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#101 Post by sc0ttman »

Puppyt wrote:
sc0ttman wrote: On another note, I have successfully added the Wary repo to the PPM. :D
Cheers sc0ttman! I had a look at your example provided and it looks much better than the standard PPM - with it's un-resizable inner window and attribute columns. Good job!
Glad you like it, there is a bit of a dependancy nightmare for PPM packages, as this one is a real mongrel, but I got a few big apps working after checking the deps and installing them. All worked fine once all deps were added (also through the PPM).. The way repo works better than the old pup4 repo, anyway!
Love the clean look, though labels on my multiple partitions and usb drives would be useful. While first running it 'live' I liked the APPS option in the taskbar(?) heaps, but strangely it didn't work after I installed Akita to HD.
I like the theme, too.. But if you don't like blue, you're screwed ;)

The drive lables and mnt points are shown in a popup tooltip..
I would love to recompile JWM to have a zero second delay on its button tooltips!

And I will see about adding volume labels to the JWM drives script if I can,
although anything too large changes the background behind the icons.. looks ugly.

The uploaded alpha has a bug in switching the desktops, I think..
It messes up the buttons required for loading the Apps menu,
making the taskbar button not work...

If you ran toggle-rox-desktop, (or maybe refreshdesktop) then that would be it.. If not, no idea..
The network applet I haven't seen working yet, and I can't start the network options from there.
Yeah, it's a 'light' version from goingnuts, still looking into alternatives.
Clicking on it does nothing, and apparently it doesn't work for wifi.

I want all tray apps loadable as a choice in the 'Startups' manager.
I do not want to hard code them to always start (as is the normal puppy way).

That's why I haven't got around to adding the normal network tray tool to 'Startups'.
(but freememapplet is there, I will also add the normal network tray tool)

I will look at adding goingnuts latest tray apps (pmmon5),
as well as the traditional puppy tray tools as startup options in 'Startups'.
Can't seem to get Xpad working either - I get the sticky, but I can't enter data and it won't respond to preference changes. Shame - I really like Xpad.
I'll recompile it. Thanks for catching that!
You've picked a great selection of other apps there too - great to see radky's control panels in there. Liked your browser selector very much too, although after I installed FireDog 3.6 I got some strange missing dependencies. I don't think it hurt the install though as it seemed to be fine when I tested it, online.
I've tried to squeeze in as many good, light apps as I can. And the Firedog deps dont matter..
However - I have to keep setting up the network on each reboot - there's no apparent memory of previous settings (in Frisbee anyway), and no autoconnect.
Hmmm... I wanna get this sorted if I can... But know so little..
I'm hoping a wifi wizard can give my alpha a good going over!

Autoconnect should work, and I have upgraded the ROX "Connect" icon..
Although it is hidden by default, you need to run 'toggle-rox-desktop', to enable the ROX desktop.
Then you need to run "desksetup" to choose to show full icon set.

(This will all be simpler later, I promise...)

After all this, there is a right click option on the "Connect" icon, to enable or disable autoconnect... It was done by shinobar, I have not tested it as my eth0 (wired) connection always works at first boot and all reboots...
Perhaps my hiccups have something to do with a weird behaviour I got earlier on a previous boot: I clicked somewhere near Osmo on the taskbar (lower left) and Akita went into immediate shutdown (no shutdown options like normal).
yeah, something may have gone wrong there.. should not auto shutdown, there are always dialogs..
or maybe not for full HD install.. never done one.. have to have a think.
Hope to give you new and improved feedback tomorrow, after a re-install -
Thanks for all your info and support.. MUCH appreciated.
I look forward to further reports or problems found.
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#102 Post by sc0ttman »

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#103 Post by technosaurus »

I posted on Barry's blog about how to get the pet.specs from packages

the way the packages are currently built, it requires 100% download, but only enough space for the pet.specs file (only good if diskspace is a concern while bandwidth isn't)

I posted a fix for pet creation scripts so that the pet.specs file is first in the tarball (thus potentially saving tons of bandwidth when piped through tar)

basically replace
tar -cf $PKG.tar $PKG
tar -cf $PKG.tar $PKG/pet.specs
tar -uf $PKG.tar $PKG

then you can get them with some variation of:

Code: Select all

wget -q -O - $REPO_DIR/$PKG$EXT |gunzip |tar -x $PKG/pet.specs 2>/dev/null &
while ([ ! -e ./$PKG/pet.specs ]) do
	sleep .1
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#104 Post by sc0ttman »

technosaurus wrote:I posted on Barry's blog about how to get the pet.specs from packages
I saw that.. Perfect timing, I thought.. And I like your idea of making the pet.specs file first in the pet files, I didnt know you could then download only the pet.specs, keep it, then move on... That is nice..

I have yet to add your script in to anything meaningful, but have hacked it a little bit to work on a file that was generated by my own script. The file generated contains only the .pet filenames, each on a new line..

Here's the script I am using to get the list of files.. It is not run in pkg_chooser.sh or petget, I ran it manually to create the file needed, and just added that file to the remaster..

Anyway, here is my script for getting a list of .pets in the Wary repo,
if you can integrate your work to include the .pet specs, that would be amazing.. ;)
If you could make the download part (wget) faster, that would be even more amazing-er..

Code: Select all


export LOGFILE=/tmp/wary-repo.log
export SIZESFILE=/tmp/wary-repo-petsizes.log
export PETSFILE=/tmp/wary-repo-pets.log
export FINALFILE=/tmp/wary-repo-pup4.log
export FINALFILE1=/tmp/wary-repo-ppm.log

rm $SIZESFILE 2>/dev/null
rm $PETSFILE 2>/dev/null
rm $FINALFILE 2>/dev/null
rm $FINALFILE1 2>/dev/null

if [ ! -s $LOGFILE ]; then
	# get list, takes time, please wait
	xmessage "Downloading list of .pets in Wary repo..
Please wait, this will take at least 5 or 10 mins...
Go make a cup of tea..." &
	wget --spider --no-parent --level 1 --accept pet -r -o ${LOGFILE} http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/quirky/pet_packages-wary5/
	kill $XPID 2>/dev/null
xmessage "Rebuilding list for the Puppy Package Manager (PPM)..
Please wait, this may take a few minutes..." &

# get size of pets
cat ${LOGFILE} | grep "octet" | grep "Length" | cut -f 3 -d " " | cut -f 1 -d " " | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9.]//g' > ${SIZESFILE}# keep only A-z and .
# replace sizes not returned with '1K', as they're all tiny anyway
sed -i 's/applicationoctetstream/1K/g' ${SIZESFILE}
# get list of pets filenames
cat ${LOGFILE} | grep "wary5/" | grep "\.pet" | grep -v "Removing" | cut -f 9 -d "/" > ${PETSFILE}

# now make a puppy 4 compatible PPM list, like /root/.packages/installedpkg.txt or whatever

# for each pet file listed
for x in $(cat ${PETSFILE}); do
	# add a pup4 compatible line to the final file
	echo ""${petname}" "${petname}: " off " >> ${FINALFILE}
	#echo $petname added to file ${FINALFILE}...

# combine the pet names and sizes $PETSFILE and $SIZESFILE
exec 3<${SIZESFILE} # get each line of file
while read line # read the list of pet names
	read -u 3 toadd # read the line
    echo "$line "$toadd" /" >> ${FINALFILE1} # add the sizes to the end of the line, into new file  
done <${FINALFILE}

# copy the tmp file to ~/.packages, as livepackages5.txt
cp ${FINALFILE1} ~/.packages/livepackages5.txt

kill $XPID 2>/dev/null # kill splash

Xdialog --title "Wary repository updated" --yesno "The Wary repository has been updated.
It is now available in the Puppy Package Manager.

Do you want to run the PPM now?" 0 0
if [ "$REPLY" = 0 ];then
	/usr/local/petget/pkg_chooser.sh &

## can remove the comments below to delete the files, but I keep them for testing, at the moment
#rm $SIZESFILE 2>/dev/null
#rm $PETSFILE 2>/dev/null
#rm $FINALFILE 2>/dev/null
#rm $FINALFILE1 2>/dev/null

exit 0

It takes about 6 mins on my PC..
Note that the .pet files are not actually downloaded!!

EDIT: Techno, I am running your script now, hacked, and I think i messed it up, very slow, stuck on 3rd package... :(

Where would you recommend sticking it in petget, etc?
Last edited by sc0ttman on Tue 26 Jul 2011, 21:40, edited 1 time in total.
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#105 Post by sc0ttman »

Something else I want to add to the PPM..

Barry recently reported on his blog that he can now exclude packages from the PPM, based on kernel version.

I could add this to the script attached above, or the PPM itself.

This is ideal for my mongrel, as the Wary repo lists drivers for many different kernels, not including the default Puppy 4 kernel-, of course.. This is a problem, unless you know what you're doing.

So I will try to add the above feature, so that only drivers for the current kernel are shown in the PPM.
I might need help on this, but will check Barrys site...

Am finding it quite annoying that Barry doesn't post the code changes on his site,
meaning that I will have to download the latest Woof and hunt through it!

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#106 Post by technosaurus »

The reason it is slow, is b/c the pets weren't packaged with the pet.specs first, so it requires 100% download.

Also because tar is not told to eliminate ./ when a pet it is built, some pkgs will have pet.specs at ./$pkg/pet.specs instead of just $pkg/pet.specs ... just add it to the end of the tar command with the other and it will work

wget -q -O - $REPO_DIR/$PKG$EXT |gunzip |tar -x $PKG/pet.specs ./$PKG/pet.specs 2>/dev/null &

Re: woof
Don't update your existing woof, just download a new one and use diff to get the changes since your last update.
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#107 Post by big_bass »

the reason it is slow, is b/c the pets weren't packaged with the pet.specs first, so it requires 100% download.

to pull out a file using zcat without decompressing the whole thing

for example here zcat package.tgz | tar xvf - install/slack-desc

look for the slack-desc file something like what you are looking for the "pet.specs"

Code: Select all

zcat /root/sbopkg-0.35.0-noarch-1_cng.tgz | tar xvf - install/slack-desc

P.S I happened to need this quick test for a short description for a GUI for unofficial packages
maybe you can hack at it to work for you also


edited to remove an incorrect comment about *.pet
Last edited by big_bass on Wed 27 Jul 2011, 15:34, edited 2 times in total.
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#108 Post by sc0ttman »

Thanks for the info guys..

Techno, I now have the following in my 'get-wary-repo' script:

Code: Select all

# for each .pet filename listed in $PETSFILE
for x in $(cat ${PETSFILE}); do
  wget -q -O - ${REPO_DIR}/${petname} |gunzip |tar -x $petname/pet.specs ./$petname/pet.specs 2>/dev/null
  echo "\"${petname}\" \"${petname}: \" off " >> ${FINALFILE}
Your line of code seems to execute fine, but what is it actually doing?

I can find no way of downloading (or piping the contents of) the .pet.spec files, which I need to insert into $FINALFILE
Don't update your existing woof, just download a new one and use diff to get the changes since your last update.
I've never downloaded Woof, so that'll be fine, can't replace anything!
The reason it is slow, is b/c the pets weren't packaged with the pet.specs first, so it requires 100% download.

I couldn't get past the 3rd package after 20 mins.. I guess it was the lack of ./ in the tar command... I can now..

bigbass, I am running the following on local pets, on my HD.

Code: Select all

zcat $PETFILE | tar --wildcards -xvf - *pet.specs
It's extracting the .pet.specs to the current dir fine on local files. Seems to work for a number of pets, both with and without ./ inside. It also works for .pet.spec files which include the package filename (cos they exist, too - one example is "./mhwaveedit-1.4.21-i386.pet.specs")

But can this code be combined with wget to get pet.specs from .pets in online repos? Cos that's what I need.

I will look into adding 1 of these commands into my "get-wary-repo" script (above), to get the pet specs for each package found.. Then hopefully I can parse each .pet.specs, adding its info into the main PPM-friendly list, before it's copied to ~/.packages/livepackages5.txt

EDIT: bigbass, I tried your code in the 'get-wary-repo' script, (just replaced technos with yours, sorry me so dumb) and zcat gives errors, saying 'whatever_pkg.pet.gz' not found
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#109 Post by sc0ttman »

Also, I forgot that the wary5 .pets don't register with PetGet.. I need to fix this, so I need to check if the normal registering fails, then apply a woof compatible registration of the installed pet.

Anyone got any ideas where to look?
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#110 Post by big_bass »

Code: Select all

But can this code be combined with wget to get pet.specs from .pets in online repos? Cos that's what I need. 

the best way is a txt file you could parse I did something like this for slackwares
info to search inside the installed packages

Code: Select all

   ls -1 /var/log/packages/ >/tmp/pkglist
   for i in  `cat /tmp/pkglist` ; do
        sed -n 6p  /var/log/packages/$i  >>/tmp/shortlist
the logic would be the same though for puppy

it makes a blank file if there isnt one
makes a list of installed packages
filter out the short description only with sed * for puppy an array* I wrote a simple array search somewhere I'll look for it

*then for the server side the same thing goes its easier to parse a text file

nice with the --wildcards

I did try it with a pet and thought that the magic was throwing an error for *. pet
when it didnt work the same so I will remove that comment from my first post

zcat is identical to gunzip -c. (On some systems, zcat may be installed as gzcat to preserve the original link to compress.) zcat uncompresses either a list of files on the command line or its standard input and writes the uncompressed data on standard output. zcat will uncompress files that have the correct magic number whether they have a .gz suffix or not.

I found it

somefile2.txt has this data

# pull out a value from an array

Code: Select all

array=( $(cat<somefile2.txt) )
IFS=$' \t\n'
# if you want to see the output of any string in the array add this
echo ${array[0]}
echo ${array[1]}
echo ${array[2]}
echo ${array[3]}
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#111 Post by sc0ttman »

I have been playing with the PPM, adding many packages and seeing what works.. The success rate is good, and can be improved... I need to open the Wary sfs and steal a few libs, and add them to the puplite6 main sfs..

I also noticed that Firefox 4 (from the Wary repo) does not setup quite right after installation .. cos the .pet assumes the /usr/lib/firefox folder will point to firefox-4.0.1 (if I remember correctly)...

Firefox generally installs to /usr/lib/firefox-$VERSION

Knowing exactly where to put the Flash plugin for Firefox becomes difficult,
unless you know the /usr/lib/firefox is (or points to) the preferred firefox install.

I do not know how Playdayz and others get around this problem, particularly when no real browser is installed by default, and users add different (versions of) browsers, but I need /usr/lib/firefox for Flash plugins, as well as others, like /usr/lib/seamonkey, etc.. These folders have symlinks that make Adobe Flash work in all browsers right away, would be a pain in the arse without them..

Anyway, I go round this problem by creating symlinks to /usr/lib/firefox, such as /usr/lib/firefox-4.0.1, and a few others as well... This is an ugly (albeit simple and working) way round the issue, and I welcome any suggestions to get round it.

EDIT: here's a list of missing libs, and the packages from PPM which need them:
(many of these libs not in 'wary5' or 'common' repos)

- libglut => quite a few
- libxslt => needs upgrade in general
- libXp.so.6 => xcalc (indicates a GTK lib that I missed, I think)
- libpoppler.so.7, libpoppler-glib => inkview (SVG stuff)
- libidn => pigdin (libpurple)
- libltdl =>gphoto, homebank
- libudev => vlc plugin
x hunspell => seamonkey
- libofx =>homebank
- libosp => ofx
x libyahoo => ayttm
- libmtp => vlc mtp plugin
- libtalloc, libtdb, libwbclient => samba
- libwv => abiword
Last edited by sc0ttman on Thu 28 Jul 2011, 19:43, edited 1 time in total.
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#112 Post by technosaurus »

Plugins should go in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins where this won't happen. All npapi plugin capable browsers look there.

FireFox (& SeaMonkey) pets should have a pinstall.sh script that handles symlinks and defaultbrowser choice.
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#113 Post by sc0ttman »

technosaurus wrote:Plugins should go in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins where this won't happen. All npapi plugin capable browsers look there.

FireFox (& SeaMonkey) pets should have a pinstall.sh script that handles symlinks and defaultbrowser choice.
Really? EDIT: YES! Nice... Well that solves that. Thanks very much.
(Posting this from FF4, newly installed from PPM on a fixed remaster, youtube working :) )

And sorry to nag Techno, but any ideas on getting the wget pet specs thing to work in my get-wary-repo script? I posted above about it - your code is in my script, runs without errors, but I dont know what do with it (cant get the pet.specs files, or their contents) ....
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#114 Post by technosaurus »

sc0ttman wrote:And sorry to nag Techno, but any ideas on getting the wget pet specs thing to work in my get-wary-repo script? I posted above about it - your code is in my script, runs without errors, but I dont know what do with it (cant get the pet.specs files, or their contents) ....
I put the $EXT in there for a reason (the directories are not named <pkg>.pet and you need the paths exactly as passed to tar, which is either dirname or ./dirname), you can either remove the ".pet" from your package listing and then add it only to your wget url, or you can use basename or substring manipulation to remove it in the other places.
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#115 Post by sc0ttman »

technosaurus wrote:
sc0ttman wrote:And sorry to nag Techno, but any ideas on getting the wget pet specs thing to work in my get-wary-repo script? I posted above about it - your code is in my script, runs without errors, but I dont know what do with it (cant get the pet.specs files, or their contents) ....
I put the $EXT in there for a reason (the directories are not named <pkg>.pet and you need the paths exactly as passed to tar, which is either dirname or ./dirname), you can either remove the ".pet" from your package listing and then add it only to your wget url, or you can use basename or substring manipulation to remove it in the other places.
Whoops, yeah that was dumb of me... Fixed and am getting the pet.specs.. Now to parse them... :)

EDIT: Nearly done, 1 hour and 2GB later... :)
Good thing end-users will not need to run this script!

Hopefully this new livepackages5.txt file, which is nearly done,
will fix the following problems in PPM, without additional work (yeah, right):

- missing dependancy detection and installation
- filtering the wary5 repo by category

EDIT2: Done, the issues listed just above are indeed fixed :)

The full way repo is in the PPM, filtering and missing dependancy installation work fine! :D

But the script is very slow, and I downloaded around 2.1GB...
Although diskspace is not affected by these downloads..

I hope Barry repackages the pets in the common and wary repos,
so that the pet.specs files are first in the archives... Will save so much time and bandwidth for simple repo parsing scripts...

Iguleder made a binary in Fortran, that gets a whole ubuntu repo in about 1min,
will have to have a few questions there - I don't see why we can't rewrite it for a puppy repo (wary/common/etc)

But my step is to clean up /root/.packages/packages.txt

- include all packages now included by default
- remove all stuff not included by default anymore
- fix PPM removal of woof built .pet packages (look into old pet.specs)
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#116 Post by Iguleder »

The MuPDF binary is 5.5 MB here after stripping ... impressive :lol:
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#117 Post by smokey01 »

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#118 Post by Iguleder »

Built it on dpup, it's simply huge. It has fonts and many static libraries built into the binary.

And regarding speed - I don't see any big difference and I use a netbook.
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#119 Post by sc0ttman »

Iguleder wrote:The MuPDF binary is 5.5 MB here after stripping ... impressive :lol:
was this meant to be posted here? and while you're here, Igu, could your fortran binary thing that you posted about recently be re-worked to support an official puppy repo? If so, would it be faster than the lucid PPM is at the moment (when updating repos, I mean)?
[b][url=https://bit.ly/2KjtxoD]Pkg[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2U6dzxV]mdsh[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2G49OE8]Woofy[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/bzBU1]Akita[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/SO5ug]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=https://tiny.cc/c2hnfz]Search[/url][/b]
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Joined: Mon 22 Nov 2010, 06:04
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#120 Post by starhawk »

scottman, I have an interesting offer for you (I think)... I'm an artist, you see, and I was wondering if you'd like some new graphics for Puplite. I can do both individual icons (as *.png files or whatever) and background graphics. I'll need to know what size(s) you want everything, but other than that, just give me a few ideas and I'll see what I can do.

BTW, one of my chief complaints with Wary 511 (never tried 510) is that I have to pass "puppy nosmp" at boot or I get a kernel panic. This is only on my Celeron M-based HP desktop, so I don't know if it's a CPU issue or an idiosyncrasy of that particular system. That said, I'd love to see that issue eliminated...

...and two other things... (1) Could you find a way to make the drives tray dynamic? i.e. when I plug in my USB stick, the icon appears, without having to restart JWM? (2) Can we have the "real" conky, instead of goingnuts' pmconky? No offense, goingnuts, but I like the look of the real thing better -- that font just reminds me a little too much of an IBM 360's terminal or somesuch ;)
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