Pussy: potentially a Puppy with a perfect package manager

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#61 Post by sickgut »

puppyluvr wrote::D Hello,
Pussy Report:
Burned to multi-session DVD..
Boot 1 from DVD.... Fail...
Seemed to be Multi-session related..
If I had to guess via the Error msgs,
Id say it it was trying to convert the ISO FS...
When it got to 30%, I thought, I hope SR0 is the DVD..
Got scared, as my Hdd has a years worth of development on it..
C/A/D to reboot...
Chose "Failsafe" I think.. something like that.. :oops:
Anyhow, booted up to a desktop, sans icons or BG...
Chose "Rox BG" from menu, got a nice gradiant BG....

So are the programs decompressed OTF...
If so, very nice... Very fast...
Everything came up fine...
It was not ROOT..I hate to sudo anything..LOL..
Have to D/L a Debian ndiswrapper module as my rt2860/5390 is a pita...
Will play more with it tomorrow, however..
Beyond doubt, this identified my hardware better than anything ever, except, and on par with, Knoppix....
Alsa was even dead on correct OOTB with my HDA Intel audio, which even Puppy misses... Same with Video, Input devices, trackpad, hotkeys, everything..
All in all, initial response would be...
If this is what Debian Pup`s can be..........
Meow.... 8)
Hi Puppyluvr thankyou for tryng out Pussy.
The DVD iso thing with multisession: i havent tried burning to DVD yet only CD and the multisession thing I never use. If i had to guess i would say it was the multisession thing because other debian-live systems seem to work on DVD.
Have a look on http://packages.debian.org in the squeeze section as I have seen addon realtek and atheros and other wifi driver modules there, if it has the one you want then run apt-get update then apt-get install <packagename>
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#62 Post by sickgut »

aarf wrote:Re: arm
Sounds good to me. What are your arm devices?
flytouch and a m70003, both 7" screen Android devices. Shoehorning a Puppy/ Pussy like OS onto one of these is the ultimate in efficient and inexpensive computing and I see this project as more important than Pussy. Can you imagine GIMP running on a tablet and drawing with a stylus or your finger, and the whole setup costing you like only $75?

Now Pussy has done its Alpha ting and there will be some time before the Beta is released Ihave some time to dedicate to a Puppy or Puppy like OS for ARM. Debian compile everythng in their main repo for ARM as well so after a base system is established I think its just a matter of apt-getting your apps etc then hunting through the OS to remove the junk then use dd to make a .img file of the OS and boom!! Its all done!! The only thing holding me back is the touchscreen issue but it can be done.
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#63 Post by Sylvander »

Yet another try:

1. Pussy appears to be NOT saving changes to the live-rw file.
2. I am forced to do everything anew at each new Pussy OS load.
3. The /www/seamonkey folder is present when I click the www icon, so no need to run install-browser.sh
4. start-browser.sh has no ! mark.
5. Clicking start-browser.sh has no effect.
6. Clicking remove-browser.sh removes the seamonkey folder, and changes start-browser.sh to !
7. Then, clicking install-browser.sh creates the /www/seamonkey folder, and removes ! from start-browser.sh
8. Then clicking start-browser.sh still does nothing.
9. Deleted /www/ folder.
10. In xterm:
Entered the following commands in turn:
apt-get update [Competed OK]
apt-get install iceweasel [FAILED]
"Package iceweasel is not available, but is referred to by another package."
[Said more, not reported here]

#64 Post by aarf »

If you put what you have so far online someone may be able to assist with the touchscreen bit. Might need instructions on how to get it onto the arm device too. Will go looking for your hardware.
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#65 Post by sickgut »

Sylvander wrote:Yet another try:

1. Pussy appears to be NOT saving changes to the live-rw file.
2. I am forced to do everything anew at each new Pussy OS load.
3. The /www/seamonkey folder is present when I click the www icon, so no need to run install-browser.sh
4. start-browser.sh has no ! mark.
5. Clicking start-browser.sh has no effect.
6. Clicking remove-browser.sh removes the seamonkey folder, and changes start-browser.sh to !
7. Then, clicking install-browser.sh creates the /www/seamonkey folder, and removes ! from start-browser.sh
8. Then clicking start-browser.sh still does nothing.
9. Deleted /www/ folder.
10. In xterm:
Entered the following commands in turn:
apt-get update [Competed OK]
apt-get install iceweasel [FAILED]
"Package iceweasel is not available, but is referred to by another package."
[Said more, not reported here]
Hi, if you have the /www/seamonkey folder there when you boot then it is actually saving to the live-rw file as that folder doesnt exist on the live media. Also next time you find yourself wanting to try to use that browser again then right click inside of that dir using rox filer and then open terminal here (or just open a terminal then cd to /www/seamonkey/ if the seamonkey dir is there) then try ./start-browser (or whatever the start browser filename is) then it should tell you why its not booting as error spam in the console.

if you get that apt get message saying its refered to by another name then its fine its working how it should be. The issue is that debian has just changed the name of the package. You can see the list of packages available to you at http://packages.debian.org in the squeeze section. Find what you want then apt-get install package name. Do a search for browsers.

The browser starting issues: if you see the seamonkey folder there then just click on start browser and it should start. If the seamonkey folder isnt there then click install, then click start. a kinda failsafe way of doing it is click on cleanmode and it will install a new browser and then run it and then delete it when you close the browser down. This was will work if the browser is installed or not. Also make sure your logged in as root as Pussy has been setup to have everything need root privs as this is good for using Pussy as a server so when you ftp or ssh to it as a normal user, then the normal user cannot damage the system. Running Pussy as root and then the next time as a user will mean that when the user logs into X then all the custom stuff you did as root isnt there as all the users have separate profiles for everything.

If pussy isnt behaving propperly try deleting the live-rw file and making or unzipping a new one to your hdd.
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#66 Post by Sylvander »

Yet another try:

1. At each new session...
(a) Need to run "ROX-filer background".
(b) Need to run "Network".

(a) Can't get the following to work using a single click on the file:

(b) Using a terminal window inside /www directory to run the above files produces a report:
"No such file or directory".

3. CAN get to work by single click on the file:
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#67 Post by sickgut »

you need to click on install browser then click start browser.
if you are getting the message no such file or directory then there must be something wrong with your method.

Here is the terminal output of a live cd session of Pussy note the ####'s are from me and are comments made by me for the purpose of this reply.

root@meow:~# cd /www
root@meow:/www# ./install-browser.sh
Archive: browser.zip
creating: seamonkey/
inflating: seamonkey/libfreebl3.so
inflating: seamonkey/updater
inflating: seamonkey/libplc4.so
creating: seamonkey/chrome/
### truncated to save spam ###
inflating: seamonkey/libsoftokn3.so
inflating: seamonkey/libnssutil3.so
creating: seamonkey/updates/
creating: seamonkey/updates/0/
Browser installed in /www/seamonkey
root@meow:/www# ./start-browser.sh
##### browser starts ######

I have tested the USB, CDROM and HDD installs today to replicate your problem with the browser loading and I have not been able to replicate the problem, the only advise i can give is to click the install browser script then the start browser script a few secconds after. Note that seamonkey isnt installed on the first boot, the user must use the install script first and this will need to b done again next boot if the there has been no save file setup to save your changes.

If the cleanmode way is working then clicking on the install then the start script must work too as that is all the cleanmode does to start the browser, except the cleanmode removes the browser install after you exit the browser.

The issue with the rox filer is working how it should, as without rox filer loading in the background, Pussy saves alot of RAM and this lets Pussy run fine on 64MB RAM, even less than Puppy. The Beta version will have an option in the catroll-panel to make rox load when you boot. Pussy tried to keep the user in the loop on anything that it loads and give the user control over it as this keeps RAM usage to a minimum. For this same reason Pussy has a complete set of commandline tools to pretty much do anything you like at the commandline, whereas with Puppy you need to install most of these separately. In its present form Pussy has not tried to be user firendly, rather focusing on technical flexablility

The issue with the wireless I am finding that the WICD program retains all the IP information etc but I have to click connect to connect to a network after boot. There is a automatically connect to this network option that is shown next to the SSID of the AP you wish to connect to but i am unsure if this auto connect means it will autoconnect to the network next boot, or attempt to autoconnect using dhcp. The Beta version will handle these things better but at the moment i wont have a solution until i have completed testing on various wireless hardware
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#68 Post by Sylvander »

1. Tried loading a "live" session...
Clicked the /www icon, and the Seamonkey folder was already there.
Found that Seamonkey succeeded in loading when I clicked start-browser.sh
But it then failed to succeed in connecting to the default webpage.
Nor would it connect to www.murga-linux.com/puppy/
Even though I had previously clicked the "Network" icon, and it was reported that there was an established connection.
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#69 Post by sickgut »

Sylvander wrote:1. Tried loading a "live" session...
Clicked the /www icon, and the Seamonkey folder was already there.
Found that Seamonkey succeeded in loading when I clicked start-browser.sh
But it then failed to succeed in connecting to the default webpage.
Nor would it connect to www.murga-linux.com/puppy/
Even though I had previously clicked the "Network" icon, and it was reported that there was an established connection.

Have you got your gateway and dns settings configured?
can you ping your router and are you using dhcp or static ip?
The /www/seamonkey dir doesnt exist in the pussyos.squashfs or the pussyxtra.squashfs (the main OS and the xtra apps squash files.) so if its there then Pussy is still loading from a save file or partition.

#70 Post by aarf »

tried twice in two locations with open wifi signal, both times and after reconnect still seamonkey unable to load pages. not trying to use a fixed IP just the ordinary not configure dhcp. actual connection is fast and easy but loading pages does not happen.
posted with puppeee on same wifi signal immediately after.while typing this wifi signal has gone down. had to reconnect.
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#71 Post by sickgut »

aarf wrote:tried twice in two locations with open wifi signal, both times and after reconnect still seamonkey unable to load pages. not trying to use a fixed IP just the ordinary not configure dhcp. actual connection is fast and easy but loading pages does not happen.
posted with puppeee on same wifi signal immediately after.while typing this wifi signal has gone down. had to reconnect.
if this is happening then you must check that the gateway and dns addresses are correct in the wicd program, there is an option to use global dns (same dns for all connections) or a separate dns for each connection. If the dns option hasnt been configured then its not going to be able to resolve hostnames to ips and as such it wont be able to surf to websites. the dns should be the same ip as the router

are you able to ping ip addresses from a terminal once your wifi is connected? if you can ping ip's but cant surf to websites using their domain names then its a non configured dns issue. If you also cannot ping ip's then its a gateway issue.
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automatic connection of wifi on boot

#72 Post by sickgut »

hi, i have been toying with the wicd networking program in Pussy. Once you have setup your connection once, you can select "connect automatically" next to the SSID of the scanned networks. Once this option is enabled, the next time you boot Pussy will find your wifi connection again even before you start an X session. You should see the verbose output of your wlan0 connection at the login screen. There is no need to click on the network icon and set wicd up again every boot.
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#73 Post by sickgut »

puppyluvr wrote::D Hello,
Pussy Report:
Burned to multi-session DVD..
Boot 1 from DVD.... Fail...
Seemed to be Multi-session related..
If I had to guess via the Error msgs,
Id say it it was trying to convert the ISO FS...
When it got to 30%, I thought, I hope SR0 is the DVD..
Got scared, as my Hdd has a years worth of development on it..
C/A/D to reboot...
Chose "Failsafe" I think.. something like that.. :oops:
Anyhow, booted up to a desktop, sans icons or BG...
Chose "Rox BG" from menu, got a nice gradiant BG....

So are the programs decompressed OTF...
If so, very nice... Very fast...
Everything came up fine...
It was not ROOT..I hate to sudo anything..LOL..
Have to D/L a Debian ndiswrapper module as my rt2860/5390 is a pita...
Will play more with it tomorrow, however..
Beyond doubt, this identified my hardware better than anything ever, except, and on par with, Knoppix....
Alsa was even dead on correct OOTB with my HDA Intel audio, which even Puppy misses... Same with Video, Input devices, trackpad, hotkeys, everything..
All in all, initial response would be...
If this is what Debian Pup`s can be..........
Meow.... 8)
hi puppyluvr
the co nstant sudoing can be avoided by not using failsafe mode. Pussy will not touch your HDD thers is no auto installation. You much better off using the normal live mode unless your experiencing probs with Pussy.
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#74 Post by sickgut »

CLAM01 wrote:sickgut,

I didn't try a usb install/run, only a live-cd and frugal. I wasn't able to make either work usably. I don't full install puppies, ever, for not seeing the point. Puppies make a virtual ramdisk from the main sfs image each frugal start up. That is the primary puppy security component, more responsible than anything else for puppy's security.

So, of course, I didn't try to install pussy to HD, either. I just imagined that would be the drill, as with pclinux (which I admit I have also never full-installed). I assumed pussy was for full install because it didn't run frugal for me and was demonstrator-like live-cd (like full install linuxes, whose live-cds run like puppy runs on a P 120 or 133 hardware with 32 to 48 mb ram and a 128 mb swap on an old and slow HD, where the puppy has to build its apps in the swap, transferring parts and libs from the CD).

Your pussy does look like a good learning project. It sounds like you've built pretty much from scratch.
what problems prevented pussy from being usable? you said that it didnt run frugal for you, did you put a save file on your hdd? you said puppy makes a virtual ramdisk etc.. pussy does this exact same thing. There is no full install option at all, other then using dd to image the usb .img version to your hdd, even then its still a live/ frugal setup using a save file and loading the live media first. The website has all the information you need and an example save file etc.
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#75 Post by Sylvander »

1. "Have you got your gateway and dns settings configured?"
Don't know, or I expect not.
In a normal Puppy I know how to set the firewall running, and connect to the web, but don't know how to do it in in Pussy.

2. "can you ping your router"
I've forgotten the IP address of my router; can't remember where I got it when I had it.

3. "are you using dhcp or static ip?"
In a normal Puppy I use dhcp, but don't know how to do that in Pussy.

4. "The /www/seamonkey dir doesnt exist in the pussyos.squashfs or the pussyxtra.squashfs (the main OS and the xtra apps squash files.) so if its there then Pussy is still loading from a save file or partition"
How can that be I wonder?
Will study that aspect at next boot.
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#76 Post by sickgut »

you wont get your wifi working till you set your dns in the wicd program
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#77 Post by Sylvander »

1. "you wont get your wifi working till you set your dns in the wicd program"
Who are you addressing that to sickgut?
I'm not using wifi at this time; I'm connecting by cable to a wifi router.
Where is the wicd program to be found; in the menu?

#78 Post by aarf »

I havent used debian but i find it difficult to believe that connection would be still in a primative form. Could it be pussy is missing some files that make the internet connections. Give us a new pussy with updated internet connection and easy screenshot to test. Also want a gprs-3g connect pupdail style or simpler. Fix the partition issue too. I have other things that i need to do with my whole SDcard so pussy is being erased for now.
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#79 Post by sickgut »

aarf wrote:I havent used debian but i find it difficult to believe that connection would be still in a primative form. Could it be pussy is missing some files that make the internet connections. Give us a new pussy with updated internet connection and easy screenshot to test. Also want a gprs-3g connect pupdail style or simpler. Fix the partition issue too. I have other things that i need to do with my whole SDcard so pussy is being erased for now.
The wicd program is about as close to the Puppy equiv that is available for debian, this is why I need help to add the Puppy stuff to Pussy. The internet connection things are missing any files and it works 100% of the time if you actually configure it. There is a separate section in the wicd program that has the dns settings, you need to set these or it wont work. Once its setup and you tick the "connect automatically" box next to your connection name then Pussy will auto connect as soon as you boot to the login screen

The current version that is available has wvdial in the /addon dir of the live media it is a simple unzip then click install package. I dont use 3g myself but this is aparently the application that will let you use it on Pussy.

Once you have your network setup you can then run apt-get update then apt-get install any screen shot package you like, you can browse the package lists at http://packages.debian.org

The USB version is 699mb in size on one partition, there is no seccond partition at all and the previous version was only 375mb. There is no other information or partitions in the image file, if its imaged to a sd card or other removeable media only the first 699mb of the card is used and there is absolutely no information at all whatsoever written after the first 699mb of the card. You previous post about the parition issue you said that you cannot access the seccond partition, but the .img of Pussy doesnt have a seccond partition at all and is not created by Pussy.
Last edited by sickgut on Wed 13 Jul 2011, 14:29, edited 1 time in total.
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#80 Post by sickgut »

Sylvander wrote:1. "you wont get your wifi working till you set your dns in the wicd program"
Who are you addressing that to sickgut?
I'm not using wifi at this time; I'm connecting by cable to a wifi router.
Where is the wicd program to be found; in the menu?
Yes sry i presumed you was using wifi. The wicd program executed by clicking the network icon on the desktop. It is also in the menu. Here you can setup your connection with dhcp or static etc and if you tick the "connect automatically" box next to the name of your connection then when you reboot Pussy will connect to the network as soon as it has booted to the login screen .

Normal wired ethernet is usually alot less fiddly than wifi. Try setting it up with DHCP using the wicd program and if you still have probs you need to setup the dns part, the dns ip should be the ip pf the router. DHCP on ethernet usually detects this fine but if it doesnt work then the dns and gateway settings are the ones to check .
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