1=sda6 nmi_watchdog=0 pfix=fsck

I rebooted and made sure I edited the entry in the Grub list to pfix=ram for first boot, then pressed B to boot and "fingers crossed" it worked first time!

A very nice set up, new theme on the menu, frisbee worked flawlessly to set up my wifi connection. I love your "branding" of Firefox 4 with the custom lighthouse theme.

No problems creating a save file. I'm using ext3 for files and inside the save file right now but may move to ext4 when I fiddle the partitions around.

Impressions: I tried my usual subjective test - how fast does FF4 come up and load my Gmail? Very swiftly. At least as fast if not faster than fatdog64.
I tried the benchmarks and watched to CPU monitors in Gkrellmon. CPUZlib uses both processors (a very good comparison result) but the other tests seem to use only one processor, so no amazing gains there.

I can live without C-F and LXDE (which I use in 503G because it supports C-F) but Openbox is really all you need. Nice you've added icons on the shutdown menu to make it multi-purpose.

I'm running out of superlatives Taz. I'll continue testing as we go on.
Congratulations on a great "alpha".
[i]Laptop[/i]: Acer Aspire 5810TZ
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Frugal Install

#43 Post by myke »

Hi all,
For Puppy Linux, I always do frugal installs and never use the Universal Installer. There is no need. All you have to do is create a new directory, click on the iso and copy these files from the mounted iso to the new directory: initrd.gz, the sfs file(s) and the vmlinuz file.

Most of the time there is only one sfs file, but for Lighthouse there are more.

What could be simpler?

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#44 Post by tazoc »

I just uploaded If no problems with it are reported this weekend, it will be made available via Lighthouse Update on Monday. This Pet will update Lighthouse 64 5.11 A to 5.11 Au1:
  • Updated PupClockset to work with LXPanel in Openbox (thanks to radky) and updated LXPanel configuration. Previous panel configuration (/root/.config/lxpanel/default/panels/panel) saved to /root/.config/lxpanel/default-panel.bak.
  • For screens heights of less than 1024 (e.g., 1366/1024x768, 1024x640) removed 'Zip' icon, raised missing Xlock and Trash icons to lower right corner of screen. Might still need some adjustment, but these 2 icons should at least be visible now (after X restart.)
  • Xdelta3GUI updated for urxvt to fix failure to apply xdelta updates.
  • xwin: Always show CL tip for xorgwizard-puppy, (thanks to Roy) (X restart required)
    pfix=xorgwizard uses full interactive dialog--xorgwizard-puppy.
  • xorgwizard, xorgwizard-puppy:
    CL: autostart xwin at completion, unless <TEST> button was pressed.
    GUI: fixed failure to start xorgwizard-puppy from Xorgwizard GUI.
  • Hardware detection: added /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf. Should prevent some conflicts with certain kernel modules. Reboot to test this. If any new problems arise, delete /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and reboot.
  • New / updated: Frugal-symlink 0.6, Lighthouse sys-info 0.5, SFS Grabber 0.1-L1, (thanks to 01-micko and Jim1911) xdriinfo-x86_64
  • Report-video 0.4, report-video-glx 0.4: improved current video driver detection, (thanks to the logs posted by Roy. They were indispensable! :))
  • Personalize Settings bug fix: /etc/hosts wasn't updated with new host name, (thanks to pemasu, shinobar). Improved current video driver detection and NLS console fonts. CL dialog UTF-8 test script in /lib/consolefonts.
  • Networking: fixed button in Connect Wizard which starts Puppy's Network Wizard
    ipinfo: display updated host name without restarting Lighthouse, (thanks to gcmartin.)
    Frisbee: connect-lhp script: refined link detection function.
  • PupControl fontsize support and PupShutdown logout panel layout improvement, (thanks to radky.)
  • /root/.xinitrc updated to support different LXPanel restart scripts.
  • Extract-txz script updated to support tar.xz archives.
A couple of Pets: VirtualBox, VLC and Samba coming also...
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#45 Post by myke »

Hi Tazoc,
After running Lighthouse 64 for awhile, am finding some issues with the boot-up and Firefox.

At boot-up, since have 12 partitions, really don't feel like going through the e2fsk routine every time I boot up. Where can I mod this to only run e2fsk every 20 times, say?

The other problem experiencing is with Firefox. Initially it was fast and responsive. Now it is has become slow and sluggish. The extensions I have are:

Adblock Plus + 2 helpers (pop-ups and element),
Autopager Lite,
Canadian English dictionary,
Dictionnaire classique (French),
Ghostery (with no alerts showing),
Dutch dictionary.

AA1 D255E-keucr slacko 5.3;luci;mijnpup; tw-os; with:Emacs,gawk,noteboxmismanager,treesheets, freeplane, libreoffice, tkoutline, Sigil, calibre, calendar. magic&Noteliner(wine), kamas (DOS)
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fsck, Firefox

#46 Post by tazoc »

myke wrote:At boot-up, since have 12 partitions, really don't feel like going through the e2fsk routine every time I boot up. Where can I mod this to only run e2fsk every 20 times, say?
pdev1 can be used to narrow down to the boot partition e.g.,

Code: Select all

kernel /lhp511/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd pdev1=sda8 psubdir=lhp511 pfix=fsck
If it isn't working, please gzip and attach your menu.lst or similar config, as well as /initrd/tmp/check-ext-fs.log. I am using an ext4 partition for my all of my frugal installs and the fsck is very fast; I hardly even notice it.

If you are booting from the LiveCD w/o typing in options, IIRC fsck doesn't run at all unless the host partition or save file fails to mount.
The other problem experiencing is with Firefox. Initially it was fast and responsive. Now it is has become slow and sluggish.
First clear your cache, (Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Network->Clear now.) Then restart X and FF to see whether or not it helps.

Then try

Code: Select all

firefox-spot --safe-mode
in a terminal. If that works fine, close FF, restart normally and disable the extensions (Tools->Add-ons) one-by-one to find the offender. I'm currently using Ad-Block Plus and FireFTP in 4.01 with no problems, except that the silly updater offers to update to 5.0... and fails to download it.

FF 5.0 was released this week and I will try it out soon and hopefully make a Pet available.
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#47 Post by myke »

Thanks, your suggestions worked.

AA1 D255E-keucr slacko 5.3;luci;mijnpup; tw-os; with:Emacs,gawk,noteboxmismanager,treesheets, freeplane, libreoffice, tkoutline, Sigil, calibre, calendar. magic&Noteliner(wine), kamas (DOS)
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Lighthouse Updates 2011.06.27

#48 Post by tazoc »

The following updates for Lighthouse 64 5.11 are now available via Lighthouse Update:
  • [Core] This will update Lighthouse 64 5.11 A to 5.11 Au1. I updated frugal-symlink to 0.7 over the weekend, fixing a couple of minor bugs. If you installed this update via direct download prior to June 25, suggest to use Lighthouse Update to reinstall the latest one.
  • [Internet] Replaces Firefox 4.01 with 5.0, from Mozilla binaries
  • [Multimedia] (Thanks to Billtoo for compiling this.)
  • [Network] (Thanks to Kirk and gcmartin)
  • [System] VirtualBox installer/updater. Wizard downloads and installs the latest VirtualBox, as well as Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.0.8-71778. Needs Devx-L64_511.sfs and 175M free space. (Thanks to JamesBond)
These 2 Pets are included in L64_Update-511Au1, and are available separately for other Pups:-TazOC
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#49 Post by Jim1911 »

After compiling the latest NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-275.09.07 for my NV 8400 GS card, Glxgears gives an error message.

bash-4.1# glxgears
glxgears: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
<root> ~

I did not run it prior to installation of the new driver, so don't know if it worked prior to driver installation.

The new NVIDIA driver is working fine, see image-2.

Your LHP64 is working great.

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#50 Post by einar »

been testing this on two of my computers a nvidia laptop and my old htpc with a ATI card. Awesome speed and the overall feel is good.

How is it going with plans on KDE 4 ? and is there chanses for compiz in the future ?

best regards

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gears demo; KDE, etc

#51 Post by tazoc »

Hi Jim,
ATI's Catalyst has its own gears demo, fgl_glxgears, not sure about NVIDIA. You might try

Code: Select all

in a terminal, or

Code: Select all

find /usr -name *gears
to locate the best one. You can also try the 32-bit version:

Code: Select all

start32 /usr/bin/32/glxgears
Hi Einar,
Yes I'm working on a new 64-bit KDE SFS, in fact KDE 4.6.5 is due for release in a few days.
[Edit: that is the source code, and hopefully compiled soon thereafter. I usually use binaries from Alien's 'ktown' repository, which are often the very latest available.]

I'm also working toward C-F but I need to update the glibc, gcc, gtk and other core libs for some compatibility with the major distro repos out there. And Kirk's new kernel and Xorg combination is enticing, so lots of new adventures on the horizon.
Last edited by tazoc on Fri 01 Jul 2011, 23:22, edited 1 time in total.
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update notifier is missing in 511 A

#52 Post by tazoc »

I noticed that the automatic update notifier launcher in /Startup is missing, so it may be necessary to select 'get_updates' (see the desktop Update icon) to view the packages I uploaded this week. That will be fixed in the next release, and I don't anticipate any further updates between now and then; however you can restore the notifier by pasting this in a terminal:

Code: Select all

ln -snf /usr/sbin/lhp-update-notifier /root/Startup/lhp-update-notifier
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Re: gears demo; KDE, etc

#53 Post by einar »

tazoc wrote:Hi Einar,
Yes I'm working on a new 64-bit KDE SFS, in fact KDE 4.6.5 is due for release in a few days. I'm also working toward C-F but I need to update the glibc, gcc, gtk and other core libs for some compatibility with the major distro repos out there. And Kirk's new kernel and Xorg combination is enticing, so lots of new adventures on the horizon.
Thanks for quick feedback, and keep up the good work :) im lookin forward for this release

best regards

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#54 Post by HiDeHo »

Wow interesting how does this differ from the standard lhp.

as lhp is build on spup. i do wonder what fatdog is built on i dont as yet remember myself.

I might try this out sometime. does it have the same features as lhp. lhp is a great os and i do like it. just while i am building my puplet i dont use much.
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#55 Post by Q5sys »

hmm... this looks promising...
- PNG image data, 7680 x 1080, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced

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Re: L64 feedback

#56 Post by tazoc »

Barburo wrote:Impressions: I tried my usual subjective test - how fast does FF4 come up and load my Gmail? Very swiftly. At least as fast if not faster than fatdog64.
I tried the benchmarks and watched to CPU monitors in Gkrellmon. CPUZlib uses both processors (a very good comparison result) but the other tests seem to use only one processor, so no amazing gains there.

I can live without C-F and LXDE (which I use in 503G because it supports C-F) but Openbox is really all you need. Nice you've added icons on the shutdown menu to make it multi-purpose.

I'm running out of superlatives Taz. I'll continue testing as we go on.
Congratulations on a great "alpha".
Thank you, glad to hear that. Yes, except for Zlib, the HardInfo benchmarks don't seem to use multi-core processing. Maybe we should see if updating/re-compiling HardInfo makes any difference.
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#57 Post by tazoc »

Q5sys wrote:hmm... this looks promising...
- PNG image data, 7680 x 1080, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
Hey mate, what's up? :shock: When I click on the image the view is just 1,024px × 144px, so can't really see much except that you've got your wide-screen setup going... :) Maybe gzip and attach the hi-res version to a post...
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#58 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:
Q5sys wrote:hmm... this looks promising...
- PNG image data, 7680 x 1080, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
Hey mate, what's up? :shock: When I click on the image the view is just 1,024px × 144px, so can't really see much except that you've got your wide-screen setup going... :) Maybe gzip and attach the hi-res version to a post...
should be the direct link. some browsers auto minimize to fit the screen (like opera) usually clicking the image maxamizes it.

attached is a slightly minimized version.. something like 6,298 x 886 pixels
im posting here within my opensuse install so I can try and reserach some stuff.
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#59 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi TazOC,

Frugal installation on wife's Dell Dimension E510 on an NTFS partition.

Everything appears to work fine with one glaring exception. Frisbee does not recognize my Wifi network, so no internet access. It does not see the Belkin Wireless USB Adapter N300. As you can see below there are a number of WPA and WEP connections available. This is posted from Fatdog 64-520 b3 from the Dell. Using LHP64-511, this same screen shows no available connections.

Everything is working fine on my main system with a hard wired LAN connection.

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my two cents

#60 Post by Tman »

Hi tazoc, I haven't done thorough testing on this, but here's my initial reaction:

Currently running LHP64 on a P4-3.0ghz with 512MB of RAM. Did a manual frugal install with my usual option of "pfix=fsck". I no longer need to add "nomodeset pfix=vesa,ram", yay!

Bootup has changed a lot over previous versions, mostly for the better...straight to graphical desktop is good, but I would have liked the option not to install the wine.sfs by default because I don't use it so often.

A lot of changes have been made to the look. Overall, a better choice of apps (IMO) than from previous releases. Love the new wallpaper and the custom look of PupShutdown.

Some whining from me:
- Launched Firefox 4.0.1... It seemed to be slower than usual, so I disabled the custom firefox theme which sped things up a bit. Have you tried Firefox 5 or Firefox 7? Both are faster. EDIT Oops; I just read one of your previous posts about FF5 - my bad.
- GKrellM is an interesting change, but it was blocking the drive icons. I had to drag it over to the top-right corner of the screen..easy fix
- On the bottom-right corner, only the Xlock desktop icon is showing. I don't believe you left out the trash and pupzip desktop icons out on purpose. (This monitor is old and only displays 1024x768 at max resolution.)
- at first I thought, why in the world did you replace Geany for the inferior Leafpad? , but then I noticed that Geany was moved to the "Utility-->Development menu.
- I much prefer to have GNOME-mplayer over Xine. When I click on a video (avi, mp4 and flv formats), Xine gives me an error message and won't play
- I have gotten very use to the Firewallstate Tray Applet and it feels strange for me to be without it.
- I'd like to suggest adding ScOttman's Default-Programs-Chooser, which is very useful, especially for newbies.
- Also, I know that you have an option to load SFS files at bootup, but it would still be handy to have Shinobar's SFS-Load in your puplet. Pemasu has made a patched-up version here: ... h&id=42636

Have you read the exciting news of Iguleder's experiment on a 32-bit/64-bit hybrid? ... 3&start=75. It sounds very promising.

My conclusion,
Yes LHP64 is still alpha (maybe beta) quality, but it looks like you have another winner on your hands and the final release looks like it's going to be better than your previous versions. Using LHP 5.03 did give me some good ideas for my own puplet...I'm not trying to be a biter, but when someone has a useful app or idea...I use it.
I'm sure you get this a lot, but thank you tazoc for all of your hard work and continued efforts. LHP does indeed make the puppy linux community a brighter place. :D
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