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#61 Post by Béèm »

shariebeth, (and the PLUG group)
In response to your section you address to me.

I really don't see why names can't be mentioned about founders/originators. Is this to be a secret organization?
Is this the way you (the group) want to get recognition?

As I said in the thread Aitch started, in my opinion the start should be bottom up. So make the puppy environment as easy as possible to find every aspect of installing/using puppy. The puppy forums are full of good advice , but scattered.

I still have the feeling this PLUG is started because some people are unhappy and I don't see a real strategy being put in place.

I wanted to react by saying that ttuuxxx is nominated moderator/administrator, so he could change that tittle, but I saw no evidence of this and now even the PLUG section isn't there anymore.

I was responding yesterday evening (Belgium time) that all of a sudden I was confronted with a blank reply. Being too late I went to bed and this morning I saw the section wasn't there anymore.

Also your comment that «everybody who helps» is a founder is really bullshit.

I don't know if you are able to see this thread, which is here now, but I still wanted to make my comments.
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#62 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi beem I've been trying to move it back but for some reason it won't let me move to an upper level, it just stays in sub levels, like puppy projects where its at now.
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#63 Post by shariebeth »

Thank you ttuuxxx for your efforts.
Béèm wrote:I really don't see why names can't be mentioned about founders/originators. Is this to be a secret organization?
Is this the way you (the group) want to get recognition?
This is a work in progress. It's still being built. We don't KNOW yet who is interested and I can't say I blame people for not coming forward yet.

Nothing is secret. You see the names up to this point: myself, WhoDo in a greatly appreciated advisor role only, Aitch, tlchost, people have offered to help in all of the various threads, Volhout did but hasn't posted in PLUG yet, Stripe?, anybody who wants to be a part of it. Anybody who posted who said they want to be involved.

As to developers, this is a Users Group. The developers are not required to do anything. Any who DO choose to help us are of course welcomed enthusiastically. Yes between several of us mentioned in the above list, we have contacted some and there is interest, so that is good. But they are busy developing. They don't need to be involved at this point in this mess.

Again. We are in the process of building this. It's not a closed group. The whole thing will be a joint effort of whoever wants to help. And I guess the "founders" will be whoever steps up with us and helps with the dirty work of getting it functional and open for business. It may be the list as you see it now, it may end up with more names on it, which I hope.
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#64 Post by ttuuxxx »

shariebeth wrote:I guess the "founders" will be whoever steps up with us and helps with the dirty work of getting it functional and open for business. It may be the list as you see it now, it may end up with more names on it, which I hope.
well you can count me in, I'll lend a open ear and a helping hand when need be.
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#65 Post by tlchost »

Some folks expressed an interest in the online database that is located at

The system in place can use multiple databases, and each one can have a distinct structure. The original database was created to track puplets, pets and sfs files.

Here is the existing database structure:

# Definition of your database. Format is
# field_name => ['position', 'field_type', 'form-length', 'maxlength', 'not_null', 'default', 'valid_expr']

%db_def = (
ID => [0, 'numer', 5, 8, 1, '', ''],
Namer => [1, 'alpha', 40, 255, 1, '', ''],
Date => [2, 'date', 12, 15, 1, &get_date, ''],
SFS_name => [3, 'alpha', 0, 60, 1, '', ''],
SFS_type => [4, 'alpha', 0, 60, 1, '', ''],
INFO_URL => [5, 'alpha', 60, 255, 1, 'http://', '^http://'],
DOWNLOAD_URL => [6, 'alpha', 60, 255, 1, 'http://', '^http://'],
Purpose => [7, 'alpha', '40x3', 500, 0, '', ''],
Notes => [8, 'alpha', '40x3', 500, 0, '', ''],
Comments => [9, 'alpha', '40x3', 500, 0, '', ''],
Userid => [10, 'alpha', -2, 15, 0, '', '']

So as not to re-invent the wheel, I would appreciate input on the fields that we could use for a PLUG database(s).

If there is interest, a seperate thread might be in order.


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#66 Post by Aitch »


Could you put together a simple 'How To' for people who've never had or needed to enter data into a database before
How many fields can be left empty, for example, and can a made entry be edited/added to later by the same, or other users, much of the info may not be to hand on first logging on

It might me a step too far for some, as is

I remember another database for wifi cards which was built, but didn't get used much because of poor information/editability


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#67 Post by tlchost »

Aitch wrote:Thom

Could you put together a simple 'How To' for people who've never had or needed to enter data into a database before
There was a link to the help file for the database....I will check the html code and restore it.
How many fields can be left empty, for example, and can a made entry be edited/added to later by the same, or other users, much of the info may not be to hand on first logging on
As I recall most any field can be left blank....the entry is based on the user, so we loose the convenience(and hazzard) of having you beking able to modify/delete my entry.

I'll setup a dummy database and encourage folks to's the easiest way to learn how it all works.
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#68 Post by Béèm »

About the DB, which contains 18 records now, who should enter records in it?
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#69 Post by tlchost »

Béèm wrote:About the DB, which contains 18 records now, who should enter records in it?
Anyone can enter a record who has an account....but only that person(and myself as admin) can edit ir delete the record.

Ideally the creator or maintiner of a puplet, script, pet or sfs file would be the person entering and maintaining the information.

BTW, a better way to reach the database is at

From that page you can do a quick view of the entries, create an account, enter the database and read the help file/FAQ.

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#70 Post by big_bass »

there was a cacophony of voices clamoring to be heard on the subject of what Puppy could or should be. In the beginning it was easy to pick out the voices of reason, but in the end there was so much "sound" that it became almost impossible to "hear" what was good, and reasonable, and important above the din. It became abusive to my ears when some elected to follow the path of repetition in monotones and I grew tired of listening very quickly. There is a lesson in that for those who are willing to learn.
whereas I believe whodo has good intentions and sees the obvious downfall of the forum
looks like we havent learned maybe I shouldnt comment in the heat of the turmoil
but I decided to anyway but with the goal of making something positive out of this mess I think whoodo is a good guy that has first hand been in the hot seat and had time to reflect on the outcome

what I can see positive is let a scratch pad PLUG of all this continue without deleting anything elect a responsible person to cut and paste only the productive stuff to a read only page PLUG wish list so that we dont embarrass ourselves with only the griping and bickering for those that havent the time to filter though the gobbly gook

where do I fit in to this is I will read productive comments (someone else besides me has professionally filtered to a read only page)

if I can I will add those ideas into whatever I do
a good idea is a good idea

remember that the PLUG scratch pad everyone is free to comment even if nobody agrees with them

and PLUG wish list is read only of only the productive points--- non deletable :D

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#71 Post by Aitch »


My answer would be - Everyone!

The more the better, as it's going to be a big job inputting useful data

I don't know what Thom has in place for search engines, but I have a few links

Thom, thanks

I like the idea of a dummy database, as long as there's access to a help file for the unwary [no pun intended]

Re: Restoration of the threads

I don't know if ttuuxxx could maybe talk to Bruce and find out what he did...or is that too awkward?

I think we'd need to clean it up a bit, anyway - not a good start, now, was it?

Edit: Joe, you posted while I typed, didn't mean to double up, but seems we were thinking along similar lines

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#72 Post by tlchost »

Aitch wrote:
I don't know what Thom has in place for search engines, but I have a few links
The database has a built in search can create your own search logic by making entries in various fields.

Try it
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#73 Post by Aitch »

I have reserved PLUG2, in the hope we will be able to have a PLUG Section heading again, pretty please, John!

This IS going to be an ongoing and necessary task, and IMHO it is folly to carry on blindly pretending it will sort itself out, or that increasing numbers of puppies/puplets, and derivatives, kernel patches and updates, drives, build scripts, dotpets, solutions to known problems, etc, as well as users, doesn't create hard work finding answers or information, both for new comers and old hands alike, especially if, like Béèm and myself, you spend a lot of time clearing some help backlog posts
If nothing else, PLUG2 can be used for that purpose - for listing and coordinating what resources are available, thread links, and such.

It would just be more locatable, if it were a thread in a Section named PLUG, rather than Puppy Projects, where both PLUG and PLUG2 will tend to disappear - unless we can have them made sticky :!:

ttuuxxx - I know you are doing your best, thanks mate!! :D ... 567#542567

Also note: raffy has started a dokuwiki, to migrate our current wikis, with oui and darkcity as admins - I believe there were category setup issues and old non-transferred data from the original to the newer - so, a re-vamp
A work in progress ... 571#542571

Good luck guys!


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#74 Post by Stripe »

Hi all

just another couple of ideas

I have just been looking around the forum and there is a lot of offsite wikis/databases already, some maintained some appear to be not maintained, Q5sys is currently trying to make a pet database. would it not be better to keep plug onsite so users can find it easier? (as a lot of links for help point here already)

would it not be easier to make a better search engine for the murga-site as all the information is already stored here and would save having to re-enter everything? (this is in regard to user help)

with the dev help, that should be here as this is where the devs work together, keeping the resource where it can be accessed easily.

Read only threads seem like a good idea to me

hope this helps
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#75 Post by tlchost »

Stripe wrote: would it not be better to keep plug onsite so users can find it easier? (as a lot of links for help point here already)
Yea...but since John Murga has emphatically stated that the PLUD will not be hosted here, and we just went through the experience of a moderator creating untold damage to the PLUG effort, this may not be a healthy home for the PLUG.
would it not be easier to make a better search engine for the murga-site as all the information is already stored here and would save having to re-enter everything? (this is in regard to user help)

If all the information was here, that would be a great idea....but not all the information is on this forum.
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#76 Post by shariebeth »

tlchost wrote:
Stripe wrote: would it not be better to keep plug onsite so users can find it easier? (as a lot of links for help point here already)
Yea...but since John Murga has emphatically stated that the PLUD will not be hosted here, and we just went through the experience of a moderator creating untold damage to the PLUG effort, this may not be a healthy home for the PLUG.
Seems that thread with JohnMurga's post is gone too.
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#77 Post by harii4 »

theres the PLUG: Puppy Linux Users Group

theres an PUG:Puppy Linux Users

Who overrides the other if they disagree?
Will it be mob rules - most members win?

Is THE PUG - unofficial group - puplets/pups?

If necessary, this may lead to a community edition of Puppy, to satisfy user requests...Official Puppy is just that..Official, mainstream, whatever...

You want a Puppy Linux "Users Edition"...
Lets go...
and THE PLUG - official group - official puppies?

Or can there be bunch of groups broken down by special interest groups?
I just an little confused - :?
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#78 Post by shariebeth »

We all are, harii4. puppyluvr had joined the PLUG users group. All I know is that everyone should work together as one group. I don't think there is any competition intended, just a bunch of people who think this is a good idea and tried to do something about it.

On the one hand, murga is where the users and developers mostly go so it makes sense to be hosted here. On the other hand, an offsite build will prevent this circus behavior so it makes sense to go elsewhere. What to do...

Anyway I am taking a brief emotional break from this because I am truly disgusted at how we were treated and not just by Bruce.

No good deed goes unpunished, ehh?
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#79 Post by nooby »

harii4 , here on John Murga Puuppy forum there is only one PLUG.

Puppyite started his own version maybe that is the one you refer to as the other?

You have to ask him about his aim and goal and agenda with that one

While we talk about there being two such PLUG.

Would this John deMurga PLUG see me as not loyal if I out of curiosity did join the other PLUG too for to be a kind of cover all possibilities?

I mean if them catch a Dev that don't want to be active here? Just in case?

No harm intended.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
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#80 Post by harii4 »

I messed up its the "PUPPY USERS GROUP" not "Puppy Linux Users"
I was hopeing on two groups (official / unofficial) - one sounded like more relaxed and fun. :)
Would this John deMurga PLUG see me as not loyal if I out of curiosity did join the other PLUG too for to be a kind of cover all possibilities?

I mean if them catch a Dev that don't want to be active here? Just in case?
Hey - thats an good plan :D
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